Leiti 27 vastet.
ID | Kanal | Video | Kustutatud | Kuupäev | Kirjeldus | Subtiitrid | Avalik | Ülekanne | HD | URL | PRIVATE | TitleMUI_en | TitleMUI_et | KirjeldusMUI_en | KirjeldusMUI_et | Filename | Category | CategoryMUI_en | Tags | OdyseeURL | KanalMUI_en | KanalMUI_et | Translated | has_thumbnail | local_stream |
565 | Kaevandame ja meisterdame | Tere tulemast! | 0 | 2023-12-31 | Olen mitu aastat juba postitanud enda Minecrafti ajaveebi "Kaevandame ja meisterdame", kuid selle aja jooksul on tekkinud vajadus postitada Minecraftiga seotud videoid. Seepärast tegin selle kanali, kuhu laen nüüd üles Minecraftiga seotud sisu, mis hõlmab erinevaid tegevusi minu Minecrafti maailmades, saavutusi, õpetusi ja palju muudki! | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvNQCB0epiQ | 0 | Welcome! | Tere tulemast! | I have posted to my Minecraft blog "Let's mine and craft" for several years, but I realized I should create a channel where I could upload the videos to. On this channel, I'll upload various Minecraft related content, which includes various activities on my Minecraft worlds, achievements, tutorials and more! | Olen mitu aastat juba postitanud enda Minecrafti ajaveebi "Kaevandame ja meisterdame", kuid selle aja jooksul on tekkinud vajadus postitada Minecraftiga seotud videoid. Seepärast tegin selle kanali, kuhu laen nüüd üles Minecraftiga seotud sisu, mis hõlmab erinevaid tegevusi minu Minecrafti maailmades, saavutusi, õpetusi ja palju muudki! | minecraft_fireworks.mp4 | Varia | Joke videos | N/A | . | . | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/565.jpg | N/A | |
557 | Press any key to continue... | Beetle Crazy Cup - Subaru Impreza STI Rally [PC Mod Gameplay] | 0 | 2023-12-22 | This is a mod, which adds Subaru Impreza STI Rally car to Beetle Crazy Cup (a.k.a. Beetle Buggin). This mod requires Beetle Crazy Cup Tool for repacking game files. The car replaces some of the vehicles in the cross game mode. Download links: https://www.moddb.com/games/beetle-crazy-cup/downloads |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLzYv0smZco | 0 | Beetle Crazy Cup - Subaru Impreza STI Rally [PC Mod Gameplay] | Beetle Crazy Cup - Subaru Impreza STI Rally [PC Mod Gameplay] | This is a mod, which adds Subaru Impreza STI Rally car to Beetle Crazy Cup (a.k.a. Beetle Buggin). This mod requires Beetle Crazy Cup Tool for repacking game files. The car replaces some of the vehicles in the cross game mode. Download links: https://www.moddb.com/games/beetle-crazy-cup/downloads |
This is a mod, which adds Subaru Impreza STI Rally car to Beetle Crazy Cup (a.k.a. Beetle Buggin). This mod requires Beetle Crazy Cup Tool for repacking game files. The car replaces some of the vehicles in the cross game mode. Download links: https://www.moddb.com/games/beetle-crazy-cup/downloads |
BeetleImprezza.mp4 | Muud mängimise videod | Other gameplay videos | Beetle Buggin,Beetle Crazy Cup,car,impreza,mod,modification,rally car,subaru | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/557.jpg | N/A |
556 | Press any key to continue... | 2D galaxy tennis [Flipnic PS2 gameplay] | 0 | 2023-12-08 | I hacked the camera to this top-down perspective. Unfortunately right now I've only found a way to adjust rotation, yaw, and roll, but not the origin/position. | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvzPmk9jGjs | 0 | 2D galaxy tennis [Flipnic PS2 gameplay] | 2D galaxy tennis [Flipnic PS2 gameplay] | I hacked the camera to this top-down perspective. Unfortunately right now I've only found a way to adjust rotation, yaw, and roll, but not the origin/position. | I hacked the camera to this top-down perspective. Unfortunately right now I've only found a way to adjust rotation, yaw, and roll, but not the origin/position. | 2023-04-02 20-45-32.mkv | Videomängude analüüs | Video game analysis | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/556.jpg | N/A | |
