Leiti 5 vastet.
ID | Kanal | Video | Kustutatud | Kuupäev | Kirjeldus | Subtiitrid | Avalik | Ülekanne | HD | URL | PRIVATE | TitleMUI_en | TitleMUI_et | KirjeldusMUI_en | KirjeldusMUI_et | Filename | Category | CategoryMUI_en | Tags | OdyseeURL | KanalMUI_en | KanalMUI_et | Translated | has_thumbnail | local_stream | ytdlp_meta | est_subs | eng_subs |
583 | MarkusTegelane+ | 15 minutit klippe videotest, mida ma (lõpuni) ei monteerinud | 0 | 2024-10-19 | Videod, mida ma erinevatel põhjustel otsustasin avaldamata jätta. 0:00 Kuidas käbi? [Arvuti nõuanded] - @markusTegelane 0:02 Windows 7 paigaldamine sinisesse HP sülearvutisse [Markuse arvuti meelelahutus] - @markusTegelane 0:43 OneUI 6 paigaldamine rootitud seadmesse - @markusTegelanePlus 1:20 Monitori OSD-ga jamamine - @markusTegelane 4:10 X.orgi suurim puudus - @markusTegelanePlus 4:28 KDE Plasma 6 paigaldamine väljalaskepäeval - @markusTegelanePlus 7:28 Välja lõigatud klipp PonyOS videost - @markusTegelane 7:37 The most broken flash game ever made (Part 2) - @PAKTC 7:59 Otseülekande paigutuse testimine - @markusTegelanePlus 8:33 Monteerimata klipp uue aasta vastuvõtja introst - @markuseasjad 8:42 Monteerimata klipp Windows 8.1 toe lõpu videost - @markusTegelane 8:54 Blue Screen Simulator Plus 2.0 (rääkimisega tutvustus) - @markusTegelane 8:57 Various Windows blue screens (monteerimine) - ? 9:07 Vaatajate operatsioonsüsteemid (monteerimata klipp) - @markusTegelanePlus 9:12 Võidusõit sillaga - @markusTegelanePlus 9:42 Kui kaugele on võimalik sõita mängus TrackMania? - @markusTegelane 11:59 [devUpdate 2] Blue Screen Simulator Plus 3.0 - @markusTegelanePlusPlus 13:05 vana ja mitte eriti hea lähtekoodi ülevaade - @markusTegelanePlusPlus 13:19 White Screen OS (a.k.a. Light Mode/OS) - @markusTegelanePlus 13:30 Colin McRae Rally 2.0 intro [60 FPS AI Interpolated] - @PAKTC 13:55 Blue Screen Simulator Plus for Android - @markusTegelane |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQKCrWUWBtI | 0 | 15 minutit klippe videotest, mida ma (lõpuni) ei monteerinud | 15 minutit klippe videotest, mida ma (lõpuni) ei monteerinud | Videod, mida ma erinevatel põhjustel otsustasin avaldamata jätta. 0:00 Kuidas käbi? [Arvuti nõuanded] - @markusTegelane 0:02 Windows 7 paigaldamine sinisesse HP sülearvutisse [Markuse arvuti meelelahutus] - @markusTegelane 0:43 OneUI 6 paigaldamine rootitud seadmesse - @markusTegelanePlus 1:20 Monitori OSD-ga jamamine - @markusTegelane 4:10 X.orgi suurim puudus - @markusTegelanePlus 4:28 KDE Plasma 6 paigaldamine väljalaskepäeval - @markusTegelanePlus 7:28 Välja lõigatud klipp PonyOS videost - @markusTegelane 7:37 The most broken flash game ever made (Part 2) - @PAKTC 7:59 Otseülekande paigutuse testimine - @markusTegelanePlus 8:33 Monteerimata klipp uue aasta vastuvõtja introst - @markuseasjad 8:42 Monteerimata klipp Windows 8.1 toe lõpu videost - @markusTegelane 8:54 Blue Screen Simulator Plus 2.0 (rääkimisega tutvustus) - @markusTegelane 8:57 Various Windows blue screens (monteerimine) - ? 9:07 Vaatajate operatsioonsüsteemid (monteerimata klipp) - @markusTegelanePlus 9:12 Võidusõit sillaga - @markusTegelanePlus 9:42 Kui kaugele on võimalik sõita mängus TrackMania? - @markusTegelane 11:59 [devUpdate 2] Blue Screen Simulator Plus 3.0 - @markusTegelanePlusPlus 13:05 vana ja mitte eriti hea lähtekoodi ülevaade - @markusTegelanePlusPlus 13:19 White Screen OS (a.k.a. Light Mode/OS) - @markusTegelanePlus 13:30 Colin McRae Rally 2.0 intro [60 FPS AI Interpolated] - @PAKTC 13:55 Blue Screen Simulator Plus for Android - @markusTegelane |
Videod, mida ma erinevatel põhjustel otsustasin avaldamata jätta. 0:00 Kuidas käbi? [Arvuti nõuanded] - @markusTegelane 0:02 Windows 7 paigaldamine sinisesse HP sülearvutisse [Markuse arvuti meelelahutus] - @markusTegelane 0:43 OneUI 6 paigaldamine rootitud seadmesse - @markusTegelanePlus 1:20 Monitori OSD-ga jamamine - @markusTegelane 4:10 X.orgi suurim puudus - @markusTegelanePlus 4:28 KDE Plasma 6 paigaldamine väljalaskepäeval - @markusTegelanePlus 7:28 Välja lõigatud klipp PonyOS videost - @markusTegelane 7:37 The most broken flash game ever made (Part 2) - @PAKTC 7:59 Otseülekande paigutuse testimine - @markusTegelanePlus 8:33 Monteerimata klipp uue aasta vastuvõtja introst - @markuseasjad 8:42 Monteerimata klipp Windows 8.1 toe lõpu videost - @markusTegelane 8:54 Blue Screen Simulator Plus 2.0 (rääkimisega tutvustus) - @markusTegelane 8:57 Various Windows blue screens (monteerimine) - ? 