Leiti 35 vastet.

ID Kanal Video Kustutatud Kuupäev Kirjeldus Subtiitrid Avalik Ülekanne HD URL PRIVATE TitleMUI_en TitleMUI_et KirjeldusMUI_en KirjeldusMUI_et Filename Category CategoryMUI_en Tags OdyseeURL KanalMUI_en KanalMUI_et Translated has_thumbnail local_stream
589 MarkusTegelane Vaatame esimesi MarkusTegelane videoid (feat. kadunud meedia) [1. osa] 0 2024-12-20 Selles videos vaatan esimesi enda tehtud YouTube videoid, mille laadisin üles vahemikus 2013-2015. Räägin videote tegemis protsessist, miks ma üldse nad tegin ja muudest asjadest, mida tahan lisada.

Kui teid huvitab mu kanali ajalugu, siis "Markus Maal - läbi nende aastate" räägib ka videotest, mida ma tegin enne YouTube kanali tegemist (nn klassikaline ajastu): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTBuIM4fQeE

⏰ Peatükid ⏰
0:00 Sissejuhatus
2:58 2013
3:36 TrackMania Foreveri rajad
16:26 TrackMania lahedad rajad
29:17 ManiaPlanet rajad
38:36 TrackMania rally rajad
52:45 Tom läks lolliks
54:07 2014
54:37 Talking Ben - Krooksutamine aeg luubis
55:25 Kuidas näha graafikakaardi informatsiooni?
58:26 TrackMania kokkupõrked
1:00:22 Windows XP tootetugi on lõppenud
1:09:00 Batch game: Movement Batch
1:12:28 Kuidas panna arvuti sunniviisiliselt näitama sinist ekraani?
1:15:14 2015
1:18:00 Minu uus YouTube intro (1024p)
1:20:39 @rebane2001 loodud intro
1:22:39 Milline võiks olla mu järgmine video?
1:23:47 Movement Batch 200 views special update
1:29:26 Markus mängib I - Windows 7 mängud [VAATAJATE OTSUS]
1:31:20 Kuidas näha graafikakaardi informatsiooni Windows 7 puhul?
1:32:52 Kuidas näha arvuti põhjalikku informatsiooni?
1:39:42 Mida võib pudel teha? (Talking Ben)
1:41:08 Crashing Windows
1:45:20 Kuidas teha minu sarnast Movement Batch mängu?
1:52:01 Erinevad Windowsi veateateekraanid
2:00:08 Kass tahab peeru süüa

■ Lingid ■
Veebisait: https://markustegelane.eu
Ajaveeb: https://markustegelane.blogspot.com

❖ Teised kanalid ❖
MarkusTegelane+: @markusTegelanePlus
MarkusTegelane++: @markusTegelanePlusPlus
Markuse asjad: @markuseasjad
Markus Maal: @MarkusMaal

? Lisainfo ?
Faili nimi: lookback1.mp4
Renderdamise aeg: 27 minutit, 2 sekundit
Renderdatud 2020 M1 Macbook Pro sülearvutis
Tarkvara: DaVinci Resolve 19.0.2, VLC Player, PaintDotNET, Windows 11, macOS Seqouia

? Video koostas: Markus Maal ?
© 2024 Markuse videod
0 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7NkgNw52o8 0 Watching first MarkusTegelane videos (feat. lost media) [Part 1] Vaatame esimesi MarkusTegelane videoid (feat. kadunud meedia) [1. osa] In this video I'm looking back at the first videos I've ever uploaded to YouTube from the 2013-2015 range. I'll talk about the process of making these videos, why they even got made and other stuff I just want to add to the video.

Note. This video currently has no English subtitles available and is intended for audiences who can understand Estonian. Subtitles may come later, however since this is a very long video, it might take a while for me to make them.

⏰ Chapters ⏰
0:00 Introduction
2:58 2013
3:36 TrackMania Foreveri rajad
16:26 TrackMania lahedad rajad
29:17 ManiaPlanet rajad
38:36 TrackMania rally rajad
52:45 Tom läks lolliks
54:07 2014
54:37 Talking Ben - Krooksutamine aeg luubis
55:25 Kuidas näha graafikakaardi informatsiooni?
58:26 TrackMania kokkupõrked
1:00:22 Windows XP tootetugi on lõppenud
1:09:00 Batch game: Movement Batch
1:12:28 Kuidas panna arvuti sunniviisiliselt näitama sinist ekraani?
1:15:14 2015
1:18:00 Minu uus YouTube intro (1024p)
1:20:39 @rebane2001 loodud intro
1:22:39 Milline võiks olla mu järgmine video?
1:23:47 Movement Batch 200 views special update
1:29:26 Markus mängib I - Windows 7 mängud [VAATAJATE OTSUS]
1:31:20 Kuidas näha graafikakaardi informatsiooni Windows 7 puhul?
1:32:52 Kuidas näha arvuti põhjalikku informatsiooni?
1:39:42 Mida võib pudel teha? (Talking Ben)
1:41:08 Crashing Windows
1:45:20 Kuidas teha minu sarnast Movement Batch mängu?
1:52:01 Erinevad Windowsi veateateekraanid
2:00:08 Kass tahab peeru süüa

■ Links ■
Website: https://markustegelane.eu
Blog: https://markustegelane-en.blogspot.com

❖ Other channels ❖
MarkusTegelane+: @markusTegelanePlus
MarkusTegelane++: @markusTegelanePlusPlus
Markus' stuff: @markuseasjad
Markus Maal: @MarkusMaal

? Additional information ?
Filename: lookback1.mp4
Render time: 27 minutes, 2 seconds
Renderded on 2020 M1 Macbook Pro
Software: DaVinci Resolve 19.0.2, VLC Player, PaintDotNET, Windows 11, macOS Seqouia

? Created by: Markus Maal ?
© 2024 Markuse videod
Selles videos vaatan esimesi enda tehtud YouTube videoid, mille laadisin üles vahemikus 2013-2015. Räägin videote tegemis protsessist, miks ma üldse nad tegin ja muudest asjadest, mida tahan lisada.

Kui teid huvitab mu kanali ajalugu, siis "Markus Maal - läbi nende aastate" räägib ka videotest, mida ma tegin enne YouTube kanali tegemist (nn klassikaline ajastu): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTBuIM4fQeE

⏰ Peatükid ⏰
0:00 Sissejuhatus
2:58 2013
3:36 TrackMania Foreveri rajad
16:26 TrackMania lahedad rajad
29:17 ManiaPlanet rajad
38:36 TrackMania rally rajad
52:45 Tom läks lolliks
54:07 2014
54:37 Talking Ben - Krooksutamine aeg luubis
55:25 Kuidas näha graafikakaardi informatsiooni?
58:26 TrackMania kokkupõrked
1:00:22 Windows XP tootetugi on lõppenud
1:09:00 Batch game: Movement Batch
1:12:28 Kuidas panna arvuti sunniviisiliselt näitama sinist ekraani?
1:15:14 2015
1:18:00 Minu uus YouTube intro (1024p)
1:20:39 @rebane2001 loodud intro
1:22:39 Milline võiks olla mu järgmine video?
1:23:47 Movement Batch 200 views special update
1:29:26 Markus mängib I - Windows 7 mängud [VAATAJATE OTSUS]
1:31:20 Kuidas näha graafikakaardi informatsiooni Windows 7 puhul?
1:32:52 Kuidas näha arvuti põhjalikku informatsiooni?
1:39:42 Mida võib pudel teha? (Talking Ben)
1:41:08 Crashing Windows
1:45:20 Kuidas teha minu sarnast Movement Batch mängu?
1:52:01 Erinevad Windowsi veateateekraanid
2:00:08 Kass tahab peeru süüa

■ Lingid ■
Veebisait: https://markustegelane.eu
Ajaveeb: https://markustegelane.blogspot.com

❖ Teised kanalid ❖
MarkusTegelane+: @markusTegelanePlus
MarkusTegelane++: @markusTegelanePlusPlus
Markuse asjad: @markuseasjad
Markus Maal: @MarkusMaal

? Lisainfo ?
Faili nimi: lookback1.mp4
Renderdamise aeg: 27 minutit, 2 sekundit
Renderdatud 2020 M1 Macbook Pro sülearvutis
Tarkvara: DaVinci Resolve 19.0.2, VLC Player, PaintDotNET, Windows 11, macOS Seqouia

? Video koostas: Markus Maal ?
© 2024 Markuse videod
lookback1.mp4 Kommentaar Commentary markustegelane,Markus Maal,Tegelane Markus,mmaal,TheMarkusGuy,computers N/A MarkusTegelane . 0 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/589.jpg N/A
583 MarkusTegelane+ 15 minutit klippe videotest, mida ma (lõpuni) ei monteerinud 0 2024-10-19 Videod, mida ma erinevatel põhjustel otsustasin avaldamata jätta.

