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425 MarkusTegelane KolibriOS (2. osa) [Markuse arvuti meelelahutus] 0 2022-04-09 See video jätkab ja võtab kokku KolibriOS ülevaate. Selles osas vaatame kõiki operatsioonsüsteemi sisseehitatud mänge (neid on üsna palju) ning samuti ka mõningaid demosid. 1 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3NQs447WCc 0 KolibriOS (Part II) [Markus computer entertainment] (ENG subtitles) . This video continues and concludes the KolibriOS review. This is where we take a look at all of the games, that are built into this operating system (there are quite a few) as well as some demos.

More about KolibriOS: http://kolibrios.org/en/
My website: https://markustegelane.ml
Want to see how many dislikes my videos have? Install this browser extension: https://returnyoutubedislike.com/
Random video: https://markustegelane.ml/markustegelane/random/?c=mt

0:00 Intro
0:36 Game of Life
0:50 TinyBasic
0:58 Table (spreadsheet)
1:39 Notes
2:02 FTP client
2:08 fNav
2:18 CNC editor
2:21 Calc+
2:45 Dicty
2:57 THashView
3:21 RDSave
3:30 FE2READ
3:40 Web browsing
5:54 Developer tools
7:34 Syspanel
8:02 Appearance - themes, wallpapers, and screensavers
11:24 More developer tools
11:52 Games!
20:03 Minesweeper crashes the entire system
20:26 More games!
21:20 2D demos
22:19 3D demos
23:48 Another developer tool
24:08 Online Updater, which hangs the entire system
24:20 Conclusion
25:33 Credits

Jeremy Blake - Absolutely Nothing
Geographer - Airline
Geographer - Synergy
Professor Kliq - Surfs Up
Kevin MacLeod - Local Forecast - Elevator
Vibe Tracks - Faith
Vibe Tracks - Crystal
Vibe Tracks - Nice To You
Vibe Tracks - Staccato
Vibe Tracks - Dutty
Vibe Tracks - Undeniable
Nokia - Backwoods

© 2022 Markus' videos productions
See video jätkab ja võtab kokku KolibriOS ülevaate. Selles osas vaatame kõiki operatsioonsüsteemi sisseehitatud mänge (neid on üsna palju) ning samuti ka mõningaid demosid.

Lisainfo KolibriOS kohta: http://kolibrios.org/en/
Kanali veebisait: https://markustegelane.ml
Tahate näha kui palju on mu videotel dislike? Siis paigaldage see brauserilaiendus: https://returnyoutubedislike.com/
Juhuslik video: https://markustegelane.ml/markustegelane/random/?c=mt

0:00 Intro
0:36 Game of Life
0:50 TinyBasic
0:58 Table (arvutustabelite loomise programm)
1:39 Notes (märkmik)
2:02 FTP klient
2:08 fNav
2:18 CNC editor
2:21 Calc+
2:45 Dicty
2:57 THashView
3:21 RDSave
3:30 FE2READ
3:40 Veebi sirvimine
5:54 Arendaja tööriistad
7:34 Syspanel (süsteemi paneel)
8:02 Välimus - teemad, taustapildid ja ekraanisäästjad
11:24 Veel arendaja tööriistu
11:52 Mängud!
20:03 Mäng "Minesweeper" krahhib terve süsteemi
20:26 Veel mänge!
21:20 2D demod
22:19 3D demod
23:48 Veel üks arendaja tööriist
24:08 Internetipõhine uuendaja, mille tõttu kogu süsteem hangub
24:20 Kokkuvõte
25:33 Lõputiitrid

Jeremy Blake - Absolutely Nothing
Geographer - Airline
Geographer - Synergy
Professor Kliq - Surfs Up
Kevin MacLeod - Local Forecast - Elevator
Vibe Tracks - Faith
Vibe Tracks - Crystal
Vibe Tracks - Nice To You
Vibe Tracks - Staccato
Vibe Tracks - Dutty
Vibe Tracks - Undeniable
Nokia - Backwoods

© 2022 Markuse videod productions
kolbri2_2.mp4 Markuse arvuti meelelahutus Markus computer entertainment Markuse arvuti meelelahutus,Markus computer entertainment,MarkuStation,eesti keeles,English subtitles,KolibriOS,Minesweeper,Battleships,Samsung,IBochs PC Emulator,MarkuStation 2 https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/kolibrios-(part-ii)-markus-computer:a MarkusTegelane . 1 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/425.jpg N/A /channel_db_lite/web/json/425.json N/A N/A
373 MarkusTegelane+ Milkdrop in VLC Media Player using ProjectM in Pop!_OS (Linux) 0 2021-03-28 I finally got projectM to work with the Linux binary of VLC. I had some Milkdrop visualizers lying around that I could import into projectM and use as audio visualizers in VLC media player.

