Leiti 11 vastet.

ID Kanal Video Kustutatud Kuupäev Kirjeldus Subtiitrid Avalik Ülekanne HD URL PRIVATE TitleMUI_en TitleMUI_et KirjeldusMUI_en KirjeldusMUI_et Filename Category CategoryMUI_en Tags OdyseeURL KanalMUI_en KanalMUI_et Translated
580 Press any key to continue... Blinking caret animation 0 2024-09-03 Recreation of the blinking caret thing that you see in various operating system's text modes. 0 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCF2wqpqnOY 0 Blinking caret animation Blinking caret animation Recreation of the blinking caret thing that you see in various operating system's text modes. Recreation of the blinking caret thing that you see in various operating system's text modes. BlinkBlink.mp4 Veateated Errors blink,caret,cursor,the blinky thing,startup error,boot error,startup failure,fail,error,freeze,hang,hang on boot,hang on startup,Windows 3.1 startup error,no error message,text mode,text display,no graphical display,no GUI,text only N/A Press any key to continue... Press any key to continue... 0
569 Press any key to continue... Hearts win animation (Windows Vista/7 Card Game) 0 2024-03-27 This is the animation that plays when you win a game of Hearts in Windows Vista or 7. Seeing this animation is rare, because in Hearts, there are multiple rounds and the game only ends when a player reaches 100 points and obviously it also requires you to win the game. 1 0 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-s5ZHhz4GQU 0 Hearts win animation (Windows Vista/7 Card Game) Hearts win animation (Windows Vista/7 Card Game) This is the animation that plays when you win a game of Hearts in Windows Vista or 7. Seeing this animation is rare, because in Hearts, there are multiple rounds and the game only ends when a player reaches 100 points and obviously it also requires you to win the game. This is the animation that plays when you win a game of Hearts in Windows Vista or 7. Seeing this animation is rare, because in Hearts, there are multiple rounds and the game only ends when a player reaches 100 points and obviously it also requires you to win the game. HeartsWinNearest.mov Muud mängimise videod Other gameplay videos Microsoft,Windows 7,built-in games,Solitaire,card game,playing cards,Hearts,Clubs,Spades,Diamonds,operating system,Queen of Spades N/A Press any key to continue... Press any key to continue... 0
568 MarkusTegelane++ Light OS with draggable windows is really broken [Fun Experiments 0x00] 0 2024-03-15 For this video, I added window movement to Light OS just for fun. All I did was add two custom macros and PPTGames Cursor API to be able to drag a window around. Then I grouped shapes which are related to the window I wanted to move as "RegularApp:1" and added a hidden shape "MoveEvent", which would store the current state of window movement as a global variable. Finally, I added a mouse hover action to the titlebar, which points to the MovableWindow macro.

I am not making the .ppsm file, because a lot of stuff is broken, however you can find the macro I added in this secret gist: https://gist.github.com/MarkusMaal/a9d56efc5433a5ac1821adcf43cf9235

There are several reasons why this doesn't really work all that well and would require some serious reworks, some of which being the following:
1. There are custom animations which don't play, because in order to make the window draggable, I had to group all of the shapes in it
2. All slides have a reveal transition, which make window movement jittery (would need to be disabled if windows are being moved, but I didn't do it for this proof of concept video)
3. Appear/disappear animations would need to be implemented programmatically for shapes, which appear from trigger animations to stay on screen (these include volume test, power controls and opaque backdrop)
4. ActiveX controls don't disappear and don't get replaced by placeholders, meaning they stay on screen, flickering and being on top of the window, staying in one place.
5. The close button is on top of the area, where the mouse hover trigger for window movement is. This means that it might be difficult to click that button, as the Cursor API might think there is window movement going on. Easy fix would be to introduce a sort of "deadzone" where the hover trigger isn't active.
6. There is no multi-tasking, since windows appear on separate slides
7. Sound clips would have to be disabled, while the window is being moved

All of these issues are addressed in my next upcoming PowerPoint OS (Codename OrangePath), which was designed from the ground up to have movable window capabilities and multitasking, so stay tuned...
0 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwAvwf8xYeA 0 Light OS with draggable windows is really broken [Fun Experiments 0x00] Light OS with draggable windows is really broken [Fun Experiments 0x00] For this video, I added window movement to Light OS just for fun. All I did was add two custom macros and PPTGames Cursor API to be able to drag a window around. Then I grouped shapes which are related to the window I wanted to move as "RegularApp:1" and added a hidden shape "MoveEvent", which would store the current state of window movement as a global variable. Finally, I added a mouse hover action to the titlebar, which points to the MovableWindow macro.