0:00 Kuidas käbi? [Arvuti nõuanded] - @markusTegelane
0:02 Windows 7 paigaldamine sinisesse HP sülearvutisse [Markuse arvuti meelelahutus] - @markusTegelane
0:43 OneUI 6 paigaldamine rootitud seadmesse - @markusTegelanePlus
1:20 Monitori OSD-ga jamamine - @markusTegelane
4:10 X.orgi suurim puudus - @markusTegelanePlus
4:28 KDE Plasma 6 paigaldamine väljalaskepäeval - @markusTegelanePlus
7:28 Välja lõigatud klipp PonyOS videost - @markusTegelane
7:37 The most broken flash game ever made (Part 2) - @PAKTC
7:59 Otseülekande paigutuse testimine - @markusTegelanePlus
8:33 Monteerimata klipp uue aasta vastuvõtja introst - @markuseasjad
8:42 Monteerimata klipp Windows 8.1 toe lõpu videost - @markusTegelane
8:54 Blue Screen Simulator Plus 2.0 (rääkimisega tutvustus) - @markusTegelane
8:57 Various Windows blue screens (monteerimine) - ?
9:07 Vaatajate operatsioonsüsteemid (monteerimata klipp) - @markusTegelanePlus
9:12 Võidusõit sillaga - @markusTegelanePlus
9:42 Kui kaugele on võimalik sõita mängus TrackMania? - @markusTegelane
11:59 [devUpdate 2] Blue Screen Simulator Plus 3.0 - @markusTegelanePlusPlus
13:05 vana ja mitte eriti hea lähtekoodi ülevaade - @markusTegelanePlusPlus
13:19 White Screen OS (a.k.a. Light Mode/OS) - @markusTegelanePlus
13:30 Colin McRae Rally 2.0 intro [60 FPS AI Interpolated] - @PAKTC
13:55 Blue Screen Simulator Plus for Android - @markusTegelane
0 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQKCrWUWBtI 0 15 minutit klippe videotest, mida ma (lõpuni) ei monteerinud 15 minutit klippe videotest, mida ma (lõpuni) ei monteerinud Videod, mida ma erinevatel põhjustel otsustasin avaldamata jätta.

0:00 Kuidas käbi? [Arvuti nõuanded] - @markusTegelane
0:02 Windows 7 paigaldamine sinisesse HP sülearvutisse [Markuse arvuti meelelahutus] - @markusTegelane
0:43 OneUI 6 paigaldamine rootitud seadmesse - @markusTegelanePlus
1:20 Monitori OSD-ga jamamine - @markusTegelane
4:10 X.orgi suurim puudus - @markusTegelanePlus
4:28 KDE Plasma 6 paigaldamine väljalaskepäeval - @markusTegelanePlus
7:28 Välja lõigatud klipp PonyOS videost - @markusTegelane
7:37 The most broken flash game ever made (Part 2) - @PAKTC
7:59 Otseülekande paigutuse testimine - @markusTegelanePlus
8:33 Monteerimata klipp uue aasta vastuvõtja introst - @markuseasjad
8:42 Monteerimata klipp Windows 8.1 toe lõpu videost - @markusTegelane
8:54 Blue Screen Simulator Plus 2.0 (rääkimisega tutvustus) - @markusTegelane
8:57 Various Windows blue screens (monteerimine) - ?
9:07 Vaatajate operatsioonsüsteemid (monteerimata klipp) - @markusTegelanePlus
9:12 Võidusõit sillaga - @markusTegelanePlus
9:42 Kui kaugele on võimalik sõita mängus TrackMania? - @markusTegelane
11:59 [devUpdate 2] Blue Screen Simulator Plus 3.0 - @markusTegelanePlusPlus
13:05 vana ja mitte eriti hea lähtekoodi ülevaade - @markusTegelanePlusPlus
13:19 White Screen OS (a.k.a. Light Mode/OS) - @markusTegelanePlus
13:30 Colin McRae Rally 2.0 intro [60 FPS AI Interpolated] - @PAKTC
13:55 Blue Screen Simulator Plus for Android - @markusTegelane
Videod, mida ma erinevatel põhjustel otsustasin avaldamata jätta.

0:00 Kuidas käbi? [Arvuti nõuanded] - @markusTegelane
0:02 Windows 7 paigaldamine sinisesse HP sülearvutisse [Markuse arvuti meelelahutus] - @markusTegelane
0:43 OneUI 6 paigaldamine rootitud seadmesse - @markusTegelanePlus
1:20 Monitori OSD-ga jamamine - @markusTegelane
4:10 X.orgi suurim puudus - @markusTegelanePlus
4:28 KDE Plasma 6 paigaldamine väljalaskepäeval - @markusTegelanePlus
7:28 Välja lõigatud klipp PonyOS videost - @markusTegelane
7:37 The most broken flash game ever made (Part 2) - @PAKTC
7:59 Otseülekande paigutuse testimine - @markusTegelanePlus
8:33 Monteerimata klipp uue aasta vastuvõtja introst - @markuseasjad
8:42 Monteerimata klipp Windows 8.1 toe lõpu videost - @markusTegelane
8:54 Blue Screen Simulator Plus 2.0 (rääkimisega tutvustus) - @markusTegelane
8:57 Various Windows blue screens (monteerimine) - ?
9:07 Vaatajate operatsioonsüsteemid (monteerimata klipp) - @markusTegelanePlus
9:12 Võidusõit sillaga - @markusTegelanePlus
9:42 Kui kaugele on võimalik sõita mängus TrackMania? - @markusTegelane
11:59 [devUpdate 2] Blue Screen Simulator Plus 3.0 - @markusTegelanePlusPlus
13:05 vana ja mitte eriti hea lähtekoodi ülevaade - @markusTegelanePlusPlus
13:19 White Screen OS (a.k.a. Light Mode/OS) - @markusTegelanePlus
13:30 Colin McRae Rally 2.0 intro [60 FPS AI Interpolated] - @PAKTC
13:55 Blue Screen Simulator Plus for Android - @markusTegelane
unreleased_r2.mp4 Varia Miscellaneous N/A MarkusTegelane+ . 0 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/583.jpg N/A
568 MarkusTegelane++ Light OS with draggable windows is really broken [Fun Experiments 0x00] 0 2024-03-15 For this video, I added window movement to Light OS just for fun. All I did was add two custom macros and PPTGames Cursor API to be able to drag a window around. Then I grouped shapes which are related to the window I wanted to move as "RegularApp:1" and added a hidden shape "MoveEvent", which would store the current state of window movement as a global variable. Finally, I added a mouse hover action to the titlebar, which points to the MovableWindow macro.

I am not making the .ppsm file, because a lot of stuff is broken, however you can find the macro I added in this secret gist: https://gist.github.com/MarkusMaal/a9d56efc5433a5ac1821adcf43cf9235

There are several reasons why this doesn't really work all that well and would require some serious reworks, some of which being the following:
1. There are custom animations which don't play, because in order to make the window draggable, I had to group all of the shapes in it
2. All slides have a reveal transition, which make window movement jittery (would need to be disabled if windows are being moved, but I didn't do it for this proof of concept video)
3. Appear/disappear animations would need to be implemented programmatically for shapes, which appear from trigger animations to stay on screen (these include volume test, power controls and opaque backdrop)
4. ActiveX controls don't disappear and don't get replaced by placeholders, meaning they stay on screen, flickering and being on top of the window, staying in one place.
5. The close button is on top of the area, where the mouse hover trigger for window movement is. This means that it might be difficult to click that button, as the Cursor API might think there is window movement going on. Easy fix would be to introduce a sort of "deadzone" where the hover trigger isn't active.
6. There is no multi-tasking, since windows appear on separate slides
7. Sound clips would have to be disabled, while the window is being moved

All of these issues are addressed in my next upcoming PowerPoint OS (Codename OrangePath), which was designed from the ground up to have movable window capabilities and multitasking, so stay tuned...
0 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwAvwf8xYeA 0 Light OS with draggable windows is really broken [Fun Experiments 0x00] Light OS with draggable windows is really broken [Fun Experiments 0x00] For this video, I added window movement to Light OS just for fun. All I did was add two custom macros and PPTGames Cursor API to be able to drag a window around. Then I grouped shapes which are related to the window I wanted to move as "RegularApp:1" and added a hidden shape "MoveEvent", which would store the current state of window movement as a global variable. Finally, I added a mouse hover action to the titlebar, which points to the MovableWindow macro.

