Leiti 14 vastet.
ID | Kanal | Video | Kustutatud | Kuupäev | Kirjeldus | Subtiitrid | Avalik | Ülekanne | HD | URL | PRIVATE | TitleMUI_en | TitleMUI_et | KirjeldusMUI_en | KirjeldusMUI_et | Filename | Category | CategoryMUI_en | Tags | OdyseeURL | KanalMUI_en | KanalMUI_et | Translated | has_thumbnail | local_stream | ytdlp_meta | est_subs | eng_subs |
574 | MarkusTegelane | Blue Screen Simulator Plus 3.0 uuendus | 0 | 2024-07-23 | Blue Screen Simulator Plus 3.0 megauuendus on siin! See video tutvustab mõningaid uusi funktsioone. ► *Video eestikeelne versioon* https://youtu.be/byBzvLlPShI Järgmine video: Windows 7 tagasivaade ► *Üleminek uuemale versioonile* Et uuendada varasemast versioonist (mis talletab eelistused), palun määrake üks järgmistest värskenduse serveritest: a) https://markustegelane.eu/app b) http://nossl.markustegelane.eu/app (kasutage seda, kui teine ei toimi) Et uuendada 1.x versioonidelt, peate lisama järgmise rea "%SystemRoot%\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts" faili _45.84.205.33 markustegelane.tk_ Seejärel lihtsalt käivitage vana versioon ja peaks ilmuma teavitus uuest versioonist. ► *Allalaadimise link* GitHub väljalasked: https://github.com/MarkusMaal/BlueScreenSimulatorPlus/releases ► *Teised lingid* MarkusTegelane ajaveeb: https://markustegelane.blogspot.com (Feedburner/RSS: https://feeds.feedburner.com/markustegelane_ee) Veebisait: https://markustegelane.eu Juhuslik video: https://markustegelane.eu/markustegelane/random/?c=mt ► *Muusika* Blue Fox Music - Blue Groove Deluxe Neolein - Karst Mountains ► *Lisainfo* Failinimi: ModestIndigo_EN.mp4 Renderdamise aeg: 26 minutit, 6 sekundit Stiil: SäraV2 Tarkvara: DaVinci Resolve 18.6, Paint.NET, Visual Studio 2022 Community Lindistamise kuupäev: 22. juuli 2024 ► *Kanalid* Põhikanal: youtube.com/@markusTegelane Teine kanal: youtube.com/@markusTegelanePlus Programmeerimiskanal: youtube.com/@hashMarkusTegelane Markuse asjad: youtube.com/@markuseasjad Press any key to continue: youtube.com/@PAKTC Markus Maal: youtube.com/@MarkusMaal ► *Aitäh, et vaatasite!* © 2024 Markuse videod ► *Teemaviited* #3.0 #bluescreen #bsod |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbKro2Odpfw | 0 | Blue Screen Simulator Plus 3.0 Update | Blue Screen Simulator Plus 3.0 uuendus | The megaupdate for Blue Screen Simulator Plus 3.0 is here! This video showcases some of the new features. ► *Video eestikeelne versioon* https://youtu.be/byBzvLlPShI Next video: Windows 7 revisited ► *Upgrading* To upgrade from an existing version (which will maintain your preferences), please change the update server to one of the following: a) https://markustegelane.eu/app b) http://nossl.markustegelane.eu/app (use this one if the other one doesn't work) To upgrade from 1.x versions, you need to add this line to the "%SystemRoot%\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts" _45.84.205.33 markustegelane.tk_ Then just launch it and you should be prompted to update. ► *Download link(s)* GitHub releases: https://github.com/MarkusMaal/BlueScreenSimulatorPlus/releases ► *Other links* MarkusTegelane blog: https://markustegelane-en.blogspot.com (Feedburner/RSS: https://feeds.feedburner.com/markustegelane) Website: https://markustegelane.eu Random video: https://markustegelane.eu/markustegelane/random/?c=mt ► *Music* Blue Fox Music - Blue Groove Deluxe Neolein - Karst Mountains ► *Additional information* Filename: ModestIndigo_EN.mp4 Render time: 26 minutes, 6 seconds Style: SäraV2 Software used: DaVinci Resolve 18.6, Paint.NET, Visual Studio 2022 Community Recording date: 22nd July 2024 ► *Channels* Main channel: youtube.com/@markusTegelane Secondary channel: youtube.com/@markusTegelanePlus Programming channel: youtube.com/@hashMarkusTegelane Markus' stuff: youtube.com/@markuseasjad Press any key to continue: youtube.com/@PAKTC Markus Maal: youtube.com/@MarkusMaal ► *Thank you for watching!* © 2024 Markus' videos ► *Hashtags* #3.0 #bluescreen #bsod |
Blue Screen Simulator Plus 3.0 megauuendus on siin! See video tutvustab mõningaid uusi funktsioone. ► *Video eestikeelne versioon* https://youtu.be/byBzvLlPShI Järgmine video: Windows 7 tagasivaade ► *Üleminek uuemale versioonile* Et uuendada varasemast versioonist (mis talletab eelistused), palun määrake üks järgmistest värskenduse serveritest: a) https://markustegelane.eu/app b) http://nossl.markustegelane.eu/app (kasutage seda, kui teine ei toimi) Et uuendada 1.x versioonidelt, peate lisama järgmise rea "%SystemRoot%\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts" faili _45.84.205.33 markustegelane.tk_ Seejärel lihtsalt käivitage vana versioon ja peaks ilmuma teavitus uuest versioonist. ► *Allalaadimise link* GitHub väljalasked: https://github.com/MarkusMaal/BlueScreenSimulatorPlus/releases ► *Teised lingid* MarkusTegelane ajaveeb: https://markustegelane.blogspot.com (Feedburner/RSS: https://feeds.feedburner.com/markustegelane_ee) Veebisait: https://markustegelane.eu Juhuslik video: https://markustegelane.eu/markustegelane/random/?c=mt ► *Muusika* Blue Fox Music - Blue Groove Deluxe Neolein - Karst Mountains ► *Lisainfo* Failinimi: ModestIndigo_EN.mp4 Renderdamise aeg: 26 minutit, 6 sekundit Stiil: SäraV2 Tarkvara: DaVinci Resolve 18.6, Paint.NET, Visual Studio 2022 Community Lindistamise kuupäev: 22. juuli 2024 ► *Kanalid* Põhikanal: youtube.com/@markusTegelane Teine kanal: youtube.com/@markusTegelanePlus Programmeerimiskanal: youtube.com/@hashMarkusTegelane Markuse asjad: youtube.com/@markuseasjad Press any key to continue: youtube.com/@PAKTC Markus Maal: youtube.com/@MarkusMaal ► *Aitäh, et vaatasite!* © 2024 Markuse videod ► *Teemaviited* #3.0 #bluescreen #bsod |
ModestIndigo_EN.mp4 | Tarkvara | Software | markustegelane,Markus Maal,Tegelane Markus,mmaal,TheMarkusGuy,computers,Blue Screen Simulator,BSSP,Blue Screen Simulator Plus,crowdstrike,bugcheck,Windows,simulator,harmless,prank,computer prank,Blue Screen of Death,Windows 3.11,Windows 95,Microsoft Windows,Windows XP,Windows Vista,Windows 7,Windows 8,Windows 10,Windows 8.1,Windows NT,Windows 2000,BlueScreen,Microsoft,Operating System,BSOD,Windows 8 Beta,Windows NT 3.1 | https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/ModestIndigo:7 | MarkusTegelane | . | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/574.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/574.json | N/A | N/A |
