All PEGI ratings (Unofficial)

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This video contains all PEGI ratings. I tried to compile as many as possible. Hope you like it!

Avaldati: 19.12.22
Failinimi: PegiUnofficial.mp4
Kategooria: Naljavideod

Ava video (YouTube)Ava video (Invidious)JSON dump Tagasi


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  • HD





12 16


e 17


18 60 63






68 70


77 80 83


<a href="">0:33</a> gay


<a href="">0:22</a> When Pegi ratings involve in the devil ????


"i'm not HowToBasic




Mortal Kombat


66 years old ????????????


Pegi Gay


<a href="">0:23</a> PEGI 666???


3, 6, 7, 8, 12, 16, 17, 18, 60, 63, 66, 67, 68, 70, 77, 80, 83, 86, 87, 88, 333, 366, 666, 777, 878 & 888.


<a href="">0:33</a> GAY????????¿????


<a href="">0:26</a> my age is tea to play this game lol


333= Gayle For A Reason ????????????


Watch part 2 here: <a href=""></a>