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ID Kanal Video Kustutatud Kuupäev Kirjeldus Subtiitrid Avalik Ülekanne HD URL PRIVATE TitleMUI_en TitleMUI_et KirjeldusMUI_en KirjeldusMUI_et Filename Category CategoryMUI_en Tags OdyseeURL KanalMUI_en KanalMUI_et Translated has_thumbnail local_stream ytdlp_meta est_subs eng_subs
307 MarkusTegelane+ Screenshot recursion - Wiggle room 1 2020-08-01 I am working on a simple C# program that screenshots your screen recursively using different methods. I wanted to know what would happen if you played a video in the background and this video is the result - pure awesomeness... 0 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHgpswI6ujE 0 . . I am working on a simple C# program that screenshots your screen recursively using different methods. I wanted to know what would happen if you played a video in the background and this video is the result - pure awesomeness...

Source video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnQtJFGJmj4
. 2020-08-01 23-28-09.mp4 Programmeerimine Programming N/A MarkusTegelane+ . 1 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/307.jpg N/A /channel_db_lite/web/json/307.json N/A N/A