555 | Markuse asjad | Lumehelves 2023 | 0 | 2023-12-03 | Uued taustapildid nüüd Markuse seadmetes! Lisainfo: https://markusmaal.ee/mas_db/toq/index.php?id=62 |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhUjDM3JB8w | 0 | Lumehelves 2023 | Lumehelves 2023 | Uued taustapildid nüüd Markuse seadmetes! Lisainfo: https://markusmaal.ee/mas_db/toq/index.php?id=62 |
Uued taustapildid nüüd Markuse seadmetes! Lisainfo: https://markusmaal.ee/mas_db/toq/index.php?id=62 |
MarkuseAsjadLumehelves2023Promo.mp4 | Varia | Miscellaneous | 2023,Markuse asjad,lumehelves,lumi,snowflake,talv | N/A | Markus' stuff | . | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/555.jpg | /channel_db_lite/web/stream/555.mp4 |
554 | Press any key to continue... | Forza Horizon 5 gameplay testvideo | 0 | 2023-08-20 | Pika lindistuse üleslaaidmise test.\n\n*Faili info*\n\nSuurus: 1,4GiB\nNimi: fh5test.mp4\nVorming: MPEG-4/AVC/AAC | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hk9ZlLy97Ys | 0 | Forza Horizon 5 gameplay test upload | Forza Horizon 5 gameplay testvideo | Gameplay footage upload test.\n\n*File info*\n\nSize: 1.4GiB\nName: fh5test.mp4\nFormat: MPEG-4/AVC/AAC | Pika lindistuse üleslaaidmise test.\n\n*Faili info*\n\nSuurus: 1,4GiB\nNimi: fh5test.mp4\nVorming: MPEG-4/AVC/AAC | fh5test.mp4 | Varia | Miscellaneous | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/554.jpg | N/A | |
548 | Press any key to continue... | an intro? | 0 | 2023-08-08 | Potentially an intro for my future videos... that is if you like it. Made with Microsoft Clipchamp |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mb0RlmgMp0 | 0 | an intro? | an intro? | Potentially an intro for my future videos... that is if you like it. Made with Microsoft Clipchamp |
Potentially an intro for my future videos... that is if you like it. Made with Microsoft Clipchamp |
paktc newintro – Clipchampiga loodud.mp4 | Introd | Intros | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/548.jpg | N/A | |
552 | MarkusTegelane+ | Blue screen simulator for Android render test | 0 | 2023-07-26 | Render test of a video, which was never published. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ukc2QTFGkSs | 0 | Blue screen simulator for Android render test | Blue screen simulator for Android render test | Render test of a video, which was never published. | Render test of a video, which was never published. | bsspa_test1.mp4 | Naljavideod | Joke videos | N/A | MarkusTegelane+ | . | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/552.jpg | N/A | |
543 | Press any key to continue... | Obtaining the Buzz lure in Fishing Fantasy: Buzzrod [Save file modification tutorial] | 0 | 2023-07-01 | In this video, I'm going to walk you through the process of fixing a bug in this game, which normally makes it impossible to finish the game. And the best part - you can do it with your own save! Prerequesties: Python 3: https://www.python.org/downloads/ (in Windows, make sure that "Add to PATH" is checked during installation) BuzzrodSaveEditor: https://github.com/MarkusMaal/BuzzrodSaveEditor/archive/refs/heads/main.zip (extract to a folder) A USB flash drive (if the PS2 freezes/errors out while opening/copying to the mass:/ folder, try a different flash drive, USB 2.0 drives are preferred if possible) w/uLaunchElf entrypoints: - If you have a completely unmodified PS2 slim console, you can use FreeDVDboot. Full instructions and ISO files here: https://github.com/CTurt/FreeDVDBoot - If you have a FreeMcBoot memory card or FreeHDboot hard drive, you can navigate to uLaunchElf in the main menu - If you have a Fortuna exploited memory card, just navigate to browser, go to exploited memory card, back out twice and you should be in