Leiti 26 vastet.
ID | Kanal | Video | Kustutatud | Kuupäev | Kirjeldus | Subtiitrid | Avalik | Ülekanne | HD | URL | PRIVATE | TitleMUI_en | TitleMUI_et | KirjeldusMUI_en | KirjeldusMUI_et | Filename | Category | CategoryMUI_en | Tags | OdyseeURL | KanalMUI_en | KanalMUI_et | Translated | has_thumbnail | local_stream | ytdlp_meta | est_subs | eng_subs |
70 | MarkusTegelane | Logi OperatsioonSüsteemi Beetaga jamamine | 0 | 2016-02-07 | Selles videos ma teen erinevaid asju mu Batch faili OS-ga, nimega Log OS. Ma krahhin selle, ma installin selle, ma teen sellega muud jama. | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ul-lb3txaVM | 0 | Messing with Log Operating System Beta | Logi OperatsioonSüsteemi Beetaga jamamine | In this video I'll do different stuff with my Batch file OS called Log OS. I'll crash it, I'll flash it, I'll do more stuff with it. | Selles videos ma teen erinevaid asju mu Batch faili OS-ga, nimega Log OS. Ma krahhin selle, ma installin selle, ma teen sellega muud jama. | Log OS.mp4 | Pakkfailid | Batch files | Log Operating System | https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/messing-with-log-operating-system-beta:a | MarkusTegelane | . | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/70.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/70.json | N/A | N/A |
97 | MarkusTegelane | Red Screen of Death Windows Vista beeta versioonis | 0 | 2016-09-29 | Selles videos hävitan Windows Vista beeta versiooni Red Screen of Death-ga. | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnV_llQaYdI | 0 | . | . | . | Selles videos hävitan Windows Vista beeta versiooni Red Screen of Death-ga. Viited: Muusika: Stale Mate - Jingle Punks - YouTube-i fonoteek Koostasin selle video YouTube'i videotöötlejaga (http://www.youtube.com/editor) |
yt-editor.flv | Operatsioonsüsteemid | Operating systems | YouTube'i redigeerija | https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/red-screen-of-death-windows-vista-beeta:2 | MarkusTegelane | . | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/97.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/97.json | N/A | N/A |
98 | MarkusTegelane | memz... | 0 | 2016-10-02 | Lihtsalt katsetan... Muud ei midagi.. |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toDtrOFnBEE | 0 | memz... | memz... | Lihtsalt katsetan... Muud ei midagi... |
Lihtsalt katsetan... Muud ei midagi.. |
2016-10-02-1559-55.flv | Varia | Joke videos | Trojan.Leurak MEMZ | https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/memz:f | MarkusTegelane | . | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/98.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/98.json | N/A | N/A |
114 | MarkusTegelane | [Prototüüp] Batch fail: Kasutajaliidese märkmik 1.6 - Märkmed märkmetes? | 0 | 2016-11-10 | See on prototüüp tulevasest batch failist Kasutajaliidese märkmik 1.6. -------Funktsioonid------- * Võimalus käsitleda lõpmatuid märkmeid * Käsuviibu ühilduvus * Ava programmiga ühilduvus (ava fail selle batch failiga) * Hiir ja kasutajaliides -------Lisa------- * Parandati segadus kui sa sisestasid rea numbri ja siis selle väärtus langes * Uus teabeekraan * Abi on nüüd sisse ehitatud ja ei vaja demo.cmd faili * Käsuviibu veateate ekraanid kui bg.exe ei leidu süsteemis -------Tagasiside------- Kui sulle meeldib see prototüüp, andke mulle seda kommentaarides teada. Sa saad ka vajutada meeldib sellele videole, kui sulle meeldib see batch fail. Sa võib ka tellida mu kanalile, et näha rohkem batch faile ja muud värki ja ei maga seda maha. Ma tegin selle video YouTube-i videoredigeerijaga (http://www.youtube.com/editor) |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMuMblpPBWc | 0 | [Prototype] Batch file: GUI notepad 1.6 - Notepad ception? | [Prototüüp] Batch fail: Kasutajaliidese märkmik 1.6 - Märkmed märkmetes? | This is a prototype of the upcoming batch file called GUI notepad 1.6 -------Features------- * Ability to handle unlimited notes * Command line support * Open with support (open file with this batch file) * Mouse and GUI -------Extra------- * Fixed confusion when you entered line number and then it decreased * New about screen * Help is now built in and doesn't need demo.cmd * Command line error screens when bg.exe is not found in the system -------Feedback------- If you like this prototype, let me know in the comments. You can also like the video if you like the batch file. You may subscribe to my channel to see more batch files and other stuff and don't miss it. I made this video using YouTube video editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor) |
See on prototüüp tulevasest batch failist Kasutajaliidese märkmik 1.6. -------Funktsioonid------- * Võimalus käsitleda lõpmatuid märkmeid * Käsuviibu ühilduvus * Ava programmiga ühilduvus (ava fail selle batch failiga) * Hiir ja kasutajaliides -------Lisa------- * Parandati segadus kui sa sisestasid rea numbri ja siis selle väärtus langes * Uus teabeekraan * Abi on nüüd sisse ehitatud ja ei vaja demo.cmd faili * Käsuviibu veateate ekraanid kui bg.exe ei leidu süsteemis -------Tagasiside------- Kui sulle meeldib see prototüüp, andke mulle seda kommentaarides teada. Sa saad ka vajutada meeldib sellele videole, kui sulle meeldib see batch fail. Sa võib ka tellida mu kanalile, et näha rohkem batch faile ja muud värki ja ei maga seda maha. Ma tegin selle video YouTube-i videoredigeerijaga (http://www.youtube.com/editor) |
yt-editor.flv | Pakkfailid | Batch files | YouTube'i redigeerija | https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/prototype-batch-file-gui-notepad-1-6:c | MarkusTegelane | . | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/114.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/114.json | N/A | N/A |
156 | MarkusTegelane | MarkuStation 2 - Järgmine MarkuStation intro? | 0 | 2017-07-12 | See on hetkel beeta versioon ja viimases versioonis võib esineda erinevusi. Kui märkate mingit viga, andke teada! | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7k1r21Zjo0 | 0 | MarkuStation 2 - Next MarkuStation intro? | MarkuStation 2 - Järgmine MarkuStation intro? | It is a beta version right now and there might be some differences in the last version. If you see a bug, let me know! | See on hetkel beeta versioon ja viimases versioonis võib esineda erinevusi. Kui märkate mingit viga, andke teada! | MarkuStation_2.MP4 | Introd | Intros | Markus Maal,MarkusTegelane,TheMarkusGuy,MarkuStation,MarkuStation 2,PlayStation,PlayStation 2,Sony,Computer,Entertainment,arvuti,meelelahutus,bm gaming new intro,gaming with molt new intro,gamingwithjen new intro,godz gaming my new intro,my new gaming intro,new intro cat pack gaming,new intro gaming,new intro gaming with jen,panda gaming my new intro,panda gaming new intro,top 10 new gaming intro,tryhards gaming on new intro,wolf gaming my new intro | https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/markustation-2-j-rgmine-markustation:4 | MarkusTegelane | . | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/156.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/156.json | N/A | N/A |
197 | MarkusTegelane+ | made by Windows Movie Maker 6.9 | 1 | 2017-09-14 | rest in piss Windows Movie Maker, you'll never be missed | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lf1j6fJKMtA | 0 | . | . | . | . | madewith69.wmv | Eksperimentaalne | Experimental | lendav siga,windows,movie,maker,69,sexual reference,6.9,mlg,montage parody,meme,memes,bee | N/A | MarkusTegelane+ | . | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/197.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/197.json | N/A | N/A |
160 | MarkusTegelane | Pakkfail: Lobisemine arvutiga (kaugel perfektsusest) | 0 | 2017-11-14 | Tegin lihtsa pakkfaili mis genereerib juhuslikke vastuseid teie sõnumitele. Vajalik on Windows 2000 või uuema versiooniga OS (v.a. Millennium Edition). ____________________________________________________ Allalaadimise lingid ____________________________________________________ (pole hetkel saadaval) ____________________________________________________ Ole kursis ____________________________________________________ Ajaveeb: http://www. Google+: https://plus.google.com/115914313352149705046 Twitter: @MarkusMaal ____________________________________________________ Teised kanalid ____________________________________________________ MarkusTegelane+ : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGGM... MarkusTegelane++ : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_ah... Markuse asjad: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMD2... ____________________________________________________ Kasutatud teosed ____________________________________________________ Follow Me - Vibe Tracks Proctor - Topher Mohr and Alex Elena Happy Bee - Kevin Macleod Pinball Spring - Kevin Macleod Kasutatud teosed on litsenseeritud Creative Commons (autorile viitamine) litsentsi alusel. Kanali logo või muud materjali võib kasutada ainult isiklikel põhjustel. Kui soovite logo avalikult kasutada, peate sellest mulle märku andma (vastasel juhul pean ma sellest teavitama). ____________________________________________________ Lisainfo ____________________________________________________ Video RAW nimi: computerchat.mp4 Kasutatud tarkvara: Notepad, Vegas Pro 11 Renderdamise aeg: 2 tundi |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvjNRX9MvIs | 0 | Batch file: Chatting with your computer (far from perfect) | Pakkfail: Lobisemine arvutiga (kaugel perfektsusest) | I made a simple batch file that generates random replies to your messages. Requires at least Windows 2000 or newer version of OS (except Millennium Edition) ____________________________________________________ Download links ____________________________________________________ (not available yet) ____________________________________________________ Stay up to date ____________________________________________________ Blog: http://www.themarkusguy.tk Google+: https://plus.google.com/115914313352149705046 Twitter: @MarkusMaal ____________________________________________________ Other channels ____________________________________________________ MarkusTegelane+ : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGGM... MarkusTegelane++ : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_ah... Markuse asjad: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMD2... ____________________________________________________ Music used ____________________________________________________ Follow Me - Vibe Tracks Proctor - Topher Mohr and Alex Elena Happy Bee - Kevin Macleod Pinball Spring - Kevin Macleod Licenced under creative commons licence (author credit) ____________________________________________________ Additional information ____________________________________________________ Video RAW nimi: computerchat.mp4 Kasutatud tarkvara: Notepad, Vegas Pro 11 Renderdamise aeg: 2 tundi |
Tegin lihtsa pakkfaili mis genereerib juhuslikke vastuseid teie sõnumitele. Vajalik on Windows 2000 või uuema versiooniga OS (v.a. Millennium Edition). ____________________________________________________ Allalaadimise lingid ____________________________________________________ (pole hetkel saadaval) ____________________________________________________ Ole kursis ____________________________________________________ Ajaveeb: http://www. Google+: https://plus.google.com/115914313352149705046 Twitter: @MarkusMaal ____________________________________________________ Teised kanalid ____________________________________________________ MarkusTegelane+ : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGGM... MarkusTegelane++ : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_ah... Markuse asjad: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMD2... ____________________________________________________ Kasutatud teosed ____________________________________________________ Follow Me - Vibe Tracks Proctor - Topher Mohr and Alex Elena Happy Bee - Kevin Macleod Pinball Spring - Kevin Macleod Kasutatud teosed on litsenseeritud Creative Commons (autorile viitamine) litsentsi alusel. Kanali logo või muud materjali võib kasutada ainult isiklikel põhjustel. Kui soovite logo avalikult kasutada, peate sellest mulle märku andma (vastasel juhul pean ma sellest teavitama). ____________________________________________________ Lisainfo ____________________________________________________ Video RAW nimi: computerchat.mp4 Kasutatud tarkvara: Notepad, Vegas Pro 11 Renderdamise aeg: 2 tundi |
