Leiti 41 vastet.
ID | Kanal | Video | Kustutatud | Kuupäev | Kirjeldus | Subtiitrid | Avalik | Ülekanne | HD | URL | PRIVATE | TitleMUI_en | TitleMUI_et | KirjeldusMUI_en | KirjeldusMUI_et | Filename | Category | CategoryMUI_en | Tags | OdyseeURL | KanalMUI_en | KanalMUI_et | Translated | has_thumbnail | local_stream | ytdlp_meta | est_subs | eng_subs |
517 | MarkusTegelane | Linux Mint 21.1 paigaldamise õpetus (eesti keeles) [Arvuti nõuanded] | 0 | 2022-12-28 | See video näitab, kuidas paigaldada Linux Mint 21.1 enda arvutisse. Video ei ole mõeldud selle konkreetse operatsioonsüsteemi kasutamise õpetuseks, näitan lihtsalt, kuidas luua buutitav USB ja süsteem paigaldada. Järgmine video: tl;dw Markuse videod aastal 2022 ► *Lisamärkused* - Linux Minti puhul pole Secure Boot-i ehk turvalise käivitamise väljalülitamine kohustuslik. Seega, kui teie arvutis sellist valikut pole, siis saate ta lihtsalt sisse jätta ja muuta ainult buutimise järjekorda. - Selle konkreetse sülearvuti puhul oleks soovitatav olnud siiski Xfce versioon paigaldada, sest see oleks olnud kiirem. - Juhul kui valite "Midagi muud", siis peate määrama enda UEFI partitisiooni, juurkaustaga partitsiooni ning soovitatavalt ka swap partitsiooni. - Vabandan, kui see video oli monteerimise osas natuke primitiivne. Ma tahtsin võimalikult kiiresti teha ühe video enne 29. detsembrit, sest siis alustan aastat lõpetavate videote tegemisega. ► *Allalaadimise lingid* Linux Mint 21.1: https://www.linuxmint.com/download.php Rufus: https://rufus.ie/et/ ► *Teised lingid* Ajaveeb: https://markustegelane.blogspot.com (Feedburner/RSS: https://feeds.feedburner.com/markustegelane_ee) Veebisait: https://markustegelane.online Juhuslik video: https://markustegelane.online/markustegelane/random/?c=mt ► *Muusika* Video kasutab esitaja Vibe Tracks muusikat. Allikas: YouTube fonoteek. ► *Peatükid* 0:00 Sissejuhatus 0:22 ISO allalaadimine 1:04 Programmi Rufus allalaadimine ja kasutusala 2:10 ISO laadimine mälupulgale 5:33 Minu arvuti hetkeseis 6:24 Sisenemine SETUP programmi (1. meetod) 7:52 Sisenemine SETUP programmi (2. meetod) 9:16 Buutimise suvandite konfigureerimine 11:15 Mälupulgale buutimine 12:50 Katsetuskeskonna seadistamine ja sirvimine 14:38 Installimisprogrammi avamine 14:51 Süsteemi seadistamine ja paigaldamine 19:45 Paigaldusjärgne märguanne ja taaskäivitamine 21:18 Esmaseadituse aken 22:08 Lõpp ► *Lisainfo* Failinimi: MintInstall.mp4 Stiil: Sära (beeta) Tarkvara: DaVinci Resolve 18.1, OBS Studio, Aegisub, YTSubConverter Lindistamise kuupäev: 28. detsember 2022 ► *Kanalid* Põhikanal: youtube.com/@markusTegelane Lisakanal: youtube.com/@markusTegelaneLite Programmeerimiskanal: youtube.com/@hashMarkusTegelane Markuse asjad: youtube.com/@markuseasjad Press any key to continue: youtube.com/@PAKTC Markuse videod: youtube.com/@MarkusMaal ► *Aitäh, et vaatasite!* © 2022 Markuse videod ► *Teemaviited* #linuxmint #arvutinõuanded #paigaldamine |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJfjYUVQwHg | 0 | Linux Mint 21.1 install tutorial [Computer tips] | Linux Mint 21.1 paigaldamise õpetus (eesti keeles) [Arvuti nõuanded] | This video shows, how to install Linux Mint 21.1 to your computer. This video is not meant as a tutorial for this specific operating system, I'm just showing how to make a bootable USB and how to install the system. Next video: tl;dw Markus' videos in 2022 ► *Notes* - For Linux Mint, turning on secure boot is not a requirement. So, you can just change the boot order without disabling secure boot, if you can't find that option. - For this laptop, Xfce version would have been faster - If you choose "Something else", you must set the UEFI partition, root partition and it's also recommended to setup a swap partition. - Sorry, if the video was very primitive in terms of editing. I wanted to make a video as soon as possible before December 29th. ► *Download links* Linux Mint 21.1: https://www.linuxmint.com/download.php Rufus: https://rufus.ie/et/ ► *Other links* Blog: https://markustegelane-en.blogspot.com (Feedburner/RSS: https://feeds.feedburner.com/markustegelane) Website: https://markustegelane.online Random video: https://markustegelane.online/markustegelane/random/?c=mt ► *Music* Video uses music from Vibe Tracks. Source: YouTube Audio Library. ► *Chapters* 0:00 Introduction 0:22 Downloading the ISO file 1:04 Downloading Rufus and its usecase 2:10 Loading the ISO file to flash drive 5:33 Current state of the computer 6:24 Entering setup program (Method 1) 7:52 Entering setup program (Method 2) 9:16 Setting up boot options 11:15 Booting to flash drive 12:50 Setting up the live environment and testing 14:38 Opening the installation program 14:51 System setup and installation 19:45 Post-install window and restart 21:18 Initial setup window 22:08 The end ► *More information* File name: MintInstall.mp4 Style: Shine (beta) Software: DaVinci Resolve 18.1, OBS Studio, Aegisub, YTSubConverter Recording date: 28th December 2022 ► *Channels* Main channel: youtube.com/@markusTegelane Secondary channel: youtube.com/@markusTegelaneLite Programming channel: youtube.com/@hashMarkusTegelane Markus' stuff: youtube.com/@markuseasjad Press any key to continue: youtube.com/@PAKTC Markus' videos: youtube.com/@MarkusMaal ► *Thank you for watching!* © 2022 Markus' videos ► *Hashtags* #linuxmint #computertips #installation |
See video näitab, kuidas paigaldada Linux Mint 21.1 enda arvutisse. Video ei ole mõeldud selle konkreetse operatsioonsüsteemi kasutamise õpetuseks, näitan lihtsalt, kuidas luua buutitav USB ja süsteem paigaldada. Järgmine video: tl;dw Markuse videod aastal 2022 ► *Lisamärkused* - Linux Minti puhul pole Secure Boot-i ehk turvalise käivitamise väljalülitamine kohustuslik. Seega, kui teie arvutis sellist valikut pole, siis saate ta lihtsalt sisse jätta ja muuta ainult buutimise järjekorda. - Selle konkreetse sülearvuti puhul oleks soovitatav olnud siiski Xfce versioon paigaldada, sest see oleks olnud kiirem. - Juhul kui valite "Midagi muud", siis peate määrama enda UEFI partitisiooni, juurkaustaga partitsiooni ning soovitatavalt ka swap partitsiooni. - Vabandan, kui see video oli monteerimise osas natuke primitiivne. Ma tahtsin võimalikult kiiresti teha ühe video enne 29. detsembrit, sest siis alustan aastat lõpetavate videote tegemisega. ► *Allalaadimise lingid* Linux Mint 21.1: https://www.linuxmint.com/download.php Rufus: https://rufus.ie/et/ ► *Teised lingid* Ajaveeb: https://markustegelane.blogspot.com (Feedburner/RSS: https://feeds.feedburner.com/markustegelane_ee) Veebisait: https://markustegelane.online Juhuslik video: https://markustegelane.online/markustegelane/random/?c=mt ► *Muusika* Video kasutab esitaja Vibe Tracks muusikat. Allikas: YouTube fonoteek. ► *Peatükid* 0:00 Sissejuhatus 0:22 ISO allalaadimine 1:04 Programmi Rufus allalaadimine ja kasutusala 2:10 ISO laadimine mälupulgale 5:33 Minu arvuti hetkeseis 6:24 Sisenemine SETUP programmi (1. meetod) 7:52 Sisenemine SETUP programmi (2. meetod) 9:16 Buutimise suvandite konfigureerimine 11:15 Mälupulgale buutimine 12:50 Katsetuskeskonna seadistamine ja sirvimine 14:38 Installimisprogrammi avamine 14:51 Süsteemi seadistamine ja paigaldamine 19:45 Paigaldusjärgne märguanne ja taaskäivitamine 21:18 Esmaseadituse aken 22:08 Lõpp ► *Lisainfo* Failinimi: MintInstall.mp4 Stiil: Sära (beeta) Tarkvara: DaVinci Resolve 18.1, OBS Studio, Aegisub, YTSubConverter Lindistamise kuupäev: 28. detsember 2022 ► *Kanalid* Põhikanal: youtube.com/@markusTegelane Lisakanal: youtube.com/@markusTegelaneLite Programmeerimiskanal: youtube.com/@hashMarkusTegelane Markuse asjad: youtube.com/@markuseasjad Press any key to continue: youtube.com/@PAKTC Markuse videod: youtube.com/@MarkusMaal ► *Aitäh, et vaatasite!* © 2022 Markuse videod ► *Teemaviited* #linuxmint #arvutinõuanded #paigaldamine |
MintInstall.mp4 | Arvuti nõuanded | Computer tips | markustegelane,Markus Maal,Tegelane Markus,mmaal,TheMarkusGuy,computers,arvuti nõuanded,Linux,paigaldamine,kuidas paigaldada linux,how to install,Linux Mint,21.1 | N/A | MarkusTegelane | . | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/517.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/517.json | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/stream/517.en.ass |
512 | Press any key to continue... | Flipnic - Evolution D (Hard difficulty gameplay) [feat. Staff credits] | 0 | 2022-12-06 | Since I haven't found a lot of good full stage playthrough videos on Flipnic, I've decided to upload some of my own gameplay! This is the final boss stage in Flipnic, which you unlock after completing the Geometry A stage. After completing the stage, you get a special staff credits FMV with fireworks, which I am also showcasing here. For these stages, the difficulty doesn't matter that much, except for the number of balls and credits, but I'm playing on the hard difficulty nevertheless. To complete this stage, you have to do the following: 1. Hit entities with ball and avoid losing balls. You can hit shiny targets to spawn more balls 2. If you manage to destroy a red skull, you'll complete the stage |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZbm-NMU5t4 | 0 | Flipnic - Evolution D (Hard difficulty gameplay) [feat. Staff credits] | . | Since I haven't found a lot of good full stage playthrough videos on Flipnic, I've decided to upload some of my own gameplay! This is the final boss stage in Flipnic, which you unlock after completing the Geometry A stage. After completing the stage, you get a special staff credits FMV with fireworks, which I am also showcasing here. For these stages, the difficulty doesn't matter that much, except for the number of balls and credits, but I'm playing on the hard difficulty nevertheless. To complete this stage, you have to do the following: 1. Hit entities with ball and avoid losing balls. You can hit shiny targets to spawn more balls 2. If you manage to destroy a red skull, you'll complete the stage |
. | 2022-12-06 23-04-04.mkv | Muud mängimise videod | Other gameplay videos | gameplay,Evolution,Theology,credits,Flipnic,pinball,PlayStation 2 | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/512.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/512.json | N/A | N/A |
510 | Press any key to continue... | Flipnic - Geometry A (Hard difficulty gameplay) [no sound] | 0 | 2022-12-06 | Since I haven't found a lot of good full stage playthrough videos on Flipnic, I've decided to upload some of my own gameplay!As a challenge for myself, I've also cranked up the difficulty to hard, which reduces the number of balls to three with no continues (unless you get extra credits and balls of course), all ball saving bumpers are deactivated by default, and the number of bumper hits required to complete specific missions has also been increased. The Geometry stages provide a different type of gameplay with 2D-ish graphics, which is more similar to a brick breaker game, rather than a pinball game. Altough the video is shorter, this stage was actually more difficult than the Optics B stage for me. I'm apologize for no sound in this video. I was recording this with OBS and during recording the audio level meter did show activity, so I have no idea why it decided not to output sound to the final file. I might upload a version with sound in the future, but for now I wanted to get the video out, so this will have to do. At the minimum, to complete this stage, you have to do the following:1. Collect all purple keys 2. After collecting all the keys, you'll unlock the Space Warp mission, which lets you warp through the game field. 3. Warp 5 times to summon Area 74 flag, warp even more to summon the Alien Hill flag 4. We'll assume you hit the Area 74 flag first. In this mission, you must destroy the UFOs several times, while trying to avoid losing any balls. 5. If you hit the A-flag, you'll go to the Alien Hill mission. The goal here is to collect all blue keys and progress upwards until the counter reaches 0. 6. If you complete both Alien Hill and Area 74 missions, another flag, which is marked with E, appears. Collect it to start the Galaxy Tennis mission 7. (Optional) Try to hit your ball to the enemy position 3 times, while also defending your own position. 8. (Optional) You'll now be teleported back to spawn. You can now complete any leftover yellow missions that you hadn't completed before, which allows you to maximize the score, before playing the next stage (after quitting the stage, the score gets locked, meaning you won't get any more points) |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7R03-vNb7s | 0 | Flipnic - Geometry A (Hard difficulty gameplay) [no sound] | . | Since I haven't found a lot of good full stage playthrough videos on Flipnic, I've decided to upload some of my own gameplay!As a challenge for myself, I've also cranked up the difficulty to hard, which reduces the number of balls to three with no continues (unless you get extra credits and balls of course), all ball saving bumpers are deactivated by default, and the number of bumper hits required to complete specific missions has also been increased. The Geometry stages provide a different type of gameplay with 2D-ish graphics, which is more similar to a brick breaker game, rather than a pinball game. Altough the video is shorter, this stage was actually more difficult than the Optics B stage for me. I'm apologize for no sound in this video. I was recording this with OBS and during recording the audio level meter did show activity, so I have no idea why it decided not to output sound to the final file. I might upload a version with sound in the future, but for now I wanted to get the video out, so this will have to do. At the minimum, to complete this stage, you have to do the following:1. Collect all purple keys 2. After collecting all the keys, you'll unlock the Space Warp mission, which lets you warp through the game field. 3. Warp 5 times to summon Area 74 flag, warp even more to summon the Alien Hill flag 4. We'll assume you hit the Area 74 flag first. In this mission, you must destroy the UFOs several times, while trying to avoid losing any balls. 5. If you hit the A-flag, you'll go to the Alien Hill mission. The goal here is to collect all blue keys and progress upwards until the counter reaches 0. 6. If you complete both Alien Hill and Area 74 missions, another flag, which is marked with E, appears. Collect it to start the Galaxy Tennis mission 7. (Optional) Try to hit your ball to the enemy position 3 times, while also defending your own position. 8. (Optional) You'll now be teleported back to spawn. You can now complete any leftover yellow missions that you hadn't completed before, which allows you to maximize the score, before playing the next stage (after quitting the stage, the score gets locked, meaning you won't get any more points) |
. | 2022-12-06 21-42-10.mkv | Muud mängimise videod | Other gameplay videos | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/510.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/510.json | N/A | N/A | |
