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ID | Kanal | Video | Kustutatud | Kuupäev | Kirjeldus | Subtiitrid | Avalik | Ülekanne | HD | URL | PRIVATE | TitleMUI_en | TitleMUI_et | KirjeldusMUI_en | KirjeldusMUI_et | Filename | Category | CategoryMUI_en | Tags | OdyseeURL | KanalMUI_en | KanalMUI_et | Translated | has_thumbnail | local_stream | ytdlp_meta | est_subs | eng_subs |
480 | Press any key to continue... | TrackMania - Menu Music | 0 | 2022-08-10 | This is the main menu music from TrackMania. TrackMania is an arcade racing game franchise, which was first created in 2003. The goal in these games is to collect as many medals as possible. You can also make your own maps and play with others online. The game also has a very active competitive scene, where players try to beat each other's times in an attempt to hold the world record on that track. That being said, this video was made just to make fun of Nadeo, for naming their latest game TrackMania, which is the same name they used for the first game (they started calling it "TrackMania Original" only after TrackMania Sunrise came out). And since you can't change history, I thought it would funny to confuse some people. |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLuRLCSWIA8 | 0 | . | . | This is the main menu music from TrackMania. TrackMania is an arcade racing game franchise, which was first created in 2003. The goal in these games is to collect as many medals as possible. You can also make your own maps and play with others online. The game also has a very active competitive scene, where players try to beat each other's times in an attempt to hold the world record on that track. That being said, this video was made just to make fun of Nadeo, for naming their latest game TrackMania, which is the same name they used for the first game (they started calling it "TrackMania Original" only after TrackMania Sunrise came out). And since you can't change history, I thought it would funny to confuse some people. |
. | tmroll2.mp4 | Muusika | Music | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/480.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/480.json | N/A | N/A | |
591 | MarkusTegelane | Top 100 minu tehtud TrackMania rada - The Movie | 0 | 2024-12-26 | Selles videos näitan ja hindan 100 erinevat rada, mida ma olen teinud aastate jooksul erinevates TrackMania mängudes. See video pidi algselt välja tulema 2017. aasta märtsis, kuid mitmed tehnilised väljakutsed takistasid sel ajal video reaalsuseks saamist (peamiselt seoses kõvakettaruumiga). See video avardab ka algset ideed, sest algselt tahtsin ainult näidata TMNF ja TMUF radasid, kuid selles videos näitan ka asju, mida ma tegin TrackMania² mängudes ja samuti uues TrackMania mängus. ■ Lingid ■ Veebisait: https://markustegelane.eu Ajaveeb: https://markustegelane.blogspot.com ❖ Teised kanalid ❖ MarkusTegelane+: @markusTegelanePlus MarkusTegelane++: @markusTegelanePlusPlus Markuse asjad: @markuseasjad Markus Maal: @MarkusMaal ◙ Peatükid ◙ 0:00 Intro 0:27 100 3:54 99 4:44 98 5:17 97 5:33 96 6:35 95 7:06 94 8:13 93 9:02 