computerchat.mp4 | Pakkfailid | Batch files | Markus Maal,MarkusTegelane,TheMarkusGuy,batch file,batch programming,chat,computer,processor,computer components | N/A | MarkusTegelane | . | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/160.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/160.json | N/A | N/A |
262 | MarkusTegelane | Light OS Modern - Beeta Eelvaade (PPT OS) | 0 | 2019-06-02 | Järg minu orignaalsele PPT OS näidisele, Light OS (Koodnimi Lightbulb), Light OS Modern (Koodnimi Plane) näeb palju modernsem välja ja täiustab paljusid eelnevaid funktsioone Light OS 1.x-st. | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rz1dP0coARY | 0 | Light OS Modern - Beta Preview (PPT OS) | . | A sequel to my original PowerPoint OS concept, Light OS (Codename: Lightbulb), Light OS Modern (Codename: Plane) looks much more modern and upgrades a lot of previous features of Light OS 1.x! Download link: https://markustegelane.ml/app/losm.ppsm Random video: http://markustegelane.ml/random.html |
Järg minu orignaalsele PPT OS näidisele, Light OS (Koodnimi Lightbulb), Light OS Modern (Koodnimi Plane) näeb palju modernsem välja ja täiustab paljusid eelnevaid funktsioone Light OS 1.x-st. Allalaadimise lingid pole veel saadaval. Kui on, siis ütlen seda pealkirjas ja lisan kinnitatud kommentaari (lingiga) |
LOSM.mp4 | PowerPoint | PowerPoint | Markus Maal,MarkusTegelane,TheMarkusGuy,PowerPoint OS,Microsoft Office,demos,conecpts,Operating System Concept,Windows,macOS,Linux,FreeBSD,Don't,look,at,the,tags,okay,questionmark | https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/light-os-modern-beta-preview-ppt-os:d | MarkusTegelane | . | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/262.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/262.json | /channel_db_lite/web/stream/262.et.ass | N/A |
300 | MarkusTegelane+ | Crappy song I made using Windows 93 (fake windows parody) | 1 | 2020-05-26 | Windows 93 on Windows(R) paroodia, mis on loodud Javascriptiga (pole minu loodud, aga ma soovisin seda proovida). Ma lihtsalt vaatasin ringi ja tegin selle suurepärase teose kasutades beepbox loop programmi, mis oli kaasas. Ma ausalt öeldes ei tea, miks see taaskäivitas video keskel, aga mis iganes. | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8uNTw0G4hk | 0 | . | . | Windows 93 is a Windows(R) parody built using Javascript (not created by me, but something I wanted to check out). I was just messing around and made this wonderful piece using the beepbox looping program that was included. I honestly have no idea why it rebooted in the middle of the video, but whatever. | . | 2020-05-26 22-32-13.mkv | Muusika | Music | N/A | MarkusTegelane+ | . | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/300.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/300.json | N/A | N/A | |
367 | Markuse asjad | Uue aasta vastuvõtt 2021 | 0 | 2020-12-31 | Nagu ka eelmisel aastal teeme me automatiseeritud ülekande enne ja pärast uut aastat. Enne uue aasta algust saate kuulata muusikat, näha täiesti uusi videosid, tagasivaateid ja kuulata ka nalju. Kasutan täiesti uut uue aasta vastuvõtja tarkvara. Ülekande viivitusega on arvestatud. 31. detsembril 18.00 uuendati kava (ajavöönd: GMT+2 talveaeg) 31. detsembril, kell... 11.00 - Ülekande testimine (pole avalik) 21.50 - Ülekanne muutub avalikuks 21.57 - Ülekande algus üllatusvideoga [VIDEO] 22.00 - TrackMania 2020. aasta rajad [VIDEO] 22.14 - TrackMania rekonstrueeritud videod [VIDEO] 22.29 - Väike nali [AUDIO] 22.30 - Minecraft, aga video lõpeb kui end vigastan [VIDEO] 22.48 - Markuse videod aastal 2020 [VIDEO] 22.55 - Markuse asjad aastal 2020 [VIDEO] 22.58 - Halb muusika, mille tegin Beepboxis [AUDIO] 23.05 - Muusikapaus [MUUSIKA] 23.58 - Uue aasta vastuvõtt [VASTUVÕTT] 00.00 - Uus aasta 2021 00.03 - Muusikapaus [MUUSIKA] 01.30 - Sõnavõtt/vastan vestluse küsimustele [OTSE] 02.30 - Ülekande plaanitud lõpp Vahepeal on ka natuke muusikat enne uuele programmile üleminekut. |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkwbcpvVyM8 | 0 | Uue aasta vastuvõtt 2021 | Uue aasta vastuvõtt 2021 | Nagu ka eelmisel aastal teeme me automatiseeritud ülekande enne ja pärast uut aastat. Enne uue aasta algust saate kuulata muusikat, näha täiesti uusi videosid, tagasivaateid ja kuulata ka nalju. Kasutan täiesti uut uue aasta vastuvõtja tarkvara. Ülekande viivitusega on arvestatud. | Nagu ka eelmisel aastal teeme me automatiseeritud ülekande enne ja pärast uut aastat. Enne uue aasta algust saate kuulata muusikat, näha täiesti uusi videosid, tagasivaateid ja kuulata ka nalju. Kasutan täiesti uut uue aasta vastuvõtja tarkvara. Ülekande viivitusega on arvestatud. 31. detsembril 18.00 uuendati kava (ajavöönd: GMT+2 talveaeg) 31. detsembril, kell... 11.00 - Ülekande testimine (pole avalik) 21.50 - Ülekanne muutub avalikuks 21.57 - Ülekande algus üllatusvideoga [VIDEO] 22.00 - TrackMania 2020. aasta rajad [VIDEO] 22.14 - TrackMania rekonstrueeritud videod [VIDEO] 22.29 - Väike nali [AUDIO] 22.30 - Minecraft, aga video lõpeb kui end vigastan [VIDEO] 22.48 - Markuse videod aastal 2020 [VIDEO] 22.55 - Markuse asjad aastal 2020 [VIDEO] 22.58 - Halb muusika, mille tegin Beepboxis [AUDIO] 23.05 - Muusikapaus [MUUSIKA] 23.58 - Uue aasta vastuvõtt [VASTUVÕTT] 00.00 - Uus aasta 2021 00.03 - Muusikapaus [MUUSIKA] 01.30 - Sõnavõtt/vastan vestluse küsimustele [OTSE] 02.30 - Ülekande plaanitud lõpp Vahepeal on ka natuke muusikat enne uuele programmile üleminekut. |
livestream.str | Otseülekandearhiiv | Live stream archive | N/A | Markus | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/367.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/367.json | N/A | N/A | ||
384 | MarkusTegelane+ | [Batch game] Fishing batch - gameplay showcase | 1 | 2021-07-15 | Showcase of the Fishing batch game. Not released on the main channel, because the batch file has been available for a while on my website. | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Su79oY9507o | 0 | . | . | Showcase of the Fishing batch game. Not released on the main channel, because the batch file has been available for a while on my website. Download link: https://www.markustegelane.ml/markustegelane/?doc=download&id=5 Table of contents: 0:00 Intro 0:35 Main menu 3:17 Story mode: Beginner's lake 10:43 Victory screen 11:54 Story mode: Experience river 20:28 Arcade mode 22:49 Custom mode 24:58 Outro 25:20 One more thing... |
. | fishbatch.mp4 | Lisavideod | Additional content | N/A | MarkusTegelane+ | . | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/384.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/384.json | N/A | N/A | |
397 | Press any key to continue... | Unknown music on my hard drive | 0 | 2021-10-29 | This is a compilation of music that I have on my hard drive that I haven't been able to find much info about (because I don't know the song names). I uploaded this for both your enjoyment and in hopes that Content ID might pick something up... | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2WdXYgvtvk | 0 | . | . | This is a compilation of music that I have on my hard drive that I haven't been able to find much info about (because I don't know the song names). I uploaded this for both your enjoyment and in hopes that Content ID might pick something up... 0:00 #1 0:30 #2 2:45 #3 3:35 #4 3:50 #5 4:50 #6 5:05 #7 5:25 #8 5:56 #9 6:43 #10 7:02 #11 7:21 #12 7:36 #13 8:57 #14 10:55 #15 12:29 #16 12:42 #17 12:58 #18 13:07 #19 13:17 #20 13:32 #21 13:52 #22 14:04 #23 14:24 #24 15:09 #25 15:54 #26 17:07 #27 17:20 #28 18:20 #29 20:30 #30 |
. | unknown_songs.webm | Muusika | Music | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/397.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/397.json | N/A | N/A | |
414 | MarkusTegelane+ | (tfarceniM) aginokaard redne sultiõV [emadretsiem aj emadnaveaK] | 1 | 2022-02-07 | .( 1.enalegetsukram/yl.enim//:sptth iliiforp tv ,enalegetsukram düün ) eminajatusak aj iniks itfarceniM adne duntuum am nelo luskooj aja elles gnin latsaa lesimlee itatsidnil oediV .(ignäm ie itfarceniM esi et iuk ,tlardiev davalõk desual deen te ,naet am ,haj) aginokaard irednE - agissob itfarceniM esultiõv adne adatsidnil drokees nisatsusto ,skelo mavenõp sultiõv tE .ukhõegnih amet adugok nisatsunu diuk ,aginokaard esultiõv nistiõv ,"ulle ääj eluuk" no imin ellim ,samliaam sehÜ kt.cmsukram//:sptth lisserdaa vatadaav no gnin emadretsiem aj emadnaveaK no imin ibeevaja elleS .tsedamliaam itfarceniM adne duum aj diednauõn ,eppilk ,etlip diavenire nagaj suk ,beevaja itfarceniM no lum diuk ,aet ie dujlaP .itsketnok ekutan bajav oediv ees ,iekO |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_8uZatBY8k | 0 | (tfarceniM) nogard redne eht gnithgiF [tfarc dna enim steL] | . | .( 1.enalegetsukram/yl.enim//:sptth ta eliforp ees ,enalegetsukram dellac won ) emanresu dna niks tfarceniM ym degnahc ev'I ,emit siht gnirud dna raey tsal dedrocer saw oediv ehT .(flesruoy tfarceniM yalp t'nod uoy fi driew dnuos yam secnetnes eseht wonk I ,sey) nogarD rednE eht - flesti ssob tfarceniM eht gnithgif flesym drocer ot dediced I ,gnitseretni erom elttab siht ekam oT .htaerb sti tcelloc ot togrof tub ,nogard a htiw thgif a now I ,"evivrus ,yeh" dellac si taht ,dlrow eno nI (egaugnal ruoy tceles dna nottub unem regrubmah eht no kcilc ,egap eht etalsnart ot) kt.cmsukram//:sptth :ta elbaweiv si ti dna (emadretsiem aj emadnaveaK) "tfarc dna enim steL" dellac si golb sihT .sdlrow tfarceniM ym tuoba erom dna ,spit ,spilc ,stohsneercs tnereffid erahs I erehw ,golb tfarceniM a evah I tub ,siht wonk t'nod uoy fo ynaM .txetnoc fo tib a sdeen oediv siht ,yakO |
.( 1.enalegetsukram/yl.enim//:sptth iliiforp tv ,enalegetsukram düün ) eminajatusak aj iniks itfarceniM adne duntuum am nelo luskooj aja elles gnin latsaa lesimlee itatsidnil oediV .(ignäm ie itfarceniM esi et iuk ,tlardiev davalõk desual deen te ,naet am ,haj) aginokaard irednE - agissob itfarceniM esultiõv adne adatsidnil drokees nisatsusto ,skelo mavenõp sultiõv tE .ukhõegnih amet adugok nisatsunu diuk ,aginokaard esultiõv nistiõv ,"ulle ääj eluuk" no imin ellim ,samliaam sehÜ kt.cmsukram//:sptth lisserdaa vatadaav no gnin emadretsiem aj emadnaveaK no imin ibeevaja elleS .tsedamliaam itfarceniM adne duum aj diednauõn ,eppilk ,etlip diavenire nagaj suk ,beevaja itfarceniM no lum diuk ,aet ie dujlaP .itsketnok ekutan bajav oediv ees ,iekO |
tfarcenim.mp4 | Tagurpidi | Reversed | N/A | MarkusTegelane+ | . | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/414.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/414.json | N/A | N/A | |
434 | Markuse asjad | Üks mees ütles nii... (beetaversioon) | 0 | 2022-04-11 | Varasem versioon sellest videost. Ma renderdasin selle video eksisteerivast 2011. aastal loodud Movie Makeri projektist. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TF8fXK3APi0 | 0 | A man said this... (beta version) | . | An earlier version of this video. I rendered it from and existing 2011 Movie Maker project. | . | Üks mees ütles nii....wmv | Rekonstruktsioonid | Reconstructions | N/A | Markus' stuff | . | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/434.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/434.json | N/A | N/A | |