511 | Press any key to continue... | Flipnic - Geometry 2P gameplay | 0 | 2022-12-06 | Since I haven't found a lot of good full stage playthrough videos on Flipnic, I've decided to upload some of my own gameplay! In addition to normal stages, I've also decided to upload some 2 player versions! The 2P modes are completely different in terms of gameplay and they try to imitate sports games in a pinball format. The 2P stages are playable in Free play/2P match gamemode after unlocking the A version of the corresponding 2P stage (e.g. if you unlock Metallurgy A, you'll be able to play Metallurgy 2P). In Geometry 2P, each player has a goal, which the opponent is trying to defend. Each time a ball reaches the goal, a point is awarded. |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWL_ziwHlkE | 0 | Flipnic - Geometry 2P gameplay | . | Since I haven't found a lot of good full stage playthrough videos on Flipnic, I've decided to upload some of my own gameplay! In addition to normal stages, I've also decided to upload some 2 player versions! The 2P modes are completely different in terms of gameplay and they try to imitate sports games in a pinball format. The 2P stages are playable in Free play/2P match gamemode after unlocking the A version of the corresponding 2P stage (e.g. if you unlock Metallurgy A, you'll be able to play Metallurgy 2P). In Geometry 2P, each player has a goal, which the opponent is trying to defend. Each time a ball reaches the goal, a point is awarded. |
. | 2022-12-06 22-54-25.mkv | Muud mängimise videod | Other gameplay videos | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/511.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/511.json | N/A | N/A | |
509 | Press any key to continue... | Flipnic - Optics B (Hard difficulty gameplay) | 0 | 2022-12-04 | Since I haven't found a lot of good full stage playthrough videos on Flipnic, I've decided to upload some of my own gameplay! As a challenge for myself, I've also cranked up the difficulty to hard, which reduces the number of balls to three with no continues (unless you get extra credits and balls of course), all ball saving bumpers are deactivated by default, and the number of bumper hits required to complete specific missions has also been increased. It took me a long time to upload the Optics B gameplay, because my initial victory didn't have sound, so I had to beat it again (and this stage is really difficult). At the minimum, to complete this stage, you have to do the following: 1. Hit a flying target to trigger a "Point of No Return" mission 2. Collect all of the rings required, which have been placed all around the stage (some rings are only at specific areas, such as Yellow, Magenta, and Cyan) 3. Go back to the spawn location, a multiball mission will then start 4. (Optional) Complete a required task for the multiball mission 5. Repeat steps 1-4 two more times 6. After completing the third multiball mission, you'll be teleported to a Zero Gravity mission area 7. (Optional) Try to hit projectiles within the time limit. Second to last particle shape is a stick figure and the final one is a combination of all the previous shapes. If you manage to do this, you'll be awarded with a neat cake cutscene and a bunch of bonus points. If you don't, you'll just recieve no bonus and the cutscene won't play, but you'll still unlock the next stage 8. (Optional) You'll now be teleported back to spawn. You can now complete any leftover yellow missions that you hadn't completed before, which allows you to maximize the score, before playing the next stage (after quitting the stage, the score gets locked, meaning you won't get any more points) |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VahRvD_2iyY | 0 | Flipnic - Optics B (Hard difficulty gameplay) | . | Since I haven't found a lot of good full stage playthrough videos on Flipnic, I've decided to upload some of my own gameplay! As a challenge for myself, I've also cranked up the difficulty to hard, which reduces the number of balls to three with no continues (unless you get extra credits and balls of course), all ball saving bumpers are deactivated by default, and the number of bumper hits required to complete specific missions has also been increased. It took me a long time to upload the Optics B gameplay, because my initial victory didn't have sound, so I had to beat it again (and this stage is really difficult). At the minimum, to complete this stage, you have to do the following: 1. Hit a flying target to trigger a "Point of No Return" mission 2. Collect all of the rings required, which have been placed all around the stage (some rings are only at specific areas, such as Yellow, Magenta, and Cyan) 3. Go back to the spawn location, a multiball mission will then start 4. (Optional) Complete a required task for the multiball mission 5. Repeat steps 1-4 two more times 6. After completing the third multiball mission, you'll be teleported to a Zero Gravity mission area 7. (Optional) Try to hit projectiles within the time limit. Second to last particle shape is a stick figure and the final one is a combination of all the previous shapes. If you manage to do this, you'll be awarded with a neat cake cutscene and a bunch of bonus points. If you don't, you'll just recieve no bonus and the cutscene won't play, but you'll still unlock the next stage 8. (Optional) You'll now be teleported back to spawn. You can now complete any leftover yellow missions that you hadn't completed before, which allows you to maximize the score, before playing the next stage (after quitting the stage, the score gets locked, meaning you won't get any more points) |
. | FlipnicOpticsBHard.mp4 | Muud mängimise videod | Other gameplay videos | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/509.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/509.json | N/A | N/A | |
508 | MarkusTegelane | Windows 8.1 tootetugi lõpeb 12. jaanuaril 2023 | 0 | 2022-11-20 | Microsoft lõpetab nende toote elütsükli poliitika tõttu Windows 8.1 toe. See tähendab, et tootele ei pakuta rohkem uuendusi ega ametlikku Microsofti tuge pärast seda kuupäeva. ► *Seotud lingid* Microsofti artikkel sellel teemal: https://support.microsoft.com/et-ee/windows/windows-8-1-tugi-l%C3%B5peb-10-jaanuaril-2023-3cfd4cde-f611-496a-8057-923fba401e93 Microsofti elütsükli poliitika: https://learn.microsoft.com/et-ee/lifecycle/ ► *Teised lingid* Kogukonna vahekaart: https://www.youtube.com/@markusTegelane/community Veebileht: https://markustegelane.online Juhuslik video: https://markustegelane.online/markustegelane/random/?c=mt ► *Muusika* Hello Windows 8 - 8.1 with Vista Remix ► *Lisainfo* Failinimi: _MetroEndOfLife.mp4_ Renderdamise aeg: 9 minutit, 44 sekundit Stiil: Metro Kasutatud tarkvara: DaVinci Resolve 18.1, Aegisub, YTSubConverter, Mozilla Firefox ► *Kanalid* Põhikanal: youtube.com/@markusTegelane Lisakanal: youtube.com/@markusTegelaneLite Programmeerimise kanal: youtube.com/@hashMarkusTegelane Markuse asjad: youtube.com/@markuseasjad Press any key to continue: youtube.com/@PAKTC Markuse videod: youtube.com/@MarkusMaal ► *Aitäh, et vaatasite!* © 2022 Markuse videod ► *Hashtags* #toelõpp #Windows8 #os |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTQMoJEa04U | 0 | Windows 8.1 reaches end of support on 12th January 2023 | . | Due to their product lifecycle policy, Microsoft are ending extended support for Windows 8.1. This means that it will not recieve any updates nor official technical support from Microsoft after this date. ► *Related links* Microsoft article about the topic: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/windows-8-1-support-will-end-on-january-10-2023-3cfd4cde-f611-496a-8057-923fba401e93 Microsoft Lifecycle policy: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/lifecycle/ ► *Other links* Community tab: https://www.youtube.com/@markusTegelane/community Website: https://markustegelane.online Random video: https://markustegelane.online/markustegelane/random/?c=mt ► *Music* Hello Windows 8 - 8.1 with Vista Remix ► *Additional information* Filename: _MetroEndOfLife.mp4_ Render time: 9 minutes, 44 seconds Style: Metro Software used: DaVinci Resolve 18.1, Aegisub, YTSubConverter, Mozilla Firefox ► *Channels* Main channel: youtube.com/@markusTegelane Secondary channel: youtube.com/@markusTegelaneLite Programming channel: youtube.com/@hashMarkusTegelane Markus' stuff: youtube.com/@markuseasjad Press any key to continue: youtube.com/@PAKTC Markus' videos: youtube.com/@MarkusMaal ► *Thank you for watching!* © 2022 Markus' videos ► *Hashtags* #endofsupport #Windows8 #os |
. | MetroEndOfLife.mp4 | Operatsioonsüsteemid | Operating systems | markustegelane,Markus Maal,Tegelane Markus,mmaal,TheMarkusGuy,computers,Windows 8.1,end of life,end of support,tootetugi,product support,elutsükli lõpp,Microsofti elutsükkel,Microsoft Lifecycle | https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/windows-8.1-reaches-end-of-support-on:6 | MarkusTegelane | . | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/508.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/508.json | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/stream/508.en.ass |
507 | Press any key to continue... | Windows 8 animation [4K60 remake] | 0 | 2022-11-18 | Since the Windows 8 animations you can find on YouTube are low quality and 30 fps, I decided to try to remake the Windows 8 animation from scratch. This allowed me to render the final result in 3840x2160 at 60 fps. | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkF09-7dZhg | 0 | Windows 8 animation [4K60 remake] | . | Since the Windows 8 animations you can find on YouTube are low quality and 30 fps, I decided to try to remake the Windows 8 animation from scratch. This allowed me to render the final result in 3840x2160 at 60 fps. | . | Win8Logo.mp4 | Operatsioonsüsteemid | Operating systems | Windows 8.1,Windows 8 animation,Windows 8,touch,Bill Gates,Microsoft,Steve Ballmer,blue,jupiter | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/507.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/507.json | N/A | N/A |
506 | MarkusTegelane | Kuidas parandada veakoodi 0x800c0006 (Unknown error) Movie Maker-i paigaldamisel? [Arvuti nõuanded] | 0 | 2022-11-13 | Juhul kui olete viimasel ajal proovinud installida Windows Live Movie Maker 2012 programmi, siis võis ilmneda paigaldamistõrge veakoodiga 0x800c0006. See kood tähendab seda, et wlsetup-all.exe fail ei sisalda MUI (Mitmekeeleline kasutajaliides) faile, mis vastavad teie arvuti kuvakeelele. Et seda parandada, peate ajutiselt määrama enda kuvakeeleks inglise. See video näitab teile, kuidas seda teha. ► *Allalaadimise lingid* Windows Live Essentials 2012 (136MB): https://download.cnet.com/Windows-Live-Essentials-2012/3000-20418_4-10805747.html ► *Teised lingid* markustegelane ajaveeb: https://markustegelane.blogspot.com (Feedburner/RSS: https://feeds.feedburner.com/markustegelane_ee) Veebisait: https://markustegelane.online Juhuslik video: https://markustegelane.online/markustegelane/random/?c=mt ► *Muusika* Three Chain Links - Hot Nights In Los Angeles ► *Peatükid* 0:00 Sissejuhatus 0:21 Kuvakeele muutmine 1:33 Movie Maker paigaldamine 2:03 Kuvakeele taastamine 2:21 Outro ► *Lisainfo* Failinimi: MovieMakerNonEnglishTutorial.mp4 Renderdamise aeg: 14 minutit, 39 sekundit Stiil: LaservalgusV3 Tarkvara: DaVinci Resolve 18, OBS Studio, Windows Live Essentials 2012 Lindistamise kuupäev: 12. november 2022 ► *Kanalid* Põhikanal: youtube.com/@markusTegelane Lisakanal: youtube.com/@markusTegelaneLite Programmeerimiskanal: youtube.com/@hashMarkusTegelane Markuse asjad: youtube.com/@markuseasjad Press any key to continue: youtube.com/@PAKTC Markuse videod: youtube.com/@MarkusMaal ► *Aitäh, et vaatasite!* © 2022 Markuse videod ► *Teemaviited* #MovieMaker #ArvutNõuanded #Veaotsing |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZD72JRDXdPQ | 0 | How to fix error 0x800c0006 (Unknown error), when installing Movie Maker? [Computer tips] | . | In case you have tried to install Windows Live Movie Maker 2012 today, you may have enountered an error during installation with the error code 0x800c0006. This error code means that the wlsetup-all.exe file doesn't contain the MUI (Multilingual User Interface) files for the display language your computer is using. To fix this, you need to temporarly change your display language to English. This video shows you how to do that. ► *Download links* Windows Live Essentials 2012 (136MB): https://download.cnet.com/Windows-Live-Essentials-2012/3000-20418_4-10805747.html ► *Other links* mmaal (markustegelane) blog: https://markustegelane-en.blogspot.com (Feedburner/RSS: https://feeds.feedburner.com/markustegelane) Website: https://markustegelane.online Random video: https://markustegelane.online/markustegelane/random/?c=mt ► *Music* Three Chain Links - Hot Nights In Los Angeles ► *Chapters* 0:00 Introduction 0:21 Changing the display language 1:33 Movie Maker install 2:03 Restoring display language 2:21 Outro ► *Additional information* Filename: MovieMakerNonEnglishTutorial.mp4 Render time: 14 minutes, 39 seconds Style: LaservalgusV3 Software: DaVinci Resolve 18, OBS Studio, Windows Live Essentials 2012 Recording date: 12th november 2022 ► *Channels* Main channel: youtube.com/@markusTegelane Secondary channel: youtube.com/@markusTegelaneLite Programming channel: youtube.com/@hashMarkusTegelane Markus' stuff: youtube.com/@markuseasjad Press any key to continue: youtube.com/@PAKTC Markus' videos: youtube.com/@MarkusMaal ► *Thank you for watching!* © 2022 Markus' videos ► *Hashtags* #MovieMaker #ComputerTips #Troubleshooting |
. | MovieMakerNonEnglishTutorial.mp4 | Arvuti nõuanded | Computer tips | markustegelane,Markus Maal,Tegelane Markus,mmaal,TheMarkusGuy,computers,computer tips,arvuti nõuanded,Movie Maker,Windows Live Movie Maker 2012,Windows Live Essentials,0x800c0006,WLXSuiteLang,unknown error | https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/how-to-fix-error-0x800c0006-(unknown:9 | MarkusTegelane | . | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/506.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/506.json | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/stream/506.en.ass |
503 | MarkusTegelane+ | MarkuStation 3 - Rikutud versioon // MarkuStation 3 - Corrupted version | 1 | 2022-11-06 | Rikutud versioon MarkuStation 3 introst, mida ma näitasin selles videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRmc4H9ZHyw // Corrupted version of the MarkuStation 3 intro, which I showed in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRmc4H9ZHyw |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N00TUhO3ufk | 0 | MarkuStation 3 - Rikutud versioon // MarkuStation 3 - Corrupted version | . | Rikutud versioon MarkuStation 3 introst, mida ma näitasin selles videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRmc4H9ZHyw // Corrupted version of the MarkuStation 3 intro, which I showed in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRmc4H9ZHyw |
. | MarkuStation 3 corrupted.mp4 | Markuse arvuti meelelahutus | Markus computer entertainment | N/A | MarkusTegelane+ | . | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/503.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/503.json | N/A | N/A | |
504 | MarkusTegelane++ | Windows 11, but it's a PowerPoint presentation I made in 2014 | 0 | 2022-11-06 | Back in 2014, when Windows 10 wasn't even announced yet, I made a few concepts for future Windows versions in PowerPoint. This is one of them. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWSzbytS7Sk | 0 | Windows 11, but it's a PowerPoint presentation I made in 2014 | Back in 2014, when Windows 10 wasn't even announced yet, I made a few concepts for future Windows versions in PowerPoint. This is one of them. | win11.mp4 | Varia | Joke videos | N/A | MarkusTegelane++ | MarkusTegelane++ | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/504.jpg | /channel_db_lite/web/stream/504.mp4 | /channel_db_lite/web/json/504.json | N/A | N/A | |||
