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ID | Kanal | Video | Kustutatud | Kuupäev | Kirjeldus | Subtiitrid | Avalik | Ülekanne | HD | URL | PRIVATE | TitleMUI_en | TitleMUI_et | KirjeldusMUI_en | KirjeldusMUI_et | Filename | Category | CategoryMUI_en | Tags | OdyseeURL | KanalMUI_en | KanalMUI_et | Translated | has_thumbnail | local_stream |
391 | MarkusTegelane | Sinise ekraani simulaator 2.0 - 8000 vaatamise eriuuendus! | 0 | 2021-08-29 | Kauaoodatud uuendus minu enda sinise ekraani simulaatorile! See video eksisteerib, sest väga paljud inimesed nägid esimest videot ning ma arvasin, et esimene versioon ei olnud piisavalt hea. Seega, see on versioon 2.0! See video näitab mõningaid uusi funktsioone. Kui te olete juba esimese sinise ekraani simulaator (BSSP) versiooni alla laadinud, saate üle minna versioonile 2.0, pärast esimese versiooni avamist ja vajutades "Jah" uuendamise teavitusel. Kui teil ei ole BSSP 1.x, saate uue versiooni otse alla laadida mu Github repositooriumist "Releases" sektsiooni alt, ehk siis selle lingi kaudu: http://github.com/MarkusMaal/BlueScreenSimulatorPlus . Muusika: Declan DP - Blue Underwaterbeats - Undelete! ACME - Mental Deliverance Chris Zabriskie - Out of The Skies Under The Earth Geographer - Weirder Stuff Malmen - Heartbleed Veebileht: http://markustegelane.ml Juhuslik video: https://markustegelane.ml/markustegelane/random/?c=mt |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62TYwfzUnyo | 0 | Blue Screen Simulator Plus 2.0 - 8000 views special update! | Sinise ekraani simulaator 2.0 - 8000 vaatamise eriuuendus! | A long-awaited update for my very own blue screen simulator! This video exists, because so many people saw the first one and I didn't think the original was good enough. So this is version 2.0! This video showcases some of the new features. If you have already downloaded the first version of BSSP, you can upgrade to version 2.0 after opening that version and clicking "Yes" on the update prompt. If you do not have BSSP 1.x, you can download it from my Github repository under the "releases" section, i.e. from this link: http://github.com/MarkusMaal/BlueScreenSimulatorPlus . Music: Declan DP - Blue Underwaterbeats - Undelete! ACME - Mental Deliverance Chris Zabriskie - Out of The Skies Under The Earth Geographer - Weirder Stuff Malmen - Heartbleed Website: http://markustegelane.ml Random video: https://markustegelane.ml/markustegelane/random/?c=mt |
Kauaoodatud uuendus minu enda sinise ekraani simulaatorile! See video eksisteerib, sest väga paljud inimesed nägid esimest videot ning ma arvasin, et esimene versioon ei olnud piisavalt hea. Seega, see on versioon 2.0! See video näitab mõningaid uusi funktsioone. Kui te olete juba esimese sinise ekraani simulaator (BSSP) versiooni alla laadinud, saate üle minna versioonile 2.0, pärast esimese versiooni avamist ja vajutades "Jah" uuendamise teavitusel. Kui teil ei ole BSSP 1.x, saate uue versiooni otse alla laadida mu Github repositooriumist "Releases" sektsiooni alt, ehk siis selle lingi kaudu: http://github.com/MarkusMaal/BlueScreenSimulatorPlus . Muusika: Declan DP - Blue Underwaterbeats - Undelete! ACME - Mental Deliverance Chris Zabriskie - Out of The Skies Under The Earth Geographer - Weirder Stuff Malmen - Heartbleed Veebileht: http://markustegelane.ml Juhuslik video: https://markustegelane.ml/markustegelane/random/?c=mt |
bssp2-6000.mp4 | Tarkvara | Software | Markus Maal,MarkusTegelane,TheMarkusGuy,Blue Screen of Death,Windows 3.11,Windows 95,Microsoft Windows,Windows XP,Windows Vista,Windows 7,Windows 8,Windows 10,Windows 8.1,Windows NT,Windows 2000,BlueScreen,BSOD,Microsoft,Operating System,Windows 1.0,Windows 2.0,Windows 11,Black Screen Of Death,bugcheck | https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/blue-screen-simulator-plus-2.0-8000:9 | MarkusTegelane | . | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/391.jpg | N/A |
382 | Press any key to continue... | a disturbing "Game over" screen | 0 | 2021-07-10 | This is a very weird and somewhat creepy game over screen that depicts an undead skeleton smoking a cigarette. There's also background music and a male voice laughing can also be heard. Finally the words "Game over" and "See you again!" are heard and the clip ends. This game over screen is from a pinball game called "Flipnic" (a.k.a. "Flipnic: Ultimate Pinball" in NTSC-U [USA] regions), which I've covered before in this channel, but I've never actually seen this clip. This particular game over screen only occours in the original NTSC-J [Japan] version of the game. As far as I can tell, no other version has this game over screen. |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcqUf014EDQ | 0 | . | . | This is a very weird and somewhat creepy game over screen that depicts an undead skeleton smoking a cigarette. There's also background music and a male voice laughing can also be heard. Finally the words "Game over" and "See you again!" are heard and the clip ends. This game over screen is from a pinball game called "Flipnic" (a.k.a. "Flipnic: Ultimate Pinball" in NTSC-U [USA] regions), which I've covered before in this channel, but I've never actually seen this clip. This particular game over screen only occours in the original NTSC-J [Japan] version of the game. As far as I can tell, no other version has this game over screen. |
. | disturbing_gameover.mp4 | FMV klipid | FMV clips | https://odysee.com/@Press_any_key_to_continue:2/disturbinggameover:3 | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/382.jpg | N/A |