I am not making the .ppsm file, because a lot of stuff is broken, however you can find the macro I added in this secret gist: https://gist.github.com/MarkusMaal/a9d56efc5433a5ac1821adcf43cf9235

There are several reasons why this doesn't really work all that well and would require some serious reworks, some of which being the following:
1. There are custom animations which don't play, because in order to make the window draggable, I had to group all of the shapes in it
2. All slides have a reveal transition, which make window movement jittery (would need to be disabled if windows are being moved, but I didn't do it for this proof of concept video)
3. Appear/disappear animations would need to be implemented programmatically for shapes, which appear from trigger animations to stay on screen (these include volume test, power controls and opaque backdrop)
4. ActiveX controls don't disappear and don't get replaced by placeholders, meaning they stay on screen, flickering and being on top of the window, staying in one place.
5. The close button is on top of the area, where the mouse hover trigger for window movement is. This means that it might be difficult to click that button, as the Cursor API might think there is window movement going on. Easy fix would be to introduce a sort of "deadzone" where the hover trigger isn't active.
6. There is no multi-tasking, since windows appear on separate slides
7. Sound clips would have to be disabled, while the window is being moved

All of these issues are addressed in my next upcoming PowerPoint OS (Codename OrangePath), which was designed from the ground up to have movable window capabilities and multitasking, so stay tuned...
For this video, I added window movement to Light OS just for fun. All I did was add two custom macros and PPTGames Cursor API to be able to drag a window around. Then I grouped shapes which are related to the window I wanted to move as "RegularApp:1" and added a hidden shape "MoveEvent", which would store the current state of window movement as a global variable. Finally, I added a mouse hover action to the titlebar, which points to the MovableWindow macro.

I am not making the .ppsm file, because a lot of stuff is broken, however you can find the macro I added in this secret gist: https://gist.github.com/MarkusMaal/a9d56efc5433a5ac1821adcf43cf9235

There are several reasons why this doesn't really work all that well and would require some serious reworks, some of which being the following:
1. There are custom animations which don't play, because in order to make the window draggable, I had to group all of the shapes in it
2. All slides have a reveal transition, which make window movement jittery (would need to be disabled if windows are being moved, but I didn't do it for this proof of concept video)
3. Appear/disappear animations would need to be implemented programmatically for shapes, which appear from trigger animations to stay on screen (these include volume test, power controls and opaque backdrop)
4. ActiveX controls don't disappear and don't get replaced by placeholders, meaning they stay on screen, flickering and being on top of the window, staying in one place.
5. The close button is on top of the area, where the mouse hover trigger for window movement is. This means that it might be difficult to click that button, as the Cursor API might think there is window movement going on. Easy fix would be to introduce a sort of "deadzone" where the hover trigger isn't active.
6. There is no multi-tasking, since windows appear on separate slides
7. Sound clips would have to be disabled, while the window is being moved

All of these issues are addressed in my next upcoming PowerPoint OS (Codename OrangePath), which was designed from the ground up to have movable window capabilities and multitasking, so stay tuned...
2024-03-15 21-10-42.mkv PowerPoint PowerPoint PPTOS,Light OS,PowerPoint OS,movable windows,draggable,droppable,VBA,Visual Basic for Applications,Microsoft PowerPoint,ppsm,Light OS Technologies,macro,scripting N/A MarkusTegelane++ MarkusTegelane++ 0 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/568.jpg N/A
563 Markuse asjad Markuse asjad 2024 animatsioon 0 2024-02-11 Buutimisanimatsioon uue Markuse asjade versiooni jaoks 0 0 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwV_pL9ppYU 0 Markuse asjad 2024 animatsioon Markuse asjad 2024 animatsioon Buutimisanimatsioon uue Markuse asjade versiooni jaoks Buutimisanimatsioon uue Markuse asjade versiooni jaoks bootlogo.mp4 Introd Intros N/A Markus' stuff . 0 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/563.jpg /channel_db_lite/web/stream/563.mp4
562 Press any key to continue... Pac-Man Rally (PS2 FMV/BGM Rip) 0 2024-02-02 Background music and intro movie from Pac-Man Rally (PS2). This is the EU name for this game, everywhere else it's known as "Pac-Man World Rally". Everything you hear and see in the video has been directly extracted and converted from game files.

0:00 Arctic Iceberg (ArticIc.mib)
2:01 Award Ceremony/Artic Iceberg (Award.mib)
3:58 Canyon Crusade (CanyonCr.mib)
5:50 Cloud Garden (CloudGar.mib)
8:04 Toc-Man's Factory (DarkFact.mib)
10:01 Funhouse of Terror (Funhouse.mib)
11:58 Ghost Mansion (GhostMan.mib)
13:58 Intro (Intro.pss)
15:04 Jungle Safari (JungleSa.mib)
17:07 Galactic Outpost a.k.a. Lunar Launch (LunarLau.mib)
19:04 Molten Mountain (MoltenMo.mib)
21:03 Pirate Cove (PirateCo.mib)
22:52 Retro Maze/Menu (RetroMaz.mib)
25:02 Rolling Hills (RollingH.mib)
26:58 Spookys Castle (SpookysC.mib)
29:01 Subterranean Speedway? (Subterra.mib)
31:26 Winding Wetlands (WindingW.mib)
33:22 Menu music? (oldMidi.mib)
35:32 Unknown (songSnip.mib)

Technical info:

Intro movie:
Container .PSS
Format: PS2 Movie Audio Stream
Codec: MPEG-1/2
Resolution: 640x448
Framerate: 29.97 fps
Audio: Uncompressed PCM (freq. 48000 Hz, interleave 200 bytes, 1 audio stream)

Background music (header files)
Container .MIH
0x00 - 0x03 = Length of header
0x04 = Unknown
0x05 - 0x07 = Length of sample file ?
0x08 - 0x0B = Channels (e.g. 1 = mono, 2 = stereo)
0x0C - 0x0F = Audio frequency
0x10 - 0x13 = Interleave
0x14 - 0x17 = Unknown (Buffer size? Loop count?)
0x18 - 0x3F = Empty space

Background music (samples)
Container .MIB
Format: Compressed Sony ADPCM audio
Interleave, frequency, channels = Based on corresponding header file
0 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raX-LEe08b4 0 Pac-Man Rally (PS2 FMV/BGM Rip) Pac-Man Rally (PS2 FMV/BGM Rip) Background music and intro movie from Pac-Man Rally (PS2). This is the EU name for this game, everywhere else it's known as "Pac-Man World Rally". Everything you hear and see in the video has been directly extracted and converted from game files.

0:00 Arctic Iceberg (ArticIc.mib)
2:01 Award Ceremony/Artic Iceberg (Award.mib)
3:58 Canyon Crusade (CanyonCr.mib)
5:50 Cloud Garden (CloudGar.mib)
8:04 Toc-Man's Factory (DarkFact.mib)
10:01 Funhouse of Terror (Funhouse.mib)
11:58 Ghost Mansion (GhostMan.mib)
13:58 Intro (Intro.pss)
15:04 Jungle Safari (JungleSa.mib)
17:07 Galactic Outpost a.k.a. Lunar Launch (LunarLau.mib)
19:04 Molten Mountain (MoltenMo.mib)
21:03 Pirate Cove (PirateCo.mib)
22:52 Retro Maze/Menu (RetroMaz.mib)
25:02 Rolling Hills (RollingH.mib)
26:58 Spookys Castle (SpookysC.mib)
29:01 Subterranean Speedway? (Subterra.mib)
31:26 Winding Wetlands (WindingW.mib)
33:22 Menu music? (oldMidi.mib)
35:32 Unknown (songSnip.mib)

Technical info:

Intro movie:
Container .PSS
Format: PS2 Movie Audio Stream
Codec: MPEG-1/2
Resolution: 640x448
Framerate: 29.97 fps
Audio: Uncompressed PCM (freq. 48000 Hz, interleave 200 bytes, 1 audio stream)

Background music (header files)
Container .MIH
0x00 - 0x03 = Length of header
0x04 = Unknown
0x05 - 0x07 = Length of sample file ?
0x08 - 0x0B = Channels (e.g. 1 = mono, 2 = stereo)
0x0C - 0x0F = Audio frequency
0x10 - 0x13 = Interleave
0x14 - 0x17 = Unknown (Buffer size? Loop count?)
0x18 - 0x3F = Empty space

Background music (samples)
Container .MIB
Format: Compressed Sony ADPCM audio
Interleave, frequency, channels = Based on corresponding header file
Background music and intro movie from Pac-Man Rally (PS2). This is the EU name for this game, everywhere else it's known as "Pac-Man World Rally". Everything you hear and see in the video has been directly extracted and converted from game files.