501 | MarkusTegelane | Pidemed, lisakanali nime muutus ja muu (November 2022) [Info ja uudised] | 0 | 2022-11-03 | Selles videos räägin ma erinevatest asjadest, mis on seotud selle ja muude kanalitega, mida ma haldan. Videole on saadaval inglisekeelsed subtiitrid. Teemad: 0:00 Intro 0:14 YouTube pidemed 0:47 Lisakanali nime muutus 1:31 The Chatroom (pakkfail) 2:50 Markuse arvuti meelelahutus - 2. hooaja lõpp 4:22 Kogukonna vahekaart 6:21 Outro Lingid: Blogipostitus: https://markustegelane.blogspot.com/2022/11/info-ja-uudised-kanali-pidemed.html Veebisait: https://markustegelane.online Juhuslik video: https://markustegelane.online/markustegelane/random/?c=mt Ajaveeb: https://markustegelane.blogspot.com Kanalid: Markuse videod: https://www.youtube.com/@MarkusMaal Põhikanal: https://www.youtube.com/@markusTegelane Lisakanal: https://www.youtube.com/@markusTegelaneLite Programmeerimiskanal: https://www.youtube.com/@hashMarkusTegelane Markuse asjad: https://www.youtube.com/@markuseasjad Press any key to continue: https://www.youtube.com/@PAKTC Lisainfo: Muusika: TrackTribe - A Night Alone, Riot - Newsroom Failinimi: IANNOV2022_4.mp4 Monteerimistarkvara: DaVinci Resolve 18 (video), Audacity (heli) Renderdamise aeg: 53 minutit, 52 sekundit |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdRO8Rt6HDk | 0 | Handles, name change for secondary channel, and more (November 2022) [Info and news] | Pidemed, lisakanali nime muutus ja muu (November 2022) [Info ja uudised] | In this video, I talk about several things, which are going on with this channel and some other channels I manage. I speak in Estonian, but English subtitles are available, for those who don't understand this language. Topics: 0:00 Intro 0:14 YouTube handles 0:47 Name change for secondary channel 1:31 The Chatroom (batch file) 2:50 Markus computer entertainment - end of season 2 4:22 Community tab 6:21 Outro Links: Blog post: https://markustegelane-en.blogspot.com/2022/11/info-and-news-channel-handles-name.html Website: https://markustegelane.online Random video: https://markustegelane.online/markustegelane/random/?c=mt Blog: https://markustegelane-en.blogspot.com Channels: Markus' videos: https://www.youtube.com/@MarkusMaal Main channel: https://www.youtube.com/@markusTegelane Secondary channel: https://www.youtube.com/@markusTegelaneLite Programming channel: https://www.youtube.com/@hashMarkusTegelane Markus' stuff: https://www.youtube.com/@markuseasjad Press any key to continue: https://www.youtube.com/@PAKTC Other information: Music: TrackTribe - A Night Alone, Riot - Newsroom Raw filename: IANNOV2022_4.mp4 Editing software: DaVinci Resolve 18 (video), Audacity (audio) Render time: 53 minutes, 52 seconds |
Selles videos räägin ma erinevatest asjadest, mis on seotud selle ja muude kanalitega, mida ma haldan. Videole on saadaval inglisekeelsed subtiitrid. Teemad: 0:00 Intro 0:14 YouTube pidemed 0:47 Lisakanali nime muutus 1:31 The Chatroom (pakkfail) 2:50 Markuse arvuti meelelahutus - 2. hooaja lõpp 4:22 Kogukonna vahekaart 6:21 Outro Lingid: Blogipostitus: https://markustegelane.blogspot.com/2022/11/info-ja-uudised-kanali-pidemed.html Veebisait: https://markustegelane.online Juhuslik video: https://markustegelane.online/markustegelane/random/?c=mt Ajaveeb: https://markustegelane.blogspot.com Kanalid: Markuse videod: https://www.youtube.com/@MarkusMaal Põhikanal: https://www.youtube.com/@markusTegelane Lisakanal: https://www.youtube.com/@markusTegelaneLite Programmeerimiskanal: https://www.youtube.com/@hashMarkusTegelane Markuse asjad: https://www.youtube.com/@markuseasjad Press any key to continue: https://www.youtube.com/@PAKTC Lisainfo: Muusika: TrackTribe - A Night Alone, Riot - Newsroom Failinimi: IANNOV2022_4.mp4 Monteerimistarkvara: DaVinci Resolve 18 (video), Audacity (heli) Renderdamise aeg: 53 minutit, 52 sekundit |
IANNOV2022_4.mp4 | Info ja uudised | Info and news | The Chatroom,markustegelane,update,uuendused,kanali uuendus,pidemed,YouTube handles,handle,pide,nime muutus,lite,markustegelane lite,markustegelane x,podcast | https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/handles,-name-change-for-secondary:c | MarkusTegelane | . | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/501.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/501.json | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/stream/501.en.ass |
493 | Press any key to continue... | Loading a PS1 game [Real time capture \w disc seeking sounds] | 0 | 2022-10-10 | If you have ever owned a PS1 or any other early CD-based games console, you know very well that games take a very long time to load. One reason is due to the slower disc speed, another is due to the fact that game data is fragmented around the disc, so the laser assembly needs to seek around the disc to find the required data. This means that loading a game can take several minutes. This video demonstrates that. Captured using a real console, which is outputting composite, which is connected into an HDMI upscaler, which then is connected to a capture device, which is connected to my computer, which saves the output into a video file. This video is, at least for most part, uncut, except for parts, where I navigate around in menus, insert the game disc, play, etc, but every load screen is uncut. The game that is showcased in this video is Colin McRae Rally 2.0 (PS1, PAL version). Timestamps: 0:00 Opening disc tray, removing existing disc, inserting another game disc, closing tray, power on 0:11 Power-on, disc check 0:15 BIOS screen 0:31 Exit BIOS screen 0:35 Copyright screen 2:35 Black screen 2:52 Codemasters FMV 3:01 Black screen 3:46 Intro FMV (cut) 4:08 Black screen 4:16 Title screen/language selection 4:30 Loading demo mode 5:34 Exit demo mode 6:09 Navigating menus 6:21 Loading service area 6:31 Loading single stage 6:50 Single stage gameplay (cut) 7:08 Exit single stage P.S. At the beginning, the video is in mono. That's because I forgot to change my microphone into mono mode, so it was outputting only to one side, and I only realized that mid-recording. |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RzOn7rjeD8 | 0 | Loading a PS1 game [Real time capture \w disc seeking sounds] | . | If you have ever owned a PS1 or any other early CD-based games console, you know very well that games take a very long time to load. One reason is due to the slower disc speed, another is due to the fact that game data is fragmented around the disc, so the laser assembly needs to seek around the disc to find the required data. This means that loading a game can take several minutes. This video demonstrates that. Captured using a real console, which is outputting composite, which is connected into an HDMI upscaler, which then is connected to a capture device, which is connected to my computer, which saves the output into a video file. This video is, at least for most part, uncut, except for parts, where I navigate around in menus, insert the game disc, play, etc, but every load screen is uncut. The game that is showcased in this video is Colin McRae Rally 2.0 (PS1, PAL version). Timestamps: 0:00 Opening disc tray, removing existing disc, inserting another game disc, closing tray, power on 0:11 Power-on, disc check 0:15 BIOS screen 0:31 Exit BIOS screen 0:35 Copyright screen 2:35 Black screen 2:52 Codemasters FMV 3:01 Black screen 3:46 Intro FMV (cut) 4:08 Black screen 4:16 Title screen/language selection 4:30 Loading demo mode 5:34 Exit demo mode 6:09 Navigating menus 6:21 Loading service area 6:31 Loading single stage 6:50 Single stage gameplay (cut) 7:08 Exit single stage P.S. At the beginning, the video is in mono. That's because I forgot to change my microphone into mono mode, so it was outputting only to one side, and I only realized that mid-recording. |
. | PS1-seeking.mp4 | Varia | Miscellaneous | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/493.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/493.json | N/A | N/A | |
492 | MarkusTegelane | Windowsi helid - 20x aeglasemalt (käivitumine ja sulgumine) | 0 | 2022-10-08 | Selle video tarvis venitasin ma mitme Windowsi väljaande käivitamis ja sulgumishelid kasutades Audacity tarkvaras olevat Paulstretch tööriista. Lisaks tuntud helidele, lisasin ka mõned boonushelid vähemtuntud versioonidest ja ka kasutamata helisid (nagu näiteks Windows 8 sisselogimisheli). ► Lingid Veebileht: https://markustegelane.online Juhuslik video: https://markustegelane.online/markustegelane/random/?c=mt Ajaveeb: https://markustegelane.blogspot.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/@markustegelane ► Peatükid 0:00 Intro 0:06 Windows 3.1x (käivitumine) 0:31 Windows 3.1x (sulgumine) 0:45 Windows 95 (sisselogimine/käivitumine) 1:47 Windows NT 4.0 (käivitumine) 3:27 Windows NT 4.0 (sulgumine) 5:06 Windows 98 (sisselogimine/käivitumine) 6:25 Windows 98 (väljalogimine) 7:00 Windows 2000/ME (sisselogimine/käivitumine) 7:55 Windows 2000/ME (sulgumine) 8:34 Windows XP (käivitumine) 9:23 Windows XP (sulgumine) 9:54 Windows Vista/7 (käivitumine) 10:44 Windows Vista/7 (sulgumine) 11:22 Windows 11 (käivitumine) 12:22 Boonushelid! 12:28 Windows 3.0 MME (BELLS.WAV) 14:10 Windows CE 1.0 (käivitumine) 14:41 ReactOS (käivitumine) 16:01 Windows 8 sisselogimisheli (kasutamata) 17:13 Microsoft Surface sisselogimisheli (kasutamata) 18:25 Lõpuekraan ► Lisainfo Failinimi: OS_Paulstretch.mp4 Renderdamise aeg: umbes 45 minutit Monteerimistarkvara: DaVinci Resolve 18 (video), Audacity 3.2.0 (heli) Stiil: LaservalgusV3 ► Aitäh, et vaatasite! ©2022 Markuse videod ► Teemaviited #Windows #käivitumine #sulgumine #helid |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddVH0hjdzuM | 0 | Windows sounds - 20x slower (startup and shutdown) | . | For this video, I have stretched the startup and shutdown sounds of several Windows releases in Audacity using the Paulstretch tool. In addition to the known sounds, I have also included some bonus sounds from less known releases and unused sounds (such as the Windows 8 login sound). ► Links Website: https://markustegelane.online Random video: https://markustegelane.online/markustegelane/random/?c=mt Blog: https://markustegelane-en.blogspot.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/@markustegelane ► Chapters 0:00 Intro 0:06 Windows 3.1x (startup) 0:31 Windows 3.1x (shutdown) 0:45 Windows 95 (logon/startup) 1:47 Windows NT 4.0 (startup) 3:27 Windows NT 4.0 (shutdown) 5:06 Windows 98 (logon/startup) 6:25 Windows 98 (logoff) 7:00 Windows 2000/ME (logon/startup) 7:55 Windows 2000/ME (shutdown) 8:34 Windows XP (startup) 9:23 Windows XP (shutdown) 9:54 Windows Vista/7 (startup) 10:44 Windows Vista/7 (shutdown) 11:22 Windows 11 (startup) 12:22 Bonus sounds! 12:28 Windows 3.0 MME (BELLS.WAV) 14:10 Windows CE 1.0 (startup) 14:41 ReactOS (startup) 16:01 Windows 8 Logon Sound (unused) 17:13 Microsoft Surface Logon Sound (unused) 18:25 End screen ► Other info Filename: OS_Paulstretch.mp4 Render time: about 45 minutes Editing software: DaVinci Resolve 18 (video), Audacity 3.2.0 (audio) Style: LaservalgusV3 ► Thank you for watching! ©2022 Markus' videos ► Hashtags #Windows #startup #shutdown #sounds |
. | OS_Paulstretch.mp4 | Operatsioonsüsteemid | Operating systems | Windows,startup sound,shutdown sound,Windows CE,Windows NT,Windows XP,Windows 11,Windows Vista,Windows 3.1,Windows 95,Windows 98,Windows ME,millennium edition,second edition,first edition,audio editing,sound manipulation,paul stretch,stretch,aesthetic,ReactOS,Windows 8,Microsoft Surface,Windows 3.0 MME,Multimedia Extensions | https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/windows-startup-and-shutdown-sounds-2:2 | MarkusTegelane | . | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/492.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/492.json | N/A | N/A |
489 | MarkusTegelane | Mis juhtub, kui avate 6000 Chrome vahekaarti Windowsiga sülearvutis? [Markuse arvuti meelelahutus] | 0 | 2022-09-25 | Selles videos avame 6000 vahekaarti Google Chrome-is ning vaatame, kuidas Windowsiga arvuti sellele reageerib. Kuid, seekord ei kasuta me enam enda HP Stream sülearvutit, vaid hoopis teist rüperaali, mida ma sellel kanalil varem näidanud pole. Järgmine video: Samsung Dex ► Seotud lingid Google Chrome brauser: https://www.google.com/chrome AutoHotkey skript: https://pastebin.com/AHhXYynZ Monteerimata ekraanisalvestus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqhbM_lyqD0 ► Teised lingid Veebileht: https://markustegelane.online Ajaveeb: https://markustegelane.blogspot.com (Feedburner/RSS: https://feeds.feedburner.com/markustegelane_ee) ► Muusika AIRGLOW – Cepheid Disk: https://youtu.be/p6iZ2_Q_MUc Markus Maal – Harmoy Professor Kliq – Tickly Me Pink (CC-BY-NC-SA) Professor Kliq – Electric Telepathy (CC-BY-SA) Alex Barbarian – Slices: https://youtu.be/dSrIGrPxmFQ Professor Kliq – Surfs Up Three Chain Links – Die Historic: https://youtu.be/ZyVq4HF8oRw Markus Maal – Base Theme Professor Kliq – Synapse (CC-BY-NC-SA) Cipher Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Litsents: Creative Commons: autorile viitamine 3.0 Litsents http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ ► Lisainfo Failinimi: GoogleOver6000.mp4 Stiil: MCE-2.0 Renderdamise aeg: 38 minutit, 37 sekundit Lindistamise kuupäev: 28. august 2022 ► Aitäh, et vaatasite! © 2022 Markuse videod ► Teemaviited #GoogleChrome #Üle6000 #eksperiment |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8nuECU6p0I | 0 | What happens, when you open 6000 Chrome tabs in a Windows laptop? [Markus computer entertainment] | . | In this video, we are going to open 6000 tabs in Google Chrome and seeing how a Windows computer is going to respond. However, in this video, we are not going to be using our HP Stream laptop, but instead, another laptop I haven't shown on this channel before. Next video: Samsung Dex ► Related links Google Chrome browser: https://www.google.com/chrome AutoHotkey script: https://pastebin.com/AHhXYynZ Unedited screen recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqhbM_lyqD0 ► Other links Website: https://markustegelane.online Blog: https://markustegelane-en.blogspot.com (Feedburner/RSS: https://feeds.feedburner.com/markustegelane) ► Music AIRGLOW – Cepheid Disk: https://youtu.be/p6iZ2_Q_MUc Markus Maal – Harmoy Professor Kliq – Tickly Me Pink (CC-BY-NC-SA) Professor Kliq – Electric Telepathy (CC-BY-SA) Alex Barbarian – Slices: https://youtu.be/dSrIGrPxmFQ Professor Kliq – Surfs Up Three Chain Links – Die Historic: https://youtu.be/ZyVq4HF8oRw Markus Maal – Base Theme Professor Kliq – Synapse (CC-BY-NC-SA) Cipher Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ ► Additional information Filename: GoogleOver6000.mp4 Style: MCE-2.0 Render time: 38 minutes, 37 seconds Recording date: 28th August 2022 ► Thank you for watching! © 2022 Markus' videos ► Hashtags #GoogleChrome #Over6000 #experiment |
. | GoogleOver6000.mp4 | Markuse arvuti meelelahutus | Markus computer entertainment | Google Chrome,what happens if you open 6000 tabs,Windows,Windows 11,OBS,Open Broadcaster Software,waiting,loading,Markuse arvuti meelelahutus,Markus computer entertainment | N/A | MarkusTegelane | . | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/489.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/489.json | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/stream/489.en.ass |
