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301 MarkusTegelane+ Secret project encoded as audio 1 2020-05-31 ASCII encoded to hexadecimal

Generated using a custom Python script (audio stuffer) using pydub libraries.

Single tones generated using Audacity.
0 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yClJma0R7h4 0 . . ASCII encoded to hexadecimal

Generated using a custom Python script (audio stuffer) using pydub libraries.
Single tones generated using Audacity.

Reverse engineering tips:

First tones: 23212f
Last tones: 690a7d (ignoring separators)
Single tone length: 0,015 s
A bunch of zeroes (can be heard as a low pitched constant square wave in the video)
signifies a file separator. The file separator contains 332 zeroes.
Bash shell (or compatible) is required to run (the) decoded script(s).

Tone to character index:

0 - 100Hz Square wave (┌─┐ )
1 - 200Hz Square wave (┌─┐ )
2 - 300Hz Square wave (┌─┐ )
3 - 400Hz Square wave (┌─┐ )
4 - 500Hz Square wave (┌─┐ )
5 - 600Hz Square wave (┌─┐ )
6 - 700Hz Square wave (┌─┐ )
7 - 800Hz Square wave (┌─┐ )
8 - 900Hz Square wave (┌─┐ )
9 - 1000Hz Square wave (┌─┐ )
a - 100Hz Sawtooth (//)
b - 300Hz Sawtooth (//)
c - 500Hz Sawtooth (//)
d - 700Hz Sawtooth (//)
e - 900Hz Sawtooth (//)
f - 1100Hz Sawtooth (//)
. lol.mp4 Varia Miscellaneous N/A MarkusTegelane+ . 1 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/301.jpg N/A /channel_db_lite/web/json/301.json N/A N/A