This video plays some demoscene music in addition to showing off the visualizers working in VLC media player.
0 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJ_xcUG4Xuk 0 . . . . 2021-03-27 23-59-08.mkv Varia Miscellaneous audio visualizations,multimedia,VLC Media Player,Linux,free and open source software,demoscene music,chiptune music,module files,projectM,visualizers,milkdrop N/A MarkusTegelane+ . 1 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/373.jpg N/A /channel_db_lite/web/json/373.json N/A N/A
360 MarkusTegelane+ [Flashing lights warning] Batch file: Video player for Log OS plays Out-Oh-Mat by Brainstorm 0 2019-10-13 A simple text video player I've implemented in Log OS (a batch file operating environment) plays a textmode demo converted into text using a special conversion process:

0. The video is rendered into a sequence of bitmap images in 150x45 resolution

1. PICTOASCII - converts a batch of images into a batch of ASCII images

2. ASCVID maker - converts raw ascii frame files into a playable text video file

3. ASCAUD file is also made for audio (just a low quality 8kHz wave file)

4. ASCII video player (video_player.bat) - plays back the text video
0 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUNwGZuosds 0 . . A simple text video player I've implemented in Log OS (a batch file operating environment) plays a textmode demo converted into text using a special conversion process:

0. The video is rendered into a sequence of bitmap images in 150x45 resolution
1. PICTOASCII - converts a batch of images into a batch of ASCII images
2. ASCVID maker - converts raw ascii frame files into a playable text video file
3. ASCAUD file is also made for audio (just a low quality 8kHz wave file)
4. ASCII video player (video_player.bat) - plays back the text video

Original video before conversion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnQtJFGJmj4

An old video showing off an old version of Log OS (not the most advanced batch file os by the way): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUvTQ8L9a7k

This batch file currently allows you to:
play back video files (black and white only), manually adjust framerate (if not specified by the file), enable or disable the audio

I also demonstrate the bitmap image viewer I've also implemented (using INSERTBMP.exe plugin).
. 2019-10-13 21-22-52.mp4 Pakkfailid Batch files Log OS,batch files,programming,demos,batch demos,brainstorm,out oh mat,out-oh-mat,MarkusTegelane,Log Operating System,batch file OS,batch os N/A MarkusTegelane+ . 1 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/360.jpg N/A /channel_db_lite/web/json/360.json N/A N/A
262 MarkusTegelane Light OS Modern - Beeta Eelvaade (PPT OS) 0 2019-06-02 Järg minu orignaalsele PPT OS näidisele, Light OS (Koodnimi Lightbulb), Light OS Modern (Koodnimi Plane) näeb palju modernsem välja ja täiustab paljusid eelnevaid funktsioone Light OS 1.x-st. 1 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rz1dP0coARY 0 Light OS Modern - Beta Preview (PPT OS) . A sequel to my original PowerPoint OS concept, Light OS (Codename: Lightbulb), Light OS Modern (Codename: Plane) looks much more modern and upgrades a lot of previous features of Light OS 1.x!

Download link: https://markustegelane.ml/app/losm.ppsm

Random video: http://markustegelane.ml/random.html
Järg minu orignaalsele PPT OS näidisele, Light OS (Koodnimi Lightbulb), Light OS Modern (Koodnimi Plane) näeb palju modernsem välja ja täiustab paljusid eelnevaid funktsioone Light OS 1.x-st.

Allalaadimise lingid pole veel saadaval. Kui on, siis ütlen seda pealkirjas ja lisan kinnitatud kommentaari (lingiga)
LOSM.mp4 PowerPoint PowerPoint Markus Maal,MarkusTegelane,TheMarkusGuy,PowerPoint OS,Microsoft Office,demos,conecpts,Operating System Concept,Windows,macOS,Linux,FreeBSD,Don't,look,at,the,tags,okay,questionmark https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/light-os-modern-beta-preview-ppt-os:d MarkusTegelane . 1 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/262.jpg N/A /channel_db_lite/web/json/262.json /channel_db_lite/web/stream/262.et.ass N/A