575 | MarkusTegelane | Blue Screen Simulator Plus 3.0 uuendus | 0 | 2024-07-23 | Blue Screen Simulator Plus 3.0 megauuendus on siin! See video tutvustab mõningaid uusi funktsioone. ► *English version* https://youtu.be/zbKro2Odpfw Järgmine video: Windows 7 tagasivaade ► *Üleminek uuemale versioonile* Et uuendada varasemast versioonist (mis talletab eelistused), palun määrake üks järgmistest värskenduse serveritest: a) https://markustegelane.eu/app b) http://nossl.markustegelane.eu/app (kasutage seda, kui teine ei toimi) Et uuendada 1.x versioonidelt, peate lisama järgmise rea "%SystemRoot%\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts" faili _45.84.205.33 markustegelane.tk_ Seejärel lihtsalt käivitage vana versioon ja peaks ilmuma teavitus uuest versioonist. ► *Allalaadimise link* GitHub väljalasked: https://github.com/MarkusMaal/BlueScreenSimulatorPlus/releases ► *Teised lingid* MarkusTegelane ajaveeb: https://markustegelane.blogspot.com (Feedburner/RSS: https://feeds.feedburner.com/markustegelane_ee) Veebisait: https://markustegelane.eu Juhuslik video: https://markustegelane.eu/markustegelane/random/?c=mt ► *Muusika* Blue Fox Music - Blue Groove Deluxe Neolein - Karst Mountains ► *Lisainfo* Failinimi: ModestIndigo_EST.mp4 Renderdamise aeg: 27 minutit, 54 sekundit Stiil: SäraV2 Tarkvara: DaVinci Resolve 18.6, Paint.NET, Visual Studio 2022 Community Lindistamise kuupäev: 22. juuli 2024 ► *Kanalid* Põhikanal: youtube.com/@markusTegelane Teine kanal: youtube.com/@markusTegelanePlus Programmeerimiskanal: youtube.com/@hashMarkusTegelane Markuse asjad: youtube.com/@markuseasjad Press any key to continue: youtube.com/@PAKTC Markus Maal: youtube.com/@MarkusMaal ► *Aitäh, et vaatasite!* © 2024 Markuse videod ► *Teemaviited* #3.0 #bluescreen #bsod |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byBzvLlPShI | 0 | Blue Screen Simulator Plus 3.0 uuendus | Blue Screen Simulator Plus 3.0 uuendus | Blue Screen Simulator Plus 3.0 megauuendus on siin! See video tutvustab mõningaid uusi funktsioone. ► *English version* https://youtu.be/zbKro2Odpfw Järgmine video: Windows 7 tagasivaade ► *Üleminek uuemale versioonile* Et uuendada varasemast versioonist (mis talletab eelistused), palun määrake üks järgmistest värskenduse serveritest: a) https://markustegelane.eu/app b) http://nossl.markustegelane.eu/app (kasutage seda, kui teine ei toimi) Et uuendada 1.x versioonidelt, peate lisama järgmise rea "%SystemRoot%\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts" faili _45.84.205.33 markustegelane.tk_ Seejärel lihtsalt käivitage vana versioon ja peaks ilmuma teavitus uuest versioonist. ► *Allalaadimise link* GitHub väljalasked: https://github.com/MarkusMaal/BlueScreenSimulatorPlus/releases ► *Teised lingid* MarkusTegelane ajaveeb: https://markustegelane.blogspot.com (Feedburner/RSS: https://feeds.feedburner.com/markustegelane_ee) Veebisait: https://markustegelane.eu Juhuslik video: https://markustegelane.eu/markustegelane/random/?c=mt ► *Muusika* Blue Fox Music - Blue Groove Deluxe Neolein - Karst Mountains ► *Lisainfo* Failinimi: ModestIndigo_EST.mp4 Renderdamise aeg: 27 minutit, 54 sekundit Stiil: SäraV2 Tarkvara: DaVinci Resolve 18.6, Paint.NET, Visual Studio 2022 Community Lindistamise kuupäev: 22. juuli 2024 ► *Kanalid* Põhikanal: youtube.com/@markusTegelane Teine kanal: youtube.com/@markusTegelanePlus Programmeerimiskanal: youtube.com/@hashMarkusTegelane Markuse asjad: youtube.com/@markuseasjad Press any key to continue: youtube.com/@PAKTC Markus Maal: youtube.com/@MarkusMaal ► *Aitäh, et vaatasite!* © 2024 Markuse videod ► *Teemaviited* #3.0 #bluescreen #bsod |
Blue Screen Simulator Plus 3.0 megauuendus on siin! See video tutvustab mõningaid uusi funktsioone. ► *English version* https://youtu.be/zbKro2Odpfw Järgmine video: Windows 7 tagasivaade ► *Üleminek uuemale versioonile* Et uuendada varasemast versioonist (mis talletab eelistused), palun määrake üks järgmistest värskenduse serveritest: a) https://markustegelane.eu/app b) http://nossl.markustegelane.eu/app (kasutage seda, kui teine ei toimi) Et uuendada 1.x versioonidelt, peate lisama järgmise rea "%SystemRoot%\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts" faili _45.84.205.33 markustegelane.tk_ Seejärel lihtsalt käivitage vana versioon ja peaks ilmuma teavitus uuest versioonist. ► *Allalaadimise link* GitHub väljalasked: https://github.com/MarkusMaal/BlueScreenSimulatorPlus/releases ► *Teised lingid* MarkusTegelane ajaveeb: https://markustegelane.blogspot.com (Feedburner/RSS: https://feeds.feedburner.com/markustegelane_ee) Veebisait: https://markustegelane.eu Juhuslik video: https://markustegelane.eu/markustegelane/random/?c=mt ► *Muusika* Blue Fox Music - Blue Groove Deluxe Neolein - Karst Mountains ► *Lisainfo* Failinimi: ModestIndigo_EST.mp4 Renderdamise aeg: 27 minutit, 54 sekundit Stiil: SäraV2 Tarkvara: DaVinci Resolve 18.6, Paint.NET, Visual Studio 2022 Community Lindistamise kuupäev: 22. juuli 2024 ► *Kanalid* Põhikanal: youtube.com/@markusTegelane Teine kanal: youtube.com/@markusTegelanePlus Programmeerimiskanal: youtube.com/@hashMarkusTegelane Markuse asjad: youtube.com/@markuseasjad Press any key to continue: youtube.com/@PAKTC Markus Maal: youtube.com/@MarkusMaal ► *Aitäh, et vaatasite!* © 2024 Markuse videod ► *Teemaviited* #3.0 #bluescreen #bsod |
ModestIndigo_EST.mp4 | Tarkvara | Software | markustegelane,Markus Maal,Tegelane Markus,mmaal,TheMarkusGuy,computers,Blue Screen Simulator,BSSP,Blue Screen Simulator Plus,crowdstrike,bugcheck,Windows,simulator,harmless,prank,computer prank,Blue Screen of Death,Windows 3.11,Windows 95,Microsoft Windows,Windows XP,Windows Vista,Windows 7,Windows 8,Windows 10,Windows 8.1,Windows NT,Windows 2000,BlueScreen,Microsoft,Operating System,BSOD,Windows 8 Beta,Windows NT 3.1 | N/A | MarkusTegelane | . | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/575.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/575.json | N/A | N/A |
550 | Press any key to continue... | Flipnic - all in-game videos [PS2 FMV Rip/Full quality 60 FPS] | 0 | 2023-10-01 | This video contains every single video clip from the Flipnic video game across various regions (including NTSC-U, NTSC-J and PAL regions). Compared to my previous video, this time I've used a different ripping process, through which I've converted the PSS files directly to a standard video format and not just recorded the emulator screen. There are now even more FMVs, which weren't originally included in my previous video. The low-res FMVs have been composited with a checkerboard pattern, so that you can see that they do in fact have a transparent background. Technical information: Video container: Interleaved audio/video streams, PSS file extension Low-res video format: IPU, 256x512 (full frame) or 256x256 (visible display) High-res video format: IPU, 512x448 (NTSC) or 512x512 (PAL) Audio format: Compressed Sony ADPCM, 44100kHz, interleave 0x400 Extraction commands: STR.BIN extraction: FlipnicBinExtractor /e STR.BIN STR TUTO.BIN extraction: FlipnicBinExtractor /e TUTO.BIN TUTO Video container: FlipnicBinExtractor /est [filename].PSS IPU conversion (high-res format, PAL): ffmpeg -r 25 -i [filename].PSS.IPU0 -c:v qtrle -pix_fmt rgb24 [filename].mov IPU conversion (high-res format, NTSC): ffmpeg -r 29.97-i [filename].PSS.IPU0 -c:v qtrle -pix_fmt rgb24 [filename].mov IPU conversion (low-res format, PAL): ffmpeg -r 50 -i [filename].PSS.IPU0 -c:v qtrle -pix_fmt rgb24 [filename].mov IPU conversion (low-res format, NTSC): ffmpeg -r 59.94 -i [filename].PSS.IPU0 -c:v qtrle -pix_fmt rgb24 [filename].mov Audio conversion: MFAudio /IF44100 /IC2 /II400 /IH0 /OTWAVU "[input filename].PSS.INT[stream ID, usually 1]" "[output filename].WAV" Extraction tools: FlipnicBinExtractor: https://github.com/MarkusMaal/FlipnicBinExtractor FFmpeg: https://ffmpeg.org/ MFAudio: https://www.zophar.net/utilities/ps2util/mfaudio-1-1.html Chapters: 0:00 SHUKYAKUDEMO.PSS (Audio 1) 1:23 SHUKYAKUDEMO.PSS (Audio 2) 2:48 SHUKYAKUDEMO.PSS (Audio 3) 4:13 SHUKYAKUDEMO.PSS (Audio 4) 5:38 SHUKYAKUDEMO.PSS (Audio 5) 7:03 TITLE_.PSS (NTSC-U) 7:19 TITLE_.PSS (PAL) 7:35 TITLE_.PSS (NTSC-J) 7:51 SILVER_DROP.PSS 8:07 CIRCLE_OF_LIFE.PSS 8:29 FREEZE_OVER.PSS 8:45 TAKIWARI.PSS 8:58 SILVER_DROP2.PSS 9:14 CIRCLE_OF_LIFE2.PSS 9:35 FREEZE_OVER2.PSS 9:51 TAKIWARI2.PSS 10:04 UFO_QUIZ_SHOW.PSS 10:14 LUCKEY_FLAMINGOS.PSS 10:20 POINT_OF_NO_RETURN.PSS 10:29 COLOR_PUZZLE2.PSS 10:36 HUNGLY_MONKEY.PSS 10:45 MULTIBALL.PSS 10:53 MULTIBALL03.PSS 10:59 MULTIBALL04.PSS 11:04 MULTIBALL05.PSS 11:14 SHOWTIME.PSS 11:18 MOVE_ON01.PSS 11:24 WATCH_OUT.PSS 11:29 MISSING.PSS 11:38 TILT2.PSS 11:44 EXTRABALL.PSS 11:49 EXTRABALL2.PSS 11:57 EXTRA_CREDIT.PSS 12:05 EXTRA_CREDIT02.PSS 12:13 NEXT_STAGE.PSS 12:33 CONGRATULATIONS01.PSS 12:40 CONGRATULATIONS02.PSS 12:46 CONGRATULATIONS03.PSS 12:55 CONGRATULATIONS04.PSS 13:04 CONGRATULATIONS05.PSS 13:13 CONGRATULATIONS06.PSS 13:22 CONGRATULATIONS07.PSS 13:31 CONGRATULATIONS08.PSS 13:39 CONGRATULATIONS09.PSS 13:46 CONGRATULATIONS10.PSS 13:58 GAME_OVER2.PSS 14:13 GAME_OVER3.PSS 14:21 GAME_OVER4.PSS 14:32 GAME_OVER5.PSS 14:46 GAME_OVER6.PSS (NTSC-J only) 14:58 STAFF_ROLL1.PSS (NTSC-U) 17:02 STAFF_ROLL1.PSS (NTSC-J) 19:06 STAFF_ROLL1.PSS (PAL) 21:10 STAFF_ROLL2.PSS (NTSC-U) 23:14 STAFF_ROLL2.PSS (NTSC-J) 25:18 STAFF_ROLL2.PSS (PAL) 27:22 UBI.PSS (PAL only) 27:30 BAD_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 28:03 SMALL_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 28:46 GOOD_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 29:24 GREAT_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 30:02 MIRACULOUS.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 30:40 CHAP01.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 33:59 CHAP02.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 37:52 CHAP03.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 41:57 CHAP04.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 44:39 CHAP05.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 49:50 CHAP06.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 53:21 CHAP07.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 55:28 CHAP01.PSS (NTSC-J) 58:49 CHAP02.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:02:42 CHAP03.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:06:48 CHAP04.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:09:31 CHAP05.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:14:44 CHAP06.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:18:16 CHAP07.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:20:24 BAD_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:21:04 SMALL_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:21:44 GOOD_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:22:24 GREAT_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:23:04 MIRACULOUS |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaA8-H71-3U | 0 | Flipnic - all in-game videos [PS2 FMV Rip/Full quality 60 FPS] | Flipnic - all in-game videos [PS2 FMV Rip/Full quality 60 FPS] | This video contains every single video clip from the Flipnic video game across various regions (including NTSC-U, NTSC-J and PAL regions). Compared to my previous video, this time I've used a different ripping process, through which I've converted the PSS files directly to a standard video format and not just recorded the emulator screen. There are now even more FMVs, which weren't originally included in my previous video. The low-res FMVs have been composited with a checkerboard pattern, so that you can see that they do in fact have a transparent background. Technical information: Video container: Interleaved audio/video streams, PSS file extension Low-res video format: IPU, 256x512 (full frame) or 256x256 (visible display) High-res video format: IPU, 512x448 (NTSC) or 512x512 (PAL) Audio format: Compressed Sony ADPCM, 44100kHz, interleave 0x400 Extraction commands: STR.BIN extraction: FlipnicBinExtractor /e STR.BIN STR TUTO.BIN extraction: FlipnicBinExtractor /e TUTO.BIN TUTO Video container: FlipnicBinExtractor /est [filename].PSS IPU conversion (high-res format, PAL): ffmpeg -r 25 -i [filename].PSS.IPU0 -c:v qtrle -pix_fmt rgb24 [filename].mov IPU conversion (high-res format, NTSC): ffmpeg -r 29.97-i [filename].PSS.IPU0 -c:v qtrle -pix_fmt rgb24 [filename].mov IPU conversion (low-res format, PAL): ffmpeg -r 50 -i [filename].PSS.IPU0 -c:v qtrle -pix_fmt rgb24 [filename].mov IPU conversion (low-res format, NTSC): ffmpeg -r 59.94 -i [filename].PSS.IPU0 -c:v qtrle -pix_fmt rgb24 [filename].mov Audio conversion: MFAudio /IF44100 /IC2 /II400 /IH0 /OTWAVU "[input filename].PSS.INT[stream ID, usually 1]" "[output filename].WAV" Extraction tools: FlipnicBinExtractor: https://github.com/MarkusMaal/FlipnicBinExtractor FFmpeg: https://ffmpeg.org/ MFAudio: https://www.zophar.net/utilities/ps2util/mfaudio-1-1.html Chapters: 0:00 SHUKYAKUDEMO.PSS (Audio 1) 1:23 SHUKYAKUDEMO.PSS (Audio 2) 2:48 SHUKYAKUDEMO.PSS (Audio 3) 4:13 SHUKYAKUDEMO.PSS (Audio 4) 5:38 SHUKYAKUDEMO.PSS (Audio 5) 7:03 TITLE_.PSS (NTSC-U) 7:19 TITLE_.PSS (PAL) 7:35 TITLE_.PSS (NTSC-J) 7:51 SILVER_DROP.PSS 8:07 CIRCLE_OF_LIFE.PSS 8:29 FREEZE_OVER.PSS 8:45 TAKIWARI.PSS 8:58 SILVER_DROP2.PSS 9:14 CIRCLE_OF_LIFE2.PSS 9:35 FREEZE_OVER2.PSS 9:51 TAKIWARI2.PSS 10:04 UFO_QUIZ_SHOW.PSS 10:14 LUCKEY_FLAMINGOS.PSS 10:20 POINT_OF_NO_RETURN.PSS 10:29 COLOR_PUZZLE2.PSS 10:36 HUNGLY_MONKEY.PSS 10:45 MULTIBALL.PSS 10:53 MULTIBALL03.PSS 10:59 MULTIBALL04.PSS 11:04 MULTIBALL05.PSS 11:14 SHOWTIME.PSS 11:18 MOVE_ON01.PSS 11:24 WATCH_OUT.PSS 11:29 MISSING.PSS 11:38 TILT2.PSS 11:44 EXTRABALL.PSS 11:49 EXTRABALL2.PSS 11:57 EXTRA_CREDIT.PSS 12:05 EXTRA_CREDIT02.PSS 12:13 NEXT_STAGE.PSS 12:33 CONGRATULATIONS01.PSS 12:40 CONGRATULATIONS02.PSS 12:46 CONGRATULATIONS03.PSS 12:55 CONGRATULATIONS04.PSS 13:04 CONGRATULATIONS05.PSS 13:13 CONGRATULATIONS06.PSS 13:22 CONGRATULATIONS07.PSS 13:31 CONGRATULATIONS08.PSS 13:39 CONGRATULATIONS09.PSS 13:46 CONGRATULATIONS10.PSS 13:58 GAME_OVER2.PSS 14:13 GAME_OVER3.PSS 14:21 GAME_OVER4.PSS 14:32 GAME_OVER5.PSS 14:46 GAME_OVER6.PSS (NTSC-J only) 14:58 STAFF_ROLL1.PSS (NTSC-U) 17:02 STAFF_ROLL1.PSS (NTSC-J) 19:06 STAFF_ROLL1.PSS (PAL) 21:10 STAFF_ROLL2.PSS (NTSC-U) 23:14 STAFF_ROLL2.PSS (NTSC-J) 25:18 STAFF_ROLL2.PSS (PAL) 27:22 UBI.PSS (PAL only) 27:30 BAD_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 28:03 SMALL_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 28:46 GOOD_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 29:24 GREAT_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 30:02 MIRACULOUS.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 30:40 CHAP01.