uLaunchElf - If you have a modchipped PS2 or have MechaPwn with force unlock (disable it after modifying the save to be able to load this game), you can burn this copy of wLaunchElf to a CD or DVD: https://gbatemp.net/download/wlaunchelf-v4-43x_isr-iso-elf.37723/version/39334/download?file=337077 Commands: To list all saves: python save_editor.py -f [filename] -saves To list items in a save: python save_editor.py -f [filename] -save[num] -li To patch a game save: python save_editor.py -f [filename] -p [byte address] -iv 3 -o [patched save filename] Chapters: 0:00 Describing the bug 0:58 Getting the save out of a memory card 2:38 Patching the save file 4:31 Copying the patched save file back to a memory card 5:30 Testing the modified save |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSE4aCLbXPQ | 0 | Obtaining the Buzz lure in Fishing Fantasy: Buzzrod [Save file modification tutorial] | . | In this video, I'm going to walk you through the process of fixing a bug in this game, which normally makes it impossible to finish the game. And the best part - you can do it with your own save! Prerequesties: Python 3: https://www.python.org/downloads/ (in Windows, make sure that "Add to PATH" is checked during installation) BuzzrodSaveEditor: https://github.com/MarkusMaal/BuzzrodSaveEditor/archive/refs/heads/main.zip (extract to a folder) A USB flash drive (if the PS2 freezes/errors out while opening/copying to the mass:/ folder, try a different flash drive, USB 2.0 drives are preferred if possible) w/uLaunchElf entrypoints: - If you have a completely unmodified PS2 slim console, you can use FreeDVDboot. Full instructions and ISO files here: https://github.com/CTurt/FreeDVDBoot - If you have a FreeMcBoot memory card or FreeHDboot hard drive, you can navigate to uLaunchElf in the main menu - If you have a Fortuna exploited memory card, just navigate to browser, go to exploited memory card, back out twice and you should be in uLaunchElf - If you have a modchipped PS2 or have MechaPwn with force unlock (disable it after modifying the save to be able to load this game), you can burn this copy of wLaunchElf to a CD or DVD: https://gbatemp.net/download/wlaunchelf-v4-43x_isr-iso-elf.37723/version/39334/download?file=337077 Commands: To list all saves: python save_editor.py -f [filename] -saves To list items in a save: python save_editor.py -f [filename] -save[num] -li To patch a game save: python save_editor.py -f [filename] -p [byte address] -iv 3 -o [patched save filename] Chapters: 0:00 Describing the bug 0:58 Getting the save out of a memory card 2:38 Patching the save file 4:31 Copying the patched save file back to a memory card 5:30 Testing the modified save |
. | BuzzrodFixFinal.mp4 | Videomängude analüüs | Video game analysis | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/543.jpg | N/A | |
547 | MarkusTegelane+ | llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll | 0 | 2023-06-22 | jutsustaja: justsustab koike | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vkl1ELWiITI | 0 | llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll | . | jutsustaja: justsustab koike | . | 2023-06-22 14-52-25.mkv | Varia | Miscellaneous | N/A | MarkusTegelane+ | . | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/547.jpg | N/A | |