486 | Press any key to continue... | (Almost) All MIDI songs [Microsoft Clip Organizer] | 0 | 2022-08-31 | Microsoft Clip Organizer was a clip art organizing software, which allowed users to find drawings, photographs, sounds, videos, and other media clips to include in presentations, publications, and other Office documents. It cam with a variety of stock media clips and offered more selection on the Microsoft Office Online website. (source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Office_shared_tools#Clip_Organizer) Among these stock media clips, were several MIDI files, which are being played in this vdieo. I used VLC Media Player and FluidSynth with a Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth soundfont to convert these into wave files, which I am playing with a simple batch script. |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XY7dqdFe7A | 0 | . | . | Microsoft Clip Organizer was a clip art organizing software, which allowed users to find drawings, photographs, sounds, videos, and other media clips to include in presentations, publications, and other Office documents. It cam with a variety of stock media clips and offered more selection on the Microsoft Office Online website. (source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Office_shared_tools#Clip_Organizer) Among these stock media clips, were several MIDI files, which are being played in this vdieo. I used VLC Media Player and FluidSynth with a Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth soundfont to convert these into wave files, which I am playing with a simple batch script. * Thumbnail graphics * Midi icons created by Dimitry Miroliubov - Flaticon (https://www.flaticon.com/free-icons/midi) Clip Organizer window illustration from: https://bettersolutions.com/powerpoint/illustrations/clip-organiser.htm * Other links * Batch file: https://pastebin.com/8cHWTR4b Original MIDI files are available on archive.org, under the Microsoft Clip Art archive: https://archive.org/download/MS_Clipart_Collection (almost all of the songs are from this archive, except for Techno Dance, which I had saved myself) * Timestamps * 0:00 Intro 00:03 Kalimba Open 00:06 Classical Open 00:10 Glitter Open 00:15 Heavy Metal Open 00:21 Music Box Open 00:28 Weather Open 00:35 Techno Open 00:42 Light Rock Open 00:49 Reggae Open 00:56 Happy Open 01:04 Military Open 01:12 Big Glitz Intro 01:21 Pizzicato Open 01:30 Christmas Open 01:39 Samba Open 01:48 New Age Open 01:57 Children Open 02:06 Sad Open 02:16 Timpani Open 02:26 Sports Open 02:36 Nature Open 02:47 Royal Open 02:58 Jazz Open 03:11 A Tisket Song 03:26 Minor Waltz Trad 03:41 Sneaky Music 03:56 Minor Chord Trad 04:12 Pop Goes 04:29 Hallelujah 04:50 Conveyor Music 05:17 Retail Jazz 05:44 Mystery Reveal 06:12 Lounge Music 06:41 Urban Pop Tune 07:10 Hero March Part 07:39 Cool Low Jazz 08:08 Jazz Jingles 08:38 architecture 09:08 Playful Game 09:38 Chime Patterns 10:08 Hipster Jazz 10:38 Be-Bop Underscore 11:08 Village Theme 11:38 Be-Bop Jazz 12:08 Sports Drive 12:38 Marketing Music 13:09 Elegant Rondo 13:40 government 14:11 Banking Theme 14:43 Disco Jingle 15:15 African Rhythm 15:47 Creep Underscore 16:19 Halloween Creep 16:51 Tech Underscore 17:23 steady beat 17:55 Cute Funny Bounce 18:27 Global Adventure 18:59 Weather Music 19:31 Mystery Music 20:03 Soft Groove 20:35 City Build Music 21:07 Global Underscore 21:39 Subdued Joy 22:12 Baroque Birthday 22:45 Teen Rock Ballad 23:18 Funky Kids Music 23:51 Slow Electrobeat 24:24 Communication Underscore 24:58 Bill Bailey Home 25:32 Heavy Underscore 26:06 Japanese Texture 26:41 Latin shakers 27:16 Game Atmosphere 27:51 Roman March 28:26 Simple New Age 29:02 Technobop 29:38 Spin Theme 30:14 Techno Dance 30:51 Country Jingles 31:29 Minor Jingles 32:08 Sexy Thing 32:47 Indian Meditate 33:27 African Pop 34:07 Gentle Nature 34:47 Fun Sparkly Jig 35:28 wholesale 36:12 Rock Of Ages 36:57 Lets Be Friends 37:43 communications 38:30 agriculture 39:18 Walking Bass 40:09 Indian Dance 41:00 Slow Latin March 41:52 Silent Night 42:44 Marine Hymn 43:36 Island Dance 44:28 Caribbean Dance 1 45:21 Jewish Dance 46:15 Caribbean Dance 2 47:09 Transportation 48:04 Sad Japan Song 49:00 China New Year 49:56 Indian Sway (2) 50:53 Antic Spirits 51:50 Halloween Dance 52:47 Sad Church Organ 53:45 Joy To The World 54:43 African Chase 55:41 Kwanzaa March 56:40 Tricky Zone 57:39 Greek Waltz 1 58:39 Jamaica Bounce 2 59:39 Blues 01:00:39 Suspenseful 01:01:39 Japanese study 01:02:39 Low Organ Theme 01:03:39 Mexican Dance 01:04:40 Auld Lang Syne1 01:05:42 Greek Waltz 2 01:06:44 Weather Underscore 01:07:46 Angels Heard Hi 01:08:49 Light Activity 01:09:52 Turkey In Straw 01:10:55 Chanukah Music 01:11:58 Parisian Waltz 01:13:03 China Celebrate 01:14:08 Eight Days 01:15:15 Hark Herald 01:16:23 Jamaican Rhythm 01:17:32 Thankful People 01:18:41 Little Bethlehem 01:19:54 Caissons Rolling 01:21:07 Hanukkah Song |
. | 2022-08-31 17-12-44.mkv | Muusika | Music | Microsoft Office,MIDI sequence,MIDI,.mid,PowerPoint MIDIs,Publisher MIDIs,Clip Organizer,Microsoft Office shared tools,Microsoft Clip Organizer | https://odysee.com/@Press_any_key_to_continue:2/MSClipOrganizerMIDI:9 | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/486.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/486.json | N/A | N/A |
483 | MarkusTegelane | Kuidas taastada mitte-meeldimiste arv YouTube-is? [Arvuti nõuanded] | 0 | 2022-08-23 | See video demonstreerib, kuidas on võimalik taastada mitte-meeldimiste arv YouTube-is kasutades brauserilaiendust nimega "Return YouTube Dislike". See video näitab samuti kui täpne see laiendus on ühel mu videol ning samuti miks te peaksite selle üldse installima. | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-Qf50Uz6Gk | 0 | How to restore the dislike count on YouTube? [Computer tips] | . | This quick video showcases how you can restore the dislike count on YouTube using a browser extension called "Return YouTube Dislike". This video also shows how accurate it is on one of my own videos as well as why you should even install it. ► Related links Install Return YouTube Dislike: https://returnyoutubedislike.com/install ► Other links My website: https://markustegelane.ml Channel blog: https://markustegelane-en.blogspot.com (Feedburner: https://feeds.feedburner.com/markustegelane) ► Music Markus Maal - Torm (muusika17.wma) ► Additional information Filename: CT_ReturnYouTubeDislike.mp4 Style: LaservalgusV3 Recording date: 12 January 2022 ► Thank you for watching! © 2022 Markus' videos ► Hashtags #computertips #ReturnYouTubeDislike #dislike |
See video demonstreerib, kuidas on võimalik taastada mitte-meeldimiste arv YouTube-is kasutades brauserilaiendust nimega "Return YouTube Dislike". See video näitab samuti kui täpne see laiendus on ühel mu videol ning samuti miks te peaksite selle üldse installima. ► Teemaga seotud lingid Paigalda Return YouTube Dislike: https://returnyoutubedislike.com/install ► Teised lingid Minu veebisait: https://markustegelane.ml Kanali ajaveeb: https://markustegelane.blogspot.com (Feedburner: https://feeds.feedburner.com/markustegelane_ee) ► Muusika Markus Maal - Torm (muusika17.wma) ► Lisainfo Faili nimi: CT_ReturnYouTubeDislike.mp4 Stiil: LaservalgusV3 Salvestuskuupäev: 12. jaanuar 2022. a ► Aitäh, et vaatasite! © 2022 Markuse videod ► Teemaviited #arvutinõuanded #ReturnYouTubeDislike #dislike |
CT_ReturnYouTubeDislike.mp4 | Arvuti nõuanded | Computer tips | Return YouTube Dislike,browser extension,dislike count,how to restore dislike count,display dislikes YouTube,dislike button,kes pani dislike,who disliked the video,who put dislike,who left dislike,Computer tips,Arvuti nõuanded,Nõuanded arvutitele,please don't ban me big G | https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/how-to-restore-the-dislike-count-on:4 | MarkusTegelane | . | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/483.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/483.json | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/stream/483.en.ass |
482 | MarkusTegelane | MXLinux-i avastamine (GNU/Linux) [Markuse arvuti meelelahutus] | 0 | 2022-08-21 | Selles videos vaatan ma kõige populaarsemat distrot veebilehel DistroWatch.com - MXLinux! | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvtsrHHTLpI | 0 | Discovering MXLinux (GNU/Linux) [Markus computer entertainment] | . | In this video, I take a look at the most popular distribution on DistroWatch.com - MXLinux! Next video: Computer tips ► Related links DistroWatch page: https://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=mx MX Linux blog: https://mxlinux.org/blog/ Xfce desktop environment: https://xfce.org/ Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/wz2LpNN.png Blog post for this video: https://markustegelane-en.blogspot.com/2022/08/mx-linux-overview-on-mmaal.html ► Other links mmaal (markustegelane) blog: https://markustegelane-en.blogspot.com (Feedburner/RSS: https://feeds.feedburner.com/markustegelane) Web site: https://markustegelane.ml ► Music Wallpaper Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Inspired Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Presenterator Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Screen Saver by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/5715-screen-saver License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license Professor Kliq - Surfs Up Professor Kliq - The Most Beautiful Day (2013 Instrumental) Vibe Tracks - Dutty Elwood Productions - Agony Silent Partner - Hold On a Minute Silent Partner - Tobaggan ALBIS - New Land Markus Maal - Techiesong ► Additional information Original filename: MAMES2E10.mp4 Style: LaservalgusV3 Render time: Too long Recording date: 10th August 2022 (camera footage) and 11th August 2022 (screen capture) ► Thank you for watching! © 2022 Markus' videos ► Hashtags #S2E10 #MarkusComputerEntertainment #MXLinux |
Selles videos vaatan ma kõige populaarsemat distrot veebilehel DistroWatch.com - MXLinux! Järgmine video: Arvuti nõuanded ► Teemaga seotud lingid DistroWatch lehekülg: https://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=mx MX Linux ajaveeb: https://mxlinux.org/blog/ Xfce töölaud: https://xfce.org/ Kuvapilt: https://i.imgur.com/wz2LpNN.png Blogipostitus selle video kohta: https://markustegelane.blogspot.com/2022/08/mx-linux-ulevaade-markustegelane-kanalil.html ► Teised lingid markustegelane ajaveeb: https://markustegelane-en.blogspot.com (Feedburner/RSS: https://feeds.feedburner.com/markustegelane_ee) Veebileht: https://markustegelane.ml ► Muusika Wallpaper Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Inspired Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Presenterator Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Screen Saver by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/5715-screen-saver License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license Professor Kliq - Surfs Up Professor Kliq - The Most Beautiful Day (2013 Instrumental) Vibe Tracks - Dutty Elwood Productions - Agony Silent Partner - Hold On a Minute Silent Partner - Tobaggan ALBIS - New Land Markus Maal - Techiesong ► Lisainfo Algne failinimi: MAMES2E10.mp4 Stiil: LaservalgusV3 Renderdamise aeg: Liiga kaua Lindistamise kuupäev: 10. august 2022 (kaamerapilt) ja 11. august 2022 (kuvahõive) ► Aitäh, et vaatasite! © 2022 Markuse videod ► Teemaviited #S2E10 #MarkuseArvutiMeelelahutus #MXLinux |
MAMES2E10_MXLinux.mp4 | Markuse arvuti meelelahutus | Markus computer entertainment | MX Linux,antiX,no systemd distributions,GNU/Linux,Linus Torvalds is the god of Linux,I'd like to interject for a moment,Linux,operating system,Ma tahaksin korraks vahele astuda,HP Stream,Markuse arvuti meelelahutus,Markus computer entertainment,S2E10,MarkuStation on päris,200 eurot,brokkoli,MinecraftTegelane,M.C.E.,Insyde,LCD,I'm blue,Tegelane on mõistuse kaotanud - tema arvates MarkuStationi ei eksisteeri,ma kulutasin liiga kaua aega nende siltide peale,Eesti,Estonia | https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/discovering-mxlinux-(gnu-linux)-markus:5 | MarkusTegelane | . | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/482.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/482.json | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/stream/482.en.ass |
480 | Press any key to continue... | TrackMania - Menu Music | 0 | 2022-08-10 | This is the main menu music from TrackMania. TrackMania is an arcade racing game franchise, which was first created in 2003. The goal in these games is to collect as many medals as possible. You can also make your own maps and play with others online. The game also has a very active competitive scene, where players try to beat each other's times in an attempt to hold the world record on that track. That being said, this video was made just to make fun of Nadeo, for naming their latest game TrackMania, which is the same name they used for the first game (they started calling it "TrackMania Original" only after TrackMania Sunrise came out). And since you can't change history, I thought it would funny to confuse some people. |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLuRLCSWIA8 | 0 | . | . | This is the main menu music from TrackMania. TrackMania is an arcade racing game franchise, which was first created in 2003. The goal in these games is to collect as many medals as possible. You can also make your own maps and play with others online. The game also has a very active competitive scene, where players try to beat each other's times in an attempt to hold the world record on that track. That being said, this video was made just to make fun of Nadeo, for naming their latest game TrackMania, which is the same name they used for the first game (they started calling it "TrackMania Original" only after TrackMania Sunrise came out). And since you can't change history, I thought it would funny to confuse some people. |
. | tmroll2.mp4 | Muusika | Music | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/480.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/480.json | N/A | N/A | |
477 | MarkusTegelane+ | scrubbing the audio timeline in Davinci Resolve be like | 1 | 2022-08-03 | N/A | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUiAK2A9S1k | 0 | . | . | . | . | 2022-08-03 17-08-06.mkv | Varia | Miscellaneous | N/A | MarkusTegelane+ | . | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/477.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/477.json | N/A | N/A | |