463 | Press any key to continue... | Flipnic - Optics A (Hard difficulty gameplay) | 0 | 2022-07-24 | Since I haven't found a lot of good full stage playthrough videos on Flipnic, I've decided to upload some of my own gameplay! As a challenge for myself, I've also cranked up the difficulty to hard, which reduces the number of balls to three with no continues (unless you get extra credits and balls of course), all ball saving bumpers are deactivated by default, and the number of bumper hits required to complete specific missions has also been increased. I've decided to go with Optics A first, because it's my favorite stage in this game and I've praticed a lot on it. At the minimum, to complete this stage, you have to do the following: 1. Hit a flying target to trigger a "Point of No Return" mission 2. Collect all of the rings required, which have been placed all around the stage (some rings are only at specific areas, such as Yellow, Magenta, and Cyan) 3. Go back to the spawn location, a multiball mission will then start 4. (Optional) Complete a required task for the multiball mission 5. Repeat steps 1-4 two more times 6. After completing the third multiball mission, you'll be teleported to a Zero Gravity mission area 7. (Optional) Try to hit projectiles within the time limit. Second to last particle shape is a stick figure and the final one is a combination of all the previous shapes. If you manage to do this, you'll be awarded with a neat cake cutscene and a bunch of bonus points. If you don't, you'll just recieve no bonus and the cutscene won't play, but you'll still unlock the next stage 8. (Optional) You'll now be teleported back to spawn. You can now complete any leftover yellow missions that you hadn't completed before, which allows you to maximize the score, before playing the next stage (after quitting the stage, the score gets locked, meaning you won't get any more points) |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XudtUvFv-r8 | 0 | . | . | Since I haven't found a lot of good full stage playthrough videos on Flipnic, I've decided to upload some of my own gameplay! As a challenge for myself, I've also cranked up the difficulty to hard, which reduces the number of balls to three with no continues (unless you get extra credits and balls of course), all ball saving bumpers are deactivated by default, and the number of bumper hits required to complete specific missions has also been increased. I've decided to go with Optics A first, because it's my favorite stage in this game and I've praticed a lot on it. At the minimum, to complete this stage, you have to do the following: 1. Hit a flying target to trigger a "Point of No Return" mission 2. Collect all of the rings required, which have been placed all around the stage (some rings are only at specific areas, such as Yellow, Magenta, and Cyan) 3. Go back to the spawn location, a multiball mission will then start 4. (Optional) Complete a required task for the multiball mission 5. Repeat steps 1-4 two more times 6. After completing the third multiball mission, you'll be teleported to a Zero Gravity mission area 7. (Optional) Try to hit projectiles within the time limit. Second to last particle shape is a stick figure and the final one is a combination of all the previous shapes. If you manage to do this, you'll be awarded with a neat cake cutscene and a bunch of bonus points. If you don't, you'll just recieve no bonus and the cutscene won't play, but you'll still unlock the next stage 8. (Optional) You'll now be teleported back to spawn. You can now complete any leftover yellow missions that you hadn't completed before, which allows you to maximize the score, before playing the next stage (after quitting the stage, the score gets locked, meaning you won't get any more points) |
. | OpticsA_hard.mp4 | Muud mängimise videod | Other gameplay videos | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/463.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/463.json | N/A | N/A | |
467 | Press any key to continue... | Flipnic - Metallurgy A (Hard difficulty gameplay) | 0 | 2022-07-25 | Since I haven't found a lot of good full stage playthrough videos on Flipnic, I've decided to upload some of my own gameplay! As a challenge for myself, I've also cranked up the difficulty to hard, which reduces the number of balls to three with no continues (unless you get extra credits and balls of course), all ball saving bumpers are deactivated by default, and the number of bumper hits required to complete specific missions has also been increased. This time it's Metallurgy A, which is unlocked after defeating the first boss. At the minimum, to complete this stage, you have to do the following: 1. Go through the first lane after spawning on the stage 2. Take a color coded lane 3. If you chose the magenta lane, you'll end up in an area with a UFO trying to shoot lasers at you. Try to hit the purple circuit board certain number of times, which will complete the first "Move On" mission 4. Take the lane, which you just uncovered after completing this mission 5. You'll now be at another area. Try to hit another purple circuit board certain number of times, which will complete the second "Move On" mission 6. Take the lane, which you just uncovered 7. Go through the non-colorcoded lanes until you find a color-coded lane, which you haven't taken 8. If you chose the green lane, you'll end up in the air spinning around cylinders. If you press circle, you'll move forward in that direction 9. Take a specific path until you get to an area with four shafts. Hit one shaft while it's active to start a "Shut Down the Shafts" mission 10. Shut down all shafts within the time limit 11. Repeat steps 9-10 12. You can go back to the lane selection area if you go through a portal 13. Repeat step 7 14. If you chose the blue lane, you'll end up in another area, where a giant spider crab mini-boss spawns. If you hit the spider crab with the ball, you'll remove some of its health. Try to do this until the spider crab explodes. Then you can take a specific lane to go back 15. Take the non-colorcoded lanes until you get back to the spawn area. 16. Take the white lane, that was previously covered by a pillar before. This will start he "Zero gravity" mission 17. (Optional) Try to hit projectiles within the time limit. Second to last particle shape is a stick figure and the final one is a combination of all the previous shapes. If you manage to do this, you'll be awarded with a neat cake cutscene and a bunch of bonus points. If you don't, you'll just recieve no bonus and the cutscene won't play, but you'll still unlock the next stage 18. (Optional) You'll now be teleported back to spawn. You can now complete any leftover yellow missions that you hadn't completed before, which allows you to maximize the score, before playing the next stage (after quitting the stage, the score gets locked, meaning you won't get any more points) |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pftgH8DNink | 0 | . | . | Since I haven't found a lot of good full stage playthrough videos on Flipnic, I've decided to upload some of my own gameplay! As a challenge for myself, I've also cranked up the difficulty to hard, which reduces the number of balls to three with no continues (unless you get extra credits and balls of course), all ball saving bumpers are deactivated by default, and the number of bumper hits required to complete specific missions has also been increased. This time it's Metallurgy A, which is unlocked after defeating the first boss. At the minimum, to complete this stage, you have to do the following: 1. Go through the first lane after spawning on the stage 2. Take a color coded lane 3. If you chose the magenta lane, you'll end up in an area with a UFO trying to shoot lasers at you. Try to hit the purple circuit board certain number of times, which will complete the first "Move On" mission 4. Take the lane, which you just uncovered after completing this mission 5. You'll now be at another area. Try to hit another purple circuit board certain number of times, which will complete the second "Move On" mission 6. Take the lane, which you just uncovered 7. Go through the non-colorcoded lanes until you find a color-coded lane, which you haven't taken 8. If you chose the green lane, you'll end up in the air spinning around cylinders. If you press circle, you'll move forward in that direction 9. Take a specific path until you get to an area with four shafts. Hit one shaft while it's active to start a "Shut Down the Shafts" mission 10. Shut down all shafts within the time limit 11. Repeat steps 9-10 12. You can go back to the lane selection area if you go through a portal 13. Repeat step 7 14. If you chose the blue lane, you'll end up in another area, where a giant spider crab mini-boss spawns. If you hit the spider crab with the ball, you'll remove some of its health. Try to do this until the spider crab explodes. Then you can take a specific lane to go back 15. Take the non-colorcoded lanes until you get back to the spawn area. 16. Take the white lane, that was previously covered by a pillar before. This will start he "Zero gravity" mission 17. (Optional) Try to hit projectiles within the time limit. Second to last particle shape is a stick figure and the final one is a combination of all the previous shapes. If you manage to do this, you'll be awarded with a neat cake cutscene and a bunch of bonus points. If you don't, you'll just recieve no bonus and the cutscene won't play, but you'll still unlock the next stage 18. (Optional) You'll now be teleported back to spawn. You can now complete any leftover yellow missions that you hadn't completed before, which allows you to maximize the score, before playing the next stage (after quitting the stage, the score gets locked, meaning you won't get any more points) |
. | MetallurgyA_hard.mp4 | Teised skriptimiskeeled | Other gameplay videos | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/467.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/467.json | N/A | N/A | |