9:07 Vaatajate operatsioonsüsteemid (monteerimata klipp) - @markusTegelanePlus 9:12 Võidusõit sillaga - @markusTegelanePlus 9:42 Kui kaugele on võimalik sõita mängus TrackMania? - @markusTegelane 11:59 [devUpdate 2] Blue Screen Simulator Plus 3.0 - @markusTegelanePlusPlus 13:05 vana ja mitte eriti hea lähtekoodi ülevaade - @markusTegelanePlusPlus 13:19 White Screen OS (a.k.a. Light Mode/OS) - @markusTegelanePlus 13:30 Colin McRae Rally 2.0 intro [60 FPS AI Interpolated] - @PAKTC 13:55 Blue Screen Simulator Plus for Android - @markusTegelane |
unreleased_r2.mp4 | Varia | Miscellaneous | N/A | MarkusTegelane+ | . | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/583.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/583.json | N/A | N/A | |
493 | Press any key to continue... | Loading a PS1 game [Real time capture \w disc seeking sounds] | 0 | 2022-10-10 | If you have ever owned a PS1 or any other early CD-based games console, you know very well that games take a very long time to load. One reason is due to the slower disc speed, another is due to the fact that game data is fragmented around the disc, so the laser assembly needs to seek around the disc to find the required data. This means that loading a game can take several minutes. This video demonstrates that. Captured using a real console, which is outputting composite, which is connected into an HDMI upscaler, which then is connected to a capture device, which is connected to my computer, which saves the output into a video file. This video is, at least for most part, uncut, except for parts, where I navigate around in menus, insert the game disc, play, etc, but every load screen is uncut. The game that is showcased in this video is Colin McRae Rally 2.0 (PS1, PAL version). Timestamps: 0:00 Opening disc tray, removing existing disc, inserting another game disc, closing tray, power on 0:11 Power-on, disc check 0:15 BIOS screen 0:31 Exit BIOS screen 0:35 Copyright screen 2:35 Black screen 2:52 Codemasters FMV 3:01 Black screen 3:46 Intro FMV (cut) 4:08 Black screen 4:16 Title screen/language selection 4:30 Loading demo mode 5:34 Exit demo mode 6:09 Navigating menus 6:21 Loading service area 6:31 Loading single stage 6:50 Single stage gameplay (cut) 7:08 Exit single stage P.S. At the beginning, the video is in mono. That's because I forgot to change my microphone into mono mode, so it was outputting only to one side, and I only realized that mid-recording. |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RzOn7rjeD8 | 0 | Loading a PS1 game [Real time capture \w disc seeking sounds] | . | If you have ever owned a PS1 or any other early CD-based games console, you know very well that games take a very long time to load. One reason is due to the slower disc speed, another is due to the fact that game data is fragmented around the disc, so the laser assembly needs to seek around the disc to find the required data. This means that loading a game can take several minutes. This video demonstrates that. Captured using a real console, which is outputting composite, which is connected into an HDMI upscaler, which then is connected to a capture device, which is connected to my computer, which saves the output into a video file. This video is, at least for most part, uncut, except for parts, where I navigate around in menus, insert the game disc, play, etc, but every load screen is uncut. The game that is showcased in this video is Colin McRae Rally 2.0 (PS1, PAL version). Timestamps: 0:00 Opening disc tray, removing existing disc, inserting another game disc, closing tray, power on 0:11 Power-on, disc check 0:15 BIOS screen 0:31 Exit BIOS screen 0:35 Copyright screen 2:35 Black screen 2:52 Codemasters FMV 3:01 Black screen 3:46 Intro FMV (cut) 4:08 Black screen 4:16 Title screen/language selection 4:30 Loading demo mode 5:34 Exit demo mode 6:09 Navigating menus 6:21 Loading service area 6:31 Loading single stage 6:50 Single stage gameplay (cut) 7:08 Exit single stage P.S. At the beginning, the video is in mono. That's because I forgot to change my microphone into mono mode, so it was outputting only to one side, and I only realized that mid-recording. |