92 9:22 91 10:10 90 11:38 89 12:07 88 14:40 87 14:51 86 15:23 85 16:30 84 17:01 83 18:30 82 19:39 81 20:21 80 21:38 79 22:04 78 22:37 77 29:32 76 31:12 75 33:59 74 36:51 73 38:07 72 38:53 71 39:33 70 40:37 69 42:15 68 43:05 67 44:38 66 45:01 65 45:51 64 50:21 63 51:10 62 51:37 61 52:45 60 54:28 59 55:25 58 58:02 57 58:40 56 1:00:38 55 1:05:02 54 1:05:37 53 1:07:13 52 1:08:37 51 1:09:36 50 1:13:47 49 1:16:29 48 1:17:00 47 1:17:24 46 1:21:01 45 1:22:05 44 1:23:19 43 1:24:50 42 1:27:28 41 1:35:43 40 1:36:19 39 1:37:34 38 1:39:20 37 1:41:18 36 1:44:09 35 1:45:11 34 1:47:29 33 1:51:50 32 1:52:58 31 1:54:09 30 1:56:31 29 2:04:51 28 2:05:19 27 2:06:17 26 2:07:12 25 2:13:15 24 2:17:17 23 2:18:51 22 2:20:14 21 2:24:15 20 2:27:06 19 2:28:03 18 2:31:40 17 2:34:45 16 2:35:38 15 2:36:37 14 2:39:05 13 2:41:29 12 2:43:25 11 2:47:07 10 2:47:54 9 2:51:45 8 2:53:02 7 2:55:13 6 2:58:44 5 3:01:48 4 3:05:42 3 3:09:48 2 3:12:39 1 3:19:45 Lõputiitrid ? Lisainfo ? Faili nimi: tm100.mp4 Renderdamise aeg: 3 tundi, 39 minutit, 58 sekundit Protsessor: AMD Ryzen 7 5700X Tarkvara: Kdenlive 24.08.3, TrackMania United Forever, ManiaPlanet, TrackMania (2020), Windows 11 ? Video koostas: Markus Maal ? © 2024 Markuse videod |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ru_FvMuFr5o | 0 | Top 100 TrackMania maps I've ever made - The Movie | Top 100 minu tehtud TrackMania rada - The Movie | In this video I'm showcasing and ranking 100 different tracks I've made in various TrackMania games over the years. The video was originally supposed to come out in March 2017, but several technical challenges prevented my from making the video back then (mainly related to very hard disk space). This video expands on the original idea tough, since I originally only wanted to showcase TMNF and TMUF tracks, this video will also showcase stuff I've made in TrackMania² games as well as the new TrackMania game. ■ Links ■ Website: https://markustegelane.eu Blog: https://markustegelane-en.blogspot.com ❖ Other channels ❖ MarkusTegelane+: @markusTegelanePlus MarkusTegelane++: @markusTegelanePlusPlus Markus' stuff: @markuseasjad Markus Maal: @MarkusMaal ◙ Chapters ◙ 0:00 Intro 0:27 100 3:54 99 4:44 98 5:17 97 5:33 96 6:35 95 7:06 94 8:13 93 9:02 92 9:22 91 10:10 90 11:38 89 12:07 88 14:40 87 14:51 86 15:23 85 16:30 84 17:01 83 18:30 82 19:39 81 20:21 80 21:38 79 22:04 78 22:37 77 29:32 76 31:12 75 33:59 74 36:51 73 38:07 72 38:53 71 39:33 70 40:37 69 42:15 68 43:05 67 44:38 66 45:01 65 45:51 64 50:21 63 51:10 62 51:37 61 52:45 60 54:28 59 55:25 58 58:02 57 58:40 56 1:00:38 55 1:05:02 54 1:05:37 53 1:07:13 52 1:08:37 51 1:09:36 50 1:13:47 49 1:16:29 48 1:17:00 47 1:17:24 46 1:21:01 45 1:22:05 44 1:23:19 43 1:24:50 42 1:27:28 41 1:35:43 40 1:36:19 39 1:37:34 38 1:39:20 37 1:41:18 36 1:44:09 35 1:45:11 34 1:47:29 33 1:51:50 32 1:52:58 31 1:54:09 30 1:56:31 29 2:04:51 28 2:05:19 27 2:06:17 26 2:07:12 25 2:13:15 24 2:17:17 23 2:18:51 22 2:20:14 21 2:24:15 20 2:27:06 19 2:28:03 18 2:31:40 17 2:34:45 16 2:35:38 15 2:36:37 14 2:39:05 13 2:41:29 12 2:43:25 11 2:47:07 10 2:47:54 9 2:51:45 8 2:53:02 7 2:55:13 6 2:58:44 5 3:01:48 4 3:05:42 3 3:09:48 2 3:12:39 1 3:19:45 Credits ? Additional information ? Filename: tm100.mp4 Render time: 3 hours, 39 minutes, 58 seconds Processor: AMD Ryzen 7 5700X Software: Kdenlive 24.08.3, TrackMania United Forever, ManiaPlanet, TrackMania (2020), Windows 11 ? Created by: Markus Maal ? © 2024 Markuse videod |
