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561 Press any key to continue... Flipnic, but it's REALLY LOUD 0 2024-01-20 Did you know that in Flipnic (PS2), the volume levels are stored as a 16-bit signed integer? And that the maximum value the game uses is actually 127?
In this video, we'll find out what happens if you increase the volume from 127 to 32767!

Note that the specific memory address for changing the volume may be different accross various regional versions of the game.

Emulator: PCSX2 (Nightly)

0:00 Increasing the volume
0:23 Biology
11:08 Evolution
12:30 Metallurgy
19:16 Optics
26:17 Biology 2P
27:23 Geometry
42:18 Geometry 2P
0 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4VzUiEuH10 0 Flipnic, but it's REALLY LOUD Flipnic, but it's REALLY LOUD Did you know that in Flipnic (PS2), the volume levels are stored as a 16-bit signed integer? And that the maximum value the game uses is actually 127?
In this video, we'll find out what happens if you increase the volume from 127 to 32767!

Note that the specific memory address for changing the volume may be different accross various regional versions of the game.

Emulator: PCSX2 (Nightly)

0:00 Increasing the volume
0:23 Biology
11:08 Evolution
12:30 Metallurgy
19:16 Optics
26:17 Biology 2P
27:23 Geometry
42:18 Geometry 2P
Did you know that in Flipnic (PS2), the volume levels are stored as a 16-bit signed integer? And that the maximum value the game uses is actually 127?
In this video, we'll find out what happens if you increase the volume from 127 to 32767!

Note that the specific memory address for changing the volume may be different accross various regional versions of the game.

Emulator: PCSX2 (Nightly)

0:00 Increasing the volume
0:23 Biology
11:08 Evolution
12:30 Metallurgy
19:16 Optics
26:17 Biology 2P
27:23 Geometry
42:18 Geometry 2P
FlipnicButLoudMinified.mp4 Videomängude analüüs Video game analysis N/A Press any key to continue... Press any key to continue... 0 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/561.jpg N/A /channel_db_lite/web/json/561.json N/A N/A
556 Press any key to continue... 2D galaxy tennis [Flipnic PS2 gameplay] 0 2023-12-08 I hacked the camera to this top-down perspective. Unfortunately right now I've only found a way to adjust rotation, yaw, and roll, but not the origin/position. 0 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvzPmk9jGjs 0 2D galaxy tennis [Flipnic PS2 gameplay] 2D galaxy tennis [Flipnic PS2 gameplay] I hacked the camera to this top-down perspective. Unfortunately right now I've only found a way to adjust rotation, yaw, and roll, but not the origin/position. I hacked the camera to this top-down perspective. Unfortunately right now I've only found a way to adjust rotation, yaw, and roll, but not the origin/position. 2023-04-02 20-45-32.mkv Videomängude analüüs Video game analysis N/A Press any key to continue... Press any key to continue... 0 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/556.jpg N/A /channel_db_lite/web/json/556.json N/A N/A
543 Press any key to continue... Obtaining the Buzz lure in Fishing Fantasy: Buzzrod [Save file modification tutorial] 0 2023-07-01 In this video, I'm going to walk you through the process of fixing a bug in this game, which normally makes it impossible to finish the game. And the best part - you can do it with your own save!

Python 3: https://www.python.org/downloads/ (in Windows, make sure that "Add to PATH" is checked during installation)
BuzzrodSaveEditor: https://github.com/MarkusMaal/BuzzrodSaveEditor/archive/refs/heads/main.zip (extract to a folder)
A USB flash drive (if the PS2 freezes/errors out while opening/copying to the mass:/ folder, try a different flash drive, USB 2.0 drives are preferred if possible)

w/uLaunchElf entrypoints:
- If you have a completely unmodified PS2 slim console, you can use FreeDVDboot. Full instructions and ISO files here: https://github.com/CTurt/FreeDVDBoot
- If you have a FreeMcBoot memory card or FreeHDboot hard drive, you can navigate to uLaunchElf in the main menu
- If you have a Fortuna exploited memory card, just navigate to browser, go to exploited memory card, back out twice and you should be in uLaunchElf
- If you have a modchipped PS2 or have MechaPwn with force unlock (disable it after modifying the save to be able to load this game), you can burn this copy of wLaunchElf to a CD or DVD: https://gbatemp.net/download/wlaunchelf-v4-43x_isr-iso-elf.37723/version/39334/download?file=337077

To list all saves: python save_editor.py -f [filename] -saves
To list items in a save: python save_editor.py -f [filename] -save[num] -li
To patch a game save: python save_editor.py -f [filename] -p [byte address] -iv 3 -o [patched save filename]

0:00 Describing the bug
0:58 Getting the save out of a memory card
2:38 Patching the save file
4:31 Copying the patched save file back to a memory card
5:30 Testing the modified save
0 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSE4aCLbXPQ 0 Obtaining the Buzz lure in Fishing Fantasy: Buzzrod [Save file modification tutorial] . In this video, I'm going to walk you through the process of fixing a bug in this game, which normally makes it impossible to finish the game. And the best part - you can do it with your own save!