474 | Press any key to continue... | Flipnic - Biology B (Hard difficulty gameplay) | 0 | 2022-07-28 | Since I haven't found a lot of good full stage playthrough videos on Flipnic, I've decided to upload some of my own gameplay! As a challenge for myself, I've also cranked up the difficulty to hard, which reduces the number of balls to three with no continues (unless you get extra credits and balls of course), all ball saving bumpers are deactivated by default, and the number of bumper hits required to complete specific missions has also been increased. This time I'm playing the very first B-version of a stage in this game - Biology B. These secondary versions are mirrored and have modified textures and color pallettes. You need to complete these B-versions before unlocking the final stage, which is Geometry A. At the minimum, to complete this stage, you have to do the following: 1. Get to the "Slot chance" area 2. Go to the right lane 3. Once you get to the middle section with the flipper, you need to aim for the lane on the left 4. Hit bumpers, until all of them have butterflies. This will complete the "Freeze Over" mission 5. Go back to the "Slot chance" area. You should now see 2 platforms. Try to make the ball jump over these ramps a certain number of times. If the counter reaches 0, the "Hidden path discovery" will start 6. Go up the mountain and collect all of the shiny coins. Once you reach the very top, the "Zero Gravity" mission will start. 7. (Optional) Try to hit projectiles within the time limit. Second to last particle shape is a stick figure and the final one is a combination of all the previous shapes. If you manage to do this, you'll be awarded with a neat cake cutscene and a bunch of bonus points. If you don't, you'll just recieve no bonus and the cutscene won't play, but you'll still unlock the next stage 8. (Optional) You'll now be teleported back to spawn. You can now complete any leftover yellow missions that you hadn't completed before, which allows you to maximize the score, before playing the next stage (after quitting the stage, the score gets locked, meaning you won't get any more points) |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTGeJ3Yr3_c | 0 | . | . | Since I haven't found a lot of good full stage playthrough videos on Flipnic, I've decided to upload some of my own gameplay! As a challenge for myself, I've also cranked up the difficulty to hard, which reduces the number of balls to three with no continues (unless you get extra credits and balls of course), all ball saving bumpers are deactivated by default, and the number of bumper hits required to complete specific missions has also been increased. This time I'm playing the B-version of the Metallurgy stage. These secondary versions are mirrored and have modified textures and color pallettes. You need to complete these B-versions before unlocking the final stage, which is Geometry A. At the minimum, to complete this stage, you have to do the following: 1. Go through the first lane after spawning on the stage 2. Take a color coded lane 3. If you chose the magenta lane, you'll end up in an area with a UFO trying to shoot lasers at you. Try to hit the purple circuit board certain number of times, which will complete the first "Move On" mission 4. Take the lane, which you just uncovered after completing this mission 5. You'll now be at another area. Try to hit another purple circuit board certain number of times, which will complete the second "Move On" mission 6. Take the lane, which you just uncovered 7. Go through the non-colorcoded lanes until you find a color-coded lane, which you haven't taken 8. If you chose the green lane, you'll end up in the air spinning around cylinders. If you press circle, you'll move forward in that direction 9. Take a specific path until you get to an area with four shafts. Hit one shaft while it's active to start a "Shut Down the Shafts" mission 10. Shut down all shafts within the time limit 11. Repeat steps 9-10 12. You can go back to the lane selection area if you go through a portal 13. Repeat step 7 14. If you chose the blue lane, you'll end up in another area, where a giant spider crab mini-boss spawns. If you hit the spider crab with the ball, you'll remove some of its health. Try to do this until the spider crab explodes. Then you can take a specific lane to go back 15. Take the non-colorcoded lanes until you get back to the spawn area. 16. Take the white lane, that was previously covered by a pillar before. This will start he "Zero gravity" mission 17. (Optional) Try to hit projectiles within the time limit. Second to last particle shape is a stick figure and the final one is a combination of all the previous shapes. If you manage to do this, you'll be awarded with a neat cake cutscene and a bunch of bonus points. If you don't, you'll just recieve no bonus and the cutscene won't play, but you'll still unlock the next stage 18. (Optional) You'll now be teleported back to spawn. You can now complete any leftover yellow missions that you hadn't completed before, which allows you to maximize the score, before playing the next stage (after quitting the stage, the score gets locked, meaning you won't get any more points) P.S. I already finished the Optics B stage, but due to some garbage with pulseaudio, the recording was missing audio, which is really annoying. This means that it'll take some time before I can upload a finished Optics B run :( |
. | MetallurgyB_hard.mp4 | Muud mängimise videod | Other gameplay videos | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/474.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/474.json | N/A | N/A | |
464 | Press any key to continue... | Flipnic - Evolution A (Hard difficulty gameplay) | 0 | 2022-07-25 | Since I haven't found a lot of good full stage playthrough videos on Flipnic, I've decided to upload some of my own gameplay! This is the first boss stage in Flipnic, which you unlock after completing the Biology A stage. For this stage, the difficulty doesn't matter that much, except for the number of balls and credits, but I'm playing on the hard difficulty nevertheless. To complete this stage, you have to do the following: 1. Hit entities with ball and avoid losing balls. You can hit shiny targets to spawn more balls 2. If you manage to destroy a red skull, you'll complete the stage |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HABD6EgdWqc | 0 | . | . | Since I haven't found a lot of good full stage playthrough videos on Flipnic, I've decided to upload some of my own gameplay! This is the first boss stage in Flipnic, which you unlock after completing the Biology A stage. For this stage, the difficulty doesn't matter that much, except for the number of balls and credits, but I'm playing on the hard difficulty nevertheless. To complete this stage, you have to do the following: 1. Hit entities with ball and avoid losing balls. You can hit shiny targets to spawn more balls 2. If you manage to destroy a red skull, you'll complete the stage |
. | EvolutionA_hard.mp4 | Muud mängimise videod | Other gameplay videos | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/464.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/464.json | N/A | N/A | |
465 | Press any key to continue... | Flipnic - Evolution B (Hard difficulty gameplay) | 0 | 2022-07-25 | Since I haven't found a lot of good full stage playthrough videos on Flipnic, I've decided to upload some of my own gameplay! This is the second boss stage in Flipnic, which you unlock after completing the Metallurgy A stage. For these stages, the difficulty doesn't matter that much, except for the number of balls and credits, but I'm playing on the hard difficulty nevertheless. To complete this stage, you have to do the following: 1. Hit entities with ball and avoid losing balls. You can hit shiny targets to spawn more balls 2. If you manage to destroy a red skull, you'll complete the stage |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTFOdl_DLNY | 0 | . | . | Since I haven't found a lot of good full stage playthrough videos on Flipnic, I've decided to upload some of my own gameplay! This is the second boss stage in Flipnic, which you unlock after completing the Metallurgy A stage. For these stages, the difficulty doesn't matter that much, except for the number of balls and credits, but I'm playing on the hard difficulty nevertheless. To complete this stage, you have to do the following: 1. Hit entities with ball and avoid losing balls. You can hit shiny targets to spawn more balls 2. If you manage to destroy a red skull, you'll complete the stage |
. | EvolutionB_hard.mp4 | Muud mängimise videod | Other gameplay videos | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/465.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/465.json | N/A | N/A | |
466 | Press any key to continue... | Flipnic - Evolution C (Hard difficulty gameplay) | 0 | 2022-07-25 | Since I haven't found a lot of good full stage playthrough videos on Flipnic, I've decided to upload some of my own gameplay! This is the third boss stage in Flipnic, which you unlock after completing the Optics A stage. For these stages, the difficulty doesn't matter that much, except for the number of balls and credits, but I'm playing on the hard difficulty nevertheless. To complete this stage, you have to do the following: 1. Hit entities with ball and avoid losing balls. You can hit shiny targets to spawn more balls 2. If you manage to destroy a red skull, you'll complete the stage |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcTUQig43M0 | 0 | . | . | Since I haven't found a lot of good full stage playthrough videos on Flipnic, I've decided to upload some of my own gameplay! This is the third boss stage in Flipnic, which you unlock after completing the Optics A stage. For these stages, the difficulty doesn't matter that much, except for the number of balls and credits, but I'm playing on the hard difficulty nevertheless. To complete this stage, you have to do the following: 1. Hit entities with ball and avoid losing balls. You can hit shiny targets to spawn more balls 2. If you manage to destroy a red skull, you'll complete the stage |
. | EvolutionC_hard.mp4 | Muud mängimise videod | Other gameplay videos | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/466.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/466.json | N/A | N/A | |
467 | Press any key to continue... | Flipnic - Metallurgy A (Hard difficulty gameplay) | 0 | 2022-07-25 | Since I haven't found a lot of good full stage playthrough videos on Flipnic, I've decided to upload some of my own gameplay! As a challenge for myself, I've also cranked up the difficulty to hard, which reduces the number of balls to three with no continues (unless you get extra credits and balls of course), all ball saving bumpers are deactivated by default, and the number of bumper hits required to complete specific missions has also been increased. This time it's Metallurgy A, which is unlocked after defeating the first boss. At the minimum, to complete this stage, you have to do the following: 1. Go through the first lane after spawning on the stage 2. Take a color coded lane 3. If you chose the magenta lane, you'll end up in an area with a UFO trying to shoot lasers at you. Try to hit the purple circuit board certain number of times, which will complete the first "Move On" mission 4. Take the lane, which you just uncovered after completing this mission 5. You'll now be at another area. Try to hit another purple circuit board certain number of times, which will complete the second "Move On" mission 6. Take the lane, which you just uncovered 7. Go through the non-colorcoded lanes until you find a color-coded lane, which you haven't taken 8. If you chose the green lane, you'll end up in the air spinning around cylinders. If you press circle, you'll move forward in that direction 9. Take a specific path until you get to an area with four shafts. Hit one shaft while it's active to start a "Shut Down the Shafts" mission 10. Shut down all shafts within the time limit 11. Repeat steps 9-10 12. You can go back to the lane selection area if you go through a portal 13. Repeat step 7 14. If you chose the blue lane, you'll end up in another area, where a giant spider crab mini-boss spawns. If you hit the spider crab with the ball, you'll remove some of its health. Try to do this until the spider crab explodes. Then you can take a specific lane to go back 15. Take the non-colorcoded lanes until you get back to the spawn area. 16. Take the white lane, that was previously covered by a pillar before. This will start he "Zero gravity" mission 17. (Optional) Try to hit projectiles within the time limit. Second to last particle shape is a stick figure and the final one is a combination of all the previous shapes. If you manage to do this, you'll be awarded with a neat cake cutscene and a bunch of bonus points. If you don't, you'll just recieve no bonus and the cutscene won't play, but you'll still unlock the next stage 18. (Optional) You'll now be teleported back to spawn. You can now complete any leftover yellow missions that you hadn't completed before, which allows you to maximize the score, before playing the next stage (after quitting the stage, the score gets locked, meaning you won't get any more points) |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pftgH8DNink | 0 | . | . | Since I haven't found a lot of good full stage playthrough videos on Flipnic, I've decided to upload some of my own gameplay! As a challenge for myself, I've also cranked up the difficulty to hard, which reduces the number of balls to three with no continues (unless you get extra credits and balls of course), all ball saving bumpers are deactivated by default, and the number of bumper hits required to complete specific missions has also been increased. This time it's Metallurgy A, which is unlocked after defeating the first boss. At the minimum, to complete this stage, you have to do the following: 1. Go through the first lane after spawning on the stage 2. Take a color coded lane 3. If you chose the magenta lane, you'll end up in an area with a UFO trying to shoot lasers at you. Try to hit the purple circuit board certain number of times, which will complete the first "Move On" mission 4. Take the lane, which you just uncovered after completing this mission 5. You'll now be at another area. Try to hit another purple circuit board certain number of times, which will complete the second "Move On" mission 6. Take the lane, which you just uncovered 7. Go through the non-colorcoded lanes until you find a color-coded lane, which you haven't taken 8. If you chose the green lane, you'll end up in the air spinning around cylinders. If you press circle, you'll move forward in that direction 9. Take a specific path until you get to an area with four shafts. Hit one shaft while it's active to start a "Shut Down the Shafts" mission 10. Shut down all shafts within the time limit 11. Repeat steps 9-10 12. You can go back to the lane selection area if you go through a portal 13. Repeat step 7 14. If you chose the blue lane, you'll end up in another area, where a giant spider crab mini-boss spawns. If you hit the spider crab with the ball, you'll remove some of its health. Try to do this until the spider crab explodes. Then you can take a specific lane to go back 15. Take the non-colorcoded lanes until you get back to the spawn area. 16. Take the white lane, that was previously covered by a pillar before. This will start he "Zero gravity" mission 17. (Optional) Try to hit projectiles within the time limit. Second to last particle shape is a stick figure and the final one is a combination of all the previous shapes. If you manage to do this, you'll be awarded with a neat cake cutscene and a bunch of bonus points. If you don't, you'll just recieve no bonus and the cutscene won't play, but you'll still unlock the next stage 18. (Optional) You'll now be teleported back to spawn. You can now complete any leftover yellow missions that you hadn't completed before, which allows you to maximize the score, before playing the next stage (after quitting the stage, the score gets locked, meaning you won't get any more points) |
. | MetallurgyA_hard.mp4 | Teised skriptimiskeeled | Other gameplay videos | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/467.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/467.json | N/A | N/A | |