468 | Press any key to continue... | Flipnic - Biology A (Hard difficulty gameplay) | 0 | 2022-07-25 | Since I haven't found a lot of good full stage playthrough videos on Flipnic, I've decided to upload some of my own gameplay! As a challenge for myself, I've also cranked up the difficulty to hard, which reduces the number of balls to three with no continues (unless you get extra credits and balls of course), all ball saving bumpers are deactivated by default, and the number of bumper hits required to complete specific missions has also been increased. This time I'm playing the very first stage in this game - Biology A. It also has a little introduction sequence, which other stages don't have. At the minimum, to complete this stage, you have to do the following: 1. Get to the "Slot chance" area 2. Go to the left lane 3. Once you get to the middle section with the flipper, you need to aim for the lane on the right 4. Hit bumpers, until all of them have butterflies. This will complete the "Freeze Over" mission 5. Go back to the "Slot chance" area. You should now see 2 platforms. Try to make the ball jump over these ramps a certain number of times. If the counter reaches 0, the "Hidden path discovery" will start 6. Go up the mountain and collect all of the shiny coins. Once you reach the very top, the "Zero Gravity" mission will start. 7. (Optional) Try to hit projectiles within the time limit. Second to last particle shape is a stick figure and the final one is a combination of all the previous shapes. If you manage to do this, you'll be awarded with a neat cake cutscene and a bunch of bonus points. If you don't, you'll just recieve no bonus and the cutscene won't play, but you'll still unlock the next stage 8. (Optional) You'll now be teleported back to spawn. You can now complete any leftover yellow missions that you hadn't completed before, which allows you to maximize the score, before playing the next stage (after quitting the stage, the score gets locked, meaning you won't get any more points) |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwQiDW8WaDA | 0 | . | . | Since I haven't found a lot of good full stage playthrough videos on Flipnic, I've decided to upload some of my own gameplay! As a challenge for myself, I've also cranked up the difficulty to hard, which reduces the number of balls to three with no continues (unless you get extra credits and balls of course), all ball saving bumpers are deactivated by default, and the number of bumper hits required to complete specific missions has also been increased. This time I'm playing the very first stage in this game - Biology A. It also has a little introduction sequence, which other stages don't have. At the minimum, to complete this stage, you have to do the following: 1. Get to the "Slot chance" area 2. Go to the left lane 3. Once you get to the middle section with the flipper, you need to aim for the lane on the right 4. Hit bumpers, until all of them have butterflies. This will complete the "Freeze Over" mission 5. Go back to the "Slot chance" area. You should now see 2 platforms. Try to make the ball jump over these ramps a certain number of times. If the counter reaches 0, the "Hidden path discovery" will start 6. Go up the mountain and collect all of the shiny coins. Once you reach the very top, the "Zero Gravity" mission will start. 7. (Optional) Try to hit projectiles within the time limit. Second to last particle shape is a stick figure and the final one is a combination of all the previous shapes. If you manage to do this, you'll be awarded with a neat cake cutscene and a bunch of bonus points. If you don't, you'll just recieve no bonus and the cutscene won't play, but you'll still unlock the next stage 8. (Optional) You'll now be teleported back to spawn. You can now complete any leftover yellow missions that you hadn't completed before, which allows you to maximize the score, before playing the next stage (after quitting the stage, the score gets locked, meaning you won't get any more points) |
. | BiologyA_hard.mp4 | Muud mängimise videod | Other gameplay videos | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/468.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/468.json | N/A | N/A | |
473 | Press any key to continue... | Beetle Crazy Cup (a.k.a. Beetle Buggin) [PC Longplay] | 0 | 2022-07-27 | Full gameplay of Beetle Crazy Cup (2000) without commentary. | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsL3shSyn4A | 0 | . | . | . | . | Beetle-1.m4v | Muud mängimise videod | Other gameplay videos | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/473.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/473.json | N/A | N/A | |
474 | Press any key to continue... | Flipnic - Biology B (Hard difficulty gameplay) | 0 | 2022-07-28 | Since I haven't found a lot of good full stage playthrough videos on Flipnic, I've decided to upload some of my own gameplay! As a challenge for myself, I've also cranked up the difficulty to hard, which reduces the number of balls to three with no continues (unless you get extra credits and balls of course), all ball saving bumpers are deactivated by default, and the number of bumper hits required to complete specific missions has also been increased. This time I'm playing the very first B-version of a stage in this game - Biology B. These secondary versions are mirrored and have modified textures and color pallettes. You need to complete these B-versions before unlocking the final stage, which is Geometry A. At the minimum, to complete this stage, you have to do the following: 1. Get to the "Slot chance" area 2. Go to the right lane 3. Once you get to the middle section with the flipper, you need to aim for the lane on the left 4. Hit bumpers, until all of them have butterflies. This will complete the "Freeze Over" mission 5. Go back to the "Slot chance" area. You should now see 2 platforms. Try to make the ball jump over these ramps a certain number of times. If the counter reaches 0, the "Hidden path discovery" will start 6. Go up the mountain and collect all of the shiny coins. Once you reach the very top, the "Zero Gravity" mission will start. 7. (Optional) Try to hit projectiles within the time limit. Second to last particle shape is a stick figure and the final one is a combination of all the previous shapes. If you manage to do this, you'll be awarded with a neat cake cutscene and a bunch of bonus points. If you don't, you'll just recieve no bonus and the cutscene won't play, but you'll still unlock the next stage 8. (Optional) You'll now be teleported back to spawn. You can now complete any leftover yellow missions that you hadn't completed before, which allows you to maximize the score, before playing the next stage (after quitting the stage, the score gets locked, meaning you won't get any more points) |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTGeJ3Yr3_c | 0 | . | . | Since I haven't found a lot of good full stage playthrough videos on Flipnic, I've decided to upload some of my own gameplay! As a challenge for myself, I've also cranked up the difficulty to hard, which reduces the number of balls to three with no continues (unless you get extra credits and balls of course), all ball saving bumpers are deactivated by default, and the number of bumper hits required to complete specific missions has also been increased. This time I'm playing the B-version of the Metallurgy stage. These secondary versions are mirrored and have modified textures and color pallettes. You need to complete these B-versions before unlocking the final stage, which is Geometry A. At the minimum, to complete this stage, you have to do the following: 1. Go through the first lane after spawning on the stage 2. Take a color coded lane 3. If you chose the magenta lane, you'll end up in an area with a UFO trying to shoot lasers at you. Try to hit the purple circuit board certain number of times, which will complete the first "Move On" mission 4. Take the lane, which you just uncovered after completing this mission 5. You'll now be at another area. Try to hit another purple circuit board certain number of times, which will complete the second "Move On" mission 6. Take the lane, which you just uncovered 7. Go through the non-colorcoded lanes until you find a color-coded lane, which you haven't taken 8. If you chose the green lane, you'll end up in the air spinning around cylinders. If you press circle, you'll move forward in that direction 9. Take a specific path until you get to an area with four shafts. Hit one shaft while it's active to start a "Shut Down the Shafts" mission 10. Shut down all shafts within the time limit 11. Repeat steps 9-10 12. You can go back to the lane selection area if you go through a portal 13. Repeat step 7 14. If you chose the blue lane, you'll end up in another area, where a giant spider crab mini-boss spawns. If you hit the spider crab with the ball, you'll remove some of its health. Try to do this until the spider crab explodes. Then you can take a specific lane to go back 15. Take the non-colorcoded lanes until you get back to the spawn area. 16. Take the white lane, that was previously covered by a pillar before. This will start he "Zero gravity" mission 17. (Optional) Try to hit projectiles within the time limit. Second to last particle shape is a stick figure and the final one is a combination of all the previous shapes. If you manage to do this, you'll be awarded with a neat cake cutscene and a bunch of bonus points. If you don't, you'll just recieve no bonus and the cutscene won't play, but you'll still unlock the next stage 18. (Optional) You'll now be teleported back to spawn. You can now complete any leftover yellow missions that you hadn't completed before, which allows you to maximize the score, before playing the next stage (after quitting the stage, the score gets locked, meaning you won't get any more points) P.S. I already finished the Optics B stage, but due to some garbage with pulseaudio, the recording was missing audio, which is really annoying. This means that it'll take some time before I can upload a finished Optics B run :( |
. | MetallurgyB_hard.mp4 | Muud mängimise videod | Other gameplay videos | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/474.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/474.json | N/A | N/A | |
509 | Press any key to continue... | Flipnic - Optics B (Hard difficulty gameplay) | 0 | 2022-12-04 | Since I haven't found a lot of good full stage playthrough videos on Flipnic, I've decided to upload some of my own gameplay! As a challenge for myself, I've also cranked up the difficulty to hard, which reduces the number of balls to three with no continues (unless you get extra credits and balls of course), all ball saving bumpers are deactivated by default, and the number of bumper hits required to complete specific missions has also been increased. It took me a long time to upload the Optics B gameplay, because my initial victory didn't have sound, so I had to beat it again (and this stage is really difficult). At the minimum, to complete this stage, you have to do the following: 1. Hit a flying target to trigger a "Point of No Return" mission 2. Collect all of the rings required, which have been placed all around the stage (some rings are only at specific areas, such as Yellow, Magenta, and Cyan) 3. Go back to the spawn location, a multiball mission will then start 4. (Optional) Complete a required task for the multiball mission 5. Repeat steps 1-4 two more times 6. After completing the third multiball mission, you'll be teleported to a Zero Gravity mission area 7. (Optional) Try to hit projectiles within the time limit. Second to last particle shape is a stick figure and the final one is a combination of all the previous shapes. If you manage to do this, you'll be awarded with a neat cake cutscene and a bunch of bonus points. If you don't, you'll just recieve no bonus and the cutscene won't play, but you'll still unlock the next stage 8. (Optional) You'll now be teleported back to spawn. You can now complete any leftover yellow missions that you hadn't completed before, which allows you to maximize the score, before playing the next stage (after quitting the stage, the score gets locked, meaning you won't get any more points) |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VahRvD_2iyY | 0 | Flipnic - Optics B (Hard difficulty gameplay) | . | Since I haven't found a lot of good full stage playthrough videos on Flipnic, I've decided to upload some of my own gameplay! As a challenge for myself, I've also cranked up the difficulty to hard, which reduces the number of balls to three with no continues (unless you get extra credits and balls of course), all ball saving bumpers are deactivated by default, and the number of bumper hits required to complete specific missions has also been increased. It took me a long time to upload the Optics B gameplay, because my initial victory didn't have sound, so I had to beat it again (and this stage is really difficult). At the minimum, to complete this stage, you have to do the following: 1. Hit a flying target to trigger a "Point of No Return" mission 2. Collect all of the rings required, which have been placed all around the stage (some rings are only at specific areas, such as Yellow, Magenta, and Cyan) 3. Go back to the spawn location, a multiball mission will then start 4. (Optional) Complete a required task for the multiball mission 5. Repeat steps 1-4 two more times 6. After completing the third multiball mission, you'll be teleported to a Zero Gravity mission area 7. (Optional) Try to hit projectiles within the time limit. Second to last particle shape is a stick figure and the final one is a combination of all the previous shapes. If you manage to do this, you'll be awarded with a neat cake cutscene and a bunch of bonus points. If you don't, you'll just recieve no bonus and the cutscene won't play, but you'll still unlock the next stage 8. (Optional) You'll now be teleported back to spawn. You can now complete any leftover yellow missions that you hadn't completed before, which allows you to maximize the score, before playing the next stage (after quitting the stage, the score gets locked, meaning you won't get any more points) |
