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537 Press any key to continue... Flipnic - Full soundtrack [BGM] 0 2023-04-23 There are already some uploads of the soundtrack for this game, but they're incomplete and missing tracks. This one should include every single background music from Flipnic, which has a corresponding .MID, .BD and .HD file. The images are backgrounds used in certain menu screens.

I was able to record these soundtracks by muting the sound effects, then replacing a music track that was supposed to play with another one using Cheat Engine. Finally, I recorded all of the background music by setting the record source to loopback in Audacity and then exported each recording into a file.

Download: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1KFpF4nAqi68JKX4AmXRx5hiu29KSBjcV?usp=sharing

------------ Biology ------------
0:00 Stage main (Biology) [NATURE_0.MID]
2:17 UFO warning [NATURE_1.MID]
3:44 Multiball [NATURE_2.MID]
4:43 Bonus missions [POSITIVE.MID]
--------- Metallurgy ----------
6:25 Stage main (Metallurgy) [ISEKI_0.MID]
8:55 Spider crab [ISEKI_1.MID]
10:17 Multiball/Shoot down the shafts [ISEKI_2.MID]
------------ Optics --------------
11:37 Stage main (Optics) [HIKARI_0.MID]
13:36 Non-stop area/Bumper village [HIKARI_1.MID]
15:05 Multiball/Loop the loop [HIKARI_2.MID]
---------- Evolution ------------
16:31 Stage main (Evolution) [BOSS_1.MID]
--------- Geometry ------------
18:14 Stage main (Geometry) [LOAD_RETRO_3.MID]
18:59 Chu chu multiball [LOAD_RETRO_4.MID]
19:29 Alien hill [LOAD_RETRO_5.MID]
20:08 Area 74 [LOAD_RETRO_6.MID]
20:51 Galaxy Tennis [LOAD_RETRO_7.MID]
--------- Incidentals ----------
21:46 Red mission [LOAD_0.MID]
21:50 Yellow mission [LOAD_1.MID]
21:56 Geometry mission 0 (unused ver.) [LOAD_RETRO_0.MID]
21:59 Geometry mission 1 [LOAD_RETRO_1.MID]
22:03 Geometry mission 2 [LOAD_RETRO_2.MID]
------- Miscellaneous --------
22:07 Zero gravity [SERIOUS.MID]
23:24 Geometry 2P [RETRO_0.MID]
24:43 Geometry 2P (unused ver.) [RETRO_1.MID]
25:44 Main menu [MENU_1.MID]
0 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Hkis0fJdWc 0 Flipnic - Full soundtrack [BGM] . There are already some uploads of the soundtrack for this game, but they're incomplete and missing tracks. This one should include every single background music from Flipnic, which has a corresponding .MID, .BD and .HD file. The images are backgrounds used in certain menu screens.

I was able to record these soundtracks by muting the sound effects, then replacing a music track that was supposed to play with another one using Cheat Engine. Finally, I recorded all of the background music by setting the record source to loopback in Audacity and then exported each recording into a file.

Download: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1KFpF4nAqi68JKX4AmXRx5hiu29KSBjcV?usp=sharing

------------ Biology ------------
0:00 Stage main (Biology) [NATURE_0.MID]
2:17 UFO warning [NATURE_1.MID]
3:44 Multiball [NATURE_2.MID]
4:43 Bonus missions [POSITIVE.MID]
--------- Metallurgy ----------
6:25 Stage main (Metallurgy) [ISEKI_0.MID]
8:55 Spider crab [ISEKI_1.MID]
10:17 Multiball/Shoot down the shafts [ISEKI_2.MID]
------------ Optics --------------
11:37 Stage main (Optics) [HIKARI_0.MID]
13:36 Non-stop area/Bumper village [HIKARI_1.MID]
15:05 Multiball/Loop the loop [HIKARI_2.MID]
---------- Evolution ------------
16:31 Stage main (Evolution) [BOSS_1.MID]
--------- Geometry ------------
18:14 Stage main (Geometry) [LOAD_RETRO_3.MID]
18:59 Chu chu multiball [LOAD_RETRO_4.MID]
19:29 Alien hill [LOAD_RETRO_5.MID]
20:08 Area 74 [LOAD_RETRO_6.MID]
20:51 Galaxy Tennis [LOAD_RETRO_7.MID]
--------- Incidentals ----------
21:46 Red mission [LOAD_0.MID]
21:50 Yellow mission [LOAD_1.MID]
21:56 Geometry mission 0 (unused ver.) [LOAD_RETRO_0.MID]
21:59 Geometry mission 1 [LOAD_RETRO_1.MID]
22:03 Geometry mission 2 [LOAD_RETRO_2.MID]
------- Miscellaneous --------
22:07 Zero gravity [SERIOUS.MID]
23:24 Geometry 2P [RETRO_0.MID]
24:43 Geometry 2P (unused ver.) [RETRO_1.MID]
25:44 Main menu [MENU_1.MID]
. flipnic_ost_full.mp4 Muusika Music Flipnic,bgm,background music,Ultimate Pinball,NATURE_0,NATURE_1,NATURE_2,POSITIVE,ISEKI_0,ISEKI_1,ISEKI_2,HIKARI_0,HIKARI_1,HIKARI_2,BOSS_1,LOAD_RETRO_3,LOAD_RETRO_4,LOAD_RETRO_5,LOAD_RETRO_6,LOAD_RETRO_7,LOAD_0,LOAD_1,LOAD_RETRO_0,LOAD_RETRO_1,LOAD_RETRO_2,SERIOUS,RETRO_0,RETRO_1,MENU_1,Menu theme,Biology,Metallurgy,Theology,Evolution,Optics,Geometry,Staff credits,stage music,original soundtrack,OST N/A Press any key to continue... Press any key to continue... 0 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/537.jpg N/A /channel_db_lite/web/json/537.json N/A N/A
532 Press any key to continue... Menu re-ordering in Flipnic (Warning: Cursed!!!) [W.I.P.] 0 2023-03-14 So, I have decided to mess around with the MAINMENU.MLB file using cheat engine (since it gets loaded into RAM, I can mess with it basically in real time with exceptions).

I was successfully able to change the order of the menu options and the menu options, while maintaining the ability to linearly move straight up and down without suddenly jumping to another menu option. I was not able to change the action of each button yet, so the button actions are shifted upwards.

And just because I can, I decided to shift the exit button 0x100 units to the left.

Technical details, tutorial, and modified MAINMENU.MLB: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HSP2JH3JfvSXh3FjCa6lXJYfjBHpNOsX6JfqYgwSBC8/edit?usp=sharing
0 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7mQJwsqA-8 0 Menu re-ordering in Flipnic (Warning: Cursed!!!) [W.I.P.] . So, I have decided to mess around with the MAINMENU.MLB file using cheat engine (since it gets loaded into RAM, I can mess with it basically in real time with exceptions).

I was successfully able to change the order of the menu options and the menu options, while maintaining the ability to linearly move straight up and down without suddenly jumping to another menu option. I was not able to change the action of each button yet, so the button actions are shifted upwards.

And just because I can, I decided to shift the exit button 0x100 units to the left.

Technical details, tutorial, and modified MAINMENU.MLB: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HSP2JH3JfvSXh3FjCa6lXJYfjBHpNOsX6JfqYgwSBC8/edit?usp=sharing
. cursed1.mp4 Videomängude analüüs Video game analysis N/A Press any key to continue... Press any key to continue... 0 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/532.jpg N/A /channel_db_lite/web/json/532.json N/A N/A