0:00 Arctic Iceberg (ArticIc.mib)
2:01 Award Ceremony/Artic Iceberg (Award.mib)
3:58 Canyon Crusade (CanyonCr.mib)
5:50 Cloud Garden (CloudGar.mib)
8:04 Toc-Man's Factory (DarkFact.mib)
10:01 Funhouse of Terror (Funhouse.mib)
11:58 Ghost Mansion (GhostMan.mib)
13:58 Intro (Intro.pss)
15:04 Jungle Safari (JungleSa.mib)
17:07 Galactic Outpost a.k.a. Lunar Launch (LunarLau.mib)
19:04 Molten Mountain (MoltenMo.mib)
21:03 Pirate Cove (PirateCo.mib)
22:52 Retro Maze/Menu (RetroMaz.mib)
25:02 Rolling Hills (RollingH.mib)
26:58 Spookys Castle (SpookysC.mib)
29:01 Subterranean Speedway? (Subterra.mib)
31:26 Winding Wetlands (WindingW.mib)
33:22 Menu music? (oldMidi.mib)
35:32 Unknown (songSnip.mib)

Technical info:

Intro movie:
Container .PSS
Format: PS2 Movie Audio Stream
Codec: MPEG-1/2
Resolution: 640x448
Framerate: 29.97 fps
Audio: Uncompressed PCM (freq. 48000 Hz, interleave 200 bytes, 1 audio stream)

Background music (header files)
Container .MIH
0x00 - 0x03 = Length of header
0x04 = Unknown
0x05 - 0x07 = Length of sample file ?
0x08 - 0x0B = Channels (e.g. 1 = mono, 2 = stereo)
0x0C - 0x0F = Audio frequency
0x10 - 0x13 = Interleave
0x14 - 0x17 = Unknown (Buffer size? Loop count?)
0x18 - 0x3F = Empty space

Background music (samples)
Container .MIB
Format: Compressed Sony ADPCM audio
Interleave, frequency, channels = Based on corresponding header file
pmr.mov Muusika Music N/A Press any key to continue... Press any key to continue... 0 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/562.jpg N/A
558 Press any key to continue... Colin McRae Raly 2.0 Intro [Bink Video Datamosh] 0 2024-01-04 A datamoshed version of Colin McRae Rally 2.0 introduction movie. Datamoshed using AVSync.Live Mosh with these settings: Pulse - Duplicate groups of 5 p-frames every 10 frames. Threshold: 0,5 0 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=caPMvu0wSC8 0 Colin McRae Raly 2.0 Intro [Bink Video Datamosh] Colin McRae Raly 2.0 Intro [Bink Video Datamosh] A datamoshed version of Colin McRae Rally 2.0 introduction movie. Datamoshed using AVSync.Live Mosh with these settings: Pulse - Duplicate groups of 5 p-frames every 10 frames. Threshold: 0,5 A datamoshed version of Colin McRae Rally 2.0 introduction movie. Datamoshed using AVSync.Live Mosh with these settings: Pulse - Duplicate groups of 5 p-frames every 10 frames. Threshold: 0,5 cmr2_datamosh.mp4 FMV klipid FMV clips Colin McRae Rally,2.0,CMR2,PC,Intro,Rally,Racing,Video Game,FMV N/A Press any key to continue... Press any key to continue... 0 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/558.jpg N/A
548 Press any key to continue... an intro? 0 2023-08-08 Potentially an intro for my future videos... that is if you like it.
Made with Microsoft Clipchamp
0 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mb0RlmgMp0 0 an intro? an intro? Potentially an intro for my future videos... that is if you like it.
Made with Microsoft Clipchamp
Potentially an intro for my future videos... that is if you like it.
Made with Microsoft Clipchamp
paktc newintro – Clipchampiga loodud.mp4 Introd Intros N/A Press any key to continue... Press any key to continue... 0 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/548.jpg N/A
536 Press any key to continue... Rick's Adventure [PS1 FMV RIP] 0 2023-04-01 Opening FMV clip from a very little known PS1 game. Wanted to upload this, since I couldn't find it on YouTube.

0 0 0 0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhk2_LGaqvY 0 Rick's Adventure [PS1 FMV RIP] . Opening FMV clip from a very little known PS1 game. Wanted to upload this, since I couldn't find it on YouTube.

. RICKSADVENTURE.mov Naljavideod Joke videos N/A Press any key to continue... Press any key to continue... 0 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/536.jpg N/A
524 MarkusTegelane MarkuStation Portable 0 2023-01-30 Lühike väike intro, mida kasutan YouTube lühivideote jaoks.

#shorts #MarkuStation #MME
0 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7DHOQmbdvk 0 MarkuStation Portable . A quick little intro I'm going to be using for YouTube shorts

#shorts #MarkuStation #MME
. MarkuStation Portable.mp4 Introd Intros markustegelane,Markus Maal,Tegelane Markus,mmaal,TheMarkusGuy,computers N/A MarkusTegelane . 0 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/524.jpg N/A
520 MarkusTegelane+ Uue aasta vastuvõtja 5.0 intro 0 2023-01-02 Video, mida mängiti kõige esimesena 2023. aasta vastuvõtu otseülekandes. 0 0 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cg6SzyigIbk 0 Uue aasta vastuvõtja 5.0 intro Uue aasta vastuvõtja 5.0 intro Video, mida mängiti kõige esimesena 2023. aasta vastuvõtu otseülekandes. Video, mida mängiti kõige esimesena 2023. aasta vastuvõtu otseülekandes. welcome.mp4 Uue aasta vastuvõtu videod New Year N/A MarkusTegelane+ . 0 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/520.jpg N/A
518 MarkusTegelane+ Uue aasta vastuvõtt 2023 0 2022-12-31 Traditsioon jätkub! Seekord aga kanalil MarkusTegelane Lite! Otseülekandes esitatakse muusikat, kuvatakse aeg järgmise aastani ning esitatakse erinevaid videod! Ülekande plaanitav kestus on 5-6 tundi.

Otseülekande kava:
20.55 - Otseülekande voog käivitub
21.00 - Uue aasta vastuvõtja 5.0 intro [VIDEO]
21.01 - Eriprogrammide kava
21.04 - Juhuslik MarkusTegelane video aastast 2022 [VIDEO]
21.?? - Muusikapaus (pikkus oleneb esitatud videost, võimalik, et seda üldse polegi) [MUUSIKA]
22.00 - Markuse arvuti meelelahutus - väljajäänud klipid [VIDEO]
22.08 - tl;dw MarkusTegelane aastal 2022 [VIDEO]
22.30 - Arvuti mängib minu loodud Bitball mängu [MÄNG]
22.45 - Kuidas koostada uue aasta vastuvõtu otseülekannet?* [VIDEO]
22.55 - Eriprogrammide kava
23.00 - Microsoft Solitaire Collection, aga kui ma näen reklaami, siis saab video läbi* [VIDEO]
23.22 - Juhuslikud A+Ö+S laused* [TEKST]
23.25 - MarkusTegelane - küsimused ja vastused [AUDIO]
23.51 - Lühike muusikapaus enne aasta lõppu [MUUSIKA]
23.58 - Uue aasta vastuvõtt [VASTUVÕTT]
00.15 - Populaarseimad MarkusTegelane videod aastal 2022 [VIDEO]
01.15 - Markuse sõnavõtt [SÕNAVÕTT]
01:30 - Otseülekande plaanitud lõpp
* Kordus eelmise aasta otseülekandest

Kasutatav tarkvara (otseülekande käigus):
OBS Studio koos Advance Scene Switcher laiendustega
Uue aasta vastuvõtja 5.0 (Python + Javascript + HTML + CSS)
Bitball (jaerežiim)
Microsoft Windows 11 Home

Otseülekanne lindistatakse arhiveerimise eesmärgil ka Markuse arvutisse (400+ GiB kõvakettaruumi on vaba). Juhul, kui peaks toimuma elektrikatkestus või kui mu arvuti taaskäivitub mingil muul põhjusel, lülitub ta esimesel võimalusel uuesti automaatselt sisse ning üritab otseülekannet jätkata (voogedastus+lindistamine). Elektrikatkestuse käigus jooksma jäänud eriprogrammi ei esitata uuesti ning selle asemele tuleb muusikapaus.

Juhul, kui ma 1. jaanuaril kella 2.00-ks kohale ei jõua või ei soovi tulla (sõnavõtuks), lõpetatakse voogedastus ja lindistamine automaatselt. YouTube otseülekande pean käsitsi lõpetama (kui automaatselt lõpeb voogedastus, jääb pilt lihtsalt seisma).
0 0 1 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yALjELFNZQ4 0 Uue aasta vastuvõtt 2023 Uue aasta vastuvõtt 2023 Traditsioon jätkub! Seekord aga kanalil MarkusTegelane Lite! Otseülekandes esitatakse muusikat, kuvatakse aeg järgmise aastani ning esitatakse erinevaid videod! Ülekande plaanitav kestus on 5-6 tundi.