. | FlipnicOpticsBHard.mp4 | Muud mängimise videod | Other gameplay videos | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/509.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/509.json | N/A | N/A | |
510 | Press any key to continue... | Flipnic - Geometry A (Hard difficulty gameplay) [no sound] | 0 | 2022-12-06 | Since I haven't found a lot of good full stage playthrough videos on Flipnic, I've decided to upload some of my own gameplay!As a challenge for myself, I've also cranked up the difficulty to hard, which reduces the number of balls to three with no continues (unless you get extra credits and balls of course), all ball saving bumpers are deactivated by default, and the number of bumper hits required to complete specific missions has also been increased. The Geometry stages provide a different type of gameplay with 2D-ish graphics, which is more similar to a brick breaker game, rather than a pinball game. Altough the video is shorter, this stage was actually more difficult than the Optics B stage for me. I'm apologize for no sound in this video. I was recording this with OBS and during recording the audio level meter did show activity, so I have no idea why it decided not to output sound to the final file. I might upload a version with sound in the future, but for now I wanted to get the video out, so this will have to do. At the minimum, to complete this stage, you have to do the following:1. Collect all purple keys 2. After collecting all the keys, you'll unlock the Space Warp mission, which lets you warp through the game field. 3. Warp 5 times to summon Area 74 flag, warp even more to summon the Alien Hill flag 4. We'll assume you hit the Area 74 flag first. In this mission, you must destroy the UFOs several times, while trying to avoid losing any balls. 5. If you hit the A-flag, you'll go to the Alien Hill mission. The goal here is to collect all blue keys and progress upwards until the counter reaches 0. 6. If you complete both Alien Hill and Area 74 missions, another flag, which is marked with E, appears. Collect it to start the Galaxy Tennis mission 7. (Optional) Try to hit your ball to the enemy position 3 times, while also defending your own position. 8. (Optional) You'll now be teleported back to spawn. You can now complete any leftover yellow missions that you hadn't completed before, which allows you to maximize the score, before playing the next stage (after quitting the stage, the score gets locked, meaning you won't get any more points) |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7R03-vNb7s | 0 | Flipnic - Geometry A (Hard difficulty gameplay) [no sound] | . | Since I haven't found a lot of good full stage playthrough videos on Flipnic, I've decided to upload some of my own gameplay!As a challenge for myself, I've also cranked up the difficulty to hard, which reduces the number of balls to three with no continues (unless you get extra credits and balls of course), all ball saving bumpers are deactivated by default, and the number of bumper hits required to complete specific missions has also been increased. The Geometry stages provide a different type of gameplay with 2D-ish graphics, which is more similar to a brick breaker game, rather than a pinball game. Altough the video is shorter, this stage was actually more difficult than the Optics B stage for me. I'm apologize for no sound in this video. I was recording this with OBS and during recording the audio level meter did show activity, so I have no idea why it decided not to output sound to the final file. I might upload a version with sound in the future, but for now I wanted to get the video out, so this will have to do. At the minimum, to complete this stage, you have to do the following:1. Collect all purple keys 2. After collecting all the keys, you'll unlock the Space Warp mission, which lets you warp through the game field. 3. Warp 5 times to summon Area 74 flag, warp even more to summon the Alien Hill flag 4. We'll assume you hit the Area 74 flag first. In this mission, you must destroy the UFOs several times, while trying to avoid losing any balls. 5. If you hit the A-flag, you'll go to the Alien Hill mission. The goal here is to collect all blue keys and progress upwards until the counter reaches 0. 6. If you complete both Alien Hill and Area 74 missions, another flag, which is marked with E, appears. Collect it to start the Galaxy Tennis mission 7. (Optional) Try to hit your ball to the enemy position 3 times, while also defending your own position. 8. (Optional) You'll now be teleported back to spawn. You can now complete any leftover yellow missions that you hadn't completed before, which allows you to maximize the score, before playing the next stage (after quitting the stage, the score gets locked, meaning you won't get any more points) |
. | 2022-12-06 21-42-10.mkv | Muud mängimise videod | Other gameplay videos | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/510.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/510.json | N/A | N/A | |
517 | MarkusTegelane | Linux Mint 21.1 paigaldamise õpetus (eesti keeles) [Arvuti nõuanded] | 0 | 2022-12-28 | See video näitab, kuidas paigaldada Linux Mint 21.1 enda arvutisse. Video ei ole mõeldud selle konkreetse operatsioonsüsteemi kasutamise õpetuseks, näitan lihtsalt, kuidas luua buutitav USB ja süsteem paigaldada. Järgmine video: tl;dw Markuse videod aastal 2022 ► *Lisamärkused* - Linux Minti puhul pole Secure Boot-i ehk turvalise käivitamise väljalülitamine kohustuslik. Seega, kui teie arvutis sellist valikut pole, siis saate ta lihtsalt sisse jätta ja muuta ainult buutimise järjekorda. - Selle konkreetse sülearvuti puhul oleks soovitatav olnud siiski Xfce versioon paigaldada, sest see oleks olnud kiirem. - Juhul kui valite "Midagi muud", siis peate määrama enda UEFI partitisiooni, juurkaustaga partitsiooni ning soovitatavalt ka swap partitsiooni. - Vabandan, kui see video oli monteerimise osas natuke primitiivne. Ma tahtsin võimalikult kiiresti teha ühe video enne 29. detsembrit, sest siis alustan aastat lõpetavate videote tegemisega. ► *Allalaadimise lingid* Linux Mint 21.1: https://www.linuxmint.com/download.php Rufus: https://rufus.ie/et/ ► *Teised lingid* Ajaveeb: https://markustegelane.blogspot.com (Feedburner/RSS: https://feeds.feedburner.com/markustegelane_ee) Veebisait: https://markustegelane.online Juhuslik video: https://markustegelane.online/markustegelane/random/?c=mt ► *Muusika* Video kasutab esitaja Vibe Tracks muusikat. Allikas: YouTube fonoteek. ► *Peatükid* 0:00 Sissejuhatus 0:22 ISO allalaadimine 1:04 Programmi Rufus allalaadimine ja kasutusala 2:10 ISO laadimine mälupulgale 5:33 Minu arvuti hetkeseis 6:24 Sisenemine SETUP programmi (1. meetod) 7:52 Sisenemine SETUP programmi (2. meetod) 9:16 Buutimise suvandite konfigureerimine 11:15 Mälupulgale buutimine 12:50 Katsetuskeskonna seadistamine ja sirvimine 14:38 Installimisprogrammi avamine 14:51 Süsteemi seadistamine ja paigaldamine 19:45 Paigaldusjärgne märguanne ja taaskäivitamine 21:18 Esmaseadituse aken 22:08 Lõpp ► *Lisainfo* Failinimi: MintInstall.mp4 Stiil: Sära (beeta) Tarkvara: DaVinci Resolve 18.1, OBS Studio, Aegisub, YTSubConverter Lindistamise kuupäev: 28. detsember 2022 ► *Kanalid* Põhikanal: youtube.com/@markusTegelane Lisakanal: youtube.com/@markusTegelaneLite Programmeerimiskanal: youtube.com/@hashMarkusTegelane Markuse asjad: youtube.com/@markuseasjad Press any key to continue: youtube.com/@PAKTC Markuse videod: youtube.com/@MarkusMaal ► *Aitäh, et vaatasite!* © 2022 Markuse videod ► *Teemaviited* #linuxmint #arvutinõuanded #paigaldamine |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJfjYUVQwHg | 0 | Linux Mint 21.1 install tutorial [Computer tips] | Linux Mint 21.1 paigaldamise õpetus (eesti keeles) [Arvuti nõuanded] | This video shows, how to install Linux Mint 21.1 to your computer. This video is not meant as a tutorial for this specific operating system, I'm just showing how to make a bootable USB and how to install the system. Next video: tl;dw Markus' videos in 2022 ► *Notes* - For Linux Mint, turning on secure boot is not a requirement. So, you can just change the boot order without disabling secure boot, if you can't find that option. - For this laptop, Xfce version would have been faster - If you choose "Something else", you must set the UEFI partition, root partition and it's also recommended to setup a swap partition. - Sorry, if the video was very primitive in terms of editing. I wanted to make a video as soon as possible before December 29th. ► *Download links* Linux Mint 21.1: https://www.linuxmint.com/download.php Rufus: https://rufus.ie/et/ ► *Other links* Blog: https://markustegelane-en.blogspot.com (Feedburner/RSS: https://feeds.feedburner.com/markustegelane) Website: https://markustegelane.online Random video: https://markustegelane.online/markustegelane/random/?c=mt ► *Music* Video uses music from Vibe Tracks. Source: YouTube Audio Library. ► *Chapters* 0:00 Introduction 0:22 Downloading the ISO file 1:04 Downloading Rufus and its usecase 2:10 Loading the ISO file to flash drive 5:33 Current state of the computer 6:24 Entering setup program (Method 1) 7:52 Entering setup program (Method 2) 9:16 Setting up boot options 11:15 Booting to flash drive 12:50 Setting up the live environment and testing 14:38 Opening the installation program 14:51 System setup and installation 19:45 Post-install window and restart 21:18 Initial setup window 22:08 The end ► *More information* File name: MintInstall.mp4 Style: Shine (beta) Software: DaVinci Resolve 18.1, OBS Studio, Aegisub, YTSubConverter Recording date: 28th December 2022 ► *Channels* Main channel: youtube.com/@markusTegelane Secondary channel: youtube.com/@markusTegelaneLite Programming channel: youtube.com/@hashMarkusTegelane Markus' stuff: youtube.com/@markuseasjad Press any key to continue: youtube.com/@PAKTC Markus' videos: youtube.com/@MarkusMaal ► *Thank you for watching!* © 2022 Markus' videos ► *Hashtags* #linuxmint #computertips #installation |