I am not making the .ppsm file, because a lot of stuff is broken, however you can find the macro I added in this secret gist: https://gist.github.com/MarkusMaal/a9d56efc5433a5ac1821adcf43cf9235

There are several reasons why this doesn't really work all that well and would require some serious reworks, some of which being the following:
1. There are custom animations which don't play, because in order to make the window draggable, I had to group all of the shapes in it
2. All slides have a reveal transition, which make window movement jittery (would need to be disabled if windows are being moved, but I didn't do it for this proof of concept video)
3. Appear/disappear animations would need to be implemented programmatically for shapes, which appear from trigger animations to stay on screen (these include volume test, power controls and opaque backdrop)
4. ActiveX controls don't disappear and don't get replaced by placeholders, meaning they stay on screen, flickering and being on top of the window, staying in one place.
5. The close button is on top of the area, where the mouse hover trigger for window movement is. This means that it might be difficult to click that button, as the Cursor API might think there is window movement going on. Easy fix would be to introduce a sort of "deadzone" where the hover trigger isn't active.
6. There is no multi-tasking, since windows appear on separate slides
7. Sound clips would have to be disabled, while the window is being moved

All of these issues are addressed in my next upcoming PowerPoint OS (Codename OrangePath), which was designed from the ground up to have movable window capabilities and multitasking, so stay tuned...
For this video, I added window movement to Light OS just for fun. All I did was add two custom macros and PPTGames Cursor API to be able to drag a window around. Then I grouped shapes which are related to the window I wanted to move as "RegularApp:1" and added a hidden shape "MoveEvent", which would store the current state of window movement as a global variable. Finally, I added a mouse hover action to the titlebar, which points to the MovableWindow macro.

I am not making the .ppsm file, because a lot of stuff is broken, however you can find the macro I added in this secret gist: https://gist.github.com/MarkusMaal/a9d56efc5433a5ac1821adcf43cf9235

There are several reasons why this doesn't really work all that well and would require some serious reworks, some of which being the following:
1. There are custom animations which don't play, because in order to make the window draggable, I had to group all of the shapes in it
2. All slides have a reveal transition, which make window movement jittery (would need to be disabled if windows are being moved, but I didn't do it for this proof of concept video)
3. Appear/disappear animations would need to be implemented programmatically for shapes, which appear from trigger animations to stay on screen (these include volume test, power controls and opaque backdrop)
4. ActiveX controls don't disappear and don't get replaced by placeholders, meaning they stay on screen, flickering and being on top of the window, staying in one place.
5. The close button is on top of the area, where the mouse hover trigger for window movement is. This means that it might be difficult to click that button, as the Cursor API might think there is window movement going on. Easy fix would be to introduce a sort of "deadzone" where the hover trigger isn't active.
6. There is no multi-tasking, since windows appear on separate slides
7. Sound clips would have to be disabled, while the window is being moved