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 33:59 CHAP02.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 37:52 CHAP03.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 41:57 CHAP04.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 44:39 CHAP05.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 49:50 CHAP06.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 53:21 CHAP07.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 55:28 CHAP01.PSS (NTSC-J) 58:49 CHAP02.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:02:42 CHAP03.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:06:48 CHAP04.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:09:31 CHAP05.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:14:44 CHAP06.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:18:16 CHAP07.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:20:24 BAD_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:21:04 SMALL_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:21:44 GOOD_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:22:24 GREAT_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:23:04 MIRACULOUS.PSS (NTSC-J) |
This video contains every single video clip from the Flipnic video game across various regions (including NTSC-U, NTSC-J and PAL regions). Compared to my previous video, this time I've used a different ripping process, through which I've converted the PSS files directly to a standard video format and not just recorded the emulator screen. There are now even more FMVs, which weren't originally included in my previous video. The low-res FMVs have been composited with a checkerboard pattern, so that you can see that they do in fact have a transparent background. Technical information: Video container: Interleaved audio/video streams, PSS file extension Low-res video format: IPU, 256x512 (full frame) or 256x256 (visible display) High-res video format: IPU, 512x448 (NTSC) or 512x512 (PAL) Audio format: Compressed Sony ADPCM, 44100kHz, interleave 0x400 Extraction commands: STR.BIN extraction: FlipnicBinExtractor /e STR.BIN STR TUTO.BIN extraction: FlipnicBinExtractor /e TUTO.BIN TUTO Video container: FlipnicBinExtractor /est [filename].PSS IPU conversion (high-res format, PAL): ffmpeg -r 25 -i [filename].PSS.IPU0 -c:v qtrle -pix_fmt rgb24 [filename].mov IPU conversion (high-res format, NTSC): ffmpeg -r 29.97-i [filename].PSS.IPU0 -c:v qtrle -pix_fmt rgb24 [filename].mov IPU conversion (low-res format, PAL): ffmpeg -r 50 -i [filename].PSS.IPU0 -c:v qtrle -pix_fmt rgb24 [filename].mov IPU conversion (low-res format, NTSC): ffmpeg -r 59.94 -i [filename].PSS.IPU0 -c:v qtrle -pix_fmt rgb24 [filename].mov Audio conversion: MFAudio /IF44100 /IC2 /II400 /IH0 /OTWAVU "[input filename].PSS.INT[stream ID, usually 1]" "[output filename].WAV" Extraction tools: FlipnicBinExtractor: https://github.com/MarkusMaal/FlipnicBinExtractor FFmpeg: https://ffmpeg.org/ MFAudio: https://www.zophar.net/utilities/ps2util/mfaudio-1-1.html Chapters: 0:00 SHUKYAKUDEMO.PSS (Audio 1) 1:23 SHUKYAKUDEMO.PSS (Audio 2) 2:48 SHUKYAKUDEMO.PSS (Audio 3) 4:13 SHUKYAKUDEMO.PSS (Audio 4) 5:38 SHUKYAKUDEMO.PSS (Audio 5) 7:03 TITLE_.PSS (NTSC-U) 7:19 TITLE_.PSS (PAL) 7:35 TITLE_.PSS (NTSC-J) 7:51 SILVER_DROP.PSS 8:07 CIRCLE_OF_LIFE.PSS 8:29 FREEZE_OVER.PSS 8:45 TAKIWARI.PSS 8:58 SILVER_DROP2.PSS 9:14 CIRCLE_OF_LIFE2.PSS 9:35 FREEZE_OVER2.PSS 9:51 TAKIWARI2.PSS 10:04 UFO_QUIZ_SHOW.PSS 10:14 LUCKEY_FLAMINGOS.PSS 10:20 POINT_OF_NO_RETURN.PSS 10:29 COLOR_PUZZLE2.PSS 10:36 HUNGLY_MONKEY.PSS 10:45 MULTIBALL.PSS 10:53 MULTIBALL03.PSS 10:59 MULTIBALL04.PSS 11:04 MULTIBALL05.PSS 11:14 SHOWTIME.PSS 11:18 MOVE_ON01.PSS 11:24 WATCH_OUT.PSS 11:29 MISSING.PSS 11:38 TILT2.PSS 11:44 EXTRABALL.PSS 11:49 EXTRABALL2.PSS 11:57 EXTRA_CREDIT.PSS 12:05 EXTRA_CREDIT02.PSS 12:13 NEXT_STAGE.PSS 12:33 CONGRATULATIONS01.PSS 12:40 CONGRATULATIONS02.PSS 12:46 CONGRATULATIONS03.PSS 12:55 CONGRATULATIONS04.PSS 13:04 CONGRATULATIONS05.PSS 13:13 CONGRATULATIONS06.PSS 13:22 CONGRATULATIONS07.PSS 13:31 CONGRATULATIONS08.PSS 13:39 CONGRATULATIONS09.PSS 13:46 CONGRATULATIONS10.PSS 13:58 GAME_OVER2.PSS 14:13 GAME_OVER3.PSS 14:21 GAME_OVER4.PSS 14:32 GAME_OVER5.PSS 14:46 GAME_OVER6.PSS (NTSC-J only) 14:58 STAFF_ROLL1.PSS (NTSC-U) 17:02 STAFF_ROLL1.PSS (NTSC-J) 19:06 STAFF_ROLL1.PSS (PAL) 21:10 STAFF_ROLL2.PSS (NTSC-U) 23:14 STAFF_ROLL2.PSS (NTSC-J) 25:18 STAFF_ROLL2.PSS (PAL) 27:22 UBI.PSS (PAL only) 27:30 BAD_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 28:03 SMALL_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 28:46 GOOD_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 29:24 GREAT_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 30:02 MIRACULOUS.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 30:40 CHAP01.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 33:59 CHAP02.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 37:52 CHAP03.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 41:57 CHAP04.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 44:39 CHAP05.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 49:50 CHAP06.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 53:21 CHAP07.PSS (NTSC-U/PAL) 55:28 CHAP01.PSS (NTSC-J) 58:49 CHAP02.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:02:42 CHAP03.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:06:48 CHAP04.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:09:31 CHAP05.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:14:44 CHAP06.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:18:16 CHAP07.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:20:24 BAD_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:21:04 SMALL_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:21:44 GOOD_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:22:24 GREAT_LUCK.PSS (NTSC-J) 1:23:04 MIRACULOUS.PSS (NTSC-J) |
FlipnicFMVfullquality.mp4 | FMV klipid | FMV clips | Flipnic,pinball,PlayStation,PlayStation 2,game over,cutscene,FMV,full motion video,PSS,playstation stream,PAL,congratulations,Lisle Wilkerson,Randy Goins,Lemmy Constantine,no camera,electromechanical game simulator,poisonous,pinball is not dead,new game machine,van gogh,UFO,aliens,flying saucer,flamingo,monkey,freeze over,steel ball,weird,surreal,biology,optics,metallurgy,geometry,theology,evolution,puzzle,multiball,see you again,skeleton,skull,invasion,omg,tilt | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/550.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/550.json | N/A | N/A |