See video näitab, kuidas paigaldada Linux Mint 21.1 enda arvutisse. Video ei ole mõeldud selle konkreetse operatsioonsüsteemi kasutamise õpetuseks, näitan lihtsalt, kuidas luua buutitav USB ja süsteem paigaldada. Järgmine video: tl;dw Markuse videod aastal 2022 ► *Lisamärkused* - Linux Minti puhul pole Secure Boot-i ehk turvalise käivitamise väljalülitamine kohustuslik. Seega, kui teie arvutis sellist valikut pole, siis saate ta lihtsalt sisse jätta ja muuta ainult buutimise järjekorda. - Selle konkreetse sülearvuti puhul oleks soovitatav olnud siiski Xfce versioon paigaldada, sest see oleks olnud kiirem. - Juhul kui valite "Midagi muud", siis peate määrama enda UEFI partitisiooni, juurkaustaga partitsiooni ning soovitatavalt ka swap partitsiooni. - Vabandan, kui see video oli monteerimise osas natuke primitiivne. Ma tahtsin võimalikult kiiresti teha ühe video enne 29. detsembrit, sest siis alustan aastat lõpetavate videote tegemisega. ► *Allalaadimise lingid* Linux Mint 21.1: https://www.linuxmint.com/download.php Rufus: https://rufus.ie/et/ ► *Teised lingid* Ajaveeb: https://markustegelane.blogspot.com (Feedburner/RSS: https://feeds.feedburner.com/markustegelane_ee) Veebisait: https://markustegelane.online Juhuslik video: https://markustegelane.online/markustegelane/random/?c=mt ► *Muusika* Video kasutab esitaja Vibe Tracks muusikat. Allikas: YouTube fonoteek. ► *Peatükid* 0:00 Sissejuhatus 0:22 ISO allalaadimine 1:04 Programmi Rufus allalaadimine ja kasutusala 2:10 ISO laadimine mälupulgale 5:33 Minu arvuti hetkeseis 6:24 Sisenemine SETUP programmi (1. meetod) 7:52 Sisenemine SETUP programmi (2. meetod) 9:16 Buutimise suvandite konfigureerimine 11:15 Mälupulgale buutimine 12:50 Katsetuskeskonna seadistamine ja sirvimine 14:38 Installimisprogrammi avamine 14:51 Süsteemi seadistamine ja paigaldamine 19:45 Paigaldusjärgne märguanne ja taaskäivitamine 21:18 Esmaseadituse aken 22:08 Lõpp ► *Lisainfo* Failinimi: MintInstall.mp4 Stiil: Sära (beeta) Tarkvara: DaVinci Resolve 18.1, OBS Studio, Aegisub, YTSubConverter Lindistamise kuupäev: 28. detsember 2022 ► *Kanalid* Põhikanal: youtube.com/@markusTegelane Lisakanal: youtube.com/@markusTegelaneLite Programmeerimiskanal: youtube.com/@hashMarkusTegelane Markuse asjad: youtube.com/@markuseasjad Press any key to continue: youtube.com/@PAKTC Markuse videod: youtube.com/@MarkusMaal ► *Aitäh, et vaatasite!* © 2022 Markuse videod ► *Teemaviited* #linuxmint #arvutinõuanded #paigaldamine |
MintInstall.mp4 | Arvuti nõuanded | Computer tips | markustegelane,Markus Maal,Tegelane Markus,mmaal,TheMarkusGuy,computers,arvuti nõuanded,Linux,paigaldamine,kuidas paigaldada linux,how to install,Linux Mint,21.1 | N/A | MarkusTegelane | . | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/517.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/517.json | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/stream/517.en.ass |
550 | Press any key to continue... | Flipnic - all in-game videos [PS2 FMV Rip/Full quality 60 FPS] | 0 | 2023-10-01 | This video contains every single video clip from the Flipnic video game across various regions (including NTSC-U, NTSC-J and PAL regions). Compared to my previous video, this time I've used a different ripping process, through which I've converted the PSS files directly to a standard video format and not just recorded the emulator screen. There are now even more FMVs, which weren't originally included in my previous video. The low-res FMVs have been composited with a checkerboard pattern, so that you can see that they do in fact have a transparent background. Technical information: Video container: Interleaved audio/video streams, PSS file extension Low-res video format: IPU, 256x512 (full frame) or 256x256 (visible display) High-res video format: IPU, 512x448 (NTSC) or 512x512 (PAL) Audio format: Compressed Sony ADPCM, 44100kHz, interleave 0x400 Extraction commands: STR.BIN extraction: FlipnicBinExtractor /e STR.BIN STR TUTO.BIN extraction: FlipnicBinExtractor /e TUTO.BIN TUTO Video container: FlipnicBinExtractor /est [filename].PSS IPU conversion (high-res format, PAL): ffmpeg -r 25 -i [filename].PSS.IPU0 -c:v qtrle -pix_fmt rgb24 [filename].mov IPU conversion (high-res format, NTSC): ffmpeg -r 29.97-i [filename].PSS.IPU0 -c:v qtrle -pix_fmt rgb24 [filename].mov IPU conversion (low-res format, PAL): ffmpeg -r 50 -i [filename].PSS.IPU0 -c:v qtrle -pix_fmt rgb24 [filename].mov IPU conversion (low-res format, NTSC): ffmpeg -r 59.94 -i [filename].PSS.IPU0 -c:v qtrle -pix_fmt rgb24 [filename].mov Audio conversion: MFAudio /IF44100 /IC2 /II400 /IH0 /OTWAVU "[input filename].PSS.INT[stream ID, usually 1]" "[output filename].WAV" Extraction tools: FlipnicBinExtractor: https://github.com/MarkusMaal/FlipnicBinExtractor FFmpeg: https://ffmpeg.org/ MFAudio: https://www.zophar.net/utilities/ps2util/mfaudio-1-1.html Chapters: 0:00 SHUKYAKUDEMO.PSS (Audio 1) 1:23 SHUKYAKUDEMO.PSS (Audio 2) 2:48 SHUKYAKUDEMO.PSS (Audio 3) 4:13 SHUKYAKUDEMO.PSS (Audio 4) 5:38 SHUKYAKUDEMO.PSS (Audio 5) 7:03 TITLE_.PSS (NTSC-U) 7:19 TITLE_.PSS (PAL) 7:35 TITLE_.PSS (NTSC-J) 7:51 SILVER_DROP.PSS 8:07 CIRCLE_OF_LIFE.PSS 8:29 FREEZE_OVER.PSS 8:45 TAKIWARI.PSS 8:58 SILVER_DROP2.PSS 9:14 CIRCLE_OF_LIFE2.PSS 9:35 FREEZE_OVER2.PSS 9:51 TAKIWARI2.PSS 10:04 UFO_QUIZ_SHOW.PSS 10:14 LUCKEY_FLAMINGOS.PSS 10:20 POINT_OF_NO_RETURN.PSS 10:29 COLOR_PUZZLE2.PSS 10:36 HUNGLY_MONKEY.PSS 10:45 MULTIBALL.PSS 10:53 MULTIBALL03.PSS 10:59 MULTIBALL04.PSS 11:04 MULTIBALL05.PSS 11:14 SHOWTIME.PSS 11:18 MOVE_ON01.PSS 11:24 WATCH_OUT.PSS 11:29 MISSING.PSS 11:38 TILT2.PSS 11:44 EXTRABALL.PSS 11:49 EXTRABALL2.PSS 11:57 EXTRA_CREDIT.PSS 12:05 EXTRA_CREDIT02.PSS 12:13 NEXT_STAGE.PSS 12:33 CONGRATULATIONS01.PSS 12:40 CONGRATULATIONS02.PSS 12:46 CONGRATULATIONS03.PSS 12:55 CONGRATULATIONS04.PSS 13:04 CONGRATULATIONS05.PSS 13:13 CONGRATULATIONS06.PSS 13:22 CONGRATULATIONS07.PSS 13:31 CONGRATULATIONS08.PSS 13:39 CONGRATULATIONS09.PSS 13:46 CONGRATULATIONS10.PSS 13:58 GAME_OVER2.PSS 14:13 GAME_OVER3.PSS 14:21 GAME_OVER4.PSS 14:32 GAME_OVER5.PSS 14:46 GAME_OVER6.PSS (NTSC-J only) 14:58 STAFF_ROLL1.PSS (NTSC-U) 17:02 STAFF_ROLL1.PSS (NTSC-J) 19:06 STAFF_ROLL1.PSS (PAL) 21:10 STAFF_ROLL2.PSS (NTSC-U) 23:14 STAFF_ROLL2.PSS (NTSC-J) 25:18 STAFF_ROLL2.PSS (PAL) 27:22 UBI.PSS (PAL only) 27:30 BAD_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 28:03 SMALL_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 28:46 GOOD_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 29:24 GREAT_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 30:02 MIRACULOUS.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 30:40 CHAP01.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 33:59 CHAP02.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 37:52 CHAP03.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 41:57 CHAP04.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 44:39 CHAP05.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 49:50 CHAP06.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 53:21 CHAP07.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 55:28 CHAP01.PSS (NTSC-J) 58:49 CHAP02.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:02:42 CHAP03.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:06:48 CHAP04.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:09:31 CHAP05.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:14:44 CHAP06.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:18:16 CHAP07.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:20:24 BAD_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:21:04 SMALL_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:21:44 GOOD_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:22:24 GREAT_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:23:04 MIRACULOUS |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaA8-H71-3U | 0 | Flipnic - all in-game videos [PS2 FMV Rip/Full quality 60 FPS] | Flipnic - all in-game videos [PS2 FMV Rip/Full quality 60 FPS] | This video contains every single video clip from the Flipnic video game across various regions (including NTSC-U, NTSC-J and PAL regions). Compared to my previous video, this time I've used a different ripping process, through which I've converted the PSS files directly to a standard video format and not just recorded the emulator screen. There are now even more FMVs, which weren't originally included in my previous video. The low-res FMVs have been composited with a checkerboard pattern, so that you can see that they do in fact have a transparent background. Technical information: Video container: Interleaved audio/video streams, PSS file extension Low-res video format: IPU, 256x512 (full frame) or 256x256 (visible display) High-res video format: IPU, 512x448 (NTSC) or 512x512 (PAL) Audio format: Compressed Sony ADPCM, 44100kHz, interleave 0x400 Extraction commands: STR.BIN extraction: FlipnicBinExtractor /e STR.BIN STR TUTO.BIN extraction: FlipnicBinExtractor /e TUTO.BIN TUTO Video container: FlipnicBinExtractor /est [filename].PSS IPU conversion (high-res format, PAL): ffmpeg -r 25 -i [filename].PSS.IPU0 -c:v qtrle -pix_fmt rgb24 [filename].mov IPU conversion (high-res format, NTSC): ffmpeg -r 29.97-i [filename].PSS.IPU0 -c:v qtrle -pix_fmt rgb24 [filename].mov IPU conversion (low-res format, PAL): ffmpeg -r 50 -i [filename].PSS.IPU0 -c:v qtrle -pix_fmt rgb24 [filename].mov IPU conversion (low-res format, NTSC): ffmpeg -r 59.94 -i [filename].PSS.IPU0 -c:v qtrle -pix_fmt rgb24 [filename].mov Audio conversion: MFAudio /IF44100 /IC2 /II400 /IH0 /OTWAVU "[input filename].PSS.INT[stream ID, usually 1]" "[output filename].WAV" Extraction tools: FlipnicBinExtractor: https://github.com/MarkusMaal/FlipnicBinExtractor FFmpeg: https://ffmpeg.org/ MFAudio: https://www.zophar.net/utilities/ps2util/mfaudio-1-1.html Chapters: 0:00 SHUKYAKUDEMO.PSS (Audio 1) 1:23 SHUKYAKUDEMO.PSS (Audio 2) 2:48 SHUKYAKUDEMO.PSS (Audio 3) 4:13 SHUKYAKUDEMO.PSS (Audio 4) 5:38 SHUKYAKUDEMO.PSS (Audio 5) 7:03 TITLE_.PSS (NTSC-U) 7:19 TITLE_.PSS (PAL) 7:35 TITLE_.PSS (NTSC-J) 7:51 SILVER_DROP.PSS 8:07 CIRCLE_OF_LIFE.PSS 8:29 FREEZE_OVER.PSS 8:45 TAKIWARI.PSS 8:58 SILVER_DROP2.PSS 9:14 CIRCLE_OF_LIFE2.PSS 9:35 FREEZE_OVER2.PSS 9:51 TAKIWARI2.PSS 10:04 UFO_QUIZ_SHOW.PSS 10:14 LUCKEY_FLAMINGOS.PSS 10:20 POINT_OF_NO_RETURN.PSS 10:29 COLOR_PUZZLE2.PSS 10:36 HUNGLY_MONKEY.PSS 10:45 MULTIBALL.PSS 10:53 MULTIBALL03.PSS 10:59 MULTIBALL04.PSS 11:04 MULTIBALL05.PSS 11:14 SHOWTIME.PSS 11:18 MOVE_ON01.PSS 11:24 WATCH_OUT.PSS 11:29 MISSING.PSS 11:38 TILT2.PSS 11:44 EXTRABALL.PSS 11:49 EXTRABALL2.PSS 11:57 EXTRA_CREDIT.PSS 12:05 EXTRA_CREDIT02.PSS 12:13 NEXT_STAGE.PSS 12:33 CONGRATULATIONS01.PSS 12:40 CONGRATULATIONS02.PSS 12:46 CONGRATULATIONS03.PSS 12:55 CONGRATULATIONS04.PSS 13:04 CONGRATULATIONS05.PSS 13:13 CONGRATULATIONS06.PSS 13:22 CONGRATULATIONS07.PSS 13:31 CONGRATULATIONS08.PSS 13:39 CONGRATULATIONS09.PSS 13:46 CONGRATULATIONS10.PSS 13:58 GAME_OVER2.PSS 14:13 GAME_OVER3.PSS 14:21 GAME_OVER4.PSS 14:32 GAME_OVER5.PSS 14:46 GAME_OVER6.PSS (NTSC-J only) 14:58 STAFF_ROLL1.PSS (NTSC-U) 17:02 STAFF_ROLL1.PSS (NTSC-J) 19:06 STAFF_ROLL1.PSS (PAL) 21:10 STAFF_ROLL2.PSS (NTSC-U) 23:14 STAFF_ROLL2.PSS (NTSC-J) 25:18 STAFF_ROLL2.PSS (PAL) 27:22 UBI.PSS (PAL only) 27:30 BAD_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 28:03 SMALL_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 28:46 GOOD_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 29:24 GREAT_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 30:02 MIRACULOUS.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 30:40 CHAP01.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 33:59 CHAP02.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 37:52 CHAP03.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 41:57 CHAP04.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 44:39 CHAP05.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 49:50 CHAP06.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 53:21 CHAP07.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 55:28 CHAP01.PSS (NTSC-J) 58:49 CHAP02.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:02:42 CHAP03.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:06:48 CHAP04.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:09:31 CHAP05.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:14:44 CHAP06.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:18:16 CHAP07.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:20:24 BAD_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:21:04 SMALL_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:21:44 GOOD_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:22:24 GREAT_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:23:04 MIRACULOUS.PSS (NTSC-J) |
