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ID Kanal Video Kustutatud Kuupäev Kirjeldus Subtiitrid Avalik Ülekanne HD URL PRIVATE TitleMUI_en TitleMUI_et KirjeldusMUI_en KirjeldusMUI_et Filename Category CategoryMUI_en Tags OdyseeURL KanalMUI_en KanalMUI_et Translated has_thumbnail local_stream
454 MarkusTegelane Veidrad PlayStation 1 BIOS-i rikutused (feat. CD Pleier) 0 2022-06-13 See video on idee poolest väga sarnane sellele, mida ma tegin PlayStation 2 BIOS-i rikutuste videos, aga seekord teen seda originaalse PlayStation konsooliga (täpsemalt emulaatoriga). Erinevalt teistest rikutuste videotest, mille leiate YouTube-st, näitan ma siin ka mälukaardihalduri ja CD pleieri rikutusi.

Ma kasutasin BIOS-i failide rikkumiseks Vinesauce ROM Corruptor, ePSXe ja XEBRA PS1 riistvara imiteerimiseks (Ma kasutan mõnedes kohtades XEBRA emulaatorit, sest see võimaldas mul sisestada mängu plaadi, siis kui olin CD pleieri menüüs) ning mõningeid kohandatud skripte, et rikutusi testida.
1 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4n0S_0iojxg 0 Weird PlayStation 1 BIOS Corruptions (feat. CD Player) . *** Warning ***
Intense strobe lights from 9:46 to 10:04

This video is very similar in concept to what I did with the PlayStation 2 BIOS corruption video, but this time it's for the original PlayStation console. Unlike other corruptions you can find on YouTube, I also showcase memory card manager and CD player corruptions.

I used Vinesauce ROM Corruptor to corrupt the BIOS files, ePSXe and XEBRA for emulating the PS1 (XEBRA allowed me to insert the game disc, while in CD player, which is why I used it sometimes), and a handful of custom scripts to test these corruptions.

Website (recently updated): https://markustegelane.ml
Blog: https://markustegelane-en.blogspot.com
Random video: https://markustegelane.ml/markustegelane/random?c=mt
My other channels: https://www.youtube.com/c/MarkusMaal/channels
Weird PS2 BIOS Corruptions video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZLEjfJtqd0
Channel page: https://www.youtube.com/c/MarkusTegelane

© 2022 Markus' videos
Thank you for watching!
*** Hoiatus ***
Intensiivne strobovalgus ajavahemikus 9:46 kuni 10:04

See video on idee poolest väga sarnane sellele, mida ma tegin PlayStation 2 BIOS-i rikutuste videos, aga seekord teen seda originaalse PlayStation konsooliga (täpsemalt emulaatoriga). Erinevalt teistest rikutuste videotest, mille leiate YouTube-st, näitan ma siin ka mälukaardihalduri ja CD pleieri rikutusi.

Ma kasutasin BIOS-i failide rikkumiseks Vinesauce ROM Corruptor, ePSXe ja XEBRA PS1 riistvara imiteerimiseks (Ma kasutan mõnedes kohtades XEBRA emulaatorit, sest see võimaldas mul sisestada mängu plaadi, siis kui olin CD pleieri menüüs) ning mõningeid kohandatud skripte, et rikutusi testida.

Veebileht (hiljuti uuendatud): https://markustegelane.ml
Ajaveeb: https://markustegelane.blogspot.com
Juhuslik video: https://markustegelane.ml/markustegelane/random?c=mt
Teised kanalid: https://www.youtube.com/c/MarkusMaal/channels
Veidrate PS2 BIOS-i rikutuste video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZLEjfJtqd0
Kanali avaleht: https://www.youtube.com/c/MarkusTegelane

© 2022 Markuse videod
Aitäh, et vaatasite!
ps1corruptions.mp4 Rikutused Corruptions PlayStation,BIOS,corruption,Vinesauce ROM Corruptor,ePSXe,emulation,emulator,XEBRA,Sony,Sony Computer Entertainment,Sony Interactive Entertainment,Personified Fear,Fearful Harmony,visualizations,CD Player,memory card,browser,MarkuStation,markustegelane,Markus Maal https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/weird-playstation-1-bios-corruptions:8 MarkusTegelane . 1 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/454.jpg N/A
406 MarkusTegelane Flipnic - Cutscenes with translucency data [FMV] 0 2022-01-07 This video compiles together FMVs with translucency data from a PlayStation 2 game called Flipnic. This video is a sequel to the last one, as on that video I mentioned that the video omitted displaying any translucency data. Well, this one doesn't! 0 0 0 0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fy6ZYpAmjn0 0 Flipnic - Cutscenes with translucency data [FMV] Flipnic - Cutscenes with translucency data [FMV] This video compiles together FMVs with translucency data from a PlayStation 2 game called Flipnic. This video is a sequel to the last one, as on that video I mentioned that the video omitted displaying any translucency data. Well, this one doesn't!