. | PS1-seeking.mp4 | Varia | Miscellaneous | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/493.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/493.json | N/A | N/A | |
472 | Press any key to continue... | MOƆOЯUƎ | 0 | 2022-07-27 | Eurocom intro screen backwards. | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3INz4TXJd0 | 0 | . | . | . | . | mocorue.mp4 | Varia | Miscellaneous | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/472.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/472.json | N/A | N/A | |
294 | MarkusTegelane | MarkusTegelane veebileht (tuur) | 0 | 2020-05-03 | See video näitab erinevaid funktsioone kanali ametlikul veebilehel. ► Välised lingid markustegelane.ml Juhuslik video: http://markustegelane.ml/random.html Kanal: https://www.youtube.com/MarkusTegelane ► Ole kursis Ajaveeb: http://markustegelane.blogspot.com Twitter: @MarkusMaal ► Teisi kanaleid MarkusTegelane+ : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGGMWFwRnLjTKRLtnO6KRFg (lisakanal) Markuse asjad: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMD2HR_TjoK-Xh3yY6NBynQ Isiklik kanal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCirudpTn3Hp1sxbl-78z-dQ ► Kasutatud teosed Windows XP tuuri muusika ► Kasutatud tarkvara Kdenlive (monteerimine) Google Chrome (veebilehe sirvimine, osaline intro loomine) OBS Studio (kuvapildi salvestamine) Pinta (pisipildi loomine) ► Tänan, et vaatasite! ◄ © 2020 Markuse videod productions |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=weVq_eQGjEc | 0 | TheMarkusGuy website (tour) | MarkusTegelane veebileht (tuur) | This video shows off some of the functionality of the channel's official website. ► External links Website: https://markustegelane.ml Random video: http://markustegelane.ml/random.html Channel: https://www.youtube.com/MarkusTegelane ► Stay up to date Blog: http://markustegelane-en.blogspot.com Twitter: @MarkusMaal ► Other channels TheMarkusGuy+ : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGGMWFwRnLjTKRLtnO6KRFg (secondary channel) Markus' stuff: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMD2HR_TjoK-Xh3yY6NBynQ Personal channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCirudpTn3Hp1sxbl-78z-dQ ► Music used Windows XP tour music ► Software used Kdenlive (video editing) Google Chrome (web browsing, partially intro creation) OBS Studio (screen recording) Pinta (thumbnail image editing) ► Thank you for watching! ◄ © 2020 Markuse videod productions |
See video näitab erinevaid funktsioone kanali ametlikul veebilehel. ► Välised lingid markustegelane.ml Juhuslik video: http://markustegelane.ml/random.html Kanal: https://www.youtube.com/MarkusTegelane ► Ole kursis Ajaveeb: http://markustegelane.blogspot.com Twitter: @MarkusMaal ► Teisi kanaleid MarkusTegelane+ : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGGMWFwRnLjTKRLtnO6KRFg (lisakanal) Markuse asjad: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMD2HR_TjoK-Xh3yY6NBynQ Isiklik kanal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCirudpTn3Hp1sxbl-78z-dQ ► Kasutatud teosed Windows XP tuuri muusika ► Kasutatud tarkvara Kdenlive (monteerimine) Google Chrome (veebilehe sirvimine, osaline intro loomine) OBS Studio (kuvapildi salvestamine) Pinta (pisipildi loomine) ► Tänan, et vaatasite! ◄ © 2020 Markuse videod productions |
website.mp4 | Varia | Joke videos | Markus Maal,MarkusTegelane,TheMarkusGuy,mitmekülgne tehnoloogia,diverse technology,veebileht,official website,ametlik | https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/markustegelane-veebileht-tuur:2 | MarkusTegelane | . | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/294.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/294.json | N/A | N/A |
190 | MarkusTegelane+ | Markus Maal introd - 60 FPS remaster | 0 | 2017-07-20 | My old channel intros. | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXH0MJUutrM | 0 | MarkusMaal intros - 60 FPS remaster | . | . | Minu vana kanali introd | intro_remaster.MP4 | Varia | Miscellaneous | N/A | MarkusTegelane+ | . | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/190.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/190.json | N/A | N/A |