Selles videos näitan ja hindan 100 erinevat rada, mida ma olen teinud aastate jooksul erinevates TrackMania mängudes. See video pidi algselt välja tulema 2017. aasta märtsis, kuid mitmed tehnilised väljakutsed takistasid sel ajal video reaalsuseks saamist (peamiselt seoses kõvakettaruumiga). See video avardab ka algset ideed, sest algselt tahtsin ainult näidata TMNF ja TMUF radasid, kuid selles videos näitan ka asju, mida ma tegin TrackMania² mängudes ja samuti uues TrackMania mängus. ■ Lingid ■ Veebisait: https://markustegelane.eu Ajaveeb: https://markustegelane.blogspot.com ❖ Teised kanalid ❖ MarkusTegelane+: @markusTegelanePlus MarkusTegelane++: @markusTegelanePlusPlus Markuse asjad: @markuseasjad Markus Maal: @MarkusMaal ◙ Peatükid ◙ 0:00 Intro 0:27 100 3:54 99 4:44 98 5:17 97 5:33 96 6:35 95 7:06 94 8:13 93 9:02 92 9:22 91 10:10 90 11:38 89 12:07 88 14:40 87 14:51 86 15:23 85 16:30 84 17:01 83 18:30 82 19:39 81 20:21 80 21:38 79 22:04 78 22:37 77 29:32 76 31:12 75 33:59 74 36:51 73 38:07 72 38:53 71 39:33 70 40:37 69 42:15 68 43:05 67 44:38 66 45:01 65 45:51 64 50:21 63 51:10 62 51:37 61 52:45 60 54:28 59 55:25 58 58:02 57 58:40 56 1:00:38 55 1:05:02 54 1:05:37 53 1:07:13 52 1:08:37 51 1:09:36 50 1:13:47 49 1:16:29 48 1:17:00 47 1:17:24 46 1:21:01 45 1:22:05 44 1:23:19 43 1:24:50 42 1:27:28 41 1:35:43 40 1:36:19 39 1:37:34 38 1:39:20 37 1:41:18 36 1:44:09 35 1:45:11 34 1:47:29 33 1:51:50 32 1:52:58 31 1:54:09 30 1:56:31 29 2:04:51 28 2:05:19 27 2:06:17 26 2:07:12 25 2:13:15 24 2:17:17 23 2:18:51 22 2:20:14 21 2:24:15 20 2:27:06 19 2:28:03 18 2:31:40 17 2:34:45 16 2:35:38 15 2:36:37 14 2:39:05 13 2:41:29 12 2:43:25 11 2:47:07 10 2:47:54 9 2:51:45 8 2:53:02 7 2:55:13 6 2:58:44 5 3:01:48 4 3:05:42 3 3:09:48 2 3:12:39 1 3:19:45 Lõputiitrid ? Lisainfo ? Faili nimi: tm100.mp4 Renderdamise aeg: 3 tundi, 39 minutit, 58 sekundit Protsessor: AMD Ryzen 7 5700X Tarkvara: Kdenlive 24.08.3, TrackMania United Forever, ManiaPlanet, TrackMania (2020), Windows 11 ? Video koostas: Markus Maal ? © 2024 Markuse videod |
tm100.mp4 | MarkuStation 1 | MarkuStation 1 | markustegelane,TheMarkusGuy,trackmania,trackmania (video game series),trackmania top 100,trackmania 2: canyon (video game),top 100,trackmania nations forever,trackmania random map,trackmania drift,trackmania speedrun,trackmania ice,trackmania club,trackmania best,trackmania 2021,trackmania ranked,movie,trackmania exchange,gaming,MarkuStation,trackmania 2: valley (video game),trackmania 2 lagoon,trackmania united forever,trackmania sunrise,stadium,coast,valley | N/A | MarkusTegelane | . | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/591.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/591.json | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/stream/591.en.ass |