542 | Press any key to continue... | BuzzRod: Fishing Fantasy [PS2 BGM SF2+MIDI Conversion] | 0 | 2023-06-04 | I converted the background music used in BuzzRod: Fishing Fantasy to SF2 and MIDI formats. Each track is made of 2 parts (with exceptions): the beginning and the loop. For this video, I play the beginning part and then the loop part 10 times, creating extended versions of each track. I also display some of the textures from the game in this video. Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12GCyMugomj9kZtRL3WYaZFoqCDjWvSHA/view?usp=sharing Chapters: 0:00 Title screen (TITLE.SQ) 7:21 Options/Load/Save (OPTION.SQ) 16:38 Opening cutscene (OE_01.SQ) 24:01 Replay cutscene (OE_02.SQ) 31:48 Ending credits (OE_03.SQ) 39:18 Unknown (BATTLE.SQ) 53:06 Fish battle (BATTLE1.SQ) 57:25 Congratulations (FANFARE.SQ) 59:51 Congratulations alt. (FANFARE1.SQ) 1:02:19 Fish get/Stage clear (FANFARE2.SQ) 1:04:57 The Lost Ruins (MAP_00.SQ) 1:15:53 The Missing Jungle (MAP_01.SQ) 1:21:01 The Big Tree (MAP_02.SQ) 1:36:26 The Dish Pond (MAP_03.SQ) 1:43:21 The Haunted Cave (MAP_04.SQ) 1:54:47 The Bush River (MAP_05.SQ) 2:04:57 The Pocket Sea (MAP_07.SQ) 2:12:38 The Last Jungle (MAP_08.SQ) |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCJHOQe-feA | 0 | BuzzRod: Fishing Fantasy [PS2 BGM SF2+MIDI Conversion] | BuzzRod: Fishing Fantasy [PS2 BGM SF2+MIDI Conversion] | I converted the background music used in BuzzRod: Fishing Fantasy to SF2 and MIDI formats. Each track is made of 2 parts (with exceptions): the beginning and the loop. For this video, I play the beginning part and then the loop part 10 times, creating extended versions of each track. I also display some of the textures from the game in this video. Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12GCyMugomj9kZtRL3WYaZFoqCDjWvSHA/view?usp=sharing Chapters: 0:00 Title screen (TITLE.SQ) 7:21 Options/Load/Save (OPTION.SQ) 16:38 Opening cutscene (OE_01.SQ) 24:01 Replay cutscene (OE_02.SQ) 31:48 Ending credits (OE_03.SQ) 39:18 Unknown (BATTLE.SQ) 53:06 Fish battle (BATTLE1.SQ) 57:25 Congratulations (FANFARE.SQ) 59:51 Congratulations alt. (FANFARE1.SQ) 1:02:19 Fish get/Stage clear (FANFARE2.SQ) 1:04:57 The Lost Ruins (MAP_00.SQ) 1:15:53 The Missing Jungle (MAP_01.SQ) 1:21:01 The Big Tree (MAP_02.SQ) 1:36:26 The Dish Pond (MAP_03.SQ) 1:43:21 The Haunted Cave (MAP_04.SQ) 1:54:47 The Bush River (MAP_05.SQ) 2:04:57 The Pocket Sea (MAP_07.SQ) 2:12:38 The Last Jungle (MAP_08.SQ) |
I converted the background music used in BuzzRod: Fishing Fantasy to SF2 and MIDI formats. Each track is made of 2 parts (with exceptions): the beginning and the loop. For this video, I play the beginning part and then the loop part 10 times, creating extended versions of each track. I also display some of the textures from the game in this video. Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12GCyMugomj9kZtRL3WYaZFoqCDjWvSHA/view?usp=sharing Chapters: 0:00 Title screen (TITLE.SQ) 7:21 Options/Load/Save (OPTION.SQ) 16:38 Opening cutscene (OE_01.SQ) 24:01 Replay cutscene (OE_02.SQ) 31:48 Ending credits (OE_03.SQ) 39:18 Unknown (BATTLE.SQ) 53:06 Fish battle (BATTLE1.SQ) 57:25 Congratulations (FANFARE.SQ) 59:51 Congratulations alt. (FANFARE1.SQ) 1:02:19 Fish get/Stage clear (FANFARE2.SQ) 1:04:57 The Lost Ruins (MAP_00.SQ) 1:15:53 The Missing Jungle (MAP_01.SQ) 1:21:01 The Big Tree (MAP_02.SQ) 1:36:26 The Dish Pond (MAP_03.SQ) 1:43:21 The Haunted Cave (MAP_04.SQ) 1:54:47 The Bush River (MAP_05.SQ) 2:04:57 The Pocket Sea (MAP_07.SQ) 2:12:38 The Last Jungle (MAP_08.SQ) |
FishingFantasyOSTrip.mp4 | Muusika | Music | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/542.jpg | N/A | |
546 | MarkusTegelane+ | Heli002.amr | 0 | 2023-05-27 | Helilindistus, mille ma tegin vanas Nokia C2-01 ülevaate videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBOuC4VS5Fo | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=868WHuJ_KLs | 0 | Heli002.amr | . | Helilindistus, mille ma tegin vanas Nokia C2-01 ülevaate videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBOuC4VS5Fo | . | heli002.mp4 | Varia | Miscellaneous | N/A | MarkusTegelane+ | . | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/546.jpg | N/A | |
