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ID Kanal Video Kustutatud Kuupäev Kirjeldus Subtiitrid Avalik Ülekanne HD URL PRIVATE TitleMUI_en TitleMUI_et KirjeldusMUI_en KirjeldusMUI_et Filename Category CategoryMUI_en Tags OdyseeURL KanalMUI_en KanalMUI_et Translated has_thumbnail local_stream ytdlp_meta est_subs eng_subs
59 MarkusTegelane Batch OS: Log OS [HD] 0 2015-11-02 This is my most advanced batch file OS and made totally by me.

--Update 2016--[linkide loend]
1 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUvTQ8L9a7k 0 . Batch faili OS: Log OS [HD] This is my most advanced batch file OS and made totally by me. --Update 2016--[link list] See on mu kõige arenenum batch faili OS ja see on loodud täielikult minu poolt. ---Uuendus 2016---[linkide loend] Batch+OS_+Log+OS+(Probably+the+most+advanced+batch+OS)+[HD].mp4 Pakkfailid Batch files Batch file,Batch file OS,LogOS,Operating System (Software Genre),Batch Processing,Software (Industry),Family,Friends,Ever,Best,Fun,Reunion,Grandma,Travel,Visit,Uncle,Worst,Greatest,Adventure,Culture,Worlds,Nature,Events,Cousins https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/batch-os-log-os-hd:6 MarkusTegelane . 1 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/59.jpg N/A /channel_db_lite/web/json/59.json N/A N/A
70 MarkusTegelane Logi OperatsioonSüsteemi Beetaga jamamine 0 2016-02-07 Selles videos ma teen erinevaid asju mu Batch faili OS-ga, nimega Log OS. Ma krahhin selle, ma installin selle, ma teen sellega muud jama. 1 0 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ul-lb3txaVM 0 Messing with Log Operating System Beta Logi OperatsioonSüsteemi Beetaga jamamine In this video I'll do different stuff with my Batch file OS called Log OS. I'll crash it, I'll flash it, I'll do more stuff with it. Selles videos ma teen erinevaid asju mu Batch faili OS-ga, nimega Log OS. Ma krahhin selle, ma installin selle, ma teen sellega muud jama. Log OS.mp4 Pakkfailid Batch files Log Operating System https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/messing-with-log-operating-system-beta:a MarkusTegelane . 1 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/70.jpg N/A /channel_db_lite/web/json/70.json N/A N/A
132 MarkusTegelane Nii kiiresti käivitubki uus Log OS versioon! 0 2016-12-18 See on ikka veel arendamisel, kuid see saab olema väga lahe.

Vaata mu kanali ajaveebi: http://markustegelane.blogspot.com
0 0 0 0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJ3JY2KmuAA 0 This is how fast new version of Log OS boots! Nii kiiresti käivitubki uus Log OS versioon! This is still in development, but it is going to be very cool.

Check out my channel's blog: http://markusmaalen.blogspot.com
See on ikka veel arendamisel, kuid see saab olema väga lahe.

Vaata mu kanali ajaveebi: http://markustegelane.blogspot.com
2016-12-18 at 13-50-56.mp4 Pakkfailid Batch files https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/this-is-how-fast-new-version-of-log-os:b MarkusTegelane . 1 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/132.jpg N/A /channel_db_lite/web/json/132.json N/A N/A
355 MarkusTegelane+ Log OS-i arendamine // Log OS development 1 2018-03-09 Video nüüdseks kustutatud kanalilt MarkusTegelane++. 0 0 1 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46Ag9jloHFM 0 . . . . Log OS-i arendamine -- Log OS development.mp4 Programmeerimine Programming N/A MarkusTegelane+ . 1 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/355.jpg N/A /channel_db_lite/web/json/355.json N/A N/A
360 MarkusTegelane+ [Flashing lights warning] Batch file: Video player for Log OS plays Out-Oh-Mat by Brainstorm 1 2019-10-13 A simple text video player I've implemented in Log OS (a batch file operating environment) plays a textmode demo converted into text using a special conversion process:

0. The video is rendered into a sequence of bitmap images in 150x45 resolution

1. PICTOASCII - converts a batch of images into a batch of ASCII images

2. ASCVID maker - converts raw ascii frame files into a playable text video file

3. ASCAUD file is also made for audio (just a low quality 8kHz wave file)

4. ASCII video player (video_player.bat) - plays back the text video
0 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUNwGZuosds 0 . . A simple text video player I've implemented in Log OS (a batch file operating environment) plays a textmode demo converted into text using a special conversion process:

0. The video is rendered into a sequence of bitmap images in 150x45 resolution
1. PICTOASCII - converts a batch of images into a batch of ASCII images
2. ASCVID maker - converts raw ascii frame files into a playable text video file
3. ASCAUD file is also made for audio (just a low quality 8kHz wave file)
4. ASCII video player (video_player.bat) - plays back the text video

Original video before conversion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnQtJFGJmj4

An old video showing off an old version of Log OS (not the most advanced batch file os by the way): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUvTQ8L9a7k

This batch file currently allows you to:
play back video files (black and white only), manually adjust framerate (if not specified by the file), enable or disable the audio

I also demonstrate the bitmap image viewer I've also implemented (using INSERTBMP.exe plugin).
. 2019-10-13 21-22-52.mp4 Pakkfailid Batch files Log OS,batch files,programming,demos,batch demos,brainstorm,out oh mat,out-oh-mat,MarkusTegelane,Log Operating System,batch file OS,batch os N/A MarkusTegelane+ . 1 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/360.jpg N/A /channel_db_lite/web/json/360.json N/A N/A