Otseülekande kava:
20.55 - Otseülekande voog käivitub
21.00 - Uue aasta vastuvõtja 5.0 intro [VIDEO]
21.01 - Eriprogrammide kava
21.04 - Juhuslik MarkusTegelane video aastast 2022 [VIDEO]
21.?? - Muusikapaus (pikkus oleneb esitatud videost, võimalik, et seda üldse polegi) [MUUSIKA]
22.00 - Markuse arvuti meelelahutus - väljajäänud klipid [VIDEO]
22.08 - tl;dw MarkusTegelane aastal 2022 [VIDEO]
22.30 - Arvuti mängib minu loodud Bitball mängu [MÄNG]
22.45 - Kuidas koostada uue aasta vastuvõtu otseülekannet?* [VIDEO]
22.55 - Eriprogrammide kava
23.00 - Microsoft Solitaire Collection, aga kui ma näen reklaami, siis saab video läbi* [VIDEO]
23.22 - Juhuslikud A+Ö+S laused* [TEKST]
23.25 - MarkusTegelane - küsimused ja vastused [AUDIO]
23.51 - Lühike muusikapaus enne aasta lõppu [MUUSIKA]
23.58 - Uue aasta vastuvõtt [VASTUVÕTT]
00.15 - Populaarseimad MarkusTegelane videod aastal 2022 [VIDEO]
01.15 - Markuse sõnavõtt [SÕNAVÕTT]
01:30 - Otseülekande plaanitud lõpp
* Kordus eelmise aasta otseülekandest

Kasutatav tarkvara (otseülekande käigus):
OBS Studio koos Advance Scene Switcher laiendustega
Uue aasta vastuvõtja 5.0 (Python + Javascript + HTML + CSS)
Bitball (jaerežiim)
Microsoft Windows 11 Home

Otseülekanne lindistatakse arhiveerimise eesmärgil ka Markuse arvutisse (400+ GiB kõvakettaruumi on vaba). Juhul, kui peaks toimuma elektrikatkestus või kui mu arvuti taaskäivitub mingil muul põhjusel, lülitub ta esimesel võimalusel uuesti automaatselt sisse ning üritab otseülekannet jätkata (voogedastus+lindistamine). Elektrikatkestuse käigus jooksma jäänud eriprogrammi ei esitata uuesti ning selle asemele tuleb muusikapaus.

Juhul, kui ma 1. jaanuaril kella 2.00-ks kohale ei jõua või ei soovi tulla (sõnavõtuks), lõpetatakse voogedastus ja lindistamine automaatselt. YouTube otseülekande pean käsitsi lõpetama (kui automaatselt lõpeb voogedastus, jääb pilt lihtsalt seisma).
Traditsioon jätkub! Seekord aga kanalil MarkusTegelane Lite! Otseülekandes esitatakse muusikat, kuvatakse aeg järgmise aastani ning esitatakse erinevaid videod! Ülekande plaanitav kestus on 5-6 tundi.

Otseülekande kava:
20.55 - Otseülekande voog käivitub
21.00 - Uue aasta vastuvõtja 5.0 intro [VIDEO]
21.01 - Eriprogrammide kava
21.04 - Juhuslik MarkusTegelane video aastast 2022 [VIDEO]
21.?? - Muusikapaus (pikkus oleneb esitatud videost, võimalik, et seda üldse polegi) [MUUSIKA]
22.00 - Markuse arvuti meelelahutus - väljajäänud klipid [VIDEO]
22.08 - tl;dw MarkusTegelane aastal 2022 [VIDEO]
22.30 - Arvuti mängib minu loodud Bitball mängu [MÄNG]
22.45 - Kuidas koostada uue aasta vastuvõtu otseülekannet?* [VIDEO]
22.55 - Eriprogrammide kava
23.00 - Microsoft Solitaire Collection, aga kui ma näen reklaami, siis saab video läbi* [VIDEO]
23.22 - Juhuslikud A+Ö+S laused* [TEKST]
23.25 - MarkusTegelane - küsimused ja vastused [AUDIO]
23.51 - Lühike muusikapaus enne aasta lõppu [MUUSIKA]
23.58 - Uue aasta vastuvõtt [VASTUVÕTT]
00.15 - Populaarseimad MarkusTegelane videod aastal 2022 [VIDEO]
01.15 - Markuse sõnavõtt [SÕNAVÕTT]
01:30 - Otseülekande plaanitud lõpp
* Kordus eelmise aasta otseülekandest

Kasutatav tarkvara (otseülekande käigus):
OBS Studio koos Advance Scene Switcher laiendustega
Uue aasta vastuvõtja 5.0 (Python + Javascript + HTML + CSS)
Bitball (jaerežiim)
Microsoft Windows 11 Home

Otseülekanne lindistatakse arhiveerimise eesmärgil ka Markuse arvutisse (400+ GiB kõvakettaruumi on vaba). Juhul, kui peaks toimuma elektrikatkestus või kui mu arvuti taaskäivitub mingil muul põhjusel, lülitub ta esimesel võimalusel uuesti automaatselt sisse ning üritab otseülekannet jätkata (voogedastus+lindistamine). Elektrikatkestuse käigus jooksma jäänud eriprogrammi ei esitata uuesti ning selle asemele tuleb muusikapaus.

Juhul, kui ma 1. jaanuaril kella 2.00-ks kohale ei jõua või ei soovi tulla (sõnavõtuks), lõpetatakse voogedastus ja lindistamine automaatselt. YouTube otseülekande pean käsitsi lõpetama (kui automaatselt lõpeb voogedastus, jääb pilt lihtsalt seisma).
livestream.str Otseülekandearhiiv Live stream archive N/A MarkusTegelane+ . 0 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/518.jpg N/A
503 MarkusTegelane+ MarkuStation 3 - Rikutud versioon // MarkuStation 3 - Corrupted version 0 2022-11-06 Rikutud versioon MarkuStation 3 introst, mida ma näitasin selles videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRmc4H9ZHyw


Corrupted version of the MarkuStation 3 intro, which I showed in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRmc4H9ZHyw
0 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N00TUhO3ufk 0 MarkuStation 3 - Rikutud versioon // MarkuStation 3 - Corrupted version . Rikutud versioon MarkuStation 3 introst, mida ma näitasin selles videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRmc4H9ZHyw


Corrupted version of the MarkuStation 3 intro, which I showed in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRmc4H9ZHyw
. MarkuStation 3 corrupted.mp4 Markuse arvuti meelelahutus Markus computer entertainment N/A MarkusTegelane+ . 0 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/503.jpg N/A
493 Press any key to continue... Loading a PS1 game [Real time capture \w disc seeking sounds] 0 2022-10-10 If you have ever owned a PS1 or any other early CD-based games console, you know very well that games take a very long time to load. One reason is due to the slower disc speed, another is due to the fact that game data is fragmented around the disc, so the laser assembly needs to seek around the disc to find the required data. This means that loading a game can take several minutes. This video demonstrates that.

Captured using a real console, which is outputting composite, which is connected into an HDMI upscaler, which then is connected to a capture device, which is connected to my computer, which saves the output into a video file. This video is, at least for most part, uncut, except for parts, where I navigate around in menus, insert the game disc, play, etc, but every load screen is uncut.

The game that is showcased in this video is Colin McRae Rally 2.0 (PS1, PAL version).

0:00 Opening disc tray, removing existing disc, inserting another game disc, closing tray, power on
0:11 Power-on, disc check
0:15 BIOS screen
0:31 Exit BIOS screen
0:35 Copyright screen
2:35 Black screen
2:52 Codemasters FMV
3:01 Black screen
3:46 Intro FMV (cut)
4:08 Black screen
4:16 Title screen/language selection
4:30 Loading demo mode
5:34 Exit demo mode
6:09 Navigating menus
6:21 Loading service area
6:31 Loading single stage
6:50 Single stage gameplay (cut)
7:08 Exit single stage

P.S. At the beginning, the video is in mono. That's because I forgot to change my microphone into mono mode, so it was outputting only to one side, and I only realized that mid-recording.
0 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RzOn7rjeD8 0 Loading a PS1 game [Real time capture \w disc seeking sounds] . If you have ever owned a PS1 or any other early CD-based games console, you know very well that games take a very long time to load. One reason is due to the slower disc speed, another is due to the fact that game data is fragmented around the disc, so the laser assembly needs to seek around the disc to find the required data. This means that loading a game can take several minutes. This video demonstrates that.

Captured using a real console, which is outputting composite, which is connected into an HDMI upscaler, which then is connected to a capture device, which is connected to my computer, which saves the output into a video file. This video is, at least for most part, uncut, except for parts, where I navigate around in menus, insert the game disc, play, etc, but every load screen is uncut.