Related links:
Better quality version: https://odysee.com/@Press_any_key_to_continue:2/FlipnicAlphaFMV:c
[Download] Exported MOV files with translucency: https://bit.ly/FlipnicFMV
All FMVs: https://youtu.be/BDhZr5ArKoI
Help FMVs (TUTO.BIN): https://youtu.be/374kqzSBuOA
V/O RIP w unused sounds: https://youtu.be/o8TtCp63uuo

Timestamps and filenames:
0:00 Color Puzzle (COLOR_PUZZLE2.PSS)
0:08 Congratulations 1 (CONGRATULATIONS01.PSS)
0:15 Congratulations 2 (CONGRATULATIONS02.PSS)
0:22 Congratulations 3 (CONGRATULATIONS03.PSS)
0:31 Congratulations 4 (CONGRATULATIONS04.PSS)
0:41 Congratulations 5 (CONGRATULATIONS05.PSS)
0:50 Congratulations 6 (CONGRATULATIONS06.PSS)
1:00 Congratulations 7 (CONGRATULATIONS07.PSS)
1:09 Congratulations 8 (CONGRATULATIONS08.PSS)
1:16 Congratulations 9 (CONGRATULATIONS09.PSS)
1:24 Congratulations 10 (CONGRATULATIONS10.PSS)
1:36 Extra ball (EXTRABALL.PSS)
1:41 Extra ball (EXTRABALL2.PSS)
1:49 Extra credit (EXTRA_CREDIT.PSS)
1:57 Extra credit 2 (EXTRA_CREDIT02.PSS)
2:05 Game Over 2 (GAME_OVER2.PSS)
2:20 Game Over 3 (GAME_OVER3.PSS)
2:28 Game Over 4 (GAME_OVER4.PSS)
2:40 Game Over 5 (GAME_OVER5.PSS)
2:53 Hungry Monkey (HUNGLY_MONKEY.PSS)
3:02 Lucky Flamingos (LUCKEY_FLAMINGOS.PSS)
3:09 Move On (MOVE_ON01.PSS*)
3:15 Biology Multiball (MULTIBALL.PSS)
3:22 Metallurgy Multiball (MULTIBALL03.PSS*)
3:29 Optics Multiball (MULTIBALL04.PSS)
3:35 Chu-Chu Multiball (MULTIBALL05.PSS)
3:45 You unlocked the next stage (NEXT_STAGE.PSS)
4:05 Point Of No Return (POINT_OF_NO_RETURN.PSS)
4:15 Show Time (SHOWTIME.PSS)
4:19 Tilt (TILT2.PSS)
4:26 UFO Quiz Show (UFO_QUIZ_SHOW.PSS*)
* The game seems to apply an additional black translucent background to these FMVs, which is why they're not opaque enough in this video
This video compiles together FMVs with translucency data from a PlayStation 2 game called Flipnic. This video is a sequel to the last one, as on that video I mentioned that the video omitted displaying any translucency data. Well, this one doesn't! Preview.mp4 FMV klipid FMV clips Flipnic,pinball,PlayStation,PlayStation 2,game over,cutscene,FMV,full motion video,PSS,playstation stream,PAL,congratulations,Lisle Wilkerson,Randy Goins,Lemmy Constantine,no camera,electromechanical game simulator,poisonous,pinball is not dead,UFO,flamingo,monkey,freeze over,steel ball,weird,surreal,biology,optics,metallurgy,geometry,theology,evolution,puzzle,multiball,see you again,skeleton,skull,invasion,omg,tilt,flying saucer,translucent https://odysee.com/@Press_any_key_to_continue:2/FlipnicAlphaFMV:c MarkusTegelane . 1 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/406.jpg N/A
402 Press any key to continue... Flipnic - All cutscenes (PAL version) 0 2022-01-02 This video shows all cutscenes in Flipnic, a pinball game for the PlayStation 2 games console. This video does not contain any help FMV-s, as I already made a video with those.

I captured all of these cutscenes with a little FMV hack I made - basically I can replace the cutscene that is supposed to play with another one. This game actually has two types of FMVs - the high resone and the low res one.

Some cutscenes contain translucency (e.g. Move On), but this video omits that. The hires cutscenes never have translucency, but the lowres ones do. I have found a hacky way to get translucency data, but it will take some time to actually turn into a full video.
1 1 0 0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDhZr5ArKoI 0 Flipnic [PAL PS2 Deinterlaced FMV Rip] Flipnic - All cutscenes (PAL version) This video shows all cutscenes in Flipnic, a pinball game for the PlayStation 2 games console. This video does not contain any help FMV-s, as I already made a video with those.

I captured all of these cutscenes with a little FMV hack I made - basically I can replace the cutscene that is supposed to play with another one. This game actually has two types of FMVs - the high res one and the low res one.

Some cutscenes contain translucency (e.g. Move On), but this video omits that. The hires cutscenes never have translucency, but the lowres ones do. I have found a hacky way to get translucency data, but it will take some time to actually turn into a full video.