468 | Press any key to continue... | Flipnic - Biology A (Hard difficulty gameplay) | 0 | 2022-07-25 | Since I haven't found a lot of good full stage playthrough videos on Flipnic, I've decided to upload some of my own gameplay! As a challenge for myself, I've also cranked up the difficulty to hard, which reduces the number of balls to three with no continues (unless you get extra credits and balls of course), all ball saving bumpers are deactivated by default, and the number of bumper hits required to complete specific missions has also been increased. This time I'm playing the very first stage in this game - Biology A. It also has a little introduction sequence, which other stages don't have. At the minimum, to complete this stage, you have to do the following: 1. Get to the "Slot chance" area 2. Go to the left lane 3. Once you get to the middle section with the flipper, you need to aim for the lane on the right 4. Hit bumpers, until all of them have butterflies. This will complete the "Freeze Over" mission 5. Go back to the "Slot chance" area. You should now see 2 platforms. Try to make the ball jump over these ramps a certain number of times. If the counter reaches 0, the "Hidden path discovery" will start 6. Go up the mountain and collect all of the shiny coins. Once you reach the very top, the "Zero Gravity" mission will start. 7. (Optional) Try to hit projectiles within the time limit. Second to last particle shape is a stick figure and the final one is a combination of all the previous shapes. If you manage to do this, you'll be awarded with a neat cake cutscene and a bunch of bonus points. If you don't, you'll just recieve no bonus and the cutscene won't play, but you'll still unlock the next stage 8. (Optional) You'll now be teleported back to spawn. You can now complete any leftover yellow missions that you hadn't completed before, which allows you to maximize the score, before playing the next stage (after quitting the stage, the score gets locked, meaning you won't get any more points) |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwQiDW8WaDA | 0 | . | . | Since I haven't found a lot of good full stage playthrough videos on Flipnic, I've decided to upload some of my own gameplay! As a challenge for myself, I've also cranked up the difficulty to hard, which reduces the number of balls to three with no continues (unless you get extra credits and balls of course), all ball saving bumpers are deactivated by default, and the number of bumper hits required to complete specific missions has also been increased. This time I'm playing the very first stage in this game - Biology A. It also has a little introduction sequence, which other stages don't have. At the minimum, to complete this stage, you have to do the following: 1. Get to the "Slot chance" area 2. Go to the left lane 3. Once you get to the middle section with the flipper, you need to aim for the lane on the right 4. Hit bumpers, until all of them have butterflies. This will complete the "Freeze Over" mission 5. Go back to the "Slot chance" area. You should now see 2 platforms. Try to make the ball jump over these ramps a certain number of times. If the counter reaches 0, the "Hidden path discovery" will start 6. Go up the mountain and collect all of the shiny coins. Once you reach the very top, the "Zero Gravity" mission will start. 7. (Optional) Try to hit projectiles within the time limit. Second to last particle shape is a stick figure and the final one is a combination of all the previous shapes. If you manage to do this, you'll be awarded with a neat cake cutscene and a bunch of bonus points. If you don't, you'll just recieve no bonus and the cutscene won't play, but you'll still unlock the next stage 8. (Optional) You'll now be teleported back to spawn. You can now complete any leftover yellow missions that you hadn't completed before, which allows you to maximize the score, before playing the next stage (after quitting the stage, the score gets locked, meaning you won't get any more points) |
. | BiologyA_hard.mp4 | Muud mängimise videod | Other gameplay videos | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/468.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/468.json | N/A | N/A | |
469 | Press any key to continue... | Flipnic - Metallurgy 2P gameplay | 0 | 2022-07-25 | Since I haven't found a lot of good full stage playthrough videos on Flipnic, I've decided to upload some of my own gameplay! In addition to normal stages, I've also decided to upload some 2 player versions! The 2P modes are completely different in terms of gameplay and they try to imitate sports games in a pinball format. The 2P stages are playable in Free play/2P match gamemode after unlocking the A version of the corresponding 2P stage (e.g. if you unlock Metallurgy A, you'll be able to play Metallurgy 2P). In Metallurgy 2P, each player has a basket they need to get balls to. Each time you drop a ball through a basket, the corresponding player scores a point. Both players are allowed to shoot balls to each other's baskets without penalty. The first player to reach 10 points or have the most points after the time runs out wins. |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Y7b3hBQOB8 | 0 | . | . | Since I haven't found a lot of good full stage playthrough videos on Flipnic, I've decided to upload some of my own gameplay! In addition to normal stages, I've also decided to upload some 2 player versions! The 2P modes are completely different in terms of gameplay and they try to imitate sports games in a pinball format. The 2P stages are playable in Free play/2P match gamemode after unlocking the A version of the corresponding 2P stage (e.g. if you unlock Metallurgy A, you'll be able to play Metallurgy 2P). In Biology 2P, each player has a goal they need to defend. Each player can press the circle button to lower/increase the bumper height. The goal is to either reach 5 points first or have more points than the other player before the time's up. |
. | ZZ_Biology2P.mkv | Muud mängimise videod | Other gameplay videos | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/469.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/469.json | N/A | N/A | |
470 | Press any key to continue... | Flipnic - Optics 2P gameplay | 0 | 2022-07-25 | Since I haven't found a lot of good full stage playthrough videos on Flipnic, I've decided to upload some of my own gameplay! In addition to normal stages, I've also decided to upload some 2 player versions! The 2P modes are completely different in terms of gameplay and they try to imitate sports games in a pinball format. The 2P stages are playable in Free play/2P match gamemode after unlocking the A version of the corresponding 2P stage (e.g. if you unlock Metallurgy A, you'll be able to play Metallurgy 2P). In Optics 2P, each player tries to have balls fall off the opponent's side, after which they score a point. First player to score 10 points or the player with most points after the time runs out wins the match. |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSNMO5QCGrc | 0 | . | . | Since I haven't found a lot of good full stage playthrough videos on Flipnic, I've decided to upload some of my own gameplay! In addition to normal stages, I've also decided to upload some 2 player versions! The 2P modes are completely different in terms of gameplay and they try to imitate sports games in a pinball format. The 2P stages are playable in Free play/2P match gamemode after unlocking the A version of the corresponding 2P stage (e.g. if you unlock Metallurgy A, you'll be able to play Metallurgy 2P). In Optics 2P, each player tries to have balls fall off the opponent's side, after which they score a point. First player to score 10 points or the player with most points after the time runs out wins the match. |
. | ZZ_Optics2P.mkv | Muud mängimise videod | Other gameplay videos | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/470.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/470.json | N/A | N/A | |
471 | Press any key to continue... | Flipnic - Biology 2P gameplay | 0 | 2022-07-25 | Since I haven't found a lot of good full stage playthrough videos on Flipnic, I've decided to upload some of my own gameplay! In addition to normal stages, I've also decided to upload some 2 player versions! The 2P modes are completely different in terms of gameplay and they try to imitate sports games in a pinball format. The 2P stages are playable in Free play/2P match gamemode after unlocking the A version of the corresponding 2P stage (e.g. if you unlock Metallurgy A, you'll be able to play Metallurgy 2P). In Biology 2P, each player has a goal they need to defend. Each player can press the circle button to lower/increase the bumper height. The goal is to either reach 5 points first or have more points than the other player before the time's up. |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmvZKETSn44 | 0 | . | . | Since I haven't found a lot of good full stage playthrough videos on Flipnic, I've decided to upload some of my own gameplay! In addition to normal stages, I've also decided to upload some 2 player versions! The 2P modes are completely different in terms of gameplay and they try to imitate sports games in a pinball format. The 2P stages are playable in Free play/2P match gamemode after unlocking the A version of the corresponding 2P stage (e.g. if you unlock Metallurgy A, you'll be able to play Metallurgy 2P). In Optics 2P, each player tries to have balls fall off the opponent's side, after which they score a point. First player to score 10 points or the player with most points after the time runs out wins the match. |
. | ZZ_Optics2P.mkv | Muud mängimise videod | Other gameplay videos | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/471.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/471.json | N/A | N/A | |
463 | Press any key to continue... | Flipnic - Optics A (Hard difficulty gameplay) | 0 | 2022-07-24 | Since I haven't found a lot of good full stage playthrough videos on Flipnic, I've decided to upload some of my own gameplay! As a challenge for myself, I've also cranked up the difficulty to hard, which reduces the number of balls to three with no continues (unless you get extra credits and balls of course), all ball saving bumpers are deactivated by default, and the number of bumper hits required to complete specific missions has also been increased. I've decided to go with Optics A first, because it's my favorite stage in this game and I've praticed a lot on it. At the minimum, to complete this stage, you have to do the following: 1. Hit a flying target to trigger a "Point of No Return" mission 2. Collect all of the rings required, which have been placed all around the stage (some rings are only at specific areas, such as Yellow, Magenta, and Cyan) 3. Go back to the spawn location, a multiball mission will then start 4. (Optional) Complete a required task for the multiball mission 5. Repeat steps 1-4 two more times 6. After completing the third multiball mission, you'll be teleported to a Zero Gravity mission area 7. (Optional) Try to hit projectiles within the time limit. Second to last particle shape is a stick figure and the final one is a combination of all the previous shapes. If you manage to do this, you'll be awarded with a neat cake cutscene and a bunch of bonus points. If you don't, you'll just recieve no bonus and the cutscene won't play, but you'll still unlock the next stage 8. (Optional) You'll now be teleported back to spawn. You can now complete any leftover yellow missions that you hadn't completed before, which allows you to maximize the score, before playing the next stage (after quitting the stage, the score gets locked, meaning you won't get any more points) |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XudtUvFv-r8 | 0 | . | . | Since I haven't found a lot of good full stage playthrough videos on Flipnic, I've decided to upload some of my own gameplay! As a challenge for myself, I've also cranked up the difficulty to hard, which reduces the number of balls to three with no continues (unless you get extra credits and balls of course), all ball saving bumpers are deactivated by default, and the number of bumper hits required to complete specific missions has also been increased. I've decided to go with Optics A first, because it's my favorite stage in this game and I've praticed a lot on it. At the minimum, to complete this stage, you have to do the following: 1. Hit a flying target to trigger a "Point of No Return" mission 2. Collect all of the rings required, which have been placed all around the stage (some rings are only at specific areas, such as Yellow, Magenta, and Cyan) 3. Go back to the spawn location, a multiball mission will then start 4. (Optional) Complete a required task for the multiball mission 5. Repeat steps 1-4 two more times 6. After completing the third multiball mission, you'll be teleported to a Zero Gravity mission area 7. (Optional) Try to hit projectiles within the time limit. Second to last particle shape is a stick figure and the final one is a combination of all the previous shapes. If you manage to do this, you'll be awarded with a neat cake cutscene and a bunch of bonus points. If you don't, you'll just recieve no bonus and the cutscene won't play, but you'll still unlock the next stage 8. (Optional) You'll now be teleported back to spawn. You can now complete any leftover yellow missions that you hadn't completed before, which allows you to maximize the score, before playing the next stage (after quitting the stage, the score gets locked, meaning you won't get any more points) |
. | OpticsA_hard.mp4 | Muud mängimise videod | Other gameplay videos | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/463.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/463.json | N/A | N/A | |
458 | MarkusTegelane | [Pakkfail] Draw Batch | 0 | 2022-07-01 | Draw Batch on üks huvitav väike tööriist, mis on kirjutatud batch keeles. See võimaldab teil luua kohandatud joonistusi kasutades ainult tähemärke. | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNgEIw2EYlk | 0 | [Pakkfail] Draw Batch | . | Draw Batch is a cool little tool written in batch, which allows you to make custom drawings using only text characters. ► Download links Readme (READ THIS BEFORE DOWNLOADING) Google Docs link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16ZsPFsobUO3F8Y5sIvBpNiQw3jDRRGNn88ZzL9oxlZo/edit?usp=sharing Draw Batch (dependencies are self-contained) Checksum (MD5): 4C246E5AFA5F53D6E100F8576831A407 Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dh3BidJVUlc1UxXxXrTOjP4bB9IE3l07/view?usp=sharing (draw_batch.bat, 259844 bytes) Sample Media Pack Checksum (MD5): 909B5CCEA019782E8C4286527804DD19 Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yEaKFcFOlORNZpbTRKZjTrGvRQd9wymi/view?usp=sharing (Draw Batch Sample Media Pack.zip, 34072 bytes) Image Conversion Tool (requires .NET 5.0 runtime) Checksum (MD5): 1ED3958DD19EE84685111D08E4B58288 Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uhzWkIQKMEkE0_UykzKe1JvI8kBsYTO5/view?usp=sharing (PalletteMaker.exe, 179139 bytes) ► Music Perspectives Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com), Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/) Vibe Tracks - Invisible Vibe Tracks - Dutty Vibe Tracks - Nice To You Riot - HTML Jimmy Fontanez - Follow Me Twin Musicom - Precipice Jason Farnham - Microchip Jason Shaw - Drifting (Music by Audionautix.com) ► Other links Website: https://markustegelane.ml/ Blog: https://markustegelane-en.blogspsot.com/ Other channels: https://www.youtube.com/c/MarkusMaal/channels ► Thanks for watching! © 2022 Markus' videos |