This video contains every single video clip from the Flipnic video game across various regions (including NTSC-U, NTSC-J and PAL regions). Compared to my previous video, this time I've used a different ripping process, through which I've converted the PSS files directly to a standard video format and not just recorded the emulator screen. There are now even more FMVs, which weren't originally included in my previous video. The low-res FMVs have been composited with a checkerboard pattern, so that you can see that they do in fact have a transparent background. Technical information: Video container: Interleaved audio/video streams, PSS file extension Low-res video format: IPU, 256x512 (full frame) or 256x256 (visible display) High-res video format: IPU, 512x448 (NTSC) or 512x512 (PAL) Audio format: Compressed Sony ADPCM, 44100kHz, interleave 0x400 Extraction commands: STR.BIN extraction: FlipnicBinExtractor /e STR.BIN STR TUTO.BIN extraction: FlipnicBinExtractor /e TUTO.BIN TUTO Video container: FlipnicBinExtractor /est [filename].PSS IPU conversion (high-res format, PAL): ffmpeg -r 25 -i [filename].PSS.IPU0 -c:v qtrle -pix_fmt rgb24 [filename].mov IPU conversion (high-res format, NTSC): ffmpeg -r 29.97-i [filename].PSS.IPU0 -c:v qtrle -pix_fmt rgb24 [filename].mov IPU conversion (low-res format, PAL): ffmpeg -r 50 -i [filename].PSS.IPU0 -c:v qtrle -pix_fmt rgb24 [filename].mov IPU conversion (low-res format, NTSC): ffmpeg -r 59.94 -i [filename].PSS.IPU0 -c:v qtrle -pix_fmt rgb24 [filename].mov Audio conversion: MFAudio /IF44100 /IC2 /II400 /IH0 /OTWAVU "[input filename].PSS.INT[stream ID, usually 1]" "[output filename].WAV" Extraction tools: FlipnicBinExtractor: https://github.com/MarkusMaal/FlipnicBinExtractor FFmpeg: https://ffmpeg.org/ MFAudio: https://www.zophar.net/utilities/ps2util/mfaudio-1-1.html Chapters: 0:00 SHUKYAKUDEMO.PSS (Audio 1) 1:23 SHUKYAKUDEMO.PSS (Audio 2) 2:48 SHUKYAKUDEMO.PSS (Audio 3) 4:13 SHUKYAKUDEMO.PSS (Audio 4) 5:38 SHUKYAKUDEMO.PSS (Audio 5) 7:03 TITLE_.PSS (NTSC-U) 7:19 TITLE_.PSS (PAL) 7:35 TITLE_.PSS (NTSC-J) 7:51 SILVER_DROP.PSS 8:07 CIRCLE_OF_LIFE.PSS 8:29 FREEZE_OVER.PSS 8:45 TAKIWARI.PSS 8:58 SILVER_DROP2.PSS 9:14 CIRCLE_OF_LIFE2.PSS 9:35 FREEZE_OVER2.PSS 9:51 TAKIWARI2.PSS 10:04 UFO_QUIZ_SHOW.PSS 10:14 LUCKEY_FLAMINGOS.PSS 10:20 POINT_OF_NO_RETURN.PSS 10:29 COLOR_PUZZLE2.PSS 10:36 HUNGLY_MONKEY.PSS 10:45 MULTIBALL.PSS 10:53 MULTIBALL03.PSS 10:59 MULTIBALL04.PSS 11:04 MULTIBALL05.PSS 11:14 SHOWTIME.PSS 11:18 MOVE_ON01.PSS 11:24 WATCH_OUT.PSS 11:29 MISSING.PSS 11:38 TILT2.PSS 11:44 EXTRABALL.PSS 11:49 EXTRABALL2.PSS 11:57 EXTRA_CREDIT.PSS 12:05 EXTRA_CREDIT02.PSS 12:13 NEXT_STAGE.PSS 12:33 CONGRATULATIONS01.PSS 12:40 CONGRATULATIONS02.PSS 12:46 CONGRATULATIONS03.PSS 12:55 CONGRATULATIONS04.PSS 13:04 CONGRATULATIONS05.PSS 13:13 CONGRATULATIONS06.PSS 13:22 CONGRATULATIONS07.PSS 13:31 CONGRATULATIONS08.PSS 13:39 CONGRATULATIONS09.PSS 13:46 CONGRATULATIONS10.PSS 13:58 GAME_OVER2.PSS 14:13 GAME_OVER3.PSS 14:21 GAME_OVER4.PSS 14:32 GAME_OVER5.PSS 14:46 GAME_OVER6.PSS (NTSC-J only) 14:58 STAFF_ROLL1.PSS (NTSC-U) 17:02 STAFF_ROLL1.PSS (NTSC-J) 19:06 STAFF_ROLL1.PSS (PAL) 21:10 STAFF_ROLL2.PSS (NTSC-U) 23:14 STAFF_ROLL2.PSS (NTSC-J) 25:18 STAFF_ROLL2.PSS (PAL) 27:22 UBI.PSS (PAL only) 27:30 BAD_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 28:03 SMALL_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 28:46 GOOD_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 29:24 GREAT_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 30:02 MIRACULOUS.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 30:40 CHAP01.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 33:59 CHAP02.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 37:52 CHAP03.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 41:57 CHAP04.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 44:39 CHAP05.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 49:50 CHAP06.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 53:21 CHAP07.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 55:28 CHAP01.PSS (NTSC-J) 58:49 CHAP02.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:02:42 CHAP03.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:06:48 CHAP04.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:09:31 CHAP05.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:14:44 CHAP06.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:18:16 CHAP07.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:20:24 BAD_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:21:04 SMALL_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:21:44 GOOD_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:22:24 GREAT_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:23:04 MIRACULOUS.PSS (NTSC-J) |
FlipnicFMVfullquality.mp4 | FMV klipid | FMV clips | Flipnic,pinball,PlayStation,PlayStation 2,game over,cutscene,FMV,full motion video,PSS,playstation stream,PAL,congratulations,Lisle Wilkerson,Randy Goins,Lemmy Constantine,no camera,electromechanical game simulator,poisonous,pinball is not dead,new game machine,van gogh,UFO,aliens,flying saucer,flamingo,monkey,freeze over,steel ball,weird,surreal,biology,optics,metallurgy,geometry,theology,evolution,puzzle,multiball,see you again,skeleton,skull,invasion,omg,tilt | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/550.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/550.json | N/A | N/A |
557 | Press any key to continue... | Beetle Crazy Cup - Subaru Impreza STI Rally [PC Mod Gameplay] | 0 | 2023-12-22 | This is a mod, which adds Subaru Impreza STI Rally car to Beetle Crazy Cup (a.k.a. Beetle Buggin). This mod requires Beetle Crazy Cup Tool for repacking game files. The car replaces some of the vehicles in the cross game mode. Download links: https://www.moddb.com/games/beetle-crazy-cup/downloads |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLzYv0smZco | 0 | Beetle Crazy Cup - Subaru Impreza STI Rally [PC Mod Gameplay] | Beetle Crazy Cup - Subaru Impreza STI Rally [PC Mod Gameplay] | This is a mod, which adds Subaru Impreza STI Rally car to Beetle Crazy Cup (a.k.a. Beetle Buggin). This mod requires Beetle Crazy Cup Tool for repacking game files. The car replaces some of the vehicles in the cross game mode. Download links: https://www.moddb.com/games/beetle-crazy-cup/downloads |
This is a mod, which adds Subaru Impreza STI Rally car to Beetle Crazy Cup (a.k.a. Beetle Buggin). This mod requires Beetle Crazy Cup Tool for repacking game files. The car replaces some of the vehicles in the cross game mode. Download links: https://www.moddb.com/games/beetle-crazy-cup/downloads |
BeetleImprezza.mp4 | Muud mängimise videod | Other gameplay videos | Beetle Buggin,Beetle Crazy Cup,car,impreza,mod,modification,rally car,subaru | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/557.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/557.json | N/A | N/A |
562 | Press any key to continue... | Pac-Man Rally (PS2 FMV/BGM Rip) | 0 | 2024-02-02 | Background music and intro movie from Pac-Man Rally (PS2). This is the EU name for this game, everywhere else it's known as "Pac-Man World Rally". Everything you hear and see in the video has been directly extracted and converted from game files. Chapters: 0:00 Arctic Iceberg (ArticIc.mib) 2:01 Award Ceremony/Artic Iceberg (Award.mib) 3:58 Canyon Crusade (CanyonCr.mib) 5:50 Cloud Garden (CloudGar.mib) 8:04 Toc-Man's Factory (DarkFact.mib) 10:01 Funhouse of Terror (Funhouse.mib) 11:58 Ghost Mansion (GhostMan.mib) 13:58 Intro (Intro.pss) 15:04 Jungle Safari (JungleSa.mib) 17:07 Galactic Outpost a.k.a. Lunar Launch (LunarLau.mib) 19:04 Molten Mountain (MoltenMo.mib) 21:03 Pirate Cove (PirateCo.mib) 22:52 Retro Maze/Menu (RetroMaz.mib) 25:02 Rolling Hills (RollingH.mib) 26:58 Spookys Castle (SpookysC.mib) 29:01 Subterranean Speedway? (Subterra.mib) 31:26 Winding Wetlands (WindingW.mib) 33:22 Menu music? (oldMidi.mib) 35:32 Unknown (songSnip.mib) Technical info: Intro movie: Container .PSS Format: PS2 Movie Audio Stream Codec: MPEG-1/2 Resolution: 640x448 Framerate: 29.97 fps Audio: Uncompressed PCM (freq. 48000 Hz, interleave 200 bytes, 1 audio stream) Background music (header files) Container .MIH 0x00 - 0x03 = Length of header 0x04 = Unknown 0x05 - 0x07 = Length of sample file ? 0x08 - 0x0B = Channels (e.g. 1 = mono, 2 = stereo) 0x0C - 0x0F = Audio frequency 0x10 - 0x13 = Interleave 0x14 - 0x17 = Unknown (Buffer size? Loop count?) 0x18 - 0x3F = Empty space Background music (samples) Container .MIB Format: Compressed Sony ADPCM audio Interleave, frequency, channels = Based on corresponding header file |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raX-LEe08b4 | 0 | Pac-Man Rally (PS2 FMV/BGM Rip) | Pac-Man Rally (PS2 FMV/BGM Rip) | Background music and intro movie from Pac-Man Rally (PS2). This is the EU name for this game, everywhere else it's known as "Pac-Man World Rally". Everything you hear and see in the video has been directly extracted and converted from game files. Chapters: 0:00 Arctic Iceberg (ArticIc.mib) 2:01 Award Ceremony/Artic Iceberg (Award.mib) 3:58 Canyon Crusade (CanyonCr.mib) 5:50 Cloud Garden (CloudGar.mib) 8:04 Toc-Man's Factory (DarkFact.mib) 10:01 Funhouse of Terror (Funhouse.mib) 11:58 Ghost Mansion (GhostMan.mib) 13:58 Intro (Intro.pss) 15:04 Jungle Safari (JungleSa.mib) 17:07 Galactic Outpost a.k.a. Lunar Launch (LunarLau.mib) 19:04 Molten Mountain (MoltenMo.mib) 21:03 Pirate Cove (PirateCo.mib) 22:52 Retro Maze/Menu (RetroMaz.mib) 25:02 Rolling Hills (RollingH.mib) 26:58 Spookys Castle (SpookysC.mib) 29:01 Subterranean Speedway? (Subterra.mib) 31:26 Winding Wetlands (WindingW.mib) 33:22 Menu music? (oldMidi.mib) 35:32 Unknown (songSnip.mib) Technical info: Intro movie: Container .PSS Format: PS2 Movie Audio Stream Codec: MPEG-1/2 Resolution: 640x448 Framerate: 29.97 fps Audio: Uncompressed PCM (freq. 48000 Hz, interleave 200 bytes, 1 audio stream) Background music (header files) Container .MIH 0x00 - 0x03 = Length of header 0x04 = Unknown 0x05 - 0x07 = Length of sample file ? 0x08 - 0x0B = Channels (e.g. 1 = mono, 2 = stereo) 0x0C - 0x0F = Audio frequency 0x10 - 0x13 = Interleave 0x14 - 0x17 = Unknown (Buffer size? Loop count?) 0x18 - 0x3F = Empty space Background music (samples) Container .MIB Format: Compressed Sony ADPCM audio Interleave, frequency, channels = Based on corresponding header file |