All of these issues are addressed in my next upcoming PowerPoint OS (Codename OrangePath), which was designed from the ground up to have movable window capabilities and multitasking, so stay tuned...
2024-03-15 21-10-42.mkv PowerPoint PowerPoint PPTOS,Light OS,PowerPoint OS,movable windows,draggable,droppable,VBA,Visual Basic for Applications,Microsoft PowerPoint,ppsm,Light OS Technologies,macro,scripting N/A MarkusTegelane++ MarkusTegelane++ 0
507 Press any key to continue... Windows 8 animation [4K60 remake] 0 2022-11-18 Since the Windows 8 animations you can find on YouTube are low quality and 30 fps, I decided to try to remake the Windows 8 animation from scratch. This allowed me to render the final result in 3840x2160 at 60 fps. 0 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkF09-7dZhg 0 Windows 8 animation [4K60 remake] . Since the Windows 8 animations you can find on YouTube are low quality and 30 fps, I decided to try to remake the Windows 8 animation from scratch. This allowed me to render the final result in 3840x2160 at 60 fps. . Win8Logo.mp4 Operatsioonsüsteemid Operating systems Windows 8.1,Windows 8 animation,Windows 8,touch,Bill Gates,Microsoft,Steve Ballmer,blue,jupiter N/A Press any key to continue... Press any key to continue... 0
324 Press any key to continue... Park 0 2020-06-15 I like this song loop and animation... 0 1 0 0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycVFUXBmkYU 0 . . . . cons.mpg Varia Miscellaneous video game,original soundtrack,10 minute loop,PlayStation,funky graphics,full motion video,FMV,Constructor,building,nature,dog,bite,ball,decoration,resting place,loop,wind,bench,grass,green,aaaah,ouch,woof,bark,sweating,exhausted,tree,nearest neighbour,bicubic (plz no),sun,jacket,white car,white legged dog,brown dog,tarmac surface,questionable life decisions,sitting person,tongue,sunrise,branches,light reflection on a red and black striped ball,hair color?,British N/A Press any key to continue... Press any key to continue... 1
37 MarkusTegelane Klassikaline tummfilm 1.osa (Pivoti animatsioon) 0 2015-04-23 Selles osas avastab 18. sajandi mees 21. sajandi iPhone'i. See on tummfilm, mille tegin ma täiesti ise. 1 1 0 0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYYBBGvvf_w 0 Classic silent movie - Part One (Pivot animation) . In this episode, 18th century man discovers 21st century iPhone. This is a silent movie, that I made by myself. . Klassikaline tummfilm 1. osa1.wmv Varia Miscellaneous Animation (TV Genre),Pivot Stickfigure Animator (Software),Markus Maal https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/klassikaline-tummfilm-1-osa-pivoti:7 MarkusTegelane . 1
26 MarkusTegelane Talking Tom on vihane 0 2015-03-21 Tal on vist täna halb tuju :( Talking Tom 2 http://o7n.co/Tom2 0 0 0 0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9d7EhId5Vk 0 Talking Tom is angry Talking Tom on vihane He doesn't seem to be feeling good :( Talking tom 2 http://o7n.co/Tom2 Tal on vist täna halb tuju :( Talking Tom 2 http://o7n.co/Tom2 unknown Naljavideod Joke videos talking tom,talking tom cat,talking hippo,talking cat,cat,tom,tomcat,funny animation,funny cartoon,Outfit7,Outfit7TalkingTom,Prescription Eyeglasses,Photo of Angela,Chef's Hat,My Talking Tom T-shirt https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/talking-tom-on-vihane:6 MarkusTegelane . 1
21 MarkusTegelane Kass tahab peeru süüa 0 2015-03-02 hahahahahaa xD 0 0 0 0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9fqzjKclRI 0 . . . . unknown Naljavideod Joke videos talking tom,talking tom cat,talking hippo,talking cat,cat,tom,tomcat,funny animation,funny cartoon,Outfit7,Outfit7TalkingTom,Prescription Eyeglasses,Photo of Angela,Chef's Hat,My Talking N/A MarkusTegelane . 1
18 MarkusTegelane Talking Ben - Mida võib pudel teha? 0 2015-02-24 Mu järjekordne Talking Ben'i video! Seekord pudeliga! 0 0 0 0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVVTd5YkB7k 0 Talking Ben - What a bottle can do? Talking Ben - Mida võib pudel teha? Another Talkind ben video! This time with a bottle!#shorts Mu järjekordne Talking Ben'i video! Seekord pudeliga! unknown Naljavideod Joke videos talking,ginger,kitten,lolcat,cat,cats,tom 2,tom,tomcat,outfit7,cartoon,funny,animation,outfit7gingersbirthday,birthday,party,whack,mole,game,app https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/talking-ben-mida-v-ib-pudel-teha:e MarkusTegelane . 1
2 MarkusTegelane Talking Ben - Krooksutamine aeg luubis 0 2014-03-06 N/A 1 0 0 0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRFCnFSC5IA 0 Talking ben - Croaking in slow motion Talking Ben - Krooksutamine aeg luubis N/A N/A video Naljavideod Joke videos talking,ginger,kitten,lolcat,cat,cats,tom 2,tom,tomcat,outfit7,cartoon,funny,animation,outfit7gingersbirthday,birthday,party,whack,mole,game,app https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/talking-ben-krooksutamine-aeg-luubis:2 MarkusTegelane . 1
1 MarkusTegelane Tom läks lolliks 0 2013-10-05 Mu esimene YouTube'i video 0 0 0 0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FA5I1v-uwY 0 Tom is not responding!!!!! Tom läks lolliks My first YouTube video. Mu esimene YouTube'i video video Naljavideod Joke videos talking,tom,cat,hippo,tomcat,funny,animation,cartoon,Outfit7,Outfit7TalkingTom,Photo,of,Angela,Prescription,Eyeglasses,Chef's,Hat https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/tom-l-ks-lolliks-vana-video-arhiveeritud:e MarkusTegelane . 1