The game that is showcased in this video is Colin McRae Rally 2.0 (PS1, PAL version).

0:00 Opening disc tray, removing existing disc, inserting another game disc, closing tray, power on
0:11 Power-on, disc check
0:15 BIOS screen
0:31 Exit BIOS screen
0:35 Copyright screen
2:35 Black screen
2:52 Codemasters FMV
3:01 Black screen
3:46 Intro FMV (cut)
4:08 Black screen
4:16 Title screen/language selection
4:30 Loading demo mode
5:34 Exit demo mode
6:09 Navigating menus
6:21 Loading service area
6:31 Loading single stage
6:50 Single stage gameplay (cut)
7:08 Exit single stage

P.S. At the beginning, the video is in mono. That's because I forgot to change my microphone into mono mode, so it was outputting only to one side, and I only realized that mid-recording.
. PS1-seeking.mp4 Varia Miscellaneous N/A Press any key to continue... Press any key to continue... 0 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/493.jpg N/A
492 MarkusTegelane Windowsi helid - 20x aeglasemalt (käivitumine ja sulgumine) 0 2022-10-08 Selle video tarvis venitasin ma mitme Windowsi väljaande käivitamis ja sulgumishelid kasutades Audacity tarkvaras olevat Paulstretch tööriista. Lisaks tuntud helidele, lisasin ka mõned boonushelid vähemtuntud versioonidest ja ka kasutamata helisid (nagu näiteks Windows 8 sisselogimisheli).

► Lingid
Veebileht: https://markustegelane.online
Juhuslik video: https://markustegelane.online/markustegelane/random/?c=mt
Ajaveeb: https://markustegelane.blogspot.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/@markustegelane

► Peatükid
0:00 Intro
0:06 Windows 3.1x (käivitumine)
0:31 Windows 3.1x (sulgumine)
0:45 Windows 95 (sisselogimine/käivitumine)
1:47 Windows NT 4.0 (käivitumine)
3:27 Windows NT 4.0 (sulgumine)
5:06 Windows 98 (sisselogimine/käivitumine)
6:25 Windows 98 (väljalogimine)
7:00 Windows 2000/ME (sisselogimine/käivitumine)
7:55 Windows 2000/ME (sulgumine)
8:34 Windows XP (käivitumine)
9:23 Windows XP (sulgumine)
9:54 Windows Vista/7 (käivitumine)
10:44 Windows Vista/7 (sulgumine)
11:22 Windows 11 (käivitumine)
12:22 Boonushelid!
12:28 Windows 3.0 MME (BELLS.WAV)
14:10 Windows CE 1.0 (käivitumine)
14:41 ReactOS (käivitumine)
16:01 Windows 8 sisselogimisheli (kasutamata)
17:13 Microsoft Surface sisselogimisheli (kasutamata)
18:25 Lõpuekraan

► Lisainfo
Failinimi: OS_Paulstretch.mp4
Renderdamise aeg: umbes 45 minutit
Monteerimistarkvara: DaVinci Resolve 18 (video), Audacity 3.2.0 (heli)
Stiil: LaservalgusV3

► Aitäh, et vaatasite!
©2022 Markuse videod

► Teemaviited
#Windows #käivitumine #sulgumine #helid
0 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddVH0hjdzuM 0 Windows sounds - 20x slower (startup and shutdown) . For this video, I have stretched the startup and shutdown sounds of several Windows releases in Audacity using the Paulstretch tool. In addition to the known sounds, I have also included some bonus sounds from less known releases and unused sounds (such as the Windows 8 login sound).

► Links
Website: https://markustegelane.online
Random video: https://markustegelane.online/markustegelane/random/?c=mt
Blog: https://markustegelane-en.blogspot.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/@markustegelane

► Chapters
0:00 Intro
0:06 Windows 3.1x (startup)
0:31 Windows 3.1x (shutdown)
0:45 Windows 95 (logon/startup)
1:47 Windows NT 4.0 (startup)
3:27 Windows NT 4.0 (shutdown)
5:06 Windows 98 (logon/startup)
6:25 Windows 98 (logoff)
7:00 Windows 2000/ME (logon/startup)
7:55 Windows 2000/ME (shutdown)
8:34 Windows XP (startup)
9:23 Windows XP (shutdown)
9:54 Windows Vista/7 (startup)
10:44 Windows Vista/7 (shutdown)
11:22 Windows 11 (startup)
12:22 Bonus sounds!
12:28 Windows 3.0 MME (BELLS.WAV)
14:10 Windows CE 1.0 (startup)
14:41 ReactOS (startup)
16:01 Windows 8 Logon Sound (unused)
17:13 Microsoft Surface Logon Sound (unused)
18:25 End screen

► Other info
Filename: OS_Paulstretch.mp4
Render time: about 45 minutes
Editing software: DaVinci Resolve 18 (video), Audacity 3.2.0 (audio)
Style: LaservalgusV3

► Thank you for watching!
©2022 Markus' videos

► Hashtags
#Windows #startup #shutdown #sounds
. OS_Paulstretch.mp4 Operatsioonsüsteemid Operating systems Windows,startup sound,shutdown sound,Windows CE,Windows NT,Windows XP,Windows 11,Windows Vista,Windows 3.1,Windows 95,Windows 98,Windows ME,millennium edition,second edition,first edition,audio editing,sound manipulation,paul stretch,stretch,aesthetic,ReactOS,Windows 8,Microsoft Surface,Windows 3.0 MME,Multimedia Extensions https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/windows-startup-and-shutdown-sounds-2:2 MarkusTegelane . 0 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/492.jpg N/A
472 Press any key to continue... MOƆOЯUƎ 0 2022-07-27 Eurocom intro screen backwards. 0 1 0 0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3INz4TXJd0 0 . . . . mocorue.mp4 Varia Miscellaneous N/A Press any key to continue... Press any key to continue... 1 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/472.jpg N/A
468 Press any key to continue... Flipnic - Biology A (Hard difficulty gameplay) 0 2022-07-25 Since I haven't found a lot of good full stage playthrough videos on Flipnic, I've decided to upload some of my own gameplay!

As a challenge for myself, I've also cranked up the difficulty to hard, which reduces the number of balls to three with no continues (unless you get extra credits and balls of course), all ball saving bumpers are deactivated by default, and the number of bumper hits required to complete specific missions has also been increased.

This time I'm playing the very first stage in this game - Biology A. It also has a little introduction sequence, which other stages don't have.

At the minimum, to complete this stage, you have to do the following:
1. Get to the "Slot chance" area
2. Go to the left lane
3. Once you get to the middle section with the flipper, you need to aim for the lane on the right
4. Hit bumpers, until all of them have butterflies. This will complete the "Freeze Over" mission
5. Go back to the "Slot chance" area. You should now see 2 platforms. Try to make the ball jump over these ramps a certain number of times. If the counter reaches 0, the "Hidden path discovery" will start
6. Go up the mountain and collect all of the shiny coins. Once you reach the very top, the "Zero Gravity" mission will start.
7. (Optional) Try to hit projectiles within the time limit. Second to last particle shape is a stick figure and the final one is a combination of all the previous shapes. If you manage to do this, you'll be awarded with a neat cake cutscene and a bunch of bonus points. If you don't, you'll just recieve no bonus and the cutscene won't play, but you'll still unlock the next stage
8. (Optional) You'll now be teleported back to spawn. You can now complete any leftover yellow missions that you hadn't completed before, which allows you to maximize the score, before playing the next stage (after quitting the stage, the score gets locked, meaning you won't get any more points)
0 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwQiDW8WaDA 0 . . Since I haven't found a lot of good full stage playthrough videos on Flipnic, I've decided to upload some of my own gameplay!

As a challenge for myself, I've also cranked up the difficulty to hard, which reduces the number of balls to three with no continues (unless you get extra credits and balls of course), all ball saving bumpers are deactivated by default, and the number of bumper hits required to complete specific missions has also been increased.

This time I'm playing the very first stage in this game - Biology A. It also has a little introduction sequence, which other stages don't have.