Draw Batch on üks huvitav väike tööriist, mis on kirjutatud batch keeles. See võimaldab teil luua kohandatud joonistusi kasutades ainult tähemärke. ► Allalaadimise lingid Loe mind (inglise keeles) Google Docs link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16ZsPFsobUO3F8Y5sIvBpNiQw3jDRRGNn88ZzL9oxlZo/edit?usp=sharing Draw Batch Kontrollsumma (MD5): 4C246E5AFA5F53D6E100F8576831A407 Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dh3BidJVUlc1UxXxXrTOjP4bB9IE3l07/view?usp=sharing (draw_batch.bat, 259844 baiti) Näidismeediumi pakk Kontrollsumma (MD5): 909B5CCEA019782E8C4286527804DD19 Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yEaKFcFOlORNZpbTRKZjTrGvRQd9wymi/view?usp=sharing (Draw Batch Sample Media Pack.zip, 34072 baiti) Kujutise teisendamise tööriist (vajalik .NET 5.0 runtime) Kontrollsumma (MD5): 1ED3958DD19EE84685111D08E4B58288 Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uhzWkIQKMEkE0_UykzKe1JvI8kBsYTO5/view?usp=sharing (PalletteMaker.exe, 179139 baiti) ► Muusika Perspectives Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com), Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/) Vibe Tracks - Invisible Vibe Tracks - Dutty Vibe Tracks - Nice To You Riot - HTML Jimmy Fontanez - Follow Me Twin Musicom - Precipice Jason Farnham - Microchip Jason Shaw - Drifting (Music by Audionautix.com) ► Teised lingid Veebileht: https://markustegelane.ml/ Ajaveeb: https://markustegelane.blogspsot.com/ Teised kanalid: https://www.youtube.com/c/MarkusMaal/channels ► Aitäh, et vaatasite! © 2022 Markuse videod |
draw_batch.mp4 | Pakkfailid | Batch files | Draw Batch,batch file,batch paint,character paint,character drawing,ASCII art,ansicon,ANSI.SYS,DOS art,16 colors,dithering,ghost,face reveal,beard reveal,Movement Batch | https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/batch-file-draw-batch:a | MarkusTegelane | . | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/458.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/458.json | /channel_db_lite/web/stream/458.et.ass | N/A |
457 | MarkusTegelane | Sinise ekraani simulaator 2.1 (Blue Screen Simulator Plus) | 0 | 2022-06-19 | Kuna olid mõned funktsioonid, mida inimesed soovisid versiooni 2.0 jaoks, mis ei jõudnud enne versiooni avaldamist valmis ning programmis esines vigu, mis vajasid parandamist, siis otsustasin teha versiooni 2.1 sellest simulaatorist. See video näitab mõningaid uusi funktsioone. Kui te olete juba eelmise sinise ekraani simulaator (BSSP) versiooni alla laadinud, saate üle minna versioonile 2.1, pärast eelmise versiooni avamist ja vajutades "Jah" uuendamise teavitusel. Kui teil ei ole BSSP, siis saate uusima versiooni otse alla laadida mu Github repositooriumist "Releases" sektsiooni alt, ehk siis selle lingi kaudu: https://github.com/MarkusMaal/BlueScreenSimulatorPlus/releases/tag/2.1 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-UjjFIjttU | 0 | Blue Screen Simulator Plus 2.1 | . | Since there were some things that people requested for version 2.0 that didn't make it into the release and bugs, that needed fixing, I decided to make a version 2.1 of this simulator. This video showcases some of the new features. If you have already downloaded a previous version of BSSP, you can upgrade to version 2.1 after opening that version and clicking "Yes" on the update prompt. If you do not have a previous version of BSSP, you can download the latest version from my Github repository under the "releases" section, i.e. from this link: https://github.com/MarkusMaal/BlueScreenSimulatorPlus/releases/tag/2.1. Music: Miami Viceroy by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4046-miami-viceroy License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license Blippy Trance by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/5759-blippy-trance License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license Website: http://markustegelane.ml Random video: https://markustegelane.ml/markustegelane/random?c=mt |
Kuna olid mõned funktsioonid, mida inimesed soovisid versiooni 2.0 jaoks, mis ei jõudnud enne versiooni avaldamist valmis ning programmis esines vigu, mis vajasid parandamist, siis otsustasin teha versiooni 2.1 sellest simulaatorist. See video näitab mõningaid uusi funktsioone. Kui te olete juba eelmise sinise ekraani simulaator (BSSP) versiooni alla laadinud, saate üle minna versioonile 2.1, pärast eelmise versiooni avamist ja vajutades "Jah" uuendamise teavitusel. Kui teil ei ole BSSP, siis saate uusima versiooni otse alla laadida mu Github repositooriumist "Releases" sektsiooni alt, ehk siis selle lingi kaudu: https://github.com/MarkusMaal/BlueScreenSimulatorPlus/releases/tag/2.1 . Muusika: Miami Viceroy - Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4046-miami-viceroy Litsents: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license Blippy Trance - Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/5759-blippy-trance Litsents: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license Veebisait: http://markustegelane.ml Juhuslik video: https://markustegelane.ml/markustegelane/random?c=mt |
bssp21.mp4 | Tarkvara | Software | Markus Maal,MarkusTegelane,TheMarkusGuy,Blue Screen of Death,Windows 3.11,Windows 95,Microsoft Windows,Windows XP,Windows Vista,Windows 7,Windows 8,Windows 10,Windows 8.1,Windows NT,Windows 2000,BlueScreen,BSOD,Microsoft,Operating System,Windows 1.0,Windows 11,Black Screen Of Death,bugcheck,Windows 11 blue screen,Version 2.1 | https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/blue-screen-simulator-plus-2.1:d | MarkusTegelane | . | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/457.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/457.json | /channel_db_lite/web/stream/457.et.ass | N/A |
455 | Press any key to continue... | The Italian Job [PS1 FMV RIP] | 0 | 2022-06-14 | Cutscenes and other full motion videos from The Italian Job (2001). | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6T-qXs4vjuA | 0 | . | . | Cutscenes and other full motion videos from The Italian Job (2001). Timestamps: 0:00 LOGOPIX.STR 0:08 LOGOSCI.STR 0:21 FMVAUDIO.STR (Intro) 1:09 FMVJOB.STR 2:12 FMVMINIS.STR 2:59 FMVMIURA.STR 3:53 FMVTRACK.STR (You were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off) Freeride: 4:20 NULO_2A.STR 4:31 TURIN_A.STR Missions: 4:42 AMBASS_A.STR 5:08 BIGWILL.STR 5:31 CAMPFRED.STR 6:15 INTERFR.STR 6:34 KEEPING.STR 6:51 MAFIA_A.STR 7:05 NU_CON_A.STR 7:21 PEACHES.STR 7:48 PRISPALS.STR 8:06 SKILBILL.STR 8:35 SPEC_DEL.STR 8:51 TORINO.STR 9:08 TRAFTAPE.STR 9:26 FMVCOACH.STR |
. | italianjob.mp4 | FMV klipid | FMV clips | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/455.jpg | /channel_db_lite/web/stream/455.mp4 | /channel_db_lite/web/json/455.json | N/A | N/A | |
456 | Press any key to continue... | 4x4 World Trophy [PS1 FMV RIP] | 0 | 2022-06-14 | Cutscenes and other full motion videos from 4x4 World Trophy (2000). | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZ-eW-q8XXI | 0 | . | . | Cutscenes and other full motion videos from 4x4 World Trophy (2000). Timestamps: 0:00 FMAINTRO.STR 0:19 GPFF16S.STR 0:30 INTRO1.STR 1:17 INTRO2.STR 2:02 LOSE1.STR 2:06 LOSE2.STR 2:10 LOSE3.STR 2:14 WIN1.STR 2:23 WIN2.STR 2:33 WIN3.STR 2:43 WINALL1.STR 2:55 WINALL2.STR |
. | 4x4.mp4 | FMV klipid | FMV clips | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/456.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/456.json | N/A | N/A | |
453 | Press any key to continue... | The most broken flash game I've played - Ower Web (Part I) | 0 | 2022-05-24 | This series of videos will cover various glitches I've found just from playing this game. Part 2 will definitely be released at some point, but I am unsure if I'll make a part 3. The objective in this game is to finish levels with a spider, but the unique thing about this game is that you can draw webs using your mouse, which your spider can stand on. The only problem - the physics in this game are really broken and it seems like the developers may have rushed to release this game. |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ry7sky-ZCmg | 0 | . | . | This series of videos will cover various glitches I've found just from playing this game. Part 2 will definitely be released at some point, but I am unsure if I'll make a part 3. The objective in this game is to finish levels with a spider, but the unique thing about this game is that you can draw webs using your mouse, which your spider can stand on. The only problem - the physics in this game are really broken and it seems like the developers may have rushed to release this game. |
. | owerweb1.mp4 | Videomängude analüüs | Video game analysis | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/453.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/453.json | N/A | N/A | |
450 | MarkusTegelane+ | markustegelane - uus intro ja pealkirjakaardi näidis | 1 | 2022-05-11 | Kuna ma otsustasin, et intro, mille tegin oli liiga pikk, siis otsustasin teha veel ühe intro, mida ma tulevikuvideotes kasutan. Lisaks intro standardiseerimisele, lisan ka uutele videotele pealkirjakaardi ning taustaks ka eelvaate videost, mõned kuvatõmmised või mõlemad (natuke sarnane sellele, mida tegin 2017. aasta "lihtne" intros, näidise leiate siit: [link] ). Video, mida taustal esitatakse: [link] Mõned asjad, mida tuleks märkida selle näidise puhul: 1. Taustavideo/pilt saab olema igas videos erinev, mis tähendab, et iga uue video ees olev intro on natuke erinev. 2. Väike heliefekt, mida kuulete kõige alguses saab olema osa igast introst 3. Pealkirjakaardi taustavärv on erineval olenevalt video kategooriast (lilla = Markuse arvuti meelelahutus, punane = info ja uudised, sinine = varia/klassifitseerimata, helesinine = Markuse arvuti meelelahutus special, roheline = mängude videod, valge/hall = pakkfailid/skriptid/tarkvara, oranž = arvuti nõuanded) 4. Tekst, mis kuvatakse kanali nime all on igas videos erinev 5. See koht, kus kuulete 1000Hz tooni ja näete värviribasid on tegeliku video sisu, mis esitatakse (ma panin siia kohatäite, et näidata üleminekuanimatsiooni) 6. Videotel võib olla ka lõpukaart (tekst lõpp/the end mingisuguse taustaga) 7. Kummitus ei ole osa introst 8. Nelinurkse tuuma animatsioon võib erineda olenevalt videost |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJ_Ip2_LGyY | 0 | . | . | . | Kuna ma otsustasin, et intro, mille tegin oli liiga pikk, siis otsustasin teha veel ühe intro, mida ma tulevikuvideotes kasutan. Lisaks intro standardiseerimisele, lisan ka uutele videotele pealkirjakaardi ning taustaks ka eelvaate videost, mõned kuvatõmmised või mõlemad (natuke sarnane sellele, mida tegin 2017. aasta "lihtne" intros, näidise leiate siit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKhGvYpy9CQ&t=0s ). Video, mida taustal esitatakse: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LavwvL92Obs Mõned asjad, mida tuleks märkida selle näidise puhul: 1. Taustavideo/pilt saab olema igas videos erinev, mis tähendab, et iga uue video ees olev intro on natuke erinev. 2. Väike heliefekt, mida kuulete kõige alguses saab olema osa igast introst 3. Pealkirjakaardi taustavärv on erineval olenevalt video kategooriast (lilla = Markuse arvuti meelelahutus, punane = info ja uudised, sinine = varia/klassifitseerimata, helesinine = Markuse arvuti meelelahutus special, roheline = mängude videod, valge/hall = pakkfailid/skriptid/tarkvara, oranž = arvuti nõuanded) 4. Tekst, mis kuvatakse kanali nime all on igas videos erinev 5. See koht, kus kuulete 1000Hz tooni ja näete värviribasid on tegeliku video sisu, mis esitatakse (ma panin siia kohatäite, et näidata üleminekuanimatsiooni) 6. Videotel võib olla ka lõpukaart (tekst lõpp/the end mingisuguse taustaga) 7. Kummitus ei ole osa introst 8. Nelinurkse tuuma animatsioon võib erineda olenevalt videost |
intro_laserlite3_with_titlecard_pass5.mp4 | Introd | Intros | N/A | MarkusTegelane+ | . | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/450.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/450.json | N/A | N/A | |
438 | MarkusTegelane | Bash mäng: Movement Bash | 0 | 2022-05-04 | See video tutvustab lihtsat bash mängu, mille kallal olen töötanud - Movement Bash'i! Selles mängus on teie eesmärgiks liikuda alguspunktist lõpppunkti, igal antud väljakul. Movement Bash-is on ka sisse-ehitatud väljakuredigeerija, mis võimaldab teil luua enda väljakuid laiendatud funktsionaalsusega! Teil on isegi võimalik luua enda väljakukollektsioone kasutades väljakupaki redigeerijat! * Lingid* Allalaadimise link: https://github.com/MarkusMaal/MovementBash/releases/download/v1.0/Movement_bash_public.tar.gz (MD5 kontrollsumma: f10b6c158faf25d8e4d7d53f36a4356c) Veebileht: https://markustegelane.ml Juhuslik video: https://markustegelane.ml/markustegelane/random?c=mt Te võite vabalt enda väljakuid siin jagada, sest ma ei ole linke selle video kommentaarides blokeerinud! * Ühilduvus* Movement Bash on testitud järgnevates opsüsteemides ja konfiguratsioonides: Windows XP või hilisem (Git) - Töötab, üsna aeglane Windows 10 või hilisem (WSL2) - Töötab probleemideta ReactOS - Töötab ainult SSH kaudu, üsna katkine Haiku OS - Töötab, aga ASCII režiim tuleb sisse lülitada ning juhtnupud küsitsi seadistada pärast esimest avamist. Samuti tuleb käivitada "./Movement_bash.sh" või "bash Start_game.sh" käskluste kaudu. FreeBSD - Töötab, kui käivitate "./Movement_bash.sh" või "bash Start_game.sh" käskluste kaudu pärast bash-i installimist (pkg install bash) Ubuntu 20.04 - Töötab probleemideta Ubuntu 22.04 - Töötab probleemideta Arch Linux - Töötab probleemideta Gobo Linux - Mäng tuleb käivitada "./Movement_bash.sh" või "bash Start_game.sh" käskluste kaudu, muidu töötab TinyCore - Mäng tuleb käivitada "./Movement_bash.sh" või "bash Start_game.sh" käskluste kaudu, muidu töötab * Muusika* Jeremy Blake - Absolutely Nothing (intro) Vince Kaichan - Hometown Dreams Dance Electric - TrackTribe Dan Lebowitz - Tiptoe Out the Back Kevin MacLeod - Perpectives, Who Likes To Party, Disco con Tutti, Jay Jay (Litsenseeritud Creative Commons 3.0: autorile viitamine litsentsi kaudu, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/) * Lisainformatsioon * Monteerimistarkvara: kdenlive Renderdamise aeg: 39 minutit, 19 sekundit Failinimi: movement_bash3.mp4 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlEqwIWfhCw | 0 | Bash game: Movement Bash | Bash mäng: Movement Bash | This video showcases a simple bash game I've been working on - Movement Bash! In this game your goal is to move from the start block to the finish block in any given map. Movement Bash also has a built-in map editor, which allows you to make custom maps with extended capabilities! You can even make your own map collections using the map pack editor! * Links * Download link: https://github.com/MarkusMaal/MovementBash/releases/download/v1.0/Movement_bash_public.tar.gz (MD5 checksum: f10b6c158faf25d8e4d7d53f36a4356c) Website: https://markustegelane.ml Random video: https://markustegelane.ml/markustegelane/random?c=mt You are also free to share your own maps here, since I haven't blocked any links, at least for this video! * Compatiblity * Movement Bash has been tested on following operating systems and configurations: Windows XP or later (Git) - Works, kind of slow Windows 10 or later (WSL2) - Works with flying colors ReactOS - Works only through SSH, pretty glitchy Haiku OS - Works, but ASCII mode must be turned on and controls must be set manually after setup. Also, the game must be launched with "./Movement_bash.sh" or "bash Start_game.sh". FreeBSD - Works, if you launch with "./Movement_bash.sh" or "bash Start_game.sh" after installing bash (pkg install bash) Ubuntu 20.04 - Works with flying colors Ubuntu 22.04 - Works with flying colors Arch Linux - Works with flying colors Gobo Linux - The game must be launched with "./Movement_bash.sh" or "bash Start_game.sh", otherwise works TinyCore - The game must be launched with "./Movement_bash.sh" or "bash Start_game.sh", otherwise works * Music * Jeremy Blake - Absolutely Nothing (intro) Vince Kaichan - Hometown Dreams Dance Electric - TrackTribe Dan Lebowitz - Tiptoe Out the Back Kevin MacLeod - Perpectives, Who Likes To Party, Disco con Tutti, Jay Jay (Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/) * Other information * Editing software: kdenlive Render time: 39 minutes, 19 seconds Filename: movement_bash3.mp4 |
