
Minecraft worlds

Kategooria: Mängud

This page is from my Minecraft blog Kaevandame ja meisterdame.

Minecraft Grass Block

Minecraft Classic world: https://pastebin.com/vbDv1m5P.

To load using classic.minecraft.net:

  1. Open the website

  2. Press F12, to open developer options

  3. Copy world data from pastebin

  4. Enter the command: localStorage["savedGame"] = "copy world data between quotes";

  5. Press Enter/Return

  6. Reload the page

Download links for Minecraft worlds I've publically documented, can be found here: Minecrafti maailmad

The password is KaevandameJaMeisterdame

World checksums:

Kartul.7z (MD5): 27144D9834A38D47FB3365A8AAAF7E58

Kartul.7z (CRC32): 048E81D9

Kuule jää ellu.7z (MD5): CB88F99804C81766D9BE53F1A6978D4D

Kuule jää ellu.7z (CRC32): B47F3B6B

Uus Linn.7z (MD5): 087884361E41E44231A15B1AFD63DA6E

Uus Linn.7z (CRC32): 60A1D67F

Instructions for adding these to your Minecraft game:

  1. Find your .minecraft folder. In Windows, it's by default at "%AppData%\.minecraft", On Linux systems, it's at "~/.minecraft" by default (copy to file browser address bar)

  2. Download desired world archives. You can use 7-Zip or WinRAR for example to extract them. Without additional software, Windows is not able to open these.

  3. Extract the archive to "saves" subdirectory, which is in the ".minecraft" directory (see step 1). Enter the password (you can find it above), if you get a prompt for it.

  4. Open Minecraft and load the world

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