543 | Press any key to continue... | Obtaining the Buzz lure in Fishing Fantasy: Buzzrod [Save file modification tutorial] | 0 | 2023-07-01 | In this video, I'm going to walk you through the process of fixing a bug in this game, which normally makes it impossible to finish the game. And the best part - you can do it with your own save! Prerequesties: Python 3: https://www.python.org/downloads/ (in Windows, make sure that "Add to PATH" is checked during installation) BuzzrodSaveEditor: https://github.com/MarkusMaal/BuzzrodSaveEditor/archive/refs/heads/main.zip (extract to a folder) A USB flash drive (if the PS2 freezes/errors out while opening/copying to the mass:/ folder, try a different flash drive, USB 2.0 drives are preferred if possible) w/uLaunchElf entrypoints: - If you have a completely unmodified PS2 slim console, you can use FreeDVDboot. Full instructions and ISO files here: https://github.com/CTurt/FreeDVDBoot - If you have a FreeMcBoot memory card or FreeHDboot hard drive, you can navigate to uLaunchElf in the main menu - If you have a Fortuna exploited memory card, just navigate to browser, go to exploited memory card, back out twice and you should be in uLaunchElf - If you have a modchipped PS2 or have MechaPwn with force unlock (disable it after modifying the save to be able to load this game), you can burn this copy of wLaunchElf to a CD or DVD: https://gbatemp.net/download/wlaunchelf-v4-43x_isr-iso-elf.37723/version/39334/download?file=337077 Commands: To list all saves: python save_editor.py -f [filename] -saves To list items in a save: python save_editor.py -f [filename] -save[num] -li To patch a game save: python save_editor.py -f [filename] -p [byte address] -iv 3 -o [patched save filename] Chapters: 0:00 Describing the bug 0:58 Getting the save out of a memory card 2:38 Patching the save file 4:31 Copying the patched save file back to a memory card 5:30 Testing the modified save |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSE4aCLbXPQ | 0 | Obtaining the Buzz lure in Fishing Fantasy: Buzzrod [Save file modification tutorial] | . | In this video, I'm going to walk you through the process of fixing a bug in this game, which normally makes it impossible to finish the game. And the best part - you can do it with your own save! Prerequesties: Python 3: https://www.python.org/downloads/ (in Windows, make sure that "Add to PATH" is checked during installation) BuzzrodSaveEditor: https://github.com/MarkusMaal/BuzzrodSaveEditor/archive/refs/heads/main.zip (extract to a folder) A USB flash drive (if the PS2 freezes/errors out while opening/copying to the mass:/ folder, try a different flash drive, USB 2.0 drives are preferred if possible) w/uLaunchElf entrypoints: - If you have a completely unmodified PS2 slim console, you can use FreeDVDboot. Full instructions and ISO files here: https://github.com/CTurt/FreeDVDBoot - If you have a FreeMcBoot memory card or FreeHDboot hard drive, you can navigate to uLaunchElf in the main menu - If you have a Fortuna exploited memory card, just navigate to browser, go to exploited memory card, back out twice and you should be in uLaunchElf - If you have a modchipped PS2 or have MechaPwn with force unlock (disable it after modifying the save to be able to load this game), you can burn this copy of wLaunchElf to a CD or DVD: https://gbatemp.net/download/wlaunchelf-v4-43x_isr-iso-elf.37723/version/39334/download?file=337077 Commands: To list all saves: python save_editor.py -f [filename] -saves To list items in a save: python save_editor.py -f [filename] -save[num] -li To patch a game save: python save_editor.py -f [filename] -p [byte address] -iv 3 -o [patched save filename] Chapters: 0:00 Describing the bug 0:58 Getting the save out of a memory card 2:38 Patching the save file 4:31 Copying the patched save file back to a memory card 5:30 Testing the modified save |
. | BuzzrodFixFinal.mp4 | Videomängude analüüs | Video game analysis | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/543.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/543.json | N/A | N/A | |
493 | Press any key to continue... | Loading a PS1 game [Real time capture \w disc seeking sounds] | 0 | 2022-10-10 | If you have ever owned a PS1 or any other early CD-based games console, you know very well that games take a very long time to load. One reason is due to the slower disc speed, another is due to the fact that game data is fragmented around the disc, so the laser assembly needs to seek around the disc to find the required data. This means that loading a game can take several minutes. This video demonstrates that. Captured using a real console, which is outputting composite, which is connected into an HDMI upscaler, which then is connected to a capture device, which is connected to my computer, which saves the output into a video file. This video is, at least for most part, uncut, except for parts, where I navigate around in menus, insert the game disc, play, etc, but every load screen is uncut. The game that is showcased in this video is Colin McRae Rally 2.0 (PS1, PAL version). Timestamps: 0:00 Opening disc tray, removing existing disc, inserting another game disc, closing tray, power on 0:11 Power-on, disc check 0:15 BIOS screen 0:31 Exit BIOS screen 0:35 Copyright screen 2:35 Black screen 2:52 Codemasters FMV 3:01 Black screen 3:46 Intro FMV (cut) 4:08 Black screen 4:16 Title screen/language selection 4:30 Loading demo mode 5:34 Exit demo mode 6:09 Navigating menus 6:21 Loading service area 6:31 Loading single stage 6:50 Single stage gameplay (cut) 7:08 Exit single stage P.S. At the beginning, the video is in mono. That's because I forgot to change my microphone into mono mode, so it was outputting only to one side, and I only realized that mid-recording. |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RzOn7rjeD8 | 0 | Loading a PS1 game [Real time capture \w disc seeking sounds] | . | If you have ever owned a PS1 or any other early CD-based games console, you know very well that games take a very long time to load. One reason is due to the slower disc speed, another is due to the fact that game data is fragmented around the disc, so the laser assembly needs to seek around the disc to find the required data. This means that loading a game can take several minutes. This video demonstrates that. Captured using a real console, which is outputting composite, which is connected into an HDMI upscaler, which then is connected to a capture device, which is connected to my computer, which saves the output into a video file. This video is, at least for most part, uncut, except for parts, where I navigate around in menus, insert the game disc, play, etc, but every load screen is uncut. The game that is showcased in this video is Colin McRae Rally 2.0 (PS1, PAL version). Timestamps: 0:00 Opening disc tray, removing existing disc, inserting another game disc, closing tray, power on 0:11 Power-on, disc check 0:15 BIOS screen 0:31 Exit BIOS screen 0:35 Copyright screen 2:35 Black screen 2:52 Codemasters FMV 3:01 Black screen 3:46 Intro FMV (cut) 4:08 Black screen 4:16 Title screen/language selection 4:30 Loading demo mode 5:34 Exit demo mode 6:09 Navigating menus 6:21 Loading service area 6:31 Loading single stage 6:50 Single stage gameplay (cut) 7:08 Exit single stage P.S. At the beginning, the video is in mono. That's because I forgot to change my microphone into mono mode, so it was outputting only to one side, and I only realized that mid-recording. |