See video tutvustab lihtsat bash mängu, mille kallal olen töötanud - Movement Bash'i! Selles mängus on teie eesmärgiks liikuda alguspunktist lõpppunkti, igal antud väljakul. Movement Bash-is on ka sisse-ehitatud väljakuredigeerija, mis võimaldab teil luua enda väljakuid laiendatud funktsionaalsusega! Teil on isegi võimalik luua enda väljakukollektsioone kasutades väljakupaki redigeerijat! * Lingid* Allalaadimise link: https://github.com/MarkusMaal/MovementBash/releases/download/v1.0/Movement_bash_public.tar.gz (MD5 kontrollsumma: f10b6c158faf25d8e4d7d53f36a4356c) Veebileht: https://markustegelane.ml Juhuslik video: https://markustegelane.ml/markustegelane/random?c=mt Te võite vabalt enda väljakuid siin jagada, sest ma ei ole linke selle video kommentaarides blokeerinud! * Ühilduvus* Movement Bash on testitud järgnevates opsüsteemides ja konfiguratsioonides: Windows XP või hilisem (Git) - Töötab, üsna aeglane Windows 10 või hilisem (WSL2) - Töötab probleemideta ReactOS - Töötab ainult SSH kaudu, üsna katkine Haiku OS - Töötab, aga ASCII režiim tuleb sisse lülitada ning juhtnupud küsitsi seadistada pärast esimest avamist. Samuti tuleb käivitada "./Movement_bash.sh" või "bash Start_game.sh" käskluste kaudu. FreeBSD - Töötab, kui käivitate "./Movement_bash.sh" või "bash Start_game.sh" käskluste kaudu pärast bash-i installimist (pkg install bash) Ubuntu 20.04 - Töötab probleemideta Ubuntu 22.04 - Töötab probleemideta Arch Linux - Töötab probleemideta Gobo Linux - Mäng tuleb käivitada "./Movement_bash.sh" või "bash Start_game.sh" käskluste kaudu, muidu töötab TinyCore - Mäng tuleb käivitada "./Movement_bash.sh" või "bash Start_game.sh" käskluste kaudu, muidu töötab * Muusika* Jeremy Blake - Absolutely Nothing (intro) Vince Kaichan - Hometown Dreams Dance Electric - TrackTribe Dan Lebowitz - Tiptoe Out the Back Kevin MacLeod - Perpectives, Who Likes To Party, Disco con Tutti, Jay Jay (Litsenseeritud Creative Commons 3.0: autorile viitamine litsentsi kaudu, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/) * Lisainformatsioon * Monteerimistarkvara: kdenlive Renderdamise aeg: 39 minutit, 19 sekundit Failinimi: movement_bash3.mp4 |
movement_bash3.mp4 | Teised skriptimiskeeled | Other gameplay videos | Bash game,Bash movement,Movement bash,Bash file,bash script,unix shell,shell script,/bin/bash | https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/bash-game-movement-bash:a | MarkusTegelane | . | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/438.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/438.json | /channel_db_lite/web/stream/438.et.ass | N/A |
436 | Press any key to continue... | Directly extracting game data from Flipnic™ (PS2) using VGMToolbox | 0 | 2022-04-22 | This video lays out the process for how to extract data for this game from the .BIN files. | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IO3fHZYRQk0 | 0 | . | . | This video lays out the process for how to extract data for this game from the .BIN files. VGMToolbox presets: https://bit.ly/FlipnicPresets (copy to pluginsVGFExtractor) VGMToolbox: https://sourceforge.net/projects/vgmtoolbox/ FlipnicBinExtractor and technical explanation for how the TOC works: https://github.com/MarkusMaal/FlipnicBinExtractor |
. | flipnic_extraction_project.mp4 | Videomängude analüüs | Video game analysis | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/436.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/436.json | N/A | N/A | |
415 | Press any key to continue... | Windows Error Screens (60 fps) | 0 | 2022-03-12 | This video goes over various Windows error screens, including the infamous blue screen as well as a few other interesting ones :) | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2-aC4uCa-I | 0 | . | . | This video goes over various Windows error screens, including the infamous blue screen as well as a few other interesting ones :) This video is a remastered, updated, and translated version of a video I made a while ago on my other channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GeMU5FGpuE |
. | no_supposed_to_exist_yt.mp4 | Veateated | Errors | https://odysee.com/@Press_any_key_to_continue:2/windows_error_screens:f | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/415.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/415.json | N/A | N/A | |
407 | MarkusTegelane++ | [devUpdate 1] Blue Screen Simulator Plus 2.1 - Vista/7 separation, Prank mode, Windows 11 | 0 | 2022-02-03 | The first devUpdate video for Blue Screen Simulator Plus 2.1. The devUpdate series showcases new features in development for the next version of the software. | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XG6mGJGkBBo | 0 | . | [devUpdate 1] Sinise ekraani simulaator pluss 2.1 - Vista/7 eraldamine, vemburežiim, Windows 11 | The first devUpdate video for Blue Screen Simulator Plus 2.1. The devUpdate series showcases new features in development for the next version of the software. Beta source code: https://github.com/MarkusMaal/BlueScreenSimulatorPlus/tree/experimental My Github: https://github.com/MarkusMaal My website: https://markustegelane.ml Main channel: https://www.youtube.com/markustegelane |
Esimene devUpdate video sinise ekraani simulaator pluss 2.1 jaoks. See devUpdate seeria näitab uusi funktsioone, mis on arendamisel tarkvara järgmise versiooni jaoks. Beeta lähtekood: https://github.com/MarkusMaal/BlueScreenSimulatorPlus/tree/experimental GitHub: https://github.com/MarkusMaal Veebisait: https://markustegelane.ml Põhikanal: https://www.youtube.com/markustegelane |
bssp21_du1.mp4 | devUpdate | devUpdate | #markusTegelane,markustegelane,mmaal,mmaal (markustegelane),Blue Screen Simulator Plus,Blue Screen Simulator,bugcheck,Microsoft Windows,kernel bugcheck,simulation technology | https://odysee.com/@hashMarkusTegelane:3/bssp21_du1:6 | MarkusTegelane++ | MarkusTegelane++ | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/407.jpg | /channel_db_lite/web/stream/407.mp4 | /channel_db_lite/web/json/407.json | N/A | N/A |
406 | MarkusTegelane | Flipnic - Cutscenes with translucency data [FMV] | 0 | 2022-01-07 | This video compiles together FMVs with translucency data from a PlayStation 2 game called Flipnic. This video is a sequel to the last one, as on that video I mentioned that the video omitted displaying any translucency data. Well, this one doesn't! | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fy6ZYpAmjn0 | 0 | Flipnic - Cutscenes with translucency data [FMV] | Flipnic - Cutscenes with translucency data [FMV] | This video compiles together FMVs with translucency data from a PlayStation 2 game called Flipnic. This video is a sequel to the last one, as on that video I mentioned that the video omitted displaying any translucency data. Well, this one doesn't! Related links: Better quality version: https://odysee.com/@Press_any_key_to_continue:2/FlipnicAlphaFMV:c [Download] Exported MOV files with translucency: https://bit.ly/FlipnicFMV All FMVs: https://youtu.be/BDhZr5ArKoI Help FMVs (TUTO.BIN): https://youtu.be/374kqzSBuOA V/O RIP w unused sounds: https://youtu.be/o8TtCp63uuo Timestamps and filenames: 0:00 Color Puzzle (COLOR_PUZZLE2.PSS) 0:08 Congratulations 1 (CONGRATULATIONS01.PSS) 0:15 Congratulations 2 (CONGRATULATIONS02.PSS) 0:22 Congratulations 3 (CONGRATULATIONS03.PSS) 0:31 Congratulations 4 (CONGRATULATIONS04.PSS) 0:41 Congratulations 5 (CONGRATULATIONS05.PSS) 0:50 Congratulations 6 (CONGRATULATIONS06.PSS) 1:00 Congratulations 7 (CONGRATULATIONS07.PSS) 1:09 Congratulations 8 (CONGRATULATIONS08.PSS) 1:16 Congratulations 9 (CONGRATULATIONS09.PSS) 1:24 Congratulations 10 (CONGRATULATIONS10.PSS) 1:36 Extra ball (EXTRABALL.PSS) 1:41 Extra ball (EXTRABALL2.PSS) 1:49 Extra credit (EXTRA_CREDIT.PSS) 1:57 Extra credit 2 (EXTRA_CREDIT02.PSS) 2:05 Game Over 2 (GAME_OVER2.PSS) 2:20 Game Over 3 (GAME_OVER3.PSS) 2:28 Game Over 4 (GAME_OVER4.PSS) 2:40 Game Over 5 (GAME_OVER5.PSS) 2:53 Hungry Monkey (HUNGLY_MONKEY.PSS) 3:02 Lucky Flamingos (LUCKEY_FLAMINGOS.PSS) 3:09 Move On (MOVE_ON01.PSS*) 3:15 Biology Multiball (MULTIBALL.PSS) 3:22 Metallurgy Multiball (MULTIBALL03.PSS*) 3:29 Optics Multiball (MULTIBALL04.PSS) 3:35 Chu-Chu Multiball (MULTIBALL05.PSS) 3:45 You unlocked the next stage (NEXT_STAGE.PSS) 4:05 Point Of No Return (POINT_OF_NO_RETURN.PSS) 4:15 Show Time (SHOWTIME.PSS) 4:19 Tilt (TILT2.PSS) 4:26 UFO Quiz Show (UFO_QUIZ_SHOW.PSS*) * The game seems to apply an additional black translucent background to these FMVs, which is why they're not opaque enough in this video |
This video compiles together FMVs with translucency data from a PlayStation 2 game called Flipnic. This video is a sequel to the last one, as on that video I mentioned that the video omitted displaying any translucency data. Well, this one doesn't! | Preview.mp4 | FMV klipid | FMV clips | Flipnic,pinball,PlayStation,PlayStation 2,game over,cutscene,FMV,full motion video,PSS,playstation stream,PAL,congratulations,Lisle Wilkerson,Randy Goins,Lemmy Constantine,no camera,electromechanical game simulator,poisonous,pinball is not dead,UFO,flamingo,monkey,freeze over,steel ball,weird,surreal,biology,optics,metallurgy,geometry,theology,evolution,puzzle,multiball,see you again,skeleton,skull,invasion,omg,tilt,flying saucer,translucent | https://odysee.com/@Press_any_key_to_continue:2/FlipnicAlphaFMV:c | MarkusTegelane | . | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/406.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/406.json | N/A | N/A |
402 | Press any key to continue... | Flipnic - All cutscenes (PAL version) | 0 | 2022-01-02 | This video shows all cutscenes in Flipnic, a pinball game for the PlayStation 2 games console. This video does not contain any help FMV-s, as I already made a video with those. I captured all of these cutscenes with a little FMV hack I made - basically I can replace the cutscene that is supposed to play with another one. This game actually has two types of FMVs - the high resone and the low res one. Some cutscenes contain translucency (e.g. Move On), but this video omits that. The hires cutscenes never have translucency, but the lowres ones do. I have found a hacky way to get translucency data, but it will take some time to actually turn into a full video. |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDhZr5ArKoI | 0 | Flipnic [PAL PS2 Deinterlaced FMV Rip] | Flipnic - All cutscenes (PAL version) | This video shows all cutscenes in Flipnic, a pinball game for the PlayStation 2 games console. This video does not contain any help FMV-s, as I already made a video with those. I captured all of these cutscenes with a little FMV hack I made - basically I can replace the cutscene that is supposed to play with another one. This game actually has two types of FMVs - the high res one and the low res one. Some cutscenes contain translucency (e.g. Move On), but this video omits that. The hires cutscenes never have translucency, but the lowres ones do. I have found a hacky way to get translucency data, but it will take some time to actually turn into a full video. Related links: Help FMVs (TUTO.BIN): https://youtu.be/374kqzSBuOA Game Over 6 (GAME_OVER6.PSS): https://youtu.be/AcqUf014EDQ Exported MOV files with translucency (W.I.P.): https://bit.ly/FlipnicFMV V/O RIP w unused sounds: https://youtu.be/o8TtCp63uuo Timestamps and filenames: 0:00 Intro (SHUKYAKUDEMO.PSS) 1:24 Title screen (TITLE_.PSS) 1:42 Drop of Silver 1 (SILVER_DROOP.PSS) 1:59 Circle of Life 1 (CIRCLE_OF_LIFE.PSS) 2:21 Freeze Over 1 (FREEZE_OVER.PSS) 2:38 Hidden Path Discovery 1 (TAKIWARI.PSS) 2:52 UFO Quiz Show (UFO_QUIZ_SHOW.PSS*) 3:02 Lucky Flamingos (LUCKEY_FLAMINGOS.PSS*) 3:08 Freeze Over 2 (FREEZE_OVER2.PSS) 3:24 Drop of Silver 2 (SILVER_DROP2.PSS) 3:41 Circle of Life 2 (CIRCLE_OF_LIFE2.PSS) 4:02 Hidden Path Discovery 2 (TAKIWARI2.PSS) 4:15 Point of No Return (POINT_OF_NO_RETURN.PSS*) 4:24 Color Puzzle (COLOR_PUZZLE2.PSS*) 4:32 Hungry Monkey (HUNGLY_MONKEY.PSS*) 4:41 Biology Multiball (MULTIBALL.PSS*) 4:49 Metallurgy Multiball (MULTIBALL03.PSS*) 4:55 Optics Multiball (MULTIBALL04.PSS*) 5:01 Geometry Multiball (MULTIBALL05.PSS*) 5:10 Show Time (SHOWTIME.PSS*) 5:15 Move On (MOVE_ON01.PSS*) 5:21 Watch Out! (WATCH_OUT.PSS) 5:26 UFO invasion! (MISSING.PSS) 5:35 Tilt (TILT2.PSS*) 5:42 Extra ball 1 (EXTRABALL.PSS*) 5:48 Extra ball 2 (EXTRABALL2.PSS*) 5:55 Extra credit 1 (EXTRA_CREDIT.PSS*) 6:04 Extra credit 2 (EXTRA_CREDIT02.PSS*) 6:11 You unlocked the next stage (NEXT_STAGE.PSS*) 6:32 Congratulations 1 (CONGRATULATIONS01.PSS*) 6:39 Congratulations 2 (CONGRATULATIONS02.PSS*) 6:46 Congratulations 3 (CONGRATULATIONS03.PSS*) 6:55 Congratulations 4 (CONGRATULATIONS04.PSS*) 7:04 Congratulations 5 (CONGRATULATIONS05.PSS*) 7:14 Congratulations 6 (CONGRATULATIONS06.PSS*) 7:23 Congratulations 7 (CONGRATULATIONS07.PSS*) 7:32 Congratulations 8 (CONGRATULATIONS08.PSS*) 7:39 Congratulations 9 (CONGRATULATIONS09.PSS*) 7:46 Congratulations: cake (CONGRATULATIONS10.PSS*) 7:58 Game Over 2 (GAME_OVER2.PSS*) 8:12 Game Over 3 (GAME_OVER3.PSS*) 8:19 Game Over 4 (GAME_OVER4.PSS*) 8:30 Game Over 5 (GAME_OVER5.PSS*) 8:42 Staff Credits 1 (STAFF_ROLL1.PSS) 10:46 Staff Credits 2 (STAFF_ROLL2.PSS) 12:50 Ubi Soft Logo (UBI.PSS) 13:00 Bad Luck (BAD_LUCK.PSS) 13:39 Small Luck (SMALL_LUCK.PSS) 14:18 Good Luck (GOOD_LUCK.PSS) 14:56 Great Luck (GREAT_LUCK.PSS) 15:34 Miraculous! (MIRACULOUS.PSS) * These FMVs have translucency effects that are not displayed in this video |
This video shows all cutscenes in Flipnic, a pinball game for the PlayStation 2 games console. This video does not contain any help FMV-s, as I already made a video with those. I captured all of these cutscenes with a little FMV hack I made - basically I can replace the cutscene that is supposed to play with another one. This game actually has two types of FMVs - the high resone and the low res one. Some cutscenes contain translucency (e.g. Move On), but this video omits that. The hires cutscenes never have translucency, but the lowres ones do. I have found a hacky way to get translucency data, but it will take some time to actually turn into a full video. |
flipnic_fmv-6000.mp4 | FMV klipid | FMV clips | Flipnic,pinball,PlayStation,PlayStation 2,game over,cutscene,FMV,full motion video,PSS,playstation stream,PAL,congratulations,Lisle Wilkerson,Randy Goins,Lemmy Constantine,no camera,electromechanical game simulator,poisonous,pinball is not dead,new game machine,van gogh,UFO,aliens,flying saucer,flamingo,monkey,freeze over,steel ball,weird,surreal,biology,optics,metallurgy,geometry,theology,evolution,puzzle,multiball,see you again,skeleton,skull,invasion,omg,tilt | https://odysee.com/@Press_any_key_to_continue:2/FlipnicFMV:8 | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/402.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/402.json | N/A | N/A |