545 | MarkusTegelane+ | Mälupulga lukustus Linuxis (demonstratsioon) // Flash drive lock in Linux (demonstration) | 0 | 2023-05-25 | Ma tegin lihtsa programmi Pythonis, mis avab ekraani, kui üks kindel mälupulk on arvutisse sisestatud ning lukustab, kui see uuesti sisestada. // I made a simple program in Python, which unlocks the screen, if a specific flash drive is inserted and locks it if it is removed. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enchDc_oGrc | 0 | Mälupulga lukustus Linuxis (demonstratsioon) // Flash drive lock in Linux (demonstration) | Mälupulga lukustus Linuxis (demonstratsioon) // Flash drive lock in Linux (demonstration) | Ma tegin lihtsa programmi Pythonis, mis avab ekraani, kui üks kindel mälupulk on arvutisse sisestatud ning lukustab, kui see uuesti sisestada. // I made a simple program in Python, which unlocks the screen, if a specific flash drive is inserted and locks it if it is removed. | Ma tegin lihtsa programmi Pythonis, mis avab ekraani, kui üks kindel mälupulk on arvutisse sisestatud ning lukustab, kui see uuesti sisestada. // I made a simple program in Python, which unlocks the screen, if a specific flash drive is inserted and locks it if it is removed. | fu_demo.mp4 | Varia | Joke videos | flash unlock,flash drive,mälupulga lukustus,flash drive lock,mälupulga lahtilukustus,lukustusekraan,KDE Plasma,Linux | N/A | MarkusTegelane+ | . | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/545.jpg | N/A |
544 | MarkusTegelane+ | Kommentaar: Windows XP ja muu [Markuse arvuti meelelahutus+] | 0 | 2023-05-22 | Video loojana kommenteerin, mis toimub 2. hooaja viimases Markuse arvuti meelelahutuse episoodis. Originaal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wJmYc9H0Q4 |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lgThc4ThRo | 0 | Kommentaar: Windows XP ja muu [Markuse arvuti meelelahutus+] | . | Video loojana kommenteerin, mis toimub 2. hooaja viimases Markuse arvuti meelelahutuse episoodis. Originaal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wJmYc9H0Q4 |
. | pastastyle_commentary.mp4 | Lisavideod | Additional content | N/A | MarkusTegelane+ | . | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/544.jpg | N/A | |
540 | MarkusTegelane+ | Projekt 300 datamosh | 0 | 2023-05-14 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=514yLP_Mpu4 | 0 | Projekt 300 datamosh | . | . | TM300_datamoshed_Classic.mp4 | Eksperimentaalne | Experimental | N/A | MarkusTegelane+ | . | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/540.jpg | N/A | |||
538 | MarkusTegelane+ | Lennuk | 0 | 2023-04-24 | see ei ole MarkuStation | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TS6wAoFgyuY | 0 | Lennuk | . | see ei ole MarkuStation | . | lfear.mp4 | Varia | Miscellaneous | N/A | MarkusTegelane+ | . | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/538.jpg | N/A | |
537 | Press any key to continue... | Flipnic - Full soundtrack [BGM] | 0 | 2023-04-23 | There are already some uploads of the soundtrack for this game, but they're incomplete and missing tracks. This one should include every single background music from Flipnic, which has a corresponding .MID, .BD and .HD file. The images are backgrounds used in certain menu screens. I was able to record these soundtracks by muting the sound effects, then replacing a music track that was supposed to play with another one using Cheat Engine. Finally, I recorded all of the background music by setting the record source to loopback in Audacity and then exported each recording into a file. Download: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1KFpF4nAqi68JKX4AmXRx5hiu29KSBjcV?usp=sharing Timestamps: ------------ Biology ------------ 0:00 Stage main (Biology) [NATURE_0.MID] 2:17 UFO warning [NATURE_1.MID] 3:44 Multiball [NATURE_2.MID] 4:43 Bonus missions [POSITIVE.MID] --------- Metallurgy ---------- 6:25 Stage main (Metallurgy) [ISEKI_0.MID] 8:55 Spider crab [ISEKI_1.MID] 10:17 Multiball/Shoot down