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501 MarkusTegelane Pidemed, lisakanali nime muutus ja muu (November 2022) [Info ja uudised] 0 2022-11-03 Selles videos räägin ma erinevatest asjadest, mis on seotud selle ja muude kanalitega, mida ma haldan. Videole on saadaval inglisekeelsed subtiitrid.

0:00 Intro
0:14 YouTube pidemed
0:47 Lisakanali nime muutus
1:31 The Chatroom (pakkfail)
2:50 Markuse arvuti meelelahutus - 2. hooaja lõpp
4:22 Kogukonna vahekaart
6:21 Outro

Blogipostitus: https://markustegelane.blogspot.com/2022/11/info-ja-uudised-kanali-pidemed.html
Veebisait: https://markustegelane.online
Juhuslik video: https://markustegelane.online/markustegelane/random/?c=mt
Ajaveeb: https://markustegelane.blogspot.com

Markuse videod: https://www.youtube.com/@MarkusMaal
Põhikanal: https://www.youtube.com/@markusTegelane
Lisakanal: https://www.youtube.com/@markusTegelaneLite
Programmeerimiskanal: https://www.youtube.com/@hashMarkusTegelane
Markuse asjad: https://www.youtube.com/@markuseasjad
Press any key to continue: https://www.youtube.com/@PAKTC

Muusika: TrackTribe - A Night Alone, Riot - Newsroom
Failinimi: IANNOV2022_4.mp4
Monteerimistarkvara: DaVinci Resolve 18 (video), Audacity (heli)
Renderdamise aeg: 53 minutit, 52 sekundit
1 0 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdRO8Rt6HDk 0 Handles, name change for secondary channel, and more (November 2022) [Info and news] Pidemed, lisakanali nime muutus ja muu (November 2022) [Info ja uudised] In this video, I talk about several things, which are going on with this channel and some other channels I manage. I speak in Estonian, but English subtitles are available, for those who don't understand this language.

0:00 Intro
0:14 YouTube handles
0:47 Name change for secondary channel
1:31 The Chatroom (batch file)
2:50 Markus computer entertainment - end of season 2
4:22 Community tab
6:21 Outro

Blog post: https://markustegelane-en.blogspot.com/2022/11/info-and-news-channel-handles-name.html
Website: https://markustegelane.online
Random video: https://markustegelane.online/markustegelane/random/?c=mt
Blog: https://markustegelane-en.blogspot.com

Markus' videos: https://www.youtube.com/@MarkusMaal
Main channel: https://www.youtube.com/@markusTegelane
Secondary channel: https://www.youtube.com/@markusTegelaneLite
Programming channel: https://www.youtube.com/@hashMarkusTegelane
Markus' stuff: https://www.youtube.com/@markuseasjad
Press any key to continue: https://www.youtube.com/@PAKTC

Other information:
Music: TrackTribe - A Night Alone, Riot - Newsroom
Raw filename: IANNOV2022_4.mp4
Editing software: DaVinci Resolve 18 (video), Audacity (audio)
Render time: 53 minutes, 52 seconds
Selles videos räägin ma erinevatest asjadest, mis on seotud selle ja muude kanalitega, mida ma haldan. Videole on saadaval inglisekeelsed subtiitrid.

0:00 Intro
0:14 YouTube pidemed
0:47 Lisakanali nime muutus
1:31 The Chatroom (pakkfail)
2:50 Markuse arvuti meelelahutus - 2. hooaja lõpp
4:22 Kogukonna vahekaart
6:21 Outro

Blogipostitus: https://markustegelane.blogspot.com/2022/11/info-ja-uudised-kanali-pidemed.html
Veebisait: https://markustegelane.online
Juhuslik video: https://markustegelane.online/markustegelane/random/?c=mt
Ajaveeb: https://markustegelane.blogspot.com

Markuse videod: https://www.youtube.com/@MarkusMaal
Põhikanal: https://www.youtube.com/@markusTegelane
Lisakanal: https://www.youtube.com/@markusTegelaneLite
Programmeerimiskanal: https://www.youtube.com/@hashMarkusTegelane
Markuse asjad: https://www.youtube.com/@markuseasjad
Press any key to continue: https://www.youtube.com/@PAKTC

Muusika: TrackTribe - A Night Alone, Riot - Newsroom
Failinimi: IANNOV2022_4.mp4
Monteerimistarkvara: DaVinci Resolve 18 (video), Audacity (heli)
Renderdamise aeg: 53 minutit, 52 sekundit
IANNOV2022_4.mp4 Info ja uudised Info and news The Chatroom,markustegelane,update,uuendused,kanali uuendus,pidemed,YouTube handles,handle,pide,nime muutus,lite,markustegelane lite,markustegelane x,podcast https://odysee.com/@MarkusTegelane:8/handles,-name-change-for-secondary:c MarkusTegelane . 0 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/501.jpg N/A /channel_db_lite/web/json/501.json N/A /channel_db_lite/web/stream/501.en.ass
315 Press any key to continue... comment testing zone 0 2020-08-26 This video contains a comment section designed for posting random/nonsensical comments. You may want to test how a comment gets displayed or how YouTube may handle your reply. 0 1 0 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RB_wVmY2ko 0 . . This video contains a comment section designed for posting random/nonsensical comments. You may want to test how a comment gets displayed or how YouTube may handle your reply.

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- Popular comments are displayed first by default.
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- Language is set to English (United Kingdom)
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ANY comments in line with YouTube terms of service are allowed and even the ones that YouTube AI marks as potentially inappropiate will get through. If comments breach the terms of service, it may be reported/flagged by another user.
. dudepost.wmv Eksperimentaalne Experimental N/A Press any key to continue... Press any key to continue... 1 /channel_db_lite/web/thumbs/315.jpg N/A /channel_db_lite/web/json/315.json N/A N/A