Related links:
Help FMVs (TUTO.BIN): https://youtu.be/374kqzSBuOA
Game Over 6 (GAME_OVER6.PSS): https://youtu.be/AcqUf014EDQ
Exported MOV files with translucency (W.I.P.): https://bit.ly/FlipnicFMV
V/O RIP w unused sounds: https://youtu.be/o8TtCp63uuo

Timestamps and filenames:
1:24 Title screen (TITLE_.PSS)
1:42 Drop of Silver 1 (SILVER_DROOP.PSS)
1:59 Circle of Life 1 (CIRCLE_OF_LIFE.PSS)
2:21 Freeze Over 1 (FREEZE_OVER.PSS)
2:38 Hidden Path Discovery 1 (TAKIWARI.PSS)
2:52 UFO Quiz Show (UFO_QUIZ_SHOW.PSS*)
3:02 Lucky Flamingos (LUCKEY_FLAMINGOS.PSS*)
3:08 Freeze Over 2 (FREEZE_OVER2.PSS)
3:24 Drop of Silver 2 (SILVER_DROP2.PSS)
3:41 Circle of Life 2 (CIRCLE_OF_LIFE2.PSS)
4:02 Hidden Path Discovery 2 (TAKIWARI2.PSS)
4:15 Point of No Return (POINT_OF_NO_RETURN.PSS*)
4:24 Color Puzzle (COLOR_PUZZLE2.PSS*)
4:32 Hungry Monkey (HUNGLY_MONKEY.PSS*)
4:41 Biology Multiball (MULTIBALL.PSS*)
4:49 Metallurgy Multiball (MULTIBALL03.PSS*)
4:55 Optics Multiball (MULTIBALL04.PSS*)
5:01 Geometry Multiball (MULTIBALL05.PSS*)
5:10 Show Time (SHOWTIME.PSS*)
5:15 Move On (MOVE_ON01.PSS*)
5:21 Watch Out! (WATCH_OUT.PSS)
5:26 UFO invasion! (MISSING.PSS)
5:35 Tilt (TILT2.PSS*)
5:42 Extra ball 1 (EXTRABALL.PSS*)
5:48 Extra ball 2 (EXTRABALL2.PSS*)
5:55 Extra credit 1 (EXTRA_CREDIT.PSS*)
6:04 Extra credit 2 (EXTRA_CREDIT02.PSS*)
6:11 You unlocked the next stage (NEXT_STAGE.PSS*)
6:32 Congratulations 1 (CONGRATULATIONS01.PSS*)
6:39 Congratulations 2 (CONGRATULATIONS02.PSS*)
6:46 Congratulations 3 (CONGRATULATIONS03.PSS*)
6:55 Congratulations 4 (CONGRATULATIONS04.PSS*)
7:04 Congratulations 5 (CONGRATULATIONS05.PSS*)
7:14 Congratulations 6 (CONGRATULATIONS06.PSS*)
7:23 Congratulations 7 (CONGRATULATIONS07.PSS*)
7:32 Congratulations 8 (CONGRATULATIONS08.PSS*)
7:39 Congratulations 9 (CONGRATULATIONS09.PSS*)
7:46 Congratulations: cake (CONGRATULATIONS10.PSS*)
7:58 Game Over 2 (GAME_OVER2.PSS*)
8:12 Game Over 3 (GAME_OVER3.PSS*)
8:19 Game Over 4 (GAME_OVER4.PSS*)
8:30 Game Over 5 (GAME_OVER5.PSS*)
8:42 Staff Credits 1 (STAFF_ROLL1.PSS)
10:46 Staff Credits 2 (STAFF_ROLL2.PSS)
12:50 Ubi Soft Logo (UBI.PSS)
13:00 Bad Luck (BAD_LUCK.PSS)
13:39 Small Luck (SMALL_LUCK.PSS)
14:18 Good Luck (GOOD_LUCK.PSS)
14:56 Great Luck (GREAT_LUCK.PSS)
15:34 Miraculous! (MIRACULOUS.PSS)
* These FMVs have translucency effects that are not displayed in this video
This video shows all cutscenes in Flipnic, a pinball game for the PlayStation 2 games console. This video does not contain any help FMV-s, as I already made a video with those.

I captured all of these cutscenes with a little FMV hack I made - basically I can replace the cutscene that is supposed to play with another one. This game actually has two types of FMVs - the high resone and the low res one.

Some cutscenes contain translucency (e.g. Move On), but this video omits that. The hires cutscenes never have translucency, but the lowres ones do. I have found a hacky way to get translucency data, but it will take some time to actually turn into a full video.
flipnic_fmv-6000.mp4 FMV klipid FMV clips Flipnic,pinball,PlayStation,PlayStation 2,game over,cutscene,FMV,full motion video,PSS,playstation stream,PAL,congratulations,Lisle Wilkerson,Randy Goins,Lemmy Constantine,no camera,electromechanical game simulator,poisonous,pinball is not dead,new game machine,van gogh,UFO,aliens,flying saucer,flamingo,monkey,freeze over,steel ball,weird,surreal,biology,optics,metallurgy,geometry,theology,evolution,puzzle,multiball,see you again,skeleton,skull,invasion,omg,tilt https://odysee.com/@Press_any_key_to_continue:2/FlipnicFMV:8 Press any key to continue... Press any key to continue... 1 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/402.jpg N/A