the shafts [ISEKI_2.MID] ------------ Optics -------------- 11:37 Stage main (Optics) [HIKARI_0.MID] 13:36 Non-stop area/Bumper village [HIKARI_1.MID] 15:05 Multiball/Loop the loop [HIKARI_2.MID] ---------- Evolution ------------ 16:31 Stage main (Evolution) [BOSS_1.MID] --------- Geometry ------------ 18:14 Stage main (Geometry) [LOAD_RETRO_3.MID] 18:59 Chu chu multiball [LOAD_RETRO_4.MID] 19:29 Alien hill [LOAD_RETRO_5.MID] 20:08 Area 74 [LOAD_RETRO_6.MID] 20:51 Galaxy Tennis [LOAD_RETRO_7.MID] --------- Incidentals ---------- 21:46 Red mission [LOAD_0.MID] 21:50 Yellow mission [LOAD_1.MID] 21:56 Geometry mission 0 (unused ver.) [LOAD_RETRO_0.MID] 21:59 Geometry mission 1 [LOAD_RETRO_1.MID] 22:03 Geometry mission 2 [LOAD_RETRO_2.MID] ------- Miscellaneous -------- 22:07 Zero gravity [SERIOUS.MID] 23:24 Geometry 2P [RETRO_0.MID] 24:43 Geometry 2P (unused ver.) [RETRO_1.MID] 25:44 Main menu [MENU_1.MID] |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Hkis0fJdWc | 0 | Flipnic - Full soundtrack [BGM] | . | There are already some uploads of the soundtrack for this game, but they're incomplete and missing tracks. This one should include every single background music from Flipnic, which has a corresponding .MID, .BD and .HD file. The images are backgrounds used in certain menu screens. I was able to record these soundtracks by muting the sound effects, then replacing a music track that was supposed to play with another one using Cheat Engine. Finally, I recorded all of the background music by setting the record source to loopback in Audacity and then exported each recording into a file. Download: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1KFpF4nAqi68JKX4AmXRx5hiu29KSBjcV?usp=sharing Timestamps: ------------ Biology ------------ 0:00 Stage main (Biology) [NATURE_0.MID] 2:17 UFO warning [NATURE_1.MID] 3:44 Multiball [NATURE_2.MID] 4:43 Bonus missions [POSITIVE.MID] --------- Metallurgy ---------- 6:25 Stage main (Metallurgy) [ISEKI_0.MID] 8:55 Spider crab [ISEKI_1.MID] 10:17 Multiball/Shoot down the shafts [ISEKI_2.MID] ------------ Optics -------------- 11:37 Stage main (Optics) [HIKARI_0.MID] 13:36 Non-stop area/Bumper village [HIKARI_1.MID] 15:05 Multiball/Loop the loop [HIKARI_2.MID] ---------- Evolution ------------ 16:31 Stage main (Evolution) [BOSS_1.MID] --------- Geometry ------------ 18:14 Stage main (Geometry) [LOAD_RETRO_3.MID] 18:59 Chu chu multiball [LOAD_RETRO_4.MID] 19:29 Alien hill [LOAD_RETRO_5.MID] 20:08 Area 74 [LOAD_RETRO_6.MID] 20:51 Galaxy Tennis [LOAD_RETRO_7.MID] --------- Incidentals ---------- 21:46 Red mission [LOAD_0.MID] 21:50 Yellow mission [LOAD_1.MID] 21:56 Geometry mission 0 (unused ver.) [LOAD_RETRO_0.MID] 21:59 Geometry mission 1 [LOAD_RETRO_1.MID] 22:03 Geometry mission 2 [LOAD_RETRO_2.MID] ------- Miscellaneous -------- 22:07 Zero gravity [SERIOUS.MID] 23:24 Geometry 2P [RETRO_0.MID] 24:43 Geometry 2P (unused ver.) [RETRO_1.MID] 25:44 Main menu [MENU_1.MID] |
. | flipnic_ost_full.mp4 | Muusika | Music | Flipnic,bgm,background music,Ultimate Pinball,NATURE_0,NATURE_1,NATURE_2,POSITIVE,ISEKI_0,ISEKI_1,ISEKI_2,HIKARI_0,HIKARI_1,HIKARI_2,BOSS_1,LOAD_RETRO_3,LOAD_RETRO_4,LOAD_RETRO_5,LOAD_RETRO_6,LOAD_RETRO_7,LOAD_0,LOAD_1,LOAD_RETRO_0,LOAD_RETRO_1,LOAD_RETRO_2,SERIOUS,RETRO_0,RETRO_1,MENU_1,Menu theme,Biology,Metallurgy,Theology,Evolution,Optics,Geometry,Staff credits,stage music,original soundtrack,OST | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/537.jpg | N/A |
533 | Press any key to continue... | MySpace! | 0 | 2023-04-17 | A clip from an old Windows Live Essentials video. Yeah, this aged pretty poorly. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eUNyHepYyY | 0 | MySpace! | . | A clip from an old Windows Live Essentials video. Yeah, this aged pretty poorly. | . | MySpace.mp4 | Varia | Miscellaneous | https://odysee.com/@Press_any_key_to_continue:2/MySpace:6 | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/533.jpg | N/A | |