. | PS1-seeking.mp4 | Varia | Miscellaneous | N/A | Press any key to continue... | Press any key to continue... | 0 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/493.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/493.json | N/A | N/A | |
459 | MarkusTegelane | Windows 11 ei ühildu selle arvutiga, aga paigaldame selle ikkagi! [Markuse arvuti meelelahutus] | 0 | 2022-07-03 | Mul on eelmine arvuti, mida kasutasin videote monteerimiseks, kuid olen praeguseks üle läinud paremale arvutile. Mind huvitas, kas on võimalik vahele jätta ühilduvuskontroll Windows 11 installeris. Tuleb välja, et isegi kui teil on BIOS süsteem, on võimalik seda paigaldada! | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAW5sjCg25s | 0 | Windows 11 is incompatible with this computer, so let's install it! [Markus computer entertainment] | . | I have a previous computer that I used to have for editing videos, but have upgraded to a better computer since. I wondered if it was possible to trick the Windows 11 installer into bypassing the compatibility check and here we are! As it turns out, even if you have a BIOS system, it's still possible to install! ► Computer specifications CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6300 (1.86 GHz) Socket 775 LGA Cache: 2048kB L2 TDP: 65W Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-G31M-ES2L NB: Intel G31 Express Chipset SB: Intel ICH7 BIOS: Award Software Internation Inc, FI, 08/09/2010 (2 x 4 Mbit flash) RAM: 2x4GB DDR2 Dual Channel (supports DDR2 1066(O.C.)/800/667 MHz memory modules) OS support: Windows XP/Vista/7 Micro ATX form factor, 24.4cm x 19.4cm 1600(O.C.)/1333/1066/800 MHz FSB Audio: Realtek ALC883 codec (High Definition Audio) Special features: DualBIOS™ Technology, On/Off Charge Technology, Easy Energy Saver GPU: ATI/AMD Radeon X1300/X1550 Series PCB: Micro-Star International Co, Ltd. (MSI) Codename: RV515 90nm process 256MB VRAM Peripherals: 1 x PCIe 16x slot + 1 x PCIe 1x slot 2 x PCI slots 4 back panel USB, 4 internal USB headers (2.0/1.1) AR8131 chip (10/100/1000 Mbit LAN) 1 x IDE connector (connected to 2 DVD writers) 4 x SATA 3Gb/s connectors (connected to the internal 160GB hard drive) PS/2 keyboard and USB mouse Lenovo L191 LCD monitor (1280x1024@76Hz supported) ► Software Windows 11 (beta version) Rufus (for creating the bootable USB drive) Aegisub and YTSubConverter (for making the cool subtitles) DaVinci Resolve 17 (for editing the video) ► Music Professor Kliq - Surfs Up Jeremy Blake - Exhale Club Seamus by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3520-club-seamus License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license ► Other links Website: https://markustegelane.ml/ Blog: https://markustegelane-en.blogspsot.com/ Other channels: https://www.youtube.com/c/MarkusMaal/channels ► Additional information Original filename: windows11_24fps.mp4 Style: LaserlightV3 Render time: 17 minutes, 18 seconds Capture date: 27th September 2021 ► Thank you for watching! © 2022 Markus' videos |
Mul on eelmine arvuti, mida kasutasin videote monteerimiseks, kuid olen praeguseks üle läinud paremale arvutile. Mind huvitas, kas on võimalik vahele jätta ühilduvuskontroll Windows 11 installeris. Tuleb välja, et isegi kui teil on BIOS süsteem, on võimalik seda paigaldada! ► Arvuti spetsifikatsioonid CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6300 (1.86 GHz) Sokkel 775 LGA Vahemälu: 2048kB L2 TDP: 65W Emaplaat: Gigabyte GA-G31M-ES2L Põhjasild: Intel G31 Express Chipset Lõunasild: Intel ICH7 BIOS: Award Software Internation Inc, FI, 08/09/2010 (2 x 4 Mbit flash) RAM: 2x4GB DDR2 Dual Channel (toetab DDR2 1066(O.C.)/800/667 MHz mälumooduleid) OS tugi: Windows XP/Vista/7 Micro ATX vormitegur, 24,4cm x 19,4cm 1600(O.C.)/1333/1066/800 MHz FSB Audio: Realtek ALC883 koodek (Kõrglahutusega heli) Erifunktsioonid: DualBIOS™ Technology, On/Off Charge Technology, Easy Energy Saver GPU: ATI/AMD Radeon X1300/X1550 Series Plaat: Micro-Star International Co, Ltd. (MSI) Varjunimi: RV515 90nm protsess 256MB VRAM Perifeeria: 1 x PCIe 16x pesa+ 1 x PCIe 1x pesa 2 x PCI pesa 4 tagakülje USB, 4 sisemised USB pealdised(2.0/1.1) AR8131 kiip (10/100/1000 Mbit LAN) 1 x IDE konnektor (ühendatud 2 DVD kirjutajaga) 4 x SATA 3Gb/s konnektorit (ühendatud sisemise 160GB kõvakettaga) PS/2 klaviatuur ja USB hiir Lenovo L191 LCD kuvar (1280x1024@76Hz toetatud) ► Tarkvara Windows 11 (beetaversioon) Rufus (buutitava USB loomiseks) Aegisub ja YTSubConverter (subtiitrite koostamiseks) DaVinci Resolve 17 (video monteerimiseks) ► Muusika Professor Kliq - Surfs Up Jeremy Blake - Exhale Club Seamus - Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3520-club-seamus Litsents: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license ► Muud lingid Veebileht: https://markustegelane.ml/ Ajaveeb: https://markustegelane.blogspsot.com/ Teised kanalid: https://www.youtube.com/c/MarkusMaal/channels ► Lisainfo Originaalne failinimi: windows11_24fps.mp4 Stiil: LaservalgusV3 Renderdamise aeg: 17 minutit, 18 sekundit Lindistamise kuupäev: 27. september 2021 ► Aitäh, et vaatasite! © 2022 Markuse videod |
windows11_24fps.mp4 | Markuse arvuti meelelahutus | Markus computer entertainment | Windows 11,incompatible,ühilduvus,ei ühildu,TPM 2.0,UEFI,BIOS,old computer,vana arvuti,kuidas sa teadsid?,compatibility mode,ühilduvusrežiim,troll,bypass compatibility check,ühilduvuskontrolli vahelejätmine,BypassTPMCheck | https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/windows-11-is-incompatible-with-this:6 | MarkusTegelane | . | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/459.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/459.json | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/stream/459.en.ass |
457 | MarkusTegelane | Sinise ekraani simulaator 2.1 (Blue Screen Simulator Plus) | 0 | 2022-06-19 | Kuna olid mõned funktsioonid, mida inimesed soovisid versiooni 2.0 jaoks, mis ei jõudnud enne versiooni avaldamist valmis ning programmis esines vigu, mis vajasid parandamist, siis otsustasin teha versiooni 2.1 sellest simulaatorist. See video näitab mõningaid uusi funktsioone. Kui te olete juba eelmise sinise ekraani simulaator (BSSP) versiooni alla laadinud, saate üle minna versioonile 2.1, pärast eelmise versiooni avamist ja vajutades "Jah" uuendamise teavitusel. Kui teil ei ole BSSP, siis saate uusima versiooni otse alla laadida mu Github repositooriumist "Releases" sektsiooni alt, ehk siis selle lingi kaudu: https://github.com/MarkusMaal/BlueScreenSimulatorPlus/releases/tag/2.1 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-UjjFIjttU | 0 | Blue Screen Simulator Plus 2.1 | . | Since there were some things that people requested for version 2.0 that didn't make it into the release and bugs, that needed fixing, I decided to make a version 2.1 of this simulator. This video showcases some of the new features. If you have already downloaded a previous version of BSSP, you can upgrade to version 2.1 after opening that version and clicking "Yes" on the update prompt. If you do not have a previous version of BSSP, you can download the latest version from my Github repository under the "releases" section, i.e. from this link: https://github.com/MarkusMaal/BlueScreenSimulatorPlus/releases/tag/2.1. Music: Miami Viceroy by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4046-miami-viceroy License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license Blippy Trance by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/5759-blippy-trance License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license Website: http://markustegelane.ml Random video: https://markustegelane.ml/markustegelane/random?c=mt |