At the minimum, to complete this stage, you have to do the following:
1. Get to the "Slot chance" area
2. Go to the left lane
3. Once you get to the middle section with the flipper, you need to aim for the lane on the right
4. Hit bumpers, until all of them have butterflies. This will complete the "Freeze Over" mission
5. Go back to the "Slot chance" area. You should now see 2 platforms. Try to make the ball jump over these ramps a certain number of times. If the counter reaches 0, the "Hidden path discovery" will start
6. Go up the mountain and collect all of the shiny coins. Once you reach the very top, the "Zero Gravity" mission will start.
7. (Optional) Try to hit projectiles within the time limit. Second to last particle shape is a stick figure and the final one is a combination of all the previous shapes. If you manage to do this, you'll be awarded with a neat cake cutscene and a bunch of bonus points. If you don't, you'll just recieve no bonus and the cutscene won't play, but you'll still unlock the next stage
8. (Optional) You'll now be teleported back to spawn. You can now complete any leftover yellow missions that you hadn't completed before, which allows you to maximize the score, before playing the next stage (after quitting the stage, the score gets locked, meaning you won't get any more points)
. BiologyA_hard.mp4 Muud mängimise videod Other gameplay videos N/A Press any key to continue... Press any key to continue... 1 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/468.jpg N/A
450 MarkusTegelane+ markustegelane - uus intro ja pealkirjakaardi näidis 0 2022-05-11 Kuna ma otsustasin, et intro, mille tegin oli liiga pikk, siis otsustasin teha veel ühe intro, mida ma tulevikuvideotes kasutan. Lisaks intro standardiseerimisele, lisan ka uutele videotele pealkirjakaardi ning taustaks ka eelvaate videost, mõned kuvatõmmised või mõlemad (natuke sarnane sellele, mida tegin 2017. aasta "lihtne" intros, näidise leiate siit: [link] ).

Video, mida taustal esitatakse: [link]

Mõned asjad, mida tuleks märkida selle näidise puhul:
1. Taustavideo/pilt saab olema igas videos erinev, mis tähendab, et iga uue video ees olev intro on natuke erinev.
2. Väike heliefekt, mida kuulete kõige alguses saab olema osa igast introst
3. Pealkirjakaardi taustavärv on erineval olenevalt video kategooriast (lilla = Markuse arvuti meelelahutus, punane = info ja uudised, sinine = varia/klassifitseerimata, helesinine = Markuse arvuti meelelahutus special, roheline = mängude videod, valge/hall = pakkfailid/skriptid/tarkvara, oranž = arvuti nõuanded)
4. Tekst, mis kuvatakse kanali nime all on igas videos erinev
5. See koht, kus kuulete 1000Hz tooni ja näete värviribasid on tegeliku video sisu, mis esitatakse (ma panin siia kohatäite, et näidata üleminekuanimatsiooni)
6. Videotel võib olla ka lõpukaart (tekst lõpp/the end mingisuguse taustaga)
7. Kummitus ei ole osa introst
8. Nelinurkse tuuma animatsioon võib erineda olenevalt videost
0 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJ_Ip2_LGyY 0 . . . Kuna ma otsustasin, et intro, mille tegin oli liiga pikk, siis otsustasin teha veel ühe intro, mida ma tulevikuvideotes kasutan. Lisaks intro standardiseerimisele, lisan ka uutele videotele pealkirjakaardi ning taustaks ka eelvaate videost, mõned kuvatõmmised või mõlemad (natuke sarnane sellele, mida tegin 2017. aasta "lihtne" intros, näidise leiate siit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKhGvYpy9CQ&t=0s ).

Video, mida taustal esitatakse: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LavwvL92Obs

Mõned asjad, mida tuleks märkida selle näidise puhul:
1. Taustavideo/pilt saab olema igas videos erinev, mis tähendab, et iga uue video ees olev intro on natuke erinev.
2. Väike heliefekt, mida kuulete kõige alguses saab olema osa igast introst
3. Pealkirjakaardi taustavärv on erineval olenevalt video kategooriast (lilla = Markuse arvuti meelelahutus, punane = info ja uudised, sinine = varia/klassifitseerimata, helesinine = Markuse arvuti meelelahutus special, roheline = mängude videod, valge/hall = pakkfailid/skriptid/tarkvara, oranž = arvuti nõuanded)
4. Tekst, mis kuvatakse kanali nime all on igas videos erinev
5. See koht, kus kuulete 1000Hz tooni ja näete värviribasid on tegeliku video sisu, mis esitatakse (ma panin siia kohatäite, et näidata üleminekuanimatsiooni)
6. Videotel võib olla ka lõpukaart (tekst lõpp/the end mingisuguse taustaga)
7. Kummitus ei ole osa introst
8. Nelinurkse tuuma animatsioon võib erineda olenevalt videost
intro_laserlite3_with_titlecard_pass5.mp4 Introd Intros N/A MarkusTegelane+ . 1 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/450.jpg N/A
417 MarkusTegelane+ markustegelane - intro kandidaat 1 // markustegelane - intro candidate 1 0 2022-03-17 See on võimalik uus intro kanalile markustegelane. Juhul kui teile ei meeldi see intro, palun vajutage dislike, et ma ei kasutaks seda enda tulevastes videotes. Kui aga meeldis, vajutage like. Igal juhul võite kommenteerida miks ning täpsustada mis teile meeldib ja ei meeldi selle intro puhul (ning mida ma saaksin paremini teha). 0 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6b2OPJcIUvo 0 . . See on võimalik uus intro kanalile markustegelane. Juhul kui teile ei meeldi see intro, palun vajutage dislike, et ma ei kasutaks seda enda tulevastes videotes. Kui aga meeldis, vajutage like. Igal juhul võite kommenteerida miks ning täpsustada mis teile meeldib ja ei meeldi selle intro puhul (ning mida ma saaksin paremini teha).
This is a possible new intro for the markustegelane channel. If you didn't like this intro, please hit the dislike button, so that I wouldn't use it on my future videos. If you did like it, press the like button. In any case, you are free to comment and tell me why you liked/disliked this and specify what you like and dislike about this intro (and what I could improve upon).
See on võimalik uus intro kanalile markustegelane. Juhul kui teile ei meeldi see intro, palun vajutage dislike, et ma ei kasutaks seda enda tulevastes videotes. Kui aga meeldis, vajutage like. Igal juhul võite kommenteerida miks ning täpsustada mis teile meeldib ja ei meeldi selle intro puhul (ning mida ma saaksin paremini teha).
This is a possible new intro for the markustegelane channel. If you didn't like this intro, please hit the dislike button, so that I wouldn't use it on my future videos. If you did like it, press the like button. In any case, you are free to comment and tell me why you liked/disliked this and specify what you like and dislike about this intro (and what I could improve upon).
mt_intro2.mp4 Introd Intros N/A MarkusTegelane+ . 1 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/417.jpg N/A
289 cqvmix Intro 1 2020-02-14 Channel intro. Created in Blender 0 1 0 0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8H1jx_UqIk 0 Intro Intro Channel intro. Created in Blender Channel intro. Created in Blender Intro.mp4 Introd Intros N/A MarkusTegelane . 1 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/289.jpg N/A
274 MarkusTegelane tl;dw Markuse videod aastal 2019 (7 min) 0 2019-12-31 *** Video esimene esmaesitus toimub kanali Markuse asjad otseülekandes 10 minutit varem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0UTaIv1r-Y

liiga pikk; ei vaadanud 3. osa! Seekord näitan väga lühidalt, mis juhtus minu kanalites, sh MarkusTegelane, MarkusTegelane+ ja Press any key to continue..., juhul kui te midagi maha magasite :-)

► Välised lingid
Veebileht: http://markustegelane.ml
Juhuslik video: http://markustegelane.ml/random.html
Kanal: https://www.youtube.com/MarkusTegelane

► Ole kursis
Ajaveeb: http://markustegelane.blogspot.com
Twitter: @MarkusMaal

► Teisi kanaleid
MarkusTegelane+ : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGGMWFwRnLjTKRLtnO6KRFg (lisakanal)
Markuse asjad: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMD2HR_TjoK-Xh3yY6NBynQ
Isiklik kanal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCirudpTn3Hp1sxbl-78z-dQ

► Kasutatud teosed
The Tower of Light - Beginnings (Intro)

► Autoriõigus
Kasutatud teosed on litsenseeritud Creative Commons (autorile viitamine) litsentsi alusel.

► Tänan, et vaatasite! ◄
© 2019 Markuse videod productions
0 0 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SIOLF_txaE 0 tl;dw Markus' videos in 2019 (7 min) tl;dw Markuse videod aastal 2019 (7 min) too long; didn't watch part 3! This time I quickly show what happened on my channels, including TheMarkusGuy, TheMarkusGuy+, Press any key to continue... in case you missed it :-)

► External links
Website: http://markustegelane.ml
Random video: http://markustegelane.ml/random.html
Channel: https://www.youtube.com/MarkusTegelane

► Stay up to date
Blog: http://markustegelane.blogspot.com
Twitter: @MarkusMaal

► Other channels
TheMarkusGuy+ : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGGMWFwRnLjTKRLtnO6KRFg (second channel)
Markus' stuff: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMD2HR_TjoK-Xh3yY6NBynQ
Personal channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCirudpTn3Hp1sxbl-78z-dQ

► Music
The Tower of Light - Beginnings (Intro)

► Copyright
Music licensed under the Creative Commons (attribution required) license.