536 | Press any key to continue... | Rick's Adventure [PS1 FMV RIP] | 0 | 2023-04-01 | Opening FMV clip from a very little known PS1 game. Wanted to upload this, since I couldn't find it on YouTube. Filename: RICKINTRO.STR |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhk2_LGaqvY | 0 | Rick's Adventure [PS1 FMV RIP] | . | Opening FMV clip from a very little known PS1 game. Wanted to upload this, since I couldn't find it on YouTube. Filename: RICKINTRO.STR |
. | RICKSADVENTURE.mov | Naljavideod | Joke videos | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/536.jpg | N/A | |
532 | Press any key to continue... | Menu re-ordering in Flipnic (Warning: Cursed!!!) [W.I.P.] | 0 | 2023-03-14 | So, I have decided to mess around with the MAINMENU.MLB file using cheat engine (since it gets loaded into RAM, I can mess with it basically in real time with exceptions). I was successfully able to change the order of the menu options and the menu options, while maintaining the ability to linearly move straight up and down without suddenly jumping to another menu option. I was not able to change the action of each button yet, so the button actions are shifted upwards. And just because I can, I decided to shift the exit button 0x100 units to the left. Technical details, tutorial, and modified MAINMENU.MLB: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HSP2JH3JfvSXh3FjCa6lXJYfjBHpNOsX6JfqYgwSBC8/edit?usp=sharing |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7mQJwsqA-8 | 0 | Menu re-ordering in Flipnic (Warning: Cursed!!!) [W.I.P.] | . | So, I have decided to mess around with the MAINMENU.MLB file using cheat engine (since it gets loaded into RAM, I can mess with it basically in real time with exceptions). I was successfully able to change the order of the menu options and the menu options, while maintaining the ability to linearly move straight up and down without suddenly jumping to another menu option. I was not able to change the action of each button yet, so the button actions are shifted upwards. And just because I can, I decided to shift the exit button 0x100 units to the left. Technical details, tutorial, and modified MAINMENU.MLB: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HSP2JH3JfvSXh3FjCa6lXJYfjBHpNOsX6JfqYgwSBC8/edit?usp=sharing |
. | cursed1.mp4 | Videomängude analüüs | Video game analysis | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/532.jpg | N/A | |
530 | MarkusTegelane+ | Heliga 60fps kaameralindistuse test | 0 | 2023-03-13 | Video, mis jookseb 60 kaadrit sekundis ning sisaldab heli. | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QE7uG4MMW-Q | 0 | Heliga 60fps kaameralindistuse test | . | Video, mis jookseb 60 kaadrit sekundis ning sisaldab heli. | . | 60fpsCameraTest.mp4 | Varia | Miscellaneous | N/A | MarkusTegelane+ | . | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/530.jpg | N/A | |
531 | Press any key to continue... | Flipnic cutscenes be like... | 0 | 2023-03-03 | Every time you get a mission in Flipnic, you get a freaking cutscene. Becomes a bit funny at times. | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuFz7J_RIWw | 0 | Flipnic cutscenes be like... | . | Every time you get a mission in Flipnic, you get a freaking cutscene. Becomes a bit funny at times. | . | Congratulations.mp4 | Naljavideod | Joke videos | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/531.jpg | N/A | |
526 | MarkusTegelane+ | Telefonikaamera skanneerimine // Scanning a phone camera | 0 | 2023-02-19 | panin telefoni videot lindistama skanneri sisse see video on tulemus // I started a video recording on my phone inside the scanner this video is the result |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPu72yGakGE | 0 | Telefonikaamera skanneerimine // Scanning a phone camera | . | panin telefoni videot lindistama skanneri sisse see video on tulemus // I started a video recording on my phone inside the scanner this video is the result |
