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68 | MarkusTegelane | My PowerPoint OS: Light OS 12 minute preview [BETA] [Macros] | 0 | 2016-02-01 | This is a preview of my PowerPoint operating system called Light OS. Everything you see in this OS is made in Microsoft PowerPoint. ... | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsH_jhQdObA | 0 | . | Minu PowerPointi OS: Light oS 12 minutliline eelvaade [BEETA] [Makrod] | This is a preview of my PowerPoint operating system called Light OS. Everything you see in this OS is made in Microsoft PowerPoint. Preview download link (if you don't have PowerPoint): https://www.dropbox.com/s/73msscok7qch2qb/LightOS%20without%20PowerPoint%20viewer.zip?dl=0 Link with smaller size (if you already have PowerPoint) https://www.dropbox.com/s/h15pe2iim7u6wli/LightOS.zip?dl=0 This is not actually my first OS. This is list of other OS-s I have made: Windows 9 concept Windows 10 concept WIndows NT 8.0 concept Windows 11 Concept Double click Windows COS Android PowerPoint OS Leaves OS Future OS Future OS (music edition) OG1_OS Magic OS April Fools OS Windows TE (Total Emulation) (Actually simulation) Windows Kista Windows Kista Ultimate Windows xpp Windows WE (Welcome Edition) Windows Se7en Windows 8 PowerPoint edition Phone OS OS-i PowerPoint multitasking OS jdfsfsf OS UFO OS Shark Windows (WTF!?) However, this is the first OS I have made to use macros. I have used ActiveX earlier, but macros are really new for my OS-s. | See on eelvaade mu PowerPointi operatsioonsüsteemist nimega Light OS. Kõik mida sa selles videos näed on tehtud Microsoft PowerPointiga. Eelvaate allalaadimise link (kui sul ei ole PowerPointi): https://www.dropbox.com/s/73msscok7qch2qb/LightOS%20without%20PowerPoint%20viewer.zip?dl=0 Link väiksema suurusega (kui sul juba on PowerPoint): https://www.dropbox.com/s/h15pe2iim7u6wli/LightOS.zip?dl=0 See ei ole tegelikult mu esimene OS. Siin on loend muudest OSidest, mida olen teinud: Windows 9 näidis Windows 10 näidis WIndows NT 8.0 näidis Windows 11 Näidis Topelt-klõps Windows COS Android PowerPoint OS Leaves OS Tuleviku OS Tuleviku OS (muusika väljaanne) OG1_OS Magic OS Naljapäeva OS Windows TE (Total Emulation) (Tegelikult simulatsioon) Windows Kista Windows Kista Ultimate Windows xpp Windows WE (Welcome Edition) Windows Se7en Windows 8 PowerPoint edition Phone OS OS-i PowerPoint rööprähklemise OS jdfsfsf OS UFO OS Shark Windows (WTF!?) Kuid, see on esimene OS, kus olen kasutanud makrosid. Ma olen ActiveX ka varem, kuid makrod on mu OS-idele väga uus. | My PowerPoint OS BETA.mp4 | PowerPoint | PowerPoint | PowerPoint,Microsoft PowerPoint (Presentation) | https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/my-powerpoint-os-light-os-12-minute:8 | MarkusTegelane | . | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/68.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/68.json | N/A | N/A |