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ID | Kanal | Video | Kustutatud | Kuupäev | Kirjeldus | Subtiitrid | Avalik | Ülekanne | HD | URL | PRIVATE | TitleMUI_en | TitleMUI_et | KirjeldusMUI_en | KirjeldusMUI_et | Filename | Category | CategoryMUI_en | Tags | OdyseeURL | KanalMUI_en | KanalMUI_et | Translated | has_thumbnail | local_stream | ytdlp_meta | est_subs | eng_subs |
11 | MarkusTegelane | How to force BSOD (Blue screen of death) your pc | 0 | 2014-11-05 | Download process hacker 2 here : http://processhacker.googlecode.com/f... | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDBX0gIPPUY | 0 | . | Kuidas sunniviisiliselt panna su arvuti näitama sinist ekraani | . | Laadi process hacker 2 alla siit :http://processhacker.googlecode.com/files/processhacker-2.33-setup.exe | 13853 | Varia | Miscellaneous | Blue,Screen,of,Death,BSOD,Force,Technology | https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/how-to-force-bsod-blue-screen-of-death:2 | MarkusTegelane | . | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/11.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/11.json | N/A | N/A |