. | Naljavideod | Joke videos | N/A | MarkusTegelane+ | . | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/526.jpg | N/A | ||
524 | MarkusTegelane | MarkuStation Portable | 0 | 2023-01-30 | Lühike väike intro, mida kasutan YouTube lühivideote jaoks. #shorts #MarkuStation #MME |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7DHOQmbdvk | 0 | MarkuStation Portable | . | A quick little intro I'm going to be using for YouTube shorts #shorts #MarkuStation #MME |
. | MarkuStation Portable.mp4 | Introd | Intros | markustegelane,Markus Maal,Tegelane Markus,mmaal,TheMarkusGuy,computers | N/A | MarkusTegelane | . | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/524.jpg | N/A |
523 | Press any key to continue... | Trying to play TrackMania (2020) with joystick drift be like... | 0 | 2023-01-16 | My controller has pretty bad drifting on the right joystick, so I though what would happen if I mapped that to steering in TrackMania and try playing some training maps. There were some I couldn't beat and others I could beat, but it is unquestionably really difficulty to play TrackMania maps with joystick drift. I used OpenPlanet plugins to display medal times and joystick inputs. | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGBN8qjHnJ8 | 0 | Trying to play TrackMania (2020) with joystick drift be like... | . | My controller has pretty bad drifting on the right joystick, so I though what would happen if I mapped that to steering in TrackMania and try playing some training maps. There were some I couldn't beat and others I could beat, but it is unquestionably really difficulty to play TrackMania maps with joystick drift. I used OpenPlanet plugins to display medal times and joystick inputs. | . | Trackmania 2023.01.15 - | Muud mängimise videod | Other gameplay videos | TrackMania,joystick,mechanical failure,drifting,false read,false inputs,cheating scandal,I am not riolu!,airbrake,strategies,analog stick failure,graphite pad,joycon drift,joystick drift,drifting issue,level 2 drift,unusable,unplayable | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/523.jpg | N/A |
522 | MarkusTegelane+ | Helendevad ruudud | 0 | 2023-01-14 | Eksperimenteerisin natuke 3D efektidega DaVinci Resolve tarkvaras. | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBaObUmx-Ik | 0 | Shining squares | . | I messed around with 3D effects in DaVinci Resolve. | . | ShiningSquares.mp4 | Varia | Joke videos | N/A | MarkusTegelane+ | . | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/522.jpg | N/A | |
521 | MarkusTegelane+ | Minu "uskumatu" film | 0 | 2023-01-12 | jamasin natuke Windows Movie Maker 2.1-ga virtuaalmasinas | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wHCD4uu7yg | 0 | My "amazing" movie | . | was just messing around with Windows Movie Maker 2.1 in a virtual machine | . | best movie ever.wmv | Varia | Miscellaneous | N/A | MarkusTegelane+ | . | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/521.jpg | N/A | |
520 | MarkusTegelane+ | Uue aasta vastuvõtja 5.0 intro | 0 | 2023-01-02 | Video, mida mängiti kõige esimesena 2023. aasta vastuvõtu otseülekandes. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cg6SzyigIbk | 0 | Uue aasta vastuvõtja 5.0 intro | Uue aasta vastuvõtja 5.0 intro | Video, mida mängiti kõige esimesena 2023. aasta vastuvõtu otseülekandes. | Video, mida mängiti kõige esimesena 2023. aasta vastuvõtu otseülekandes. | welcome.mp4 | Uue aasta vastuvõtu videod | New Year | N/A | MarkusTegelane+ | . | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/520.jpg | N/A |