Background music and intro movie from Pac-Man Rally (PS2). This is the EU name for this game, everywhere else it's known as "Pac-Man World Rally". Everything you hear and see in the video has been directly extracted and converted from game files. Chapters: 0:00 Arctic Iceberg (ArticIc.mib) 2:01 Award Ceremony/Artic Iceberg (Award.mib) 3:58 Canyon Crusade (CanyonCr.mib) 5:50 Cloud Garden (CloudGar.mib) 8:04 Toc-Man's Factory (DarkFact.mib) 10:01 Funhouse of Terror (Funhouse.mib) 11:58 Ghost Mansion (GhostMan.mib) 13:58 Intro (Intro.pss) 15:04 Jungle Safari (JungleSa.mib) 17:07 Galactic Outpost a.k.a. Lunar Launch (LunarLau.mib) 19:04 Molten Mountain (MoltenMo.mib) 21:03 Pirate Cove (PirateCo.mib) 22:52 Retro Maze/Menu (RetroMaz.mib) 25:02 Rolling Hills (RollingH.mib) 26:58 Spookys Castle (SpookysC.mib) 29:01 Subterranean Speedway? (Subterra.mib) 31:26 Winding Wetlands (WindingW.mib) 33:22 Menu music? (oldMidi.mib) 35:32 Unknown (songSnip.mib) Technical info: Intro movie: Container .PSS Format: PS2 Movie Audio Stream Codec: MPEG-1/2 Resolution: 640x448 Framerate: 29.97 fps Audio: Uncompressed PCM (freq. 48000 Hz, interleave 200 bytes, 1 audio stream) Background music (header files) Container .MIH 0x00 - 0x03 = Length of header 0x04 = Unknown 0x05 - 0x07 = Length of sample file ? 0x08 - 0x0B = Channels (e.g. 1 = mono, 2 = stereo) 0x0C - 0x0F = Audio frequency 0x10 - 0x13 = Interleave 0x14 - 0x17 = Unknown (Buffer size? Loop count?) 0x18 - 0x3F = Empty space Background music (samples) Container .MIB Format: Compressed Sony ADPCM audio Interleave, frequency, channels = Based on corresponding header file |
pmr.mov | Muusika | Music | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/562.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/562.json | N/A | N/A | |
593 | Press any key to continue... | Constructor - Flicks and sound effects [DOS FLC RIP] | 0 | 2025-01-01 | All incidental video clips and sound effects found in the video game Constructor (1997). The video has been upscaled with nearest neighbor algorithm to compensate for video compression. Win, Lose and Intro FMVs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QH0Q5yded0s Extraction tools: constructor-fil: https://github.com/jimmypw/constructor-fil fli2gif: https://github.com/bovine/fli2gif and some custom batch scripts to perform bulk actions --Timestamps-- 00:00 Park 00:10 Homebase 00:22 Hospital 00:35 Gadget Factory 00:45 Gadget: Burglar Alarm 00:50 Gadget: Computer 00:56 Gadget: Rat Trap 01:02 Gadget: Repair Kit 01:08 Gadget: Window Shutters 01:14 Gadget: Double Glazing 01:20 School 01:40 Brick Factory 01:46 Cement Factory 01:58 Steel Factory 02:03 Wood Factory 02:11 Bank Teller 02:18 Prison 02:25 System3 logo 02:28 Haunted House 02:39 House Party 02:48 Squatter 02:58 Mob Boss 03:08 House of Fun 03:16 Mr. Fixit 03:21 Ghost Mansion 03:27 Hippy Commune 03:33 Biker Bar 03:38 Pawn House 03:44 Tenant Block 03:50 Weapons 04:12 Police --- Phone calls --- 04:17 Child (Call) - Variation 1 04:23 Child (Call) - Variation 2 04:29 Child (Call) - Variation 3 04:35 Clown (Call) 04:40 Delivery (Call) 04:46 Dog (Call) 04:52 Female Tenant (Call) 04:58 Male Tenant (Call) 05:05 Mr. Fixit (Call) 05:10 Foreman (Call) 05:17 Gangster (Call) 05:23 Skeleton (Call) 05:28 Hippy (Call) 05:34 Police (Call) 05:40 Psycho (Call) 05:45 Repairman (Call) 05:57 Roach (Call) 06:01 Thief (Call) 06:07 Thug (Call) 06:13 Builder (Call) 06:19 Zombie (Call) -- Complaining tenants -- 06:26 Stockbrokers (var. 1) 06:32 Stockbrokers (var. 2) 06:38 Stockbrokers (var. 3) 06:44 Greasers (var. 1) 06:51 Greasers (var. 2) 06:57 Greasers (var. 3) 07:04 Hippies (var. 1) 07:12 Hippies (var. 2) 07:19 Hippies (var. 3) 07:27 Major (var. 1) 07:35 Major (var. 2) 07:43 Major (var. 3) 07:51 Nerds (var. 1) 08:00 Nerds (var. 2) 08:08 Nerds (var. 3) 08:16 Professors (var. 1) 08:22 Professors (var. 2) 08:29 Professors (var. 3) 08:36 Punks (var. 1) 08:41 Punks (var. 2) 08:45 Punks (var. 3) 08:50 Slobs (var. 1) 08:59 Slobs (var. 2) 09:08 Slobs (var. 3) 09:17 Sloanes (var. 1) 09:26 Sloanes (var. 2) 09:34 Sloanes (var. 3) 09:43 Yuppies (var. 1) 09:51 Yuppies (var. 2) 09:59 Yuppies (var. 3) 10:06 Bathroom 1 10:16 Bathroom 2 10:26 Bathroom 3 10:36 Bathroom 4 10:54 Bathroom 5 11:11 Bedroom 1 11:21 Bedroom 2 11:39 Bedroom 3 11:49 Bedroom 4 12:07 Bedroom 5 12:24 Kitchen 1 12:42 Kitchen 2 12:52 Kitchen 3 13:09 Kitchen 4 13:27 Kitchen 5 13:37 Living Room 1 13:54 Living Room 2 14:04 Living Room 3 14:22 Living Room 4 14:39 Living Room 5 14:49 Building -- Vacant Buildings -- 15:06 House: 1920s 15:24 House: Adams 15:42 Arcade 16:00 House: Atlandic 16:18 Biker Bar 16:36 House: Bungalow 16:54 House: Cabin 17:12 Apartment Block 17:30 more house 17:48 even more house 18:06 House: Dutch 18:24 Fighting 18:32 Flood 18:40 House: Georg 18:58 House: Gothic 19:16 House: Japan 19:34 House: Lodge 19:52 House: Midwest 20:10 House: NewYork 20:28 House: North 20:46 House: Ohio 21:04 Pawn House 21:23 Hospital 21:41 Pub 21:59 House: Pyramid 22:17 House: Russian 22:35 House: Scottish 22:53 Mr. Fixit 23:11 noob house 23:29 Commune 23:47 funny house 24:05 House: Welsh -- LoopFX--- 24:23 Lose game 24:28 Happy tenants 24:36 Unhappy tenants 24:44 Sad tenants 24:52 Win game 24:59 Council 25:13 Infestation 25:20 Other sound effects |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwRIcbXnGkQ | 0 | Constructor - Flicks and sound effects [DOS FLC RIP] | Constructor - Flicks and sound effects [DOS FLC RIP] | All incidental video clips and sound effects found in the video game Constructor (1997). The video has been upscaled with nearest neighbor algorithm to compensate for video compression. Win, Lose and Intro FMVs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QH0Q5yded0s Extraction tools: constructor-fil: https://github.com/jimmypw/constructor-fil fli2gif: https://github.com/bovine/fli2gif and some custom batch scripts to perform bulk actions --Timestamps-- 00:00 Park 00:10 Homebase 00:22 Hospital 00:35 Gadget Factory 00:45 Gadget: Burglar Alarm 00:50 Gadget: Computer 00:56 Gadget: Rat Trap 01:02 Gadget: Repair Kit 01:08 Gadget: Window Shutters 01:14 Gadget: Double Glazing 01:20 School 01:40 Brick Factory 01:46 Cement Factory 01:58 Steel Factory 02:03 Wood Factory 02:11 Bank Teller 02:18 Prison 02:25 System3 logo 02:28 Haunted House 02:39 House Party 02:48 Squatter 02:58 Mob Boss 03:08 House of Fun 03:16 Mr. Fixit 03:21 Ghost Mansion 03:27 Hippy Commune 03:33 Biker Bar 03:38 Pawn House 03:44 Tenant Block 03:50 Weapons 04:12 Police --- Phone calls --- 04:17 Child (Call) - Variation 1 04:23 Child (Call) - Variation 2 04:29 Child (Call) - Variation 3 04:35 Clown (Call) 04:40 Delivery (Call) 04:46 Dog (Call) 04:52 Female Tenant (Call) 04:58 Male Tenant (Call) 05:05 Mr. Fixit (Call) 05:10 Foreman (Call) 05:17 Gangster (Call) 05:23 Skeleton (Call) 05:28 Hippy (Call) 05:34 Police (Call) 05:40 Psycho (Call) 05:45 Repairman (Call) 05:57 Roach (Call) 06:01 Thief (Call) 06:07 Thug (Call) 06:13 Builder (Call) 06:19 Zombie (Call) -- Complaining tenants -- 06:26 Stockbrokers (var. 1) 06:32 Stockbrokers (var. 2) 06:38 Stockbrokers (var. 3) 06:44 Greasers (var. 1) 06:51 Greasers (var. 2) 06:57 Greasers (var. 3) 07:04 Hippies (var. 1) 07:12 Hippies (var. 2) 07:19 Hippies (var. 3) 07:27 Major (var. 1) 07:35 Major (var. 2) 07:43 Major (var. 3) 07:51 Nerds (var. 1) 08:00 Nerds (var. 2) 08:08 Nerds (var. 3) 08:16 Professors (var. 1) 08:22 Professors (var. 2) 08:29 Professors (var. 3) 08:36 Punks (var. 1) 08:41 Punks (var. 2) 08:45 Punks (var. 3) 08:50 Slobs (var. 1) 08:59 Slobs (var. 2) 09:08 Slobs (var. 3) 09:17 Sloanes (var. 1) 09:26 Sloanes (var. 2) 09:34 Sloanes (var. 3) 09:43 Yuppies (var. 1) 09:51 Yuppies (var. 2) 09:59 Yuppies (var. 3) 10:06 Bathroom 1 10:16 Bathroom 2 10:26 Bathroom 3 10:36 Bathroom 4 10:54 Bathroom 5 11:11 Bedroom 1 11:21 Bedroom 2 11:39 Bedroom 3 11:49 Bedroom 4 12:07 Bedroom 5 12:24 Kitchen 1 12:42 Kitchen 2 12:52 Kitchen 3 13:09 Kitchen 4 13:27 Kitchen 5 13:37 Living Room 1 13:54 Living Room 2 14:04 Living Room 3 14:22 Living Room 4 14:39 Living Room 5 14:49 Building -- Vacant Buildings -- 15:06 House: 1920s 15:24 House: Adams 15:42 Arcade 16:00 House: Atlandic 16:18 Biker Bar 16:36 House: Bungalow 16:54 House: Cabin 17:12 Apartment Block 17:30 more house 17:48 even more house 18:06 House: Dutch 18:24 Fighting 18:32 Flood 18:40 House: Georg 18:58 House: Gothic 19:16 House: Japan 19:34 House: Lodge 19:52 House: Midwest 20:10 House: NewYork 20:28 House: North 20:46 House: Ohio 21:04 Pawn House 21:23 Hospital 21:41 Pub 21:59 House: Pyramid 22:17 House: Russian 22:35 House: Scottish 22:53 Mr. Fixit 23:11 noob house 23:29 Commune 23:47 funny house 24:05 House: Welsh -- LoopFX--- 24:23 Lose game 24:28 Happy tenants 24:36 Unhappy tenants 24:44 Sad tenants 24:52 Win game 24:59 Council 25:13 Infestation 25:20 Other sound effects |
All incidental video clips and sound effects found in the video game Constructor (1997). The video has been upscaled with nearest neighbor algorithm to compensate for video compression. Win, Lose and Intro FMVs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QH0Q5yded0s Extraction tools: constructor-fil: https://github.com/jimmypw/constructor-fil fli2gif: https://github.com/bovine/fli2gif and some custom batch scripts to perform bulk actions --Timestamps-- 00:00 Park 00:10 Homebase 00:22 Hospital 00:35 Gadget Factory 00:45 Gadget: Burglar Alarm 00:50 Gadget: Computer 00:56 Gadget: Rat Trap 01:02 Gadget: Repair Kit 01:08 Gadget: Window Shutters 01:14 Gadget: Double Glazing 01:20 School 01:40 Brick Factory 01:46 Cement Factory 01:58 Steel Factory 02:03 Wood Factory 02:11 Bank Teller 02:18 Prison 02:25 System3 logo 02:28 Haunted House 02:39 House Party 02:48 Squatter 02:58 Mob Boss 03:08 House of Fun 03:16 Mr. Fixit 03:21 Ghost Mansion 03:27 Hippy Commune 03:33 Biker Bar 03:38 Pawn House 03:44 Tenant Block 03:50 Weapons 04:12 Police --- Phone calls --- 04:17 Child (Call) - Variation 1 04:23 Child (Call) - Variation 2 04:29 Child (Call) - Variation 3 04:35 Clown (Call) 04:40 Delivery (Call) 04:46 Dog (Call) 04:52 Female Tenant (Call) 04:58 Male Tenant (Call) 05:05 Mr. Fixit (Call) 05:10 Foreman (Call) 05:17 Gangster (Call) 05:23 Skeleton (Call) 05:28 Hippy (Call) 05:34 Police (Call) 05:40 Psycho (Call) 05:45 Repairman (Call) 05:57 Roach (Call) 06:01 Thief (Call) 06:07 Thug (Call) 06:13 Builder (Call) 06:19 Zombie (Call) -- Complaining tenants -- 06:26 Stockbrokers (var. 1) 06:32 Stockbrokers (var. 2) 06:38 Stockbrokers (var. 3) 06:44 Greasers (var. 1) 06:51 Greasers (var. 2) 06:57 Greasers (var. 3) 07:04 Hippies (var. 1) 07:12 Hippies (var. 2) 07:19 Hippies (var. 3) 07:27 Major (var. 1) 07:35 Major (var. 2) 07:43 Major (var. 3) 07:51 Nerds (var. 1) 08:00 Nerds (var. 2) 08:08 Nerds (var. 3) 08:16 Professors (var. 1) 08:22 Professors (var. 2) 08:29 Professors (var. 3) 08:36 Punks (var. 1) 08:41 Punks (var. 2) 08:45 Punks (var. 3) 08:50 Slobs (var. 1) 08:59 Slobs (var. 2) 09:08 Slobs (var. 3) 09:17 Sloanes (var. 1) 09:26 Sloanes (var. 2) 09:34 Sloanes (var. 3) 09:43 Yuppies (var. 1) 09:51 Yuppies (var. 2) 09:59 Yuppies (var. 3) 10:06 Bathroom 1 10:16 Bathroom 2 10:26 Bathroom 3 10:36 Bathroom 4 10:54 Bathroom 5 11:11 Bedroom 1 11:21 Bedroom 2 11:39 Bedroom 3 11:49 Bedroom 4 12:07 Bedroom 5 12:24 Kitchen 1 12:42 Kitchen 2 12:52 Kitchen 3 13:09 Kitchen 4 13:27 Kitchen 5 13:37 Living Room 1 13:54 Living Room 2 14:04 Living Room 3 14:22 Living Room 4 14:39 Living Room 5 14:49 Building -- Vacant Buildings -- 15:06 House: 1920s 15:24 House: Adams 15:42 Arcade 16:00 House: Atlandic 16:18 Biker Bar 16:36 House: Bungalow 16:54 House: Cabin 17:12 Apartment Block 17:30 more house 17:48 even more house 18:06 House: Dutch 18:24 Fighting 18:32 Flood 18:40 House: Georg 18:58 House: Gothic 19:16 House: Japan 19:34 House: Lodge 19:52 House: Midwest 20:10 House: NewYork 20:28 House: North 20:46 House: Ohio 21:04 Pawn House 21:23 Hospital 21:41 Pub 21:59 House: Pyramid 22:17 House: Russian 22:35 House: Scottish 22:53 Mr. Fixit 23:11 noob house 23:29 Commune 23:47 funny house 24:05 House: Welsh -- LoopFX--- 24:23 Lose game 24:28 Happy tenants 24:36 Unhappy tenants 24:44 Sad tenants 24:52 Win game 24:59 Council 25:13 Infestation 25:20 Other sound effects |
ConstructorFlicks.mp4 | FMV klipid | FMV clips | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/593.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/593.json | N/A | N/A |