► Thank you for watching! ◄
© 2019 Markuse videod productions
*** Video esimene esmaesitus toimub kanali Markuse asjad otseülekandes 10 minutit varem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0UTaIv1r-Y

liiga pikk; ei vaadanud 3. osa! Seekord näitan väga lühidalt, mis juhtus minu kanalites, sh MarkusTegelane, MarkusTegelane+ ja Press any key to continue..., juhul kui te midagi maha magasite :-)

► Välised lingid
Veebileht: http://markustegelane.ml
Juhuslik video: http://markustegelane.ml/random.html
Kanal: https://www.youtube.com/MarkusTegelane

► Ole kursis
Ajaveeb: http://markustegelane.blogspot.com
Twitter: @MarkusMaal

► Teisi kanaleid
MarkusTegelane+ : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGGMWFwRnLjTKRLtnO6KRFg (lisakanal)
Markuse asjad: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMD2HR_TjoK-Xh3yY6NBynQ
Isiklik kanal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCirudpTn3Hp1sxbl-78z-dQ

► Kasutatud teosed
The Tower of Light - Beginnings (Intro)

► Autoriõigus
Kasutatud teosed on litsenseeritud Creative Commons (autorile viitamine) litsentsi alusel.

► Tänan, et vaatasite! ◄
© 2019 Markuse videod productions
tldr2019.wmv Aasta kokkuvõtted Yearly recaps Markus Maal,MarkusTegelane,TheMarkusGuy,mitmekülgne tehnoloogia,diverse technology https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/tl-dw-markuse-videod-aastal-2019-7-min:3 MarkusTegelane . 1 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/274.jpg N/A
269 MarkusTegelane+ Uus intro :D 0 2019-08-27 lihtne asi… 0 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxQFGxfvv40 0 New intro :D . simple stuff... . nimetu.webm Introd Intros MarkusTegelane,TheMarkusGuy,MarkusTegelane+,TheMarkusGuy+,Markus Maal,YouTube,intro N/A MarkusTegelane+ . 1 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/269.jpg N/A
218 MarkusTegelane+ Unistuste hüpped 2 intro (TrackMania United Forever) 0 2018-04-08 Full HD 60 fps versioon 2016. aastal tehtud TrackMania rajast. 0 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7x92HbhDD58 0 . . . . Video11.avi Lisavideod Additional content N/A MarkusTegelane+ . 1 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/218.jpg N/A
216 MarkusTegelane+ Intro mall (MarkusTegelane) 0 2018-03-11 N/A 0 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyqoLL3awks 0 . . . . mt_intro_cool.mp4 Introd Intros N/A MarkusTegelane+ . 1 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/216.jpg N/A
217 MarkusTegelane+ Intro mall (MarkusTegelane+) 0 2018-03-11 N/A 0 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oH5WYJDMNfk 0 . . . . mt+_intro_cool.mp4 Introd Intros N/A MarkusTegelane+ . 1 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/217.jpg N/A
239 Markuse asjad Markuse asjad intro (30 fps versioon, full HD) 0 2017-10-04 Markuse asjade uus intro 0 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nh_XsguUPVQ 0 Markus' stuff intro (30 fps version, full HD) . Markus' stuff new intro. . intro_fullhd.MP4 Introd Intros N/A Markus' stuff . 1 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/239.jpg N/A
240 Markuse asjad Markuse asjade intro (60 fps versioon, full HD) 0 2017-10-04 Markuse asjade uus intro. 0 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWDIvXPMfDo 0 Markus' stuff intro (60 fps version, full HD) . Markus' stuff new intro. . intro_mas.m2ts Introd Intros N/A Markus' stuff . 1 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/240.jpg N/A
333 MarkusTegelane MarkusTegelane sügise intro (2 sek) 0 2017-09-20 Uus intro, mis põhineb uuel ajaveebi disainil. Talvel ja kevadel on teistsugusema pildiga introd. Kasutatud "tada" effekt on Windows 7 helipaketi kaustast ja selle helitugevust on veidi suurendatud.

Ajaveeb: http://markustegelane.blogspot.com
0 0 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVap0wX2d2M 0 TheMarkusGuy autumn intro (2 sec) MarkusTegelane sügise intro (2 sek) New intro, based on the new design of my blog. On winters and springs, the intro will have different background images. The "tada" effect used is from Windows 7 sound pack folder and it is little bit pitch shifted.

Blog: http://markustegelane-en.blogspot.com
Uus intro, mis põhineb uuel ajaveebi disainil. Talvel ja kevadel on teistsugusema pildiga introd. Kasutatud "tada" effekt on Windows 7 helipaketi kaustast ja selle helitugevust on veidi suurendatud.

Ajaveeb: http://markustegelane.blogspot.com
mt_intro_autumn.MP4 Introd Intros Markus Maal,MarkusTegelane,TheMarkusGuy,intro,short intros,why you should not use intros,miks te ei peaks introsid kasutama https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/markustegelane-s-gise-intro-2-sek:d MarkusTegelane . 1 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/333.jpg N/A
190 MarkusTegelane+ Markus Maal introd - 60 FPS remaster 0 2017-07-20 My old channel intros. 0 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXH0MJUutrM 0 MarkusMaal intros - 60 FPS remaster . . Minu vana kanali introd intro_remaster.MP4 Varia Miscellaneous N/A MarkusTegelane+ . 1 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/190.jpg N/A
191 MarkusTegelane+ MarkusTegelane+ intro? (Dramaatiline) 0 2017-07-20 Finally I made an intro to this channel. I hope you like it. 0 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71mvAZZmlsA 0 TheMarkusGuy+ intro? (Dramatic) . . Lõpuks ometi tegin ma intro sellele kanalile. Loodan, et see teile meeldib. mtplus_intro.MP4 Introd Intros N/A MarkusTegelane+ . 1 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/191.jpg N/A
149 MarkusTegelane MarkusTegelane - Uus intro 0 2017-04-13 Minu uus intro, mis peaks kokku minema mu uue disainiga. Loodan, et teile meeldib :-)

Külasta ka mu blogi ja vasta mu küsitlusele: http://markustegelane.blogspot.com
0 0 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-JYFFgAE1E 0 MarkusTegelane - Uus intro MarkusTegelane - Uus intro Minu uus intro, mis peaks kokku minema mu uue disainiga. Loodan, et teile meeldib :-) Minu uus intro, mis peaks kokku minema mu uue disainiga. Loodan, et teile meeldib :-)

Külasta ka mu blogi ja vasta mu küsitlusele: http://markustegelane.blogspot.com
mt_intro.mxf Introd Intros https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/markustegelane-uus-intro:9 MarkusTegelane . 1 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/149.jpg N/A
127 MarkusTegelane ARHIIV: Markus Maal intro (tegi rebane2001) 0 2016-12-16 Üks introdest, mida kasutasin mõnes enda videos, kui mu kanali nimi oli Markus Maal 0 0 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ko0qCZtq4p4 0 ARCHIVE: Markus Maal intro (created by rebane2001) . One of the intros, that I used in some of my videos, when my channel name was Markus Maal . unknown Introd Intros https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/arhiiv-markus-maal-intro-tegi-rebane2001:c MarkusTegelane . 1 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/127.jpg N/A
106 MarkusTegelane MarkuStation 2016 [Uus MarkuStationi intro] 0 2016-10-20 Markuse arvuti meelelahutus! 0 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzT5xawf5zY 0 . . . . MarkuStation.mxf Introd Intros https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/markustation-2016-uus-markustationi:e MarkusTegelane . 1 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/106.jpg N/A
101 MarkusTegelane Light OS Release (from the live stream) 0 2016-10-13 Now I would like to introduce you the release of the Light OS. This has everything fixed. The download link is coming soon... 0 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRwP0R7s00o 0 . . . . yt-editor.flv PowerPoint PowerPoint YouTube'i redigeerija https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/light-os-release-from-the-live-stream:6 MarkusTegelane . 1 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/101.jpg N/A
67 MarkusTegelane Esitusloendi algusvideo / Playlist intro 0 2016-01-10 N/A 0 0 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nzp8ON9YP5c 0 . . . . plin.mp4 Introd Intros N/A MarkusTegelane . 1 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/67.jpg N/A
171 MarkusTegelane+ Info: Kas ma eemaldan introd? [Tagurpidi] 0 2015-11-09 See on tagurpidi versioon Markus Maal-i videost Kas ma eemaldan introd? 0 1 0 0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NnH1UecXEs 0 . . . See on tagurpidi versioon Markus Maal-i videost "Kas ma eemaldan introd?" ktoootkoooo.wmv Tagurpidi Reversed N/A MarkusTegelane+ . 1 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/171.jpg N/A