Kuna olid mõned funktsioonid, mida inimesed soovisid versiooni 2.0 jaoks, mis ei jõudnud enne versiooni avaldamist valmis ning programmis esines vigu, mis vajasid parandamist, siis otsustasin teha versiooni 2.1 sellest simulaatorist. See video näitab mõningaid uusi funktsioone. Kui te olete juba eelmise sinise ekraani simulaator (BSSP) versiooni alla laadinud, saate üle minna versioonile 2.1, pärast eelmise versiooni avamist ja vajutades "Jah" uuendamise teavitusel. Kui teil ei ole BSSP, siis saate uusima versiooni otse alla laadida mu Github repositooriumist "Releases" sektsiooni alt, ehk siis selle lingi kaudu: https://github.com/MarkusMaal/BlueScreenSimulatorPlus/releases/tag/2.1 . Muusika: Miami Viceroy - Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4046-miami-viceroy Litsents: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license Blippy Trance - Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/5759-blippy-trance Litsents: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license Veebisait: http://markustegelane.ml Juhuslik video: https://markustegelane.ml/markustegelane/random?c=mt |
bssp21.mp4 | Tarkvara | Software | Markus Maal,MarkusTegelane,TheMarkusGuy,Blue Screen of Death,Windows 3.11,Windows 95,Microsoft Windows,Windows XP,Windows Vista,Windows 7,Windows 8,Windows 10,Windows 8.1,Windows NT,Windows 2000,BlueScreen,BSOD,Microsoft,Operating System,Windows 1.0,Windows 11,Black Screen Of Death,bugcheck,Windows 11 blue screen,Version 2.1 | https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/blue-screen-simulator-plus-2.1:d | MarkusTegelane | . | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/457.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/457.json | /channel_db_lite/web/stream/457.et.ass | N/A |
407 | MarkusTegelane++ | [devUpdate 1] Blue Screen Simulator Plus 2.1 - Vista/7 separation, Prank mode, Windows 11 | 0 | 2022-02-03 | The first devUpdate video for Blue Screen Simulator Plus 2.1. The devUpdate series showcases new features in development for the next version of the software. | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XG6mGJGkBBo | 0 | . | [devUpdate 1] Sinise ekraani simulaator pluss 2.1 - Vista/7 eraldamine, vemburežiim, Windows 11 | The first devUpdate video for Blue Screen Simulator Plus 2.1. The devUpdate series showcases new features in development for the next version of the software. Beta source code: https://github.com/MarkusMaal/BlueScreenSimulatorPlus/tree/experimental My Github: https://github.com/MarkusMaal My website: https://markustegelane.ml Main channel: https://www.youtube.com/markustegelane |
Esimene devUpdate video sinise ekraani simulaator pluss 2.1 jaoks. See devUpdate seeria näitab uusi funktsioone, mis on arendamisel tarkvara järgmise versiooni jaoks. Beeta lähtekood: https://github.com/MarkusMaal/BlueScreenSimulatorPlus/tree/experimental GitHub: https://github.com/MarkusMaal Veebisait: https://markustegelane.ml Põhikanal: https://www.youtube.com/markustegelane |
bssp21_du1.mp4 | devUpdate | devUpdate | #markusTegelane,markustegelane,mmaal,mmaal (markustegelane),Blue Screen Simulator Plus,Blue Screen Simulator,bugcheck,Microsoft Windows,kernel bugcheck,simulation technology | https://odysee.com/@hashMarkusTegelane:3/bssp21_du1:6 | MarkusTegelane++ | MarkusTegelane++ | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/407.jpg | /channel_db_lite/web/stream/407.mp4 | /channel_db_lite/web/json/407.json | N/A | N/A |
391 | MarkusTegelane | Sinise ekraani simulaator 2.0 - 8000 vaatamise eriuuendus! | 0 | 2021-08-29 | Kauaoodatud uuendus minu enda sinise ekraani simulaatorile! See video eksisteerib, sest väga paljud inimesed nägid esimest videot ning ma arvasin, et esimene versioon ei olnud piisavalt hea. Seega, see on versioon 2.0! See video näitab mõningaid uusi funktsioone. Kui te olete juba esimese sinise ekraani simulaator (BSSP) versiooni alla laadinud, saate üle minna versioonile 2.0, pärast esimese versiooni avamist ja vajutades "Jah" uuendamise teavitusel. Kui teil ei ole BSSP 1.x, saate uue versiooni otse alla laadida mu Github repositooriumist "Releases" sektsiooni alt, ehk siis selle lingi kaudu: http://github.com/MarkusMaal/BlueScreenSimulatorPlus . Muusika: Declan DP - Blue Underwaterbeats - Undelete! ACME - Mental Deliverance Chris Zabriskie - Out of The Skies Under The Earth Geographer - Weirder Stuff Malmen - Heartbleed Veebileht: http://markustegelane.ml Juhuslik video: https://markustegelane.ml/markustegelane/random/?c=mt |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62TYwfzUnyo | 0 | Blue Screen Simulator Plus 2.0 - 8000 views special update! | Sinise ekraani simulaator 2.0 - 8000 vaatamise eriuuendus! | A long-awaited update for my very own blue screen simulator! This video exists, because so many people saw the first one and I didn't think the original was good enough. So this is version 2.0! This video showcases some of the new features. If you have already downloaded the first version of BSSP, you can upgrade to version 2.0 after opening that version and clicking "Yes" on the update prompt. If you do not have BSSP 1.x, you can download it from my Github repository under the "releases" section, i.e. from this link: http://github.com/MarkusMaal/BlueScreenSimulatorPlus . Music: Declan DP - Blue Underwaterbeats - Undelete! ACME - Mental Deliverance Chris Zabriskie - Out of The Skies Under The Earth Geographer - Weirder Stuff Malmen - Heartbleed Website: http://markustegelane.ml Random video: https://markustegelane.ml/markustegelane/random/?c=mt |
Kauaoodatud uuendus minu enda sinise ekraani simulaatorile! See video eksisteerib, sest väga paljud inimesed nägid esimest videot ning ma arvasin, et esimene versioon ei olnud piisavalt hea. Seega, see on versioon 2.0! See video näitab mõningaid uusi funktsioone. Kui te olete juba esimese sinise ekraani simulaator (BSSP) versiooni alla laadinud, saate üle minna versioonile 2.0, pärast esimese versiooni avamist ja vajutades "Jah" uuendamise teavitusel. Kui teil ei ole BSSP 1.x, saate uue versiooni otse alla laadida mu Github repositooriumist "Releases" sektsiooni alt, ehk siis selle lingi kaudu: http://github.com/MarkusMaal/BlueScreenSimulatorPlus . Muusika: Declan DP - Blue Underwaterbeats - Undelete! ACME - Mental Deliverance Chris Zabriskie - Out of The Skies Under The Earth Geographer - Weirder Stuff Malmen - Heartbleed Veebileht: http://markustegelane.ml Juhuslik video: https://markustegelane.ml/markustegelane/random/?c=mt |