Python 3: https://www.python.org/downloads/ (in Windows, make sure that "Add to PATH" is checked during installation)
BuzzrodSaveEditor: https://github.com/MarkusMaal/BuzzrodSaveEditor/archive/refs/heads/main.zip (extract to a folder)
A USB flash drive (if the PS2 freezes/errors out while opening/copying to the mass:/ folder, try a different flash drive, USB 2.0 drives are preferred if possible)

w/uLaunchElf entrypoints:
- If you have a completely unmodified PS2 slim console, you can use FreeDVDboot. Full instructions and ISO files here: https://github.com/CTurt/FreeDVDBoot
- If you have a FreeMcBoot memory card or FreeHDboot hard drive, you can navigate to uLaunchElf in the main menu
- If you have a Fortuna exploited memory card, just navigate to browser, go to exploited memory card, back out twice and you should be in uLaunchElf
- If you have a modchipped PS2 or have MechaPwn with force unlock (disable it after modifying the save to be able to load this game), you can burn this copy of wLaunchElf to a CD or DVD: https://gbatemp.net/download/wlaunchelf-v4-43x_isr-iso-elf.37723/version/39334/download?file=337077

To list all saves: python save_editor.py -f [filename] -saves
To list items in a save: python save_editor.py -f [filename] -save[num] -li
To patch a game save: python save_editor.py -f [filename] -p [byte address] -iv 3 -o [patched save filename]

0:00 Describing the bug
0:58 Getting the save out of a memory card
2:38 Patching the save file
4:31 Copying the patched save file back to a memory card
5:30 Testing the modified save
. BuzzrodFixFinal.mp4 Videomängude analüüs Video game analysis N/A Press any key to continue... Press any key to continue... 0 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/543.jpg N/A /channel_db_lite/web/json/543.json N/A N/A
532 Press any key to continue... Menu re-ordering in Flipnic (Warning: Cursed!!!) [W.I.P.] 0 2023-03-14 So, I have decided to mess around with the MAINMENU.MLB file using cheat engine (since it gets loaded into RAM, I can mess with it basically in real time with exceptions).

I was successfully able to change the order of the menu options and the menu options, while maintaining the ability to linearly move straight up and down without suddenly jumping to another menu option. I was not able to change the action of each button yet, so the button actions are shifted upwards.

And just because I can, I decided to shift the exit button 0x100 units to the left.

Technical details, tutorial, and modified MAINMENU.MLB: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HSP2JH3JfvSXh3FjCa6lXJYfjBHpNOsX6JfqYgwSBC8/edit?usp=sharing
0 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7mQJwsqA-8 0 Menu re-ordering in Flipnic (Warning: Cursed!!!) [W.I.P.] . So, I have decided to mess around with the MAINMENU.MLB file using cheat engine (since it gets loaded into RAM, I can mess with it basically in real time with exceptions).

I was successfully able to change the order of the menu options and the menu options, while maintaining the ability to linearly move straight up and down without suddenly jumping to another menu option. I was not able to change the action of each button yet, so the button actions are shifted upwards.

And just because I can, I decided to shift the exit button 0x100 units to the left.

Technical details, tutorial, and modified MAINMENU.MLB: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HSP2JH3JfvSXh3FjCa6lXJYfjBHpNOsX6JfqYgwSBC8/edit?usp=sharing
. cursed1.mp4 Videomängude analüüs Video game analysis N/A Press any key to continue... Press any key to continue... 0 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/532.jpg N/A /channel_db_lite/web/json/532.json N/A N/A
453 Press any key to continue... The most broken flash game I've played - Ower Web (Part I) 0 2022-05-24 This series of videos will cover various glitches I've found just from playing this game. Part 2 will definitely be released at some point, but I am unsure if I'll make a part 3.

The objective in this game is to finish levels with a spider, but the unique thing about this game is that you can draw webs using your mouse, which your spider can stand on. The only problem - the physics in this game are really broken and it seems like the developers may have rushed to release this game.
0 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ry7sky-ZCmg 0 . . This series of videos will cover various glitches I've found just from playing this game. Part 2 will definitely be released at some point, but I am unsure if I'll make a part 3.

The objective in this game is to finish levels with a spider, but the unique thing about this game is that you can draw webs using your mouse, which your spider can stand on. The only problem - the physics in this game are really broken and it seems like the developers may have rushed to release this game.
. owerweb1.mp4 Videomängude analüüs Video game analysis N/A Press any key to continue... Press any key to continue... 1 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/453.jpg N/A /channel_db_lite/web/json/453.json N/A N/A