bssp2-6000.mp4 | Tarkvara | Software | Markus Maal,MarkusTegelane,TheMarkusGuy,Blue Screen of Death,Windows 3.11,Windows 95,Microsoft Windows,Windows XP,Windows Vista,Windows 7,Windows 8,Windows 10,Windows 8.1,Windows NT,Windows 2000,BlueScreen,BSOD,Microsoft,Operating System,Windows 1.0,Windows 2.0,Windows 11,Black Screen Of Death,bugcheck | https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/blue-screen-simulator-plus-2.0-8000:9 | MarkusTegelane | . | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/391.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/391.json | /channel_db_lite/web/stream/391.et.ass | N/A |
374 | cqvmix | Moving checkerboard pattern (MABL-2L-1TL-1SP-ZIOWS) | 1 | 2021-04-09 | This video tests the video compression on YouTube. Magenta and black pattern 2 layers 1 translucent layer 1 spinning layer Zoom in and out while spinning |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vR0Z1Up8O8U | 0 | Moving checkerboard pattern (MABL-2L-1TL-1SP-ZIOWS) | Moving checkerboard pattern (MABL-2L-1TL-1SP-ZIOWS) | This video tests the video compression on YouTube. Magenta and black pattern 2 layers 1 translucent layer 1 spinning layer Zoom in and out while spinning |
This video tests the video compression on YouTube. Magenta and black pattern 2 layers 1 translucent layer 1 spinning layer Zoom in and out while spinning |
Moving checkerboard pattern (MABL-2L-1TL-1SP-ZIOWS).mp4 | Varia | Joke videos | N/A | MarkusTegelane | . | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/374.jpg | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
375 | cqvmix | Moving checkerboard patterns with moire effect (3D composition) | 1 | 2021-04-09 | This video was made to test the bitrate on YouTube. This one creates a moire effect using two patterns, which can cause even more artifacting. Also, at the end, motion blur was added. | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VV0eYiI0xH8 | 0 | Moving checkerboard patterns with moire effect (3D composition) | Moving checkerboard patterns with moire effect (3D composition) | This video was made to test the bitrate on YouTube. This one creates a moire effect using two patterns, which can cause even more artifacting. Also, at the end, motion blur was added. | This video was made to test the bitrate on YouTube. This one creates a moire effect using two patterns, which can cause even more artifacting. Also, at the end, motion blur was added. | Moving checkerboard patterns with moire effect (3D composition).mp4 | Varia | Joke videos | N/A | MarkusTegelane | . | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/375.jpg | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
304 | MarkusTegelane+ | I bypassed letters client check at rebane2001.com | 1 | 2020-07-09 | Apparently Opera proxy bypassed it | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0fUv0D6xL4 | 0 | . | . | . | . | N/A | Varia | Miscellaneous | N/A | MarkusTegelane+ | . | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/304.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/304.json | N/A | N/A | |
265 | MarkusTegelane | [UUS: Allalaadimise lingid nüüd saadaval] [Otseülekandest] Movement Batch 3.0 - Esimene ülevaade | 0 | 2019-07-24 | ***************** Lõplik versioon on nüüd allalaadimiseks saadaval! Allalaadimise lingid: Peamine allalaadimise link: http://markustegelane.tk/app/movement_batch_3_0_spectrum.zip Alternatiivne link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1c2StxyWkHgy20FFFEYvACEn1Z9EvpiuD Checksum: MD5: E7E08B1B23F0BB956DCB143A94AF0E92 SHA-1: D060635DD032CD92ECAA7092696B0C888F3940F5 CRC32: 08257577 *************** Lõigud kanali eelmisest ülekandest. Kui te magasite selle maha, saate te tervet ülekannet järele vaadata koos rikete ja vigadega siit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_K1PhX-rN30 (17:00 alates algab ülevaade) |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ii3CCRf6LJ4 | 0 | [NEW: Download now available] [Live stream highlights] Movement Batch 3.0 - First reveal | [UUS: Allalaadimise lingid nüüd saadaval] [Otseülekandest] Movement Batch 3.0 - Esimene ülevaade | ***************** Final version is now available for download! Download links: Direct download: http:///app/movement_batch_3_0_spectrum.zip Mirror download: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1c2StxyWkHgy20FFFEYvACEn1Z9EvpiuD Checksum: MD5: E7E08B1B23F0BB956DCB143A94AF0E92 SHA-1: D060635DD032CD92ECAA7092696B0C888F3940F5 CRC32: 08257577 *************** Highlights of the last stream in this channel. If you missed it you can watch the whole stream with all of the glitches and mistakes here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_K1PhX-rN30 (skip to 17:00 to skip waiting) |
***************** Lõplik versioon on nüüd allalaadimiseks saadaval! Allalaadimise lingid: Peamine allalaadimise link: http://markustegelane.tk/app/movement_batch_3_0_spectrum.zip Alternatiivne link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1c2StxyWkHgy20FFFEYvACEn1Z9EvpiuD Checksum: MD5: E7E08B1B23F0BB956DCB143A94AF0E92 SHA-1: D060635DD032CD92ECAA7092696B0C888F3940F5 CRC32: 08257577 *************** Lõigud kanali eelmisest ülekandest. Kui te magasite selle maha, saate te tervet ülekannet järele vaadata koos rikete ja vigadega siit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_K1PhX-rN30 (17:00 alates algab ülevaade) |
MB30HighlightsCPURENDER.MP4 | Pakkfailid | Batch files | Markus Maal,MarkusTegelane,TheMarkusGuy,Movement Batch,batch programming,windows batch file,batch games,ASCII games,RPG,gaming engine,batch scripting,building,Minecraft inspired (a little bit al),MarkuStation,M Software,colors perhaps,maybe even bigger playfields,batch file movement,gravity | https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/new-download-now-available-live-stream:a | MarkusTegelane | . | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/265.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/265.json | N/A | N/A |
349 | MarkusTegelane+ | Robot vastas mu küsitlusele | 1 | 2016-11-27 | Palun, kui olete robot, ÄRGE VASTAKE SELLELE KÜSITLUSELE!!! Vaata küsitlust mu blogis: http://markustegelane.blogspot.com.ee... |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9e1z_KaC2Po | 0 | A robot answered my survey | . | Please, if you are a robot, DO NOT ANSWER TO THIS SURVEY! | Palun, kui olete robot, ÄRGE VASTAKE SELLELE KÜSITLUSELE!!! Vaata küsitlust mu blogis: http://markustegelane.blogspot.com.ee/p/abistamine-ja-eksklusiivsed-videod.html |
2016-11-27 at 17-51-16.mp4 | Varia | Miscellaneous | Robot,answered,my,survey,please,if,you,are,do,not,answer,to,the,check,in,blog | N/A | MarkusTegelane+ | . | 1 | /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/349.jpg | N/A | /channel_db